List of usage examples for java.lang Byte Byte
@Deprecated(since = "9") public Byte(String s) throws NumberFormatException
From source
/** * @deprecated Replaced by {@link SortOrderEnum}. */// ww w . j a v a2 s . c om public static Map getCrosstabBucketOrderMap() { if (crosstabBucketOrderMap == null) { Map map = new HashMap(6); map.put(CROSSTAB_BUCKET_ORDER_ASCENDING, new Byte(BucketDefinition.ORDER_ASCENDING)); map.put(CROSSTAB_BUCKET_ORDER_DESCENDING, new Byte(BucketDefinition.ORDER_DESCENDING)); map.put(new Byte(BucketDefinition.ORDER_ASCENDING), CROSSTAB_BUCKET_ORDER_ASCENDING); map.put(new Byte(BucketDefinition.ORDER_DESCENDING), CROSSTAB_BUCKET_ORDER_DESCENDING); crosstabBucketOrderMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } return crosstabBucketOrderMap; }
From source
/** * @deprecated Replaced by {@link CrosstabPercentageEnum}. *//*from w ww . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ public static Map getCrosstabPercentageMap() { if (crosstabPercentageMap == null) { Map map = new HashMap(6); map.put(CROSSTAB_PERCENTAGE_NONE, new Byte(JRCrosstabMeasure.PERCENTAGE_TYPE_NONE)); map.put(CROSSTAB_PERCENTAGE_GRAND_TOTAL, new Byte(JRCrosstabMeasure.PERCENTAGE_TYPE_GRAND_TOTAL)); map.put(new Byte(JRCrosstabMeasure.PERCENTAGE_TYPE_NONE), CROSSTAB_PERCENTAGE_NONE); map.put(new Byte(JRCrosstabMeasure.PERCENTAGE_TYPE_GRAND_TOTAL), CROSSTAB_PERCENTAGE_GRAND_TOTAL); crosstabPercentageMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } return crosstabPercentageMap; }
From source
/** * @deprecated Replaced by {@link CrosstabTotalPositionEnum}. *//*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ public static Map getCrosstabTotalPositionMap() { if (crosstabTotalPositionMap == null) { Map map = new HashMap(8); map.put(CROSSTAB_TOTAL_POSITION_NONE, new Byte(BucketDefinition.TOTAL_POSITION_NONE)); map.put(CROSSTAB_TOTAL_POSITION_START, new Byte(BucketDefinition.TOTAL_POSITION_START)); map.put(CROSSTAB_TOTAL_POSITION_END, new Byte(BucketDefinition.TOTAL_POSITION_END)); map.put(new Byte(BucketDefinition.TOTAL_POSITION_NONE), CROSSTAB_TOTAL_POSITION_NONE); map.put(new Byte(BucketDefinition.TOTAL_POSITION_START), CROSSTAB_TOTAL_POSITION_START); map.put(new Byte(BucketDefinition.TOTAL_POSITION_END), CROSSTAB_TOTAL_POSITION_END); crosstabTotalPositionMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } return crosstabTotalPositionMap; }
From source
private static String translateToNAT(String floatingIp) throws UnknownHostException { Properties natRules = new Properties(); try {//from w w w . ja va 2 s . c om File file = new File("/etc/openbaton/plugin/openstack/"); if (file.exists()) { natRules.load(new FileInputStream(file)); } else { natRules.load(OpenstackClient.class.getResourceAsStream("/")); } } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("no translation rules!"); return floatingIp; } for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : natRules.entrySet()) { String fromCidr = (String) entry.getKey(); String toCidr = (String) entry.getValue(); log.debug("cidr is: " + fromCidr); SubnetUtils utilsFrom = new SubnetUtils(fromCidr); SubnetUtils utilsTo = new SubnetUtils(toCidr); SubnetUtils.SubnetInfo subnetInfoFrom = utilsFrom.getInfo(); SubnetUtils.SubnetInfo subnetInfoTo = utilsTo.getInfo(); InetAddress floatingIpNetAddr = InetAddress.getByName(floatingIp); if (subnetInfoFrom.isInRange(floatingIp)) { //translation! log.debug("From networkMask " + subnetInfoFrom.getNetmask()); log.debug("To networkMask " + subnetInfoTo.getNetmask()); if (!subnetInfoFrom.getNetmask().equals(subnetInfoTo.getNetmask())) { log.error("Not translation possible, netmasks are different"); return floatingIp; } byte[] host = new byte[4]; for (int i = 0; i < floatingIpNetAddr.getAddress().length; i++) { byte value = (byte) (floatingIpNetAddr.getAddress()[i] | InetAddress.getByName(subnetInfoFrom.getNetmask()).getAddress()[i]); if (value == -1) { host[i] = 0; } else { host[i] = value; } } byte[] netaddress = InetAddress.getByName(subnetInfoTo.getNetworkAddress()).getAddress(); String[] result = new String[4]; for (int i = 0; i < netaddress.length; i++) { int intValue = new Byte((byte) (netaddress[i] | Byte.valueOf(host[i]))).intValue(); if (intValue < 0) { intValue = intValue & 0xFF; } result[i] = String.valueOf(intValue); } return StringUtils.join(result, "."); } } return floatingIp; }
From source
/** * @deprecated Replaced by {@link CrosstabRowPositionEnum}. */// w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m public static Map getCrosstabRowPositionMap() { if (crosstabRowPositionMap == null) { Map map = new HashMap(11); map.put(CROSSTAB_ROW_POSITION_TOP, new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_Y_TOP)); map.put(CROSSTAB_ROW_POSITION_MIDDLE, new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_Y_MIDDLE)); map.put(CROSSTAB_ROW_POSITION_BOTTOM, new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_Y_BOTTOM)); map.put(CROSSTAB_ROW_POSITION_STRETCH, new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_Y_STRETCH)); map.put(new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_Y_TOP), CROSSTAB_ROW_POSITION_TOP); map.put(new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_Y_MIDDLE), CROSSTAB_ROW_POSITION_MIDDLE); map.put(new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_Y_BOTTOM), CROSSTAB_ROW_POSITION_BOTTOM); map.put(new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_Y_STRETCH), CROSSTAB_ROW_POSITION_STRETCH); crosstabRowPositionMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } return crosstabRowPositionMap; }
From source
protected Object findTypeRecordSet(Element compareMe, String dbTable, @SuppressWarnings("unused") long parentId, String parentName) { try { // get the fieldinfo String lowerdbTable = dbTable.toLowerCase(); DBTableInfo info = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoByTableName(lowerdbTable); // find element with compareme.getName() DBFieldInfo fieldInfo = info.getFieldByName(compareMe.getName()); // if the element is an id, ignore it // TODO: shouldl check for primary key if (!compareMe.getName().equals(lowerFirstChar(dbTable) + "Id")) //$NON-NLS-1$ {//w ww .j a v a 2 s .com // if it is a normal field if (fieldInfo != null) { String type = fieldInfo.getType(); // check the type if (type.equals("java.lang.String") || type.equals("text")) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ { return compareMe.getStringValue(); } else if (type.equals("java.util.Date")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { Date dtTmp = new SimpleDateFormat("yy-MM-dd H:mm:ss").parse(compareMe //$NON-NLS-1$ .getStringValue()); return dtTmp; } else if (type.equals("java.sql.Timestamp")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { Timestamp tmstmp = Timestamp.valueOf(compareMe.getStringValue()); return tmstmp; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Integer")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { int num = new Integer(compareMe.getStringValue()).intValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { Boolean bool = Boolean.valueOf(compareMe.getStringValue()); return bool; } else if (type.equals("java.math.BigDecimal")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { BigDecimal num = UIHelper.parseDoubleToBigDecimal(compareMe.getStringValue()); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Double")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { double num = new Double(compareMe.getStringValue()).doubleValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Float")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { float num = new Float(compareMe.getStringValue()).floatValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Long")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { long num = new Long(compareMe.getStringValue()).longValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Short")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { short num = new Short(compareMe.getStringValue()).shortValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Byte")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { byte num = new Byte(compareMe.getStringValue()).byteValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.util.Calendar")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { Calendar date = dateString2Calendar(compareMe.getStringValue()); return date; } } else // check if it is a many-to-one { DBRelationshipInfo tablerel = info.getRelationshipByName(compareMe.getName()); // check for many to one, and make sure it has a value if (tablerel != null && tablerel.getType().name() == "ManyToOne" //$NON-NLS-1$ && !compareMe.getStringValue().equals("")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { long num = new Long(compareMe.getStringValue()).longValue(); String className = tablerel.getClassName().substring(29);// strip working // set // TODO: remove this condition for agent if (className.equals("Agent")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { className = className.toLowerCase(); Object tableObject = genericDBObject2(className, num); return tableObject; } Object tableObject = getParentDBObject(className, num); return tableObject; // check if its a collection (one-to-many) } else if ((tablerel != null && tablerel.getType().name() == "OneToMany") //$NON-NLS-1$ || (tablerel != null && tablerel.getType().name() == "ManyToMany")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { // if many-to-many if (compareMe.getName().equals(parentName + "s")) { //$NON-NLS-0$ return "ManyToMany"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } // else one-to-many return "OneToMany"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { log.debug("could not import element: " + compareMe.getName() //$NON-NLS-1$ + ", with data:" + compareMe.getData()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } catch (Exception ex) {; edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(ImportExportDB.class, ex); if (ex.toString().startsWith("java.lang.NumberFormatException")) { //$NON-NLS-0$ return null; } // else ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
From source
/** * @deprecated Replaced by {@link CrosstabColumnPositionEnum}. *//* w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ public static Map getCrosstabColumnPositionMap() { if (crosstabColumnPositionMap == null) { Map map = new HashMap(11); map.put(CROSSTAB_COLUMN_POSITION_LEFT, new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_X_LEFT)); map.put(CROSSTAB_COLUMN_POSITION_CENTER, new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_X_CENTER)); map.put(CROSSTAB_COLUMN_POSITION_RIGHT, new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_X_RIGHT)); map.put(CROSSTAB_COLUMN_POSITION_STRETCH, new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_X_STRETCH)); map.put(new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_X_LEFT), CROSSTAB_COLUMN_POSITION_LEFT); map.put(new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_X_CENTER), CROSSTAB_COLUMN_POSITION_CENTER); map.put(new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_X_RIGHT), CROSSTAB_COLUMN_POSITION_RIGHT); map.put(new Byte(JRCellContents.POSITION_X_STRETCH), CROSSTAB_COLUMN_POSITION_STRETCH); crosstabColumnPositionMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } return crosstabColumnPositionMap; }
From source
/** * @deprecated Replaced by {@link BandTypeEnum}. *//*from ww w. ja v a 2s .c om*/ public static Map getBandTypeMap() { if (bandTypeMap == null) { Map map = new HashMap(35); map.put(UNKNOWN, new Byte(JROrigin.UNKNOWN)); map.put(BACKGROUND, new Byte(JROrigin.BACKGROUND)); map.put(TITLE, new Byte(JROrigin.TITLE)); map.put(PAGE_HEADER, new Byte(JROrigin.PAGE_HEADER)); map.put(COLUMN_HEADER, new Byte(JROrigin.COLUMN_HEADER)); map.put(GROUP_HEADER, new Byte(JROrigin.GROUP_HEADER)); map.put(DETAIL, new Byte(JROrigin.DETAIL)); map.put(GROUP_FOOTER, new Byte(JROrigin.GROUP_FOOTER)); map.put(COLUMN_FOOTER, new Byte(JROrigin.COLUMN_FOOTER)); map.put(PAGE_FOOTER, new Byte(JROrigin.PAGE_FOOTER)); map.put(LAST_PAGE_FOOTER, new Byte(JROrigin.LAST_PAGE_FOOTER)); map.put(SUMMARY, new Byte(JROrigin.SUMMARY)); map.put(NO_DATA, new Byte(JROrigin.NO_DATA)); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.UNKNOWN), UNKNOWN); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.BACKGROUND), BACKGROUND); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.TITLE), TITLE); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.PAGE_HEADER), PAGE_HEADER); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.COLUMN_HEADER), COLUMN_HEADER); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.GROUP_HEADER), GROUP_HEADER); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.DETAIL), DETAIL); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.GROUP_FOOTER), GROUP_FOOTER); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.COLUMN_FOOTER), COLUMN_FOOTER); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.PAGE_FOOTER), PAGE_FOOTER); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.LAST_PAGE_FOOTER), LAST_PAGE_FOOTER); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.SUMMARY), SUMMARY); map.put(new Byte(JROrigin.NO_DATA), NO_DATA); bandTypeMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } return bandTypeMap; }
From source
protected Object findTypeDataBase(Element compareMe, String dbTable, @SuppressWarnings("unused") long parentId, String parentName) { try { // get the fieldinfo String lowerdbTable = dbTable.toLowerCase(); DBTableInfo info = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getInfoByTableName(lowerdbTable); // find element with compareme.getName() DBFieldInfo fieldInfo = info.getFieldByName(compareMe.getName()); // if the element is an id, ignore it // TODO: shouldl check for primary key if (!compareMe.getName().equals(lowerFirstChar(dbTable) + "Id")) //$NON-NLS-1$ {/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s .co m*/ // if it is a normal field if (fieldInfo != null) { String type = fieldInfo.getType(); // check the type if (type.equals("java.lang.String") || type.equals("text")) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ { return compareMe.getStringValue(); } else if (type.equals("java.util.Date")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { Date dtTmp = new SimpleDateFormat("yy-MM-dd H:mm:ss").parse(compareMe //$NON-NLS-1$ .getStringValue()); return dtTmp; } else if (type.equals("java.sql.Timestamp")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { Timestamp tmstmp = Timestamp.valueOf(compareMe.getStringValue()); return tmstmp; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Integer")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { int num = new Integer(compareMe.getStringValue()).intValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { Boolean bool = Boolean.valueOf(compareMe.getStringValue()); return bool; } else if (type.equals("java.math.BigDecimal")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { BigDecimal num = UIHelper.parseDoubleToBigDecimal(compareMe.getStringValue()); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Double")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { double num = new Double(compareMe.getStringValue()).doubleValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Float")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { float num = new Float(compareMe.getStringValue()).floatValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Long")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { long num = new Long(compareMe.getStringValue()).longValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Short")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { short num = new Short(compareMe.getStringValue()).shortValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Byte")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { byte num = new Byte(compareMe.getStringValue()).byteValue(); return num; } else if (type.equals("java.util.Calendar")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { Calendar date = dateString2Calendar(compareMe.getStringValue()); return date; } } else // check if it is a many-to-one { DBRelationshipInfo tablerel = info.getRelationshipByName(compareMe.getName()); // check for many to one, and make sure it has a value if (tablerel != null && tablerel.getType().name() == "ManyToOne" //$NON-NLS-1$ && !compareMe.getStringValue().equals("")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { long num = new Long(compareMe.getStringValue()).longValue(); String className = tablerel.getClassName().substring(29);// strip working // set // TODO: remove this condition for agent if (className.equals("Agent")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { className = className.toLowerCase(); Object tableObject = genericDBObject2(className, num); return tableObject; } else { Object tableObject = loadOrCreateParentDataBaseObject(className, num); return tableObject; } // check if its a collection (one-to-many) } else if ((tablerel != null && tablerel.getType().name() == "OneToMany") //$NON-NLS-1$ || (tablerel != null && tablerel.getType().name() == "ManyToMany")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { // if many-to-many if (compareMe.getName().equals(parentName + "s")) { //$NON-NLS-0$ return "ManyToMany"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } // else one-to-many return "OneToMany"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { log.debug("could not import element: " + compareMe.getName() //$NON-NLS-1$ + ", with data:" + compareMe.getData()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } catch (Exception ex) {; edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(ImportExportDB.class, ex); if (ex.toString().startsWith("java.lang.NumberFormatException")) { //$NON-NLS-0$ return null; } // else ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
From source
/** * @deprecated Replaced by {@link FooterPositionEnum}. *///from w w w . j a va2 s .c om public static Map getFooterPositionMap() { if (footerPositionMap == null) { Map map = new HashMap(11); map.put(FOOTER_POSITION_NORMAL, new Byte(JRGroup.FOOTER_POSITION_NORMAL)); map.put(FOOTER_POSITION_STACK_AT_BOTTOM, new Byte(JRGroup.FOOTER_POSITION_STACK_AT_BOTTOM)); map.put(FOOTER_POSITION_FORCE_AT_BOTTOM, new Byte(JRGroup.FOOTER_POSITION_FORCE_AT_BOTTOM)); map.put(FOOTER_POSITION_COLLATE_AT_BOTTOM, new Byte(JRGroup.FOOTER_POSITION_COLLATE_AT_BOTTOM)); map.put(new Byte(JRGroup.FOOTER_POSITION_NORMAL), FOOTER_POSITION_NORMAL); map.put(new Byte(JRGroup.FOOTER_POSITION_STACK_AT_BOTTOM), FOOTER_POSITION_STACK_AT_BOTTOM); map.put(new Byte(JRGroup.FOOTER_POSITION_FORCE_AT_BOTTOM), FOOTER_POSITION_FORCE_AT_BOTTOM); map.put(new Byte(JRGroup.FOOTER_POSITION_COLLATE_AT_BOTTOM), FOOTER_POSITION_COLLATE_AT_BOTTOM); footerPositionMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } return footerPositionMap; }