Example usage for java.io StringWriter getBuffer

List of usage examples for java.io StringWriter getBuffer


In this page you can find the example usage for java.io StringWriter getBuffer.


public StringBuffer getBuffer() 

Source Link


Return the string buffer itself.


From source file:eu.sisob.uma.restserver.services.gate.GateTask.java

public static boolean launch(String user, String pass, String task_code, String code_task_folder, String email,
        StringWriter message, boolean verbose, boolean split_by_keyword) {
    if (message == null) {
        return false;
    }/*from w  ww .j av  a2  s. c o m*/
    boolean success = false;
    File code_task_folder_dir = new File(code_task_folder);

    File documents_dir = code_task_folder_dir;

    File csv_data_source_file = FileSystemManager.getFileIfExists(code_task_folder_dir,
            input_data_source_filename_prefix_csv, input_data_source_filename_ext_csv);

    boolean validate = csv_data_source_file != null;

    if (!validate) {
        success = false;
        message.write("You have not uploaded any file like this '" + input_data_source_filename_prefix_csv + "*"
                + input_data_source_filename_ext_csv + "' file");
    } else {
        String middle_data_folder = code_task_folder + File.separator
                + AuthorizationManager.middle_data_dirname;
        File middle_data_dir = null;
        try {
            middle_data_dir = FileSystemManager.createFileAndIfExistsDelete(middle_data_folder);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            ProjectLogger.LOGGER.error(ex.toString(), ex);
            message.append("The file couldn't be created " + middle_data_dir.getName() + "\r\n");

        String results_data_folder = code_task_folder + File.separator + AuthorizationManager.results_dirname;
        File results_data_dir = null;
        try {
            results_data_dir = FileSystemManager.createFileAndIfExistsDelete(results_data_folder);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            ProjectLogger.LOGGER.error(ex.toString(), ex);
            message.append("The file couldn't be created " + results_data_dir.getName() + "\r\n");

        File zip_file = new File(code_task_folder_dir, input_data_documents_in_zip);

        if (zip_file.exists()) {
            documents_dir = new File(code_task_folder_dir, AuthorizationManager.middle_data_dirname);
            if (!ZipUtil.unZipItToSameFolder(zip_file, documents_dir)) {
                success = false;
                message.write(input_data_documents_in_zip + " cannot bet unziped"); //FIXME
                return success;
            } else {


        RepositoryPreprocessDataMiddleData preprocessedRep = null;
        try {
            File verbose_dir = null;

            if (verbose) {
                verbose_dir = new File(code_task_folder_dir, AuthorizationManager.verbose_dirname);
                if (!verbose_dir.exists())

            HashMap<String, String[]> blocks_and_keywords = null;
            if (split_by_keyword) {
                blocks_and_keywords = GateDataExtractorService.getInstance().getBlocksAndKeywords();

            preprocessedRep = GateDataExtractorSingle.createPreprocessRepositoryFromCSVFile(
                    csv_data_source_file, ';', documents_dir, verbose, verbose_dir, split_by_keyword,
                    blocks_and_keywords, middle_data_dir);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            message.append("The format of '" + csv_data_source_file.getName()
                    + "' does not seems be correct. Please check the headers of the csv file (read in the instructions which are optionals) and be sure that the field separators are ';'. Please read the intructions of the task. \r\nAlso check that you have uploaded all the documents referenced in the csv file (if you have upload all the documents compressed in "
                    + input_data_documents_in_zip
                    + " file, please, check that it has all the files referenced in the csv).<br>Message: "
                    + ex.getMessage()); //FIXME
            ProjectLogger.LOGGER.error(message.toString(), ex);

        if (preprocessedRep != null) {
            H2DBCredentials cred_resolver = GateDataExtractorService.getH2DBCredentials_Resolver();
            H2DBCredentials cred_trad = GateDataExtractorService.getH2DBCredentials_Trad_Tables_Academic();
            GateDataExtractorTaskInRest task = new GateDataExtractorTaskInRest(preprocessedRep, true, cred_trad,
                    true, cred_resolver, user, pass, task_code, code_task_folder, email);

            try {
                        .addExecution((new CallbackableTaskExecutionWithResource(task)));
                success = true;
                message.write(TheResourceBundle.getString("Jsp Task Executed Msg"));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                success = false;
                message.write(TheResourceBundle.getString("Jsp Task Executed Error Msg"));
                ProjectLogger.LOGGER.error(message.toString(), ex);
                validate = false;

    return success;

From source file:com.maddyhome.idea.copyright.pattern.VelocityHelper.java

public static String evaluate(@Nullable PsiFile file, @Nullable Project project, @Nullable Module module,
        @NotNull String template) throws Exception {
    VelocityEngine engine = getEngine();

    VelocityContext vc = new VelocityContext();
    vc.put("today", new DateInfo());
    if (file != null)
        vc.put("file", new FileInfo(file));
    if (project != null)
        vc.put("project", new ProjectInfo(project));
    if (module != null)
        vc.put("module", new ModuleInfo(module));
    vc.put("username", System.getProperty("user.name"));

    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    boolean stripLineBreak = false;
    if (template.endsWith("$")) {
        template += getVelocitySuffix();
        stripLineBreak = true;//from   w w w .  j a  va2s  . c  o  m
    engine.evaluate(vc, sw, CopyrightManager.class.getName(), template);
    final String result = sw.getBuffer().toString();
    return stripLineBreak ? StringUtil.trimEnd(result, getVelocitySuffix()) : result;

From source file:org.apache.axiom.om.util.CommonUtils.java

 * Get a string containing the stack of the specified exception
 * @param e/*from   ww  w . j  a va2  s .  c o  m*/
 * @return TODO
public static String stackToString(Throwable e) {
    java.io.StringWriter sw = new java.io.StringWriter();
    java.io.BufferedWriter bw = new java.io.BufferedWriter(sw);
    java.io.PrintWriter pw = new java.io.PrintWriter(bw);
    String text = sw.getBuffer().toString();
    // Jump past the throwable
    text = text.substring(text.indexOf("at"));
    text = replace(text, "at ", "DEBUG_FRAME = ");
    return text;

From source file:Main.java

 * Convert Properties to string//  w w  w .  j  a  v  a 2s . com
 * @param props
 * @return xml string
 * @throws IOException
public static String writePropToString(Properties props) throws IOException {
    try {
        org.w3c.dom.Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
        org.w3c.dom.Element conf = doc.createElement("configuration");
        for (Enumeration e = props.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            String name = (String) e.nextElement();
            Object object = props.get(name);
            String value;
            if (object instanceof String) {
                value = (String) object;
            } else {
            org.w3c.dom.Element propNode = doc.createElement("property");

            org.w3c.dom.Element nameNode = doc.createElement("name");

            org.w3c.dom.Element valueNode = doc.createElement("value");


        Source source = new DOMSource(doc);
        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        Result result = new StreamResult(stringWriter);
        TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer();
        transformer.transform(source, result);

        return stringWriter.getBuffer().toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IOException(e);

From source file:Main.java

 * Convert a W3C Document to a String.//from  w ww .  ja  va  2  s  . c  om
 * Note: if you are working with a dom4j Document, you can use it's asXml() method.
 * @param doc
 *          org.w3c.dom.Document to be converted to a String.
 * @return String representing the XML document.
 * @throws TransformerConfigurationException
 *           If unable to get an instance of a Transformer
 * @throws TransformerException
 *           If the attempt to transform the document fails.
public static final StringBuffer docToString(final org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
        throws TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException {

    StringBuffer sb = null;
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

    TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(); // can throw
    // TransformerConfigurationException

    Source docSrc = new DOMSource(doc);
    t.transform(docSrc, new StreamResult(writer)); // can throw
    // TransformerException
    sb = writer.getBuffer();

    return sb;

From source file:com.indicator_engine.dao.GLAEventDaoImpl.java

 * Adds a new GLA Entity Object to the Database.
 * @param glaEntity New GLA Entity Object to be saved.
 * @return ID of the Newly Created GLA Entity object in DB.
 **///from   w w  w .  jav  a2s. c  o m
public static String getStackTrace(final Throwable throwable) {
    final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true);
    return sw.getBuffer().toString();

From source file:com.netflix.hystrix.contrib.requests.stream.HystrixRequestEventsJsonStream.java

public static String convertRequestsToJson(Collection<HystrixRequestEvents> requests) throws IOException {
    StringWriter jsonString = new StringWriter();
    JsonGenerator json = jsonFactory.createGenerator(jsonString);

    json.writeStartArray();/*from   w  w  w  .  j a va2 s  .  c om*/
    for (HystrixRequestEvents request : requests) {
        writeRequestAsJson(json, request);
    return jsonString.getBuffer().toString();

From source file:com.vmware.gemfire.tools.pulse.tests.junit.BaseServiceTest.java

 * Print exception string to system.out/*from  ww  w  .ja  v a 2 s .  c o  m*/
 * @param failed
protected static void logException(Exception failed) {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
    System.out.println("BaseServiceTest :: Logging exception details : " + sw.getBuffer().toString());

From source file:org.apache.axiom.om.util.DetachableInputStream.java

private static String stackToString(Throwable e) {
    java.io.StringWriter sw = new java.io.StringWriter();
    java.io.BufferedWriter bw = new java.io.BufferedWriter(sw);
    java.io.PrintWriter pw = new java.io.PrintWriter(bw);
    e.printStackTrace(pw);//from ww  w .  j  a va 2 s  .  c o  m
    String text = sw.getBuffer().toString();
    return text;

From source file:Main.java

public static StringBuffer transfer(Element element, StreamSource source) {
    try {//from www.  j a  va  2 s.  c o  m
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        Transformer trans = null;
        if (source != null)
            trans = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(source);
            trans = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
        trans.transform(new DOMSource(element), new StreamResult(sw));
        return sw.getBuffer();
    } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
    } catch (TransformerFactoryConfigurationError e) {
    } catch (TransformerException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return null;