Example usage for java.io StringWriter subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.io StringWriter subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.io StringWriter subclass-usage.


From source file ch.sourcepond.maven.release.pom.VersionTransferWriter.java

 * Writer which stores all passed data into a buffer. After all data has been
 * written and {@link #close()} has been called, all <em>&lt;version&gt;</em>
 * tags of the original file will be updated with the data actually written. The
 * format of of the original file will be preserved.

From source file nl.nn.adapterframework.pipes.LarvaPipe.java

class LogWriter extends StringWriter {
    private Logger log;
    private boolean writeToLog = false;
    private boolean writeToSystemOut = false;

    public void setLogger(Logger log) {