Example usage for java.lang Byte byteValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Byte byteValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Byte byteValue.


public byte byteValue() 

Source Link


Returns the value of this Byte as a byte .


From source file:org.apache.nutch.crawl.MapWritable.java

private byte getClassId(Class clazz) {
    Byte classId = CLASS_ID_MAP.get(clazz);
    if (classId != null) {
        return classId.byteValue();
    }/*from   w  w w. j  a v a 2s  . c  om*/
    ClassIdEntry entry = fIdFirst;
    while (entry != null) {
        if (entry.fclazz.equals(clazz)) {
            return entry.fId;
        entry = entry.fNextIdEntry;
    return -128;

From source file:org.acmsl.commons.utils.ConversionUtils.java

 * Converts given String to byte./* w  ww.  j  a v  a 2 s  .  co m*/
 * @param value the value to convert.
 * @return the converted value.
public byte toByte(@Nullable final String value) {
    byte result = 0;

    final Byte t_Result = toByteIfNotNull(value);

    if (t_Result != null) {
        result = t_Result.byteValue();

    return result;

From source file:br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.internal.configuration.ConfigurationLoaderWithArrayTest.java

public void testConfigurationPropertiesWithByteArray() {
    ConfigurationPropertiesWithArray config = prepareConfigurationPropertiesWithArray();

    Byte byteValue = config.byteArray[0];

    assertEquals(Byte.class, byteValue.getClass());
    assertEquals(Byte.MAX_VALUE, byteValue.byteValue());
    assertEquals(8, config.byteArray.length);

From source file:br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.internal.configuration.ConfigurationLoaderWithArrayTest.java

public void testConfigurationXMLWithByteArray() {
    ConfigurationXMLWithArray config = prepareConfigurationXMLWithArray();

    Byte byteValue = config.byteArray[0];

    assertEquals(Byte.class, byteValue.getClass());
    assertEquals(Byte.MAX_VALUE, byteValue.byteValue());
    assertEquals(8, config.byteArray.length);

From source file:br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.internal.configuration.ConfigurationLoaderWithListTest.java

public void testConfigurationPropertiesWithByteList() {
    ConfigurationPropertiesWithList config = prepareConfigurationPropertiesWithList();

    Byte byteValue = config.byteList.get(0);

    assertEquals(Byte.class, byteValue.getClass());
    assertEquals(Byte.MAX_VALUE, byteValue.byteValue());
    assertEquals(8, config.byteList.size());

From source file:br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.internal.configuration.ConfigurationLoaderWithListTest.java

public void testConfigurationXMLWithByteList() {
    ConfigurationXMLWithList config = prepareConfigurationXMLWithList();

    Byte byteValue = config.byteList.get(0);

    assertEquals(Byte.class, byteValue.getClass());
    assertEquals(Byte.MAX_VALUE, byteValue.byteValue());
    assertEquals(8, config.byteList.size());

From source file:com.germinus.easyconf.ComponentProperties.java

public byte getByte(String key, Filter filter) {
    Byte value = getByte(key, filter, null);
    validateValue(key, value);/* www.  j av  a 2  s.c  o  m*/
    return value.byteValue();

From source file:edu.hawaii.soest.pacioos.text.SimpleTextSource.java

 * Constructor: create an instance of the simple SimpleTextSource
 * @param xmlConfig //from ww  w.j  a  va  2  s . c  o m
public SimpleTextSource(XMLConfiguration xmlConfig) throws ConfigurationException {

    this.xmlConfig = xmlConfig;
    // Pull the general configuration from the properties file
    Configuration config = new PropertiesConfiguration("textsource.properties");
    this.archiveMode = config.getString("textsource.archive_mode");
    this.rbnbChannelName = config.getString("textsource.rbnb_channel");
    this.serverName = config.getString("textsource.server_name ");
    this.delimiter = config.getString("textsource.delimiter");
    this.pollInterval = config.getInt("textsource.poll_interval");
    this.retryInterval = config.getInt("textsource.retry_interval");
    this.defaultDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(config.getString("textsource.default_date_format"));

    // parse the record delimiter from the config file
    // set the XML configuration in the simple text source for later use

    // set the common configuration fields
    String connectionType = this.xmlConfig.getString("connectionType");
    String channelName = xmlConfig.getString("channelName");
    String identifier = xmlConfig.getString("identifier");
    String rbnbName = xmlConfig.getString("rbnbName");
    String rbnbServer = xmlConfig.getString("rbnbServer");
    int rbnbPort = xmlConfig.getInt("rbnbPort");
    int archiveMemory = xmlConfig.getInt("archiveMemory");
    int archiveSize = xmlConfig.getInt("archiveSize");

    // set the default channel information 
    Object channels = xmlConfig.getList("channels.channel.name");
    int totalChannels = 1;
    if (channels instanceof Collection) {
        totalChannels = ((Collection<?>) channels).size();

    // find the default channel with the ASCII data string
    for (int i = 0; i < totalChannels; i++) {
        boolean isDefaultChannel = xmlConfig.getBoolean("channels.channel(" + i + ")[@default]");
        if (isDefaultChannel) {
            String name = xmlConfig.getString("channels.channel(" + i + ").name");
            String dataPattern = xmlConfig.getString("channels.channel(" + i + ").dataPattern");
            String fieldDelimiter = xmlConfig.getString("channels.channel(" + i + ").fieldDelimiter");
            // handle hex-encoded field delimiters
            if (fieldDelimiter.startsWith("0x") || fieldDelimiter.startsWith("\\x")) {

                Byte delimBytes = Byte.parseByte(fieldDelimiter.substring(2), 16);
                byte[] delimAsByteArray = new byte[] { delimBytes.byteValue() };
                String delim = null;
                try {
                    delim = new String(delimAsByteArray, 0, delimAsByteArray.length, "ASCII");

                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    throw new ConfigurationException("There was an error parsing the field delimiter."
                            + " The message was: " + e.getMessage());

            } else {

            String[] recordDelimiters = xmlConfig
                    .getStringArray("channels.channel(" + i + ").recordDelimiters");
            // set the date formats list
            List<String> dateFormats = (List<String>) xmlConfig
                    .getList("channels.channel(" + i + ").dateFormats.dateFormat");
            if (dateFormats.size() != 0) {
                for (String dateFormat : dateFormats) {

                    // validate the date format string
                    try {
                        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);

                    } catch (IllegalFormatException ife) {
                        String msg = "There was an error parsing the date format " + dateFormat
                                + ". The message was: " + ife.getMessage();
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
            } else {
                log.warn("No date formats have been configured for this instrument.");

            // set the date fields list
            List<String> dateFieldList = xmlConfig.getList("channels.channel(" + i + ").dateFields.dateField");
            List<Integer> dateFields = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            if (dateFieldList.size() != 0) {
                for (String dateField : dateFieldList) {
                    try {
                        Integer newDateField = new Integer(dateField);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        String msg = "There was an error parsing the dateFields. The message was: "
                                + e.getMessage();
                        throw new ConfigurationException(msg);

            } else {
                log.warn("No date fields have been configured for this instrument.");
            String timeZone = xmlConfig.getString("channels.channel(" + i + ").timeZone");


    // Check the record delimiters length and set the first and optionally second delim characters
    if (this.recordDelimiters.length == 1) {
        this.firstDelimiterByte = (byte) Integer.decode(this.recordDelimiters[0]).byteValue();
    } else if (this.recordDelimiters.length == 2) {
        this.firstDelimiterByte = (byte) Integer.decode(this.recordDelimiters[0]).byteValue();
        this.secondDelimiterByte = (byte) Integer.decode(this.recordDelimiters[1]).byteValue();

    } else {
        throw new ConfigurationException("The recordDelimiter must be one or two characters, "
                + "separated by a pipe symbol (|) if there is more than one delimiter character.");
    byte[] delimiters = new byte[] {};


From source file:com.google.gwt.sample.dynatablemvp.server.svc.SchoolCalendarService.java

public List<Person> getPeople(List<PersonRelation> personRelations, Integer startIndex, Integer maxCount,
        Byte filter) throws NoResultException {
    final List<Person> resultList;
    if (filter != null && filter != WeekDayStorage.ALL_DAYS) {
        int index = 0;
        final List<Person> allPersons = personService.fetchAllPersons();
        resultList = new ArrayList<Person>();
        for (Person person : allPersons) {
            lazyLoader.activateRelations(Arrays.asList(PersonRelation.SHEDULE), person);
            final Schedule classSchedule = person.getClassSchedule();
            if (classSchedule != null) {
                final List<TimeSlot> resultTimes = new ArrayList<TimeSlot>();
                List<TimeSlot> timeSlots = classSchedule.getTimeSlots();
                WeekDayStorage weekDayStorage = new WeekDayStorage();
                for (TimeSlot timeSlot : timeSlots) {
                    weekDayStorage.setWeekDayBits((byte) 0);
                    weekDayStorage.setWeekDayValue(timeSlot.getDayOfWeek(), true);
                    if ((weekDayStorage.getWeekDayBits() & filter.byteValue()) != 0) {
                    }/*from   w w  w .  j  a  v  a 2  s  .c o m*/
                if (resultTimes.isEmpty() == false) {
                    if ((startIndex < 0 ? true : index >= startIndex)
                            && (maxCount > 0 ? resultList.size() < maxCount : true)) {
                        lazyLoader.activateRelations(personRelations, person);
        return resultList;
    } else {
        resultList = personService.fetchAllPersons(startIndex, maxCount);
        if (personRelations != null && personRelations.isEmpty() == false)
            for (Person person : resultList) {
                lazyLoader.activateRelations(personRelations, person);
    return resultList;

From source file:com.sun.honeycomb.admin.mgmt.server.HCCellAdapterBase.java

public BigInteger setCellProps(EventSender evt, HCCellProps value, Byte cellid) throws MgmtException {

    boolean updateSwitch = false;
    boolean updateSp = false;
    boolean isUpdateLocal = (localCellid == cellid.byteValue()) ? true : false;

    HashMap map = new HashMap();
    if (!value.getAdminVIP().equals(MultiCellLib.getInstance().getAdminVIP())) {
        updateSp = true;//from w ww  .jav  a 2  s.c  om
        updateSwitch = true;
        map.put(MultiCellLib.PROP_ADMIN_VIP, value.getAdminVIP());
    if (!value.getDataVIP().equals(MultiCellLib.getInstance().getDataVIP())) {
        updateSp = true;
        updateSwitch = true;
        map.put(MultiCellLib.PROP_DATA_VIP, value.getDataVIP());
    if (!value.getSpVIP().equals(MultiCellLib.getInstance().getSPVIP())) {
        updateSwitch = true;
        updateSp = true;
        map.put(MultiCellLib.PROP_SP_VIP, value.getSpVIP());
    if (!value.getSubnet().equals(MultiCellLib.getInstance().getSubnet())) {
        updateSwitch = true;
        updateSp = true;
        map.put(MultiCellLib.PROP_SUBNET, value.getSubnet());
    if (!value.getGateway().equals(MultiCellLib.getInstance().getGateway())) {
        updateSwitch = true;
        updateSp = true;
        map.put(MultiCellLib.PROP_GATEWAY, value.getGateway());
    if (map.size() != 0) {
        if (!isUpdateLocal) {
            // Update the of silo_info.xml properties on the local cell
            MultiCellLib.getInstance().updateProperties(cellid.byteValue(), map);

            try {
                        "successfully updated the " + "configuration [cell " + localCellid + "]");
            } catch (MgmtException e) {
                logger.severe("failed to send synchronous event " + e);
            // Other cells-- on which no configuration change occur need to
            // notify Multicell about those changes.
            Cell updatedCell = new Cell(cellid.byteValue(), value.getAdminVIP(), value.getDataVIP(),
                    value.getSpVIP(), null, value.getSubnet(), value.getGateway());

            // TODO: This code isn't valid for the emulator
            // Proxy calls don't seem to be supported.  The
            // call to api.cahngeCellCfg() will fail with a class not
            // found exception.  Need to fix for the emulator
            MultiCellIntf api = MultiCellIntf.Proxy.getMultiCellAPI();
            if (api == null) {
                logger.severe("failed to grab multicellAPI");
                if (MultiCellLib.getInstance().isCellMaster()) {
                    throw new MgmtException("Internal error while " + "notifying services on master cell. Will "
                            + " require a reboot of the master cell [cell " + localCellid + "]");
                } else {
                    return BigInteger.valueOf(-1);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "failed to update Multicell service", e);
                if (MultiCellLib.getInstance().isCellMaster()) {
                    throw new MgmtException("Internal error while " + "notifying services on master cell. Will "
                            + " require a reboot of the master cell [cell " + localCellid + "]");
                } else {
                    return BigInteger.valueOf(-1);
        } else {
            // We need to preform those config/update and any subsequent
            // operation in an async way because the dataVIP may be
            // reconfigured under our feet and the CLI gets screwed.
            try {
                        "will update the configuration " + " and reboot the cell [cell " + localCellid + "]");
            } catch (MgmtException e) {
                logger.severe("failed to send synchronous event " + e);
            updatePropertiesAndRebootCell(map, updateSwitch, updateSp);
    return BigInteger.valueOf(0);