Java java.lang AssertionError fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java java.lang AssertionError fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for java.lang AssertionError.

The text is from its open source code.


java.lang.AssertionError has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


AssertionError(String message, Throwable cause)
Constructs a new AssertionError with the specified detail message and cause.
Constructs an AssertionError with no detail message.
AssertionError(String detailMessage)
This internal constructor does no processing on its string argument, even if it is a null reference.
AssertionError(Object detailMessage)
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified object, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java™ Language Specification.
AssertionError(boolean detailMessage)
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified boolean, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java™ Language Specification.
AssertionError(char detailMessage)
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified char, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java™ Language Specification.
AssertionError(int detailMessage)
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified int, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java™ Language Specification.
AssertionError(long detailMessage)
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified long, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java™ Language Specification.
AssertionError(float detailMessage)
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified float, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java™ Language Specification.
AssertionError(double detailMessage)
Constructs an AssertionError with its detail message derived from the specified double, which is converted to a string as defined in section of The Java™ Language Specification.


Fills in the execution stack trace.
Returns the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.
Returns the runtime class of this Object .
Creates a localized description of this throwable.
Returns the detail message string of this throwable.
Provides programmatic access to the stack trace information printed by #printStackTrace() .
ThrowableinitCause(Throwable cause)
Initializes the cause of this throwable to the specified value.
Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
voidsetStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace)
Sets the stack trace elements that will be returned by #getStackTrace() and printed by #printStackTrace() and related methods.
Returns a short description of this throwable.