Example usage for java.lang Byte valueOf

List of usage examples for java.lang Byte valueOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Byte valueOf.


public static Byte valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException 

Source Link


Returns a Byte object holding the value given by the specified String .


From source file:com.isencia.passerelle.message.TokenHelper.java

 * Tries to get a Byte from the token, by:
 * <ul>/*  w w w .  java 2 s  . c o m*/
 * <li>checking if the token is not an ObjectToken, containing a Byte
 * <li>checking if the token is not an ObjectToken, and converting the object.toString() into a Byte
 * <li>checking if the token is not a StringToken, and converting the string into a Byte
 * <li>checking if the token is not a ScalarToken, and reading its byte value
 * </ul>
 * @param token
 * @return
public static Byte getByteFromToken(Token token) throws PasserelleException {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace(token.toString()); // TODO Check if correct converted
    Byte res = null;

    if (token != null) {
        try {
            if (token instanceof ObjectToken) {
                Object obj = ((ObjectToken) token).getValue();
                if (obj instanceof Byte) {
                    res = (Byte) obj;
                } else if (obj != null) {
                    try {
                        res = Byte.valueOf(obj.toString());
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        throw new PasserelleException(ErrorCode.MSG_CONTENT_TYPE_ERROR,
                                "Invalid Byte format in " + token, e);
            } else {
                if (token instanceof StringToken) {
                    String tokenMessage = ((StringToken) token).stringValue();
                    if (tokenMessage != null) {
                        try {
                            res = Byte.valueOf(tokenMessage);
                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                            throw new PasserelleException(ErrorCode.MSG_CONTENT_TYPE_ERROR,
                                    "Invalid Byte format in " + token, e);
                } else if (token instanceof ScalarToken) {
                    res = new Byte(((ScalarToken) token).byteValue());
                } else {
                    throw new PasserelleException(ErrorCode.MSG_CONTENT_TYPE_ERROR,
                            "Invalid token for obtaining Byte value in " + token, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new PasserelleException(ErrorCode.MSG_CONTENT_TYPE_ERROR,
                    "Error building Byte from token in " + token, e);

    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("exit :" + res);
    return res;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.HbaseObjectWritableFor96Migration.java

 * Read a {@link Writable}, {@link String}, primitive type, or an array of
 * the preceding./*from   ww w  . ja v  a  2s  . co m*/
 * @param in
 * @param objectWritable
 * @param conf
 * @return the object
 * @throws IOException
static Object readObject(DataInput in, HbaseObjectWritableFor96Migration objectWritable, Configuration conf)
        throws IOException {
    Class<?> declaredClass = CODE_TO_CLASS.get(WritableUtils.readVInt(in));
    Object instance;
    if (declaredClass.isPrimitive()) { // primitive types
        if (declaredClass == Boolean.TYPE) { // boolean
            instance = Boolean.valueOf(in.readBoolean());
        } else if (declaredClass == Character.TYPE) { // char
            instance = Character.valueOf(in.readChar());
        } else if (declaredClass == Byte.TYPE) { // byte
            instance = Byte.valueOf(in.readByte());
        } else if (declaredClass == Short.TYPE) { // short
            instance = Short.valueOf(in.readShort());
        } else if (declaredClass == Integer.TYPE) { // int
            instance = Integer.valueOf(in.readInt());
        } else if (declaredClass == Long.TYPE) { // long
            instance = Long.valueOf(in.readLong());
        } else if (declaredClass == Float.TYPE) { // float
            instance = Float.valueOf(in.readFloat());
        } else if (declaredClass == Double.TYPE) { // double
            instance = Double.valueOf(in.readDouble());
        } else if (declaredClass == Void.TYPE) { // void
            instance = null;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a primitive: " + declaredClass);
    } else if (declaredClass.isArray()) { // array
        if (declaredClass.equals(byte[].class)) {
            instance = Bytes.readByteArray(in);
        } else {
            int length = in.readInt();
            instance = Array.newInstance(declaredClass.getComponentType(), length);
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                Array.set(instance, i, readObject(in, conf));
    } else if (declaredClass.equals(Array.class)) { //an array not declared in CLASS_TO_CODE
        Class<?> componentType = readClass(conf, in);
        int length = in.readInt();
        instance = Array.newInstance(componentType, length);
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            Array.set(instance, i, readObject(in, conf));
    } else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(declaredClass)) { // List
        int length = in.readInt();
        instance = new ArrayList(length);
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            ((ArrayList) instance).add(readObject(in, conf));
    } else if (declaredClass == String.class) { // String
        instance = Text.readString(in);
    } else if (declaredClass.isEnum()) { // enum
        instance = Enum.valueOf((Class<? extends Enum>) declaredClass, Text.readString(in));
    } else if (declaredClass == Message.class) {
        String className = Text.readString(in);
        try {
            declaredClass = getClassByName(conf, className);
            instance = tryInstantiateProtobuf(declaredClass, in);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            LOG.error("Can't find class " + className, e);
            throw new IOException("Can't find class " + className, e);
    } else if (Scan.class.isAssignableFrom(declaredClass)) {
        int length = in.readInt();
        byte[] scanBytes = new byte[length];
        ClientProtos.Scan.Builder scanProto = ClientProtos.Scan.newBuilder();
        instance = ProtobufUtil.toScan(scanProto.mergeFrom(scanBytes).build());
    } else { // Writable or Serializable
        Class instanceClass = null;
        int b = (byte) WritableUtils.readVInt(in);
        if (b == NOT_ENCODED) {
            String className = Text.readString(in);
            try {
                instanceClass = getClassByName(conf, className);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                LOG.error("Can't find class " + className, e);
                throw new IOException("Can't find class " + className, e);
        } else {
            instanceClass = CODE_TO_CLASS.get(b);
        if (Writable.class.isAssignableFrom(instanceClass)) {
            Writable writable = WritableFactories.newInstance(instanceClass, conf);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Error in readFields", e);
                throw new IOException("Error in readFields", e);
            instance = writable;
            if (instanceClass == NullInstance.class) { // null
                declaredClass = ((NullInstance) instance).declaredClass;
                instance = null;
        } else {
            int length = in.readInt();
            byte[] objectBytes = new byte[length];
            ByteArrayInputStream bis = null;
            ObjectInputStream ois = null;
            try {
                bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(objectBytes);
                ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
                instance = ois.readObject();
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                LOG.error("Class not found when attempting to deserialize object", e);
                throw new IOException("Class not found when attempting to " + "deserialize object", e);
            } finally {
                if (bis != null)
                if (ois != null)
    if (objectWritable != null) { // store values
        objectWritable.declaredClass = declaredClass;
        objectWritable.instance = instance;
    return instance;

From source file:com.ebay.nest.io.sede.thrift.TCTLSeparatedProtocol.java

public byte readByte() throws TException {
    String val = readString();
    lastPrimitiveWasNullFlag = val == null;
    try {/* w  w  w .  j  a  v  a  2 s . c o  m*/
        return val == null || val.isEmpty() ? 0 : Byte.valueOf(val).byteValue();
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        lastPrimitiveWasNullFlag = true;
        return 0;

From source file:org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspUtil.java

public static String coerceToPrimitiveByte(String s, boolean isNamedAttribute) {
    if (isNamedAttribute) {
        return "org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerceToByte(" + s + ")";
    } else {/*ww w . ja  v a  2s .c o  m*/
        if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
            return "(byte) 0";
            return "((byte)" + Byte.valueOf(s).toString() + ")";

From source file:org.dspace.servicemanager.config.DSpaceConfigurationService.java

 * Convert the value of a given property to a specific object type.
 * <P>//from www .j a v  a  2s  . c  o  m
 * Note: in most cases we can just use Configuration get*() methods.
 * @param name Key of the property to convert
 * @param <T> object type
 * @return converted value
private <T> T convert(String name, Class<T> type) {

    // If this key doesn't exist, just return null
    if (!configuration.containsKey(name)) {
        // Special case. For booleans, return false if key doesn't exist
        if (Boolean.class.equals(type) || boolean.class.equals(type))
            return (T) Boolean.FALSE;
            return null;

    // Based on the type of class, call the appropriate
    // method of the Configuration object
    if (type.isArray())
        return (T) configuration.getStringArray(name);
    else if (String.class.equals(type) || type.isAssignableFrom(String.class))
        return (T) configuration.getString(name);
    else if (BigDecimal.class.equals(type))
        return (T) configuration.getBigDecimal(name);
    else if (BigInteger.class.equals(type))
        return (T) configuration.getBigInteger(name);
    else if (Boolean.class.equals(type) || boolean.class.equals(type))
        return (T) Boolean.valueOf(configuration.getBoolean(name));
    else if (Byte.class.equals(type) || byte.class.equals(type))
        return (T) Byte.valueOf(configuration.getByte(name));
    else if (Double.class.equals(type) || double.class.equals(type))
        return (T) Double.valueOf(configuration.getDouble(name));
    else if (Float.class.equals(type) || float.class.equals(type))
        return (T) Float.valueOf(configuration.getFloat(name));
    else if (Integer.class.equals(type) || int.class.equals(type))
        return (T) Integer.valueOf(configuration.getInt(name));
    else if (List.class.equals(type))
        return (T) configuration.getList(name);
    else if (Long.class.equals(type) || long.class.equals(type))
        return (T) Long.valueOf(configuration.getLong(name));
    else if (Short.class.equals(type) || short.class.equals(type))
        return (T) Short.valueOf(configuration.getShort(name));
    else {
        // If none of the above works, try to convert the value to the required type
        SimpleTypeConverter converter = new SimpleTypeConverter();
        return (T) converter.convertIfNecessary(configuration.getProperty(name), type);

From source file:org.eclipse.dataset.ByteDataset.java

protected Number fromDoubleToNumber(double x) {
    byte r = (byte) (long) x; // ADD_CAST // PRIM_TYPE_LONG
    return Byte.valueOf(r); // CLASS_TYPE
    // return Integer.valueOf((int) (long) x); // BOOLEAN_USE
    // return null; // OBJECT_USE

From source file:org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspUtil.java

public static String coerceToByte(String s, boolean isNamedAttribute) {
    if (isNamedAttribute) {
        return "(Byte) org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerce(" + s + ", Byte.class)";
    } else {/*  ww w .jav a2 s.c o  m*/
        if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
            return "new Byte((byte) 0)";
        } else {
            // Detect format error at translation time
            return "new Byte((byte)" + Byte.valueOf(s).toString() + ")";

From source file:bammerbom.ultimatecore.bukkit.resources.utils.BossbarUtil.java

public Object getWatcher() {
    Class<?> Entity = Util.getCraftClass("Entity");
    Class<?> DataWatcher = Util.getCraftClass("DataWatcher");

    Object watcher = null;/* w  w  w .j  av a 2s .  c o  m*/
    try {
        watcher = DataWatcher.getConstructor(new Class[] { Entity }).newInstance(new Object[] { this.dragon });
        Method a = Util.getMethod(DataWatcher, "a", new Class[] { Integer.TYPE, Object.class });

                new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(0), Byte.valueOf(isVisible() ? (byte) 0 : (byte) 32) });
        a.invoke(watcher, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(6), Float.valueOf(this.health) });
        a.invoke(watcher, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(7), Integer.valueOf(0) });
        a.invoke(watcher, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(8), Byte.valueOf((byte) 0) });
        a.invoke(watcher, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(10), this.name });
        a.invoke(watcher, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(11), Byte.valueOf((byte) 1) });
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
    return watcher;

From source file:com.complexible.pinto.RDFMapper.java

private Object valueToObject(final Value theValue, final Model theGraph,
        final PropertyDescriptor theDescriptor) {
    if (theValue instanceof Literal) {
        final Literal aLit = (Literal) theValue;
        final IRI aDatatype = aLit.getDatatype() != null ? aLit.getDatatype() : null;

        if (aDatatype == null || XMLSchema.STRING.equals(aDatatype) || RDFS.LITERAL.equals(aDatatype)) {
            String aStr = aLit.getLabel();

            if (theDescriptor != null && Character.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(theDescriptor.getPropertyType())) {
                if (aStr.length() == 1) {
                    return aStr.charAt(0);
                } else {
                    throw new RDFMappingException("Bean type is char, but value is a a string.");
                }/*from  w  ww. jav  a2 s  .  c  o  m*/
            } else {
                return aStr;
        } else if (XMLSchema.BOOLEAN.equals(aDatatype)) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(aLit.getLabel());
        } else if (INTEGER_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) {
            return Integer.parseInt(aLit.getLabel());
        } else if (LONG_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) {
            return Long.parseLong(aLit.getLabel());
        } else if (XMLSchema.DOUBLE.equals(aDatatype)) {
            return Double.valueOf(aLit.getLabel());
        } else if (FLOAT_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) {
            return Float.valueOf(aLit.getLabel());
        } else if (SHORT_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) {
            return Short.valueOf(aLit.getLabel());
        } else if (BYTE_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) {
            return Byte.valueOf(aLit.getLabel());
        } else if (XMLSchema.ANYURI.equals(aDatatype)) {
            try {
                return new java.net.URI(aLit.getLabel());
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                LOGGER.warn("URI syntax exception converting literal value which is not a valid URI {} ",
                return null;
        } else if (XMLSchema.DATE.equals(aDatatype) || XMLSchema.DATETIME.equals(aDatatype)) {
            return Dates2.asDate(aLit.getLabel());
        } else if (XMLSchema.TIME.equals(aDatatype)) {
            return new Date(Long.parseLong(aLit.getLabel()));
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported or unknown literal datatype: " + aLit);
    } else if (theDescriptor != null && Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(theDescriptor.getPropertyType())) {
        IRI aURI = (IRI) theValue;
        Object[] aEnums = theDescriptor.getPropertyType().getEnumConstants();
        for (Object aObj : aEnums) {
            if (((Enum) aObj).name().equals(aURI.getLocalName())) {
                return aObj;

        for (Field aField : theDescriptor.getPropertyType().getFields()) {
            Iri aAnnotation = aField.getAnnotation(Iri.class);
            if (aAnnotation != null && aURI.equals(iri(aAnnotation.value()))) {
                for (Object aObj : aEnums) {
                    if (((Enum) aObj).name().equals(aField.getName())) {
                        return aObj;

                // if the uri in the Iri annotation equals the value we're converting, but there was no field
                // match, something bad has happened
                throw new RDFMappingException("Expected enum value not found");

        LOGGER.info("{} maps to the enum {}, but does not correspond to any of the values of the enum.", aURI,

        return null;
    } else {
        Resource aResource = (Resource) theValue;

        final Class aClass = pinpointClass(theGraph, aResource, theDescriptor);

        RDFCodec aCodec = mCodecs.get(aClass);
        if (aCodec != null) {
            return aCodec.readValue(theGraph, aResource);
        } else {
            return readValue(theGraph, aClass, aResource);