List of usage examples for java.lang Byte parseByte
public static byte parseByte(String s) throws NumberFormatException
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private Number getOriginalMeasurementAsNumber(String value) { if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value, Integer.class)) { return Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value, Double.class)) { return Double.parseDouble(value); } else if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value, Byte.class)) { return Byte.parseByte(value); } else if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value, Float.class)) { return Float.parseFloat(value); } else if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value, Long.class)) { return Long.parseLong(value); } else if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value, Short.class)) { return Short.parseShort(value); } else {/*w ww . j av a 2 s .com*/ return Double.NaN; } }
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/** * Converts the string value to instance of primitive wrapper. * * @param fieldClass The field class// www . java2 s. c o m * @param stringValue The string value * @return The instance of the field class * @throws ParseException Throws when the string isn't parseable */ private static Object convertToPrimitive(final Class fieldClass, final String stringValue) throws ParseException { Object parameter = null; if (fieldClass.equals(boolean.class)) { parameter = Boolean.parseBoolean(stringValue); } else if (fieldClass.equals(byte.class)) { parameter = Byte.parseByte(stringValue); } else if (fieldClass.equals(double.class)) { parameter = Double.parseDouble(stringValue); } else if (fieldClass.equals(float.class)) { parameter = Float.parseFloat(stringValue); } else if (fieldClass.equals(int.class)) { parameter = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } else if (fieldClass.equals(long.class)) { parameter = Long.parseLong(stringValue); } else if (fieldClass.equals(short.class)) { parameter = Short.parseShort(stringValue); } return parameter; }
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/** * Get a byte attribute value from an element value * @param element the element to get the attribute from * @param attrName the name of the attribute to get * @param defValue the default value if the attribute isn't there * @return the attr value or the default value */// w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m public static byte getAttr(final Element element, final String attrName, final byte defValue) { String str = element.attributeValue(attrName); return isNotEmpty(str) ? Byte.parseByte(str) : defValue; }
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/** * Returns the value of a property for a given name as a <code>byte</code> * @param name the name of the requested property * @return value the property's value as a <code>byte</code> * @throws MissingPropertyException - if the property is not set * @throws BadPropertyException - if the property cannot be parsed as a byte *//*w ww .j a v a2 s.c o m*/ public static byte getPropertyAsByte(String name) throws MissingPropertyException, BadPropertyException { if (PropertiesManager.props == null) loadProps(); try { return Byte.parseByte(getProperty(name)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new BadPropertyException(name, getProperty(name), "byte"); } }
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protected void loadSkillTree(ConfigurationJSON jsonConfiguration, SkillTreeMobType skillTreeMobType) { JSONArray skilltreeList = (JSONArray) jsonConfiguration.getJSONObject().get("Skilltrees"); for (Object st_object : skilltreeList) { SkillTree skillTree;//from w w w. j av a 2s. c om int place; try { JSONObject skilltreeObject = (JSONObject) st_object; skillTree = new SkillTree((String) skilltreeObject.get("Name")); place = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(skilltreeObject.get("Place"))); if (skilltreeObject.containsKey("Inherits")) { skillTree.setInheritance((String) skilltreeObject.get("Inherits")); } if (skilltreeObject.containsKey("Permission")) { skillTree.setPermission((String) skilltreeObject.get("Permission")); } if (skilltreeObject.containsKey("Display")) { skillTree.setDisplayName((String) skilltreeObject.get("Display")); } if (skilltreeObject.containsKey("Description")) { JSONArray descriptionArray = (JSONArray) skilltreeObject.get("Description"); for (Object lvl_object : descriptionArray) { skillTree.addDescriptionLine(String.valueOf(lvl_object)); } } JSONArray levelList = (JSONArray) skilltreeObject.get("Level"); for (Object lvl_object : levelList) { JSONObject levelObject = (JSONObject) lvl_object; int thisLevel = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(levelObject.get("Level"))); SkillTreeLevel newLevel = skillTree.addLevel(thisLevel); if (levelObject.containsKey("Message")) { String message = (String) levelObject.get("Message"); newLevel.setLevelupMessage(message); } JSONArray skillList = (JSONArray) levelObject.get("Skills"); for (Object skill_object : skillList) { JSONObject skillObject = (JSONObject) skill_object; String skillName = (String) skillObject.get("Name"); JSONObject skillPropertyObject = (JSONObject) skillObject.get("Properties"); if (SkillsInfo.getSkillInfoClass(skillName) != null) { ISkillInfo skill = SkillsInfo.getNewSkillInfoInstance(skillName); if (skill != null) { SkillProperties sp = skill.getClass().getAnnotation(SkillProperties.class); if (sp != null) { TagCompound propertiesCompound = skill.getProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < sp.parameterNames().length; i++) { String propertyName = sp.parameterNames()[i]; NBTdatatypes propertyType = sp.parameterTypes()[i]; if (!propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().containsKey(propertyName) && skillPropertyObject.containsKey(propertyName)) { String value = String.valueOf(skillPropertyObject.get(propertyName)); switch (propertyType) { case Short: if (Util.isShort(value)) { propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().put(propertyName, new TagShort(Short.parseShort(value))); } break; case Int: if (Util.isInt(value)) { propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().put(propertyName, new TagInt(Integer.parseInt(value))); } break; case Long: if (Util.isLong(value)) { propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().put(propertyName, new TagLong(Long.parseLong(value))); } break; case Float: if (Util.isFloat(value)) { propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().put(propertyName, new TagFloat(Float.parseFloat(value))); } break; case Double: if (Util.isDouble(value)) { propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().put(propertyName, new TagDouble(Double.parseDouble(value))); } break; case Byte: if (Util.isByte(value)) { propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().put(propertyName, new TagByte(Byte.parseByte(value))); } break; case Boolean: if (value == null || value.equalsIgnoreCase("") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("off") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().put(propertyName, new TagByte(false)); } else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("on") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().put(propertyName, new TagByte(true)); } break; case String: propertiesCompound.getCompoundData().put(propertyName, new TagString(value)); break; } } } skill.setProperties(propertiesCompound); skill.setDefaultProperties(); skillTree.addSkillToLevel(thisLevel, skill); } } } } } skillTreeMobType.addSkillTree(skillTree, place); } catch (Exception e) {"Problem in" + skillTreeMobType.getMobTypeName());; e.printStackTrace(); DebugLogger.printThrowable(e); MyPetLogger.write(ChatColor.RED + "Error in " + skillTreeMobType.getMobTypeName().toLowerCase() + ".json -> Skilltree not loaded."); } } }
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/** * Parse a string to a number without knowning its type output. * * @param str value to convert. * @param instanceClass can be null, represent the class type of the value to convert (like Integer etc.) * @return a non null number object.//from w w w . j ava2s .c om * @throws NumberFormatException if the value cannot be converted. */ public static Number parseNumber(String str, Class<?> instanceClass) throws NumberFormatException { Number number; if (instanceClass == null) { try { number = Float.parseFloat(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { number = Double.parseDouble(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { try { number = Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e2) { try { number = Long.parseLong(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e3) { number = new BigDecimal(str); } } } } } else { if (instanceClass == Integer.class) { number = Integer.parseInt(str); } else if (instanceClass == Long.class) { number = Long.parseLong(str); } else if (instanceClass == Float.class) { number = Float.parseFloat(str); } else if (instanceClass == Double.class) { number = Double.parseDouble(str); } else if (instanceClass == Short.class) { number = Short.parseShort(str); } else if (instanceClass == Byte.class) { number = Byte.parseByte(str); } else if (instanceClass == BigDecimal.class) { number = new BigDecimal(str); } else { throw new NumberFormatException("Unknown format."); } } return number; }
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private Object getSimpleValue(String cls, String valStr) { Object val = null; if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.BOOLEAN.className())) { val = Boolean.parseBoolean(valStr); } else if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.BYTE.className())) { val = Byte.parseByte(valStr); } else if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.CHAR.className())) { val = valStr.charAt(0); } else if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.SHORT.className())) { val = Short.parseShort(valStr); } else if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.INT.className())) { val = Integer.parseInt(valStr); } else if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.LONG.className())) { val = Long.parseLong(valStr); } else if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.FLOAT.className())) { val = Float.parseFloat(valStr); } else if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.DOUBLE.className())) { val = Double.parseDouble(valStr); } else if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.STRING.className())) { val = valStr; } else if (cls.equals(ModuleBag.PRIMITIVE.DATE.className())) { try {/*from w w w .ja va 2 m*/ val = df.parse(valStr); } catch (Exception ex) { val = null; } } return val; }
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private Object parseValueStringToValueType(String value, String type) { if (type.equals("boolean")) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } else if (type.equals("int")) { return Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (type.equals("long")) { return Long.parseLong(value); } else if (type.equals("float")) { return Float.parseFloat(value); } else if (type.equals("double")) { return Double.parseDouble(value); } else if (type.equals("byte")) { return Byte.parseByte(value); } else if (type.equals("char")) { return value.charAt(0); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ return null; }
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/** * @{inheritDoc}/*from ww w.ja v a2 s .c om*/ */ @Override protected void internalReceiveCommand(String itemName, Command command) { logger.debug("internalReceiveCommand({},{}) is called!", itemName, command); for (NooliteBindingProvider provider : providers) { for (String itemname : provider.getItemNames()) { if ((itemname.equals(itemName)) && (provider.getChannel(itemName).equals("bind"))) { if (provider.getType(itemName).equals("Receive")) { rxw.bindChannel(Byte.parseByte(command.toString())); } else { pc.bindChannel(Byte.parseByte(command.toString())); } logger.debug("binding " + command.toString() + " channel"); } else if ((itemname.equals(itemName)) && (provider.getChannel(itemName).equals("unbind"))) { if (provider.getType(itemName).equals("Receive")) { rxw.unbindChannel(Byte.parseByte(command.toString())); logger.debug("unbinding Receive " + command.toString() + " channel"); } else { pc.unbindChannel(Byte.parseByte(command.toString())); logger.debug("unbinding Send " + command.toString() + " channel"); } logger.debug("unbinding " + command.toString() + " channel"); } else if ((itemname.equals(itemName)) && (provider.getChannel(itemName).equals("unbindAll"))) { if (provider.getType(itemName).equals("Receive")) { rxw.unbindAllChannels(); } logger.debug("unbinding all channels"); } else if ((itemname.equals(itemName)) && (provider.getItemType(itemname).toString().contains("SwitchItem")) && !(provider.getChannel(itemName).equals("bind"))) { if (command.toString().equals("ON")) { pc.turnOn(Byte.parseByte(provider.getChannel(itemName))); logger.debug(provider.getChannel(itemName)); } else if (command.toString().equals("OFF")) { pc.turnOff(Byte.parseByte(provider.getChannel(itemName))); logger.debug(provider.getChannel(itemName)); } } else if ((itemname.equals(itemName)) && (provider.getItemType(itemname).toString().contains("DimmerItem"))) { pc.setLevel(Byte.parseByte(provider.getChannel(itemName)), (byte) Integer.parseInt(command.toString())); //logger.debug(provider.getChannel(itemName)); } else if ((itemname.equals(itemName)) && (provider.getItemType(itemname).toString().contains("StringItem"))) { String[] Colors = command.toString().split(","); byte red = (byte) (Integer.parseInt(Colors[0]) * 2.55); byte green = (byte) (Integer.parseInt(Colors[1]) * 2.55); byte blue = (byte) (Integer.parseInt(Colors[2]) * 2.55); pc.setLevelRGB(Byte.parseByte(provider.getChannel(itemName)), red, green, blue); } } } }