List of usage examples for java.lang Character equals
public boolean equals(Object obj)
From source
/** * @see WcmService#lock(Long, Character, org.gatein.wcm.domain.UserWcm) *///w w w . jav a2 s .c o m @Override public void lock(Long originId, Character type, UserWcm user) throws WcmLockException, WcmException { if (originId == null || type == null || user == null) { throw new WcmException("Illegal lock() invocation"); } try { LockPK pk = new LockPK(); pk.setOriginId(originId); pk.setType(type); Lock lock = em.find(Lock.class, pk); if (lock != null && !lock.getUsername().equals(user.getUsername())) { String msg = "Lock for "; if (type.equals(Wcm.LOCK.POST)) { msg += " Post ID " + originId; } else if (type.equals(Wcm.LOCK.CATEGORY)) { msg += " Category ID " + originId; } else if (type.equals(Wcm.LOCK.UPLOAD)) { msg += " Upload ID " + originId; } else if (type.equals(Wcm.LOCK.TEMPLATE)) { msg += " Template ID " + originId; } msg += " by user: " + lock.getUsername() + " at " + ParseDates.parse(lock.getCreated()); throw new WcmLockException(msg); } if (lock == null) { lock = new Lock(); lock.setOriginId(originId); lock.setType(type); lock.setUsername(user.getUsername()); lock.setCreated(Calendar.getInstance()); em.persist(lock); } } catch (WcmLockException e) { throw new WcmLockException(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WcmException(e); } }
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private Map<Long, Long> updateCategories(List<Category> categories, Character strategy) throws Exception { Map<Long, Long> mCategories = new HashMap<Long, Long>(); for (Category newC : categories) { Category oldC = em.find(Category.class, newC.getId()); if (oldC == null) { Long importId, newId; importId = newC.getId();/* w w w. ja va 2 s . c o m*/ newC = em.merge(newC); newId = newC.getId(); // We are trying to import a previous detached object and EM can return a new ID // We need to maintain a table with new IDs to update references in next objects mCategories.put(importId, newId); } else { if (!strategy.equals(Wcm.IMPORT.STRATEGY.UPDATE)) { oldC.setName(newC.getName()); oldC.setType(newC.getType()); em.merge(oldC); // Existing object with same ID, but we will add it to the table to use a similiar process for processing mCategories.put(oldC.getId(), oldC.getId()); } } } return mCategories; }
From source
private List<PostHistoryPK> updatePostsHistory(List<PostHistory> posts, Character strategy, Map<Long, Long> mPosts) throws Exception { List<PostHistoryPK> mPostsHistory = new ArrayList<PostHistoryPK>(); for (PostHistory newP : posts) { // Update ID reference Long newId = mPosts.get(newP.getId()); if (newId == null) newId = newP.getId();/*from w w w. ja va2 s . com*/ newP.setId(newId); PostHistoryPK pk = new PostHistoryPK(); pk.setId(newP.getId()); pk.setVersion(newP.getVersion()); PostHistory oldP = em.find(PostHistory.class, pk); if (oldP == null) { em.persist(newP); mPostsHistory.add(pk); } else { if (!strategy.equals(Wcm.IMPORT.STRATEGY.UPDATE)) { oldP.setAuthor(newP.getAuthor()); oldP.setContent(newP.getContent()); oldP.setCreated(newP.getCreated()); oldP.setDeleted(newP.getDeleted()); oldP.setExcerpt(newP.getExcerpt()); oldP.setLocale(newP.getLocale()); oldP.setModified(newP.getModified()); oldP.setPostStatus(newP.getPostStatus()); oldP.setTitle(newP.getTitle()); oldP.setVersion(newP.getVersion()); em.merge(oldP); mPostsHistory.add(pk); } } } return mPostsHistory; }
From source
private Map<Long, Long> updateUploads(List<Upload> uploads, Character strategy, String uploadsFolder, String targetFolder) throws Exception { Map<Long, Long> mUploads = new HashMap<Long, Long>(); for (Upload newU : uploads) { Upload oldU = em.find(Upload.class, newU.getId()); String tempPath = uploadsFolder + "/" + newU.getStoredName(); String newPath = targetFolder + "/" + newU.getStoredName(); if (oldU == null) { Long importId, newId; importId = newU.getId();/*from www .j a v a 2s . co m*/ newU = em.merge(newU); newId = newU.getId(); mUploads.put(importId, newId); FileAux.moveFile(tempPath, newPath); } else { if (!strategy.equals(Wcm.IMPORT.STRATEGY.UPDATE)) { oldU.setCreated(newU.getCreated()); oldU.setDescription(newU.getDescription()); oldU.setFileName(newU.getFileName()); oldU.setMimeType(newU.getMimeType()); oldU.setModified(newU.getModified()); oldU.setStoredName(newU.getStoredName()); oldU.setUser(newU.getUser()); oldU.setVersion(newU.getVersion()); em.merge(oldU); mUploads.put(oldU.getId(), oldU.getId()); FileAux.moveFile(tempPath, newPath); } } } return mUploads; }
From source
private List<TemplateHistoryPK> updateTemplatesHistory(List<TemplateHistory> templates, Character strategy, Map<Long, Long> mTemplates) throws Exception { List<TemplateHistoryPK> mTemplatesHistory = new ArrayList<TemplateHistoryPK>(); for (TemplateHistory newT : templates) { // Update ID reference Long newId = mTemplates.get(newT.getId()); if (newId == null) newId = newT.getId();/*from ww w .j av a 2 s . co m*/ newT.setId(newId); TemplateHistoryPK pk = new TemplateHistoryPK(); pk.setId(newT.getId()); pk.setVersion(newT.getVersion()); TemplateHistory oldT = em.find(TemplateHistory.class, pk); if (oldT == null) { em.persist(newT); mTemplatesHistory.add(pk); } else { if (!strategy.equals(Wcm.IMPORT.STRATEGY.UPDATE)) { oldT.setCreated(newT.getCreated()); oldT.setContent(newT.getContent()); oldT.setDeleted(newT.getDeleted()); oldT.setLocale(newT.getLocale()); oldT.setModified(newT.getModified()); oldT.setName(newT.getName()); oldT.setUser(newT.getUser()); oldT.setVersion(newT.getVersion()); em.merge(oldT); mTemplatesHistory.add(pk); } } } return mTemplatesHistory; }
From source
/** * Convert possibly duplicate chain IDs into unique segIDs. * * @param c chain ID just read./*from w w w.j a v a 2 s . co m*/ * @return a unique segID. */ private String getSegID(Character c) { if (c.equals(' ')) { c = 'A'; } // If the chain ID has not changed, return the existing segID. if (c.equals(currentChainID)) { return currentSegID; } // Loop through existing segIDs to find the first one that is unused. int n = segIDs.size(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String segID = segIDs.get(i); if (segID.endsWith(c.toString())) { count++; } } // If the count is greater than 0, then append it. String newSegID; if (count == 0) { newSegID = c.toString(); } else { newSegID = Integer.toString(count) + c.toString(); } segIDs.add(newSegID); currentChainID = c; currentSegID = newSegID; return newSegID; }
From source
/** * Convert possibly duplicate chain IDs into unique segIDs. * * @param c chain ID just read./*from ww w. j a v a2s . co m*/ * @return a unique segID. */ private String getSegID(Character c) { if (c.equals(' ')) { c = 'A'; } // If the chain ID has not changed, return the existing segID. if (c.equals(currentChainID)) { return currentSegID; } // Loop through existing segIDs to find the first one that is unused. int n = segIDs.size(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String segID = segIDs.get(i); if (segID.endsWith(c.toString())) { count++; } } // If the count is greater than 0, then append it. String newSegID; if (count == 0) { newSegID = c.toString(); } else { newSegID = Integer.toString(count) + c.toString(); } segIDs.add(newSegID); currentChainID = c; currentSegID = newSegID; if (segidMap.containsKey(c)) { segidMap.get(c).add(newSegID); } else { List<String> newChainList = new ArrayList<>(); newChainList.add(newSegID); segidMap.put(c, newChainList); } return newSegID; }
From source
private List<UploadHistoryPK> updateUploadsHistory(List<UploadHistory> uploads, Character strategy, String uploadsFolder, String targetFolder, Map<Long, Long> mUploads) throws Exception { List<UploadHistoryPK> mUploadsHistory = new ArrayList<UploadHistoryPK>(); for (UploadHistory newU : uploads) { // Update ID reference Long newId = mUploads.get(newU.getId()); if (newId == null) newId = newU.getId();// w w w .j a v a2 s .c om newU.setId(newId); UploadHistoryPK pk = new UploadHistoryPK(); pk.setId(newU.getId()); pk.setVersion(newU.getVersion()); UploadHistory oldU = em.find(UploadHistory.class, pk); String tempPath = uploadsFolder + "/" + newU.getStoredName(); String newPath = targetFolder + "/" + newU.getStoredName(); if (oldU == null) { em.persist(newU); mUploadsHistory.add(pk); FileAux.moveFile(tempPath, newPath); } else { if (!strategy.equals(Wcm.IMPORT.STRATEGY.UPDATE)) { oldU.setCreated(newU.getCreated()); oldU.setDeleted(newU.getDeleted()); oldU.setDescription(newU.getDescription()); oldU.setFileName(newU.getFileName()); oldU.setMimeType(newU.getMimeType()); oldU.setModified(newU.getModified()); oldU.setStoredName(newU.getStoredName()); oldU.setUser(newU.getUser()); oldU.setVersion(newU.getVersion()); em.merge(oldU); mUploadsHistory.add(pk); FileAux.moveFile(tempPath, newPath); } } } return mUploadsHistory; }
From source
private List<RelationshipPK> updateRelationships(List<Relationship> relationships, Character strategy, Map<Long, Long> mPosts, Map<Long, Long> mTemplates) throws Exception { List<RelationshipPK> mRelationships = new ArrayList<RelationshipPK>(); for (Relationship newR : relationships) { if (newR.getType().equals(Wcm.RELATIONSHIP.POST)) { newR.setOriginId(mPosts.get(newR.getOriginId())); if (newR.getAliasId() != null) { newR.setAliasId(mPosts.get(newR.getAliasId())); }/*from w ww . j ava2s.c om*/ } else { newR.setOriginId(mTemplates.get(newR.getOriginId())); if (newR.getAliasId() != null) { newR.setAliasId(mTemplates.get(newR.getAliasId())); } } RelationshipPK pk = new RelationshipPK(); pk.setKey(newR.getKey()); pk.setOriginId(newR.getOriginId()); pk.setType(newR.getType()); Relationship oldR = em.find(Relationship.class, pk); if (oldR == null) { em.persist(newR); mRelationships.add(pk); } else { if (!strategy.equals(Wcm.IMPORT.STRATEGY.UPDATE)) { oldR.setKey(newR.getKey()); oldR.setType(newR.getType()); oldR.setAliasId(newR.getAliasId()); oldR.setOriginId(newR.getOriginId()); em.merge(oldR); mRelationships.add(pk); } } } return mRelationships; }
From source
@Override public boolean readNext(boolean resetPosition) { // ^ is beginning of line, \\s+ means "one or more whitespace", (\\d+) means match and capture one or more digits. Pattern modelPatt = Pattern.compile("^MODEL\\s+(\\d+)"); modelsRead = resetPosition ? 1 : modelsRead + 1; boolean eof = true; for (MolecularAssembly system : systems) { File file = system.getFile(); currentFile = file;/*w w w . jav a 2 s. c o m*/ try { BufferedReader currentReader; if (readers.containsKey(system)) { currentReader = readers.get(system); if (!currentReader.ready()) { currentReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(currentFile)); readers.put(system, currentReader); } } else { currentReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(currentFile)); readers.put(system, currentReader); } // Skip to appropriate model. String line = currentReader.readLine(); while (line != null) { line = line.trim(); Matcher m = modelPatt.matcher(line); if (m.find()) { int modelNum = Integer.parseInt(; if (modelNum == modelsRead) { logger.log(Level.INFO, String.format(" Reading model %d for %s", modelNum, currentFile)); eof = false; break; } } line = currentReader.readLine(); } if (eof) { logger.log(Level.INFO, String.format(" End of file reached for %s", file)); currentReader.close(); return false; } // Begin parsing the model. boolean modelDone = false; line = currentReader.readLine(); while (line != null) { line = line.trim(); String recID = line.substring(0, Math.min(6, line.length())).trim(); try { Record record = Record.valueOf(recID); boolean hetatm = true; switch (record) { // ============================================================================= // // 7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number. // 13 - 16 Atom name Atom name. // 17 Character altLoc Alternate location indicator. // 18 - 20 Residue name resName Residue name. // 22 Character chainID Chain identifier. // 23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number. // 27 AChar iCode Code for insertion of residues. // 31 - 38 Real(8.3) x Orthogonal coordinates for X in Angstroms. // 39 - 46 Real(8.3) y Orthogonal coordinates for Y in Angstroms. // 47 - 54 Real(8.3) z Orthogonal coordinates for Z in Angstroms. // 55 - 60 Real(6.2) occupancy Occupancy. // 61 - 66 Real(6.2) tempFactor Temperature factor. // 77 - 78 LString(2) element Element symbol, right-justified. // 79 - 80 LString(2) charge Charge on the atom. // ============================================================================= // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 //123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 //ATOM 1 N ILE A 16 60.614 71.140 -10.592 1.00 7.38 N //ATOM 2 CA ILE A 16 60.793 72.149 -9.511 1.00 6.91 C case ATOM: hetatm = false; case HETATM: if (!line.substring(17, 20).trim().equals("HOH")) { //int serial = Hybrid36.decode(5, line.substring(6, 11)); String name = line.substring(12, 16).trim(); if (name.toUpperCase().contains("1H") || name.toUpperCase().contains("2H") || name.toUpperCase().contains("3H")) { // VERSION3_2 is presently just a placeholder for "anything non-standard". fileStandard = VERSION3_2; } Character altLoc = line.substring(16, 17).toUpperCase().charAt(0); if (!altLoc.equals(' ') && !altLoc.equals('A') && !altLoc.equals(currentAltLoc)) { break; } String resName = line.substring(17, 20).trim(); Character chainID = line.substring(21, 22).charAt(0); List<String> segIDList = segidMap.get(chainID); if (segIDList == null) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, String.format( " No " + "known segment ID corresponds to " + "chain ID %s", chainID.toString())); break; } String segID = segIDList.get(0); if (segIDList.size() > 1) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, String.format( " " + "Multiple segment IDs correspond to" + "chain ID %s; assuming %s", chainID.toString(), segID)); } int resSeq = Hybrid36.decode(4, line.substring(22, 26)); double[] d = new double[3]; d[0] = new Double(line.substring(30, 38).trim()); d[1] = new Double(line.substring(38, 46).trim()); d[2] = new Double(line.substring(46, 54).trim()); double occupancy = 1.0; double tempFactor = 1.0; Atom newAtom = new Atom(0, name, altLoc, d, resName, resSeq, chainID, occupancy, tempFactor, segID); newAtom.setHetero(hetatm); // Check if this is a modified residue. if (modres.containsKey(resName.toUpperCase())) { newAtom.setModRes(true); } Atom returnedAtom = activeMolecularAssembly.findAtom(newAtom); if (returnedAtom != null) { returnedAtom.setXYZ(d); double[] retXYZ = new double[3]; returnedAtom.getXYZ(retXYZ); } else { String message = String.format(" " + "Could not find atom %s in assembly", newAtom.toString()); if (dieOnMissingAtom) { logger.severe(message); } else { logger.warning(message); } } break; } case ENDMDL: case END: // Technically speaking, END should be at the end of the file, not end of the model. logger.log(Level.FINE, String.format(" Model %d successfully read", modelsRead)); modelDone = true; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { // Do nothing; it's not an ATOM/HETATM line. } if (modelDone) { break; } line = currentReader.readLine(); } return true; } catch (IOException ex) {" Exception in parsing frame %d of %s:" + " %s", modelsRead, system.toString(), ex.toString())); } } return false; }