Example usage for java.io File pathSeparator

List of usage examples for java.io File pathSeparator


In this page you can find the example usage for java.io File pathSeparator.


String pathSeparator

To view the source code for java.io File pathSeparator.

Click Source Link


The system-dependent path-separator character, represented as a string for convenience.


From source file:net.sourceforge.pmd.cache.AbstractAnalysisCache.java

private URL[] getClassPathEntries() {
    final String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
    final String[] classpathEntries = classpath.split(File.pathSeparator);
    final List<URL> entries = new ArrayList<>();

    final SimpleFileVisitor<Path> fileVisitor = new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
        @Override//from   w w  w  .j av a  2 s . co  m
        public FileVisitResult visitFile(final Path file, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
            if (!attrs.isSymbolicLink()) { // Broken link that can't be followed
            return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
    final SimpleFileVisitor<Path> jarFileVisitor = new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
        public FileVisitResult visitFile(final Path file, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
            String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.toString());
            if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(extension)) {
                fileVisitor.visitFile(file, attrs);
            return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    try {
        for (final String entry : classpathEntries) {
            final File f = new File(entry);
            if (isClassPathWildcard(entry)) {
                Files.walkFileTree(new File(entry.substring(0, entry.length() - 1)).toPath(),
                        EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS), 1, jarFileVisitor);
            } else if (f.isFile()) {
            } else {
                Files.walkFileTree(f.toPath(), EnumSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS), Integer.MAX_VALUE,
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Incremental analysis can't check execution classpath contents", e);
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    return entries.toArray(new URL[0]);

From source file:Which4J.java

 * Iterate over the system classpath defined by "java.class.path" searching
 * for all occurrances of the given class name.
 * //from   ww w . j a  v  a2  s . c  o  m
 * @param classname the fully qualified class name to search for
private static void findIt(String classname) {

    try {
        // get the system classpath
        String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path", "");

        if (classpath.equals("")) {
            System.err.println("error: classpath is not set");

        if (debug) {
            System.out.println("classname: " + classname);
            System.out.println("system classpath = " + classpath);

        if (isPrimitiveOrVoid(classname)) {
            System.out.println("'" + classname + "' primitive");

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(classpath, File.pathSeparator);

        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String token = st.nextToken();
            File classpathElement = new File(token);

            if (debug)
                System.out.println(classpathElement.isDirectory() ? "dir: " + token : "jar: " + token);

            URL[] url = { classpathElement.toURL() };

            URLClassLoader cl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(url, null);

            String classnameAsResource = classname.replace('.', '/') + ".class";

            URL it = cl.findResource(classnameAsResource);
            if (it != null) {
                System.out.println("found in: " + token);
                System.out.println("     url: " + it.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:de.monticore.codegen.GeneratorTest.java

 * Instantiates all the parameters required for a CompilationTask and returns
 * the finished task./*from   ww w  . j ava2 s  .c  o m*/
 * @param sourceCodePath the source directory to be compiled
 * @param diagnostics a bin for any error messages that may be generated by
 * the compiler
 * @return the compilationtask that will compile any entries in the given
 * directory
protected Optional<CompilationTask> setupCompilation(Path sourceCodePath,
        DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics) {
    JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
    if (compiler != null) {
        StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(diagnostics, null, null);
        // set compiler's classpath to be same as the runtime's
        String sPath = Paths.get("target/generated-sources/monticore/codetocompile").toAbsolutePath()
        List<String> optionList = Lists.newArrayList("-classpath",
                System.getProperty("java.class.path") + File.pathSeparator + sPath, "-sourcepath", sPath);
        // System.out.println("Options" + optionList);
        Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> javaFileObjects = getJavaFileObjects(sourceCodePath, fileManager);
        // System.out.println("Java files" + javaFileObjects);
        return Optional.of(compiler.getTask(null, fileManager, diagnostics, optionList, null, javaFileObjects));
    return Optional.empty();

From source file:org.codehaus.mojo.AbstractLaunchMojo.java

 * The current build session instance./* w ww. j  a  v a2  s  .c  o  m*/
 * @parameter expression="${session}"
 * @required
 * @readonly
//private MavenSession session;

CommandLine getExecutablePath(Map enviro, File dir) {
    File execFile = new File(getExecutable());
    String exec = null;
    if (execFile.exists()) {
        getLog().debug("Toolchains are ignored, 'executable' parameter is set to " + getExecutable());
        exec = execFile.getAbsolutePath();
    } else {
        if (OS.isFamilyWindows()) {
            String ex = getExecutable().indexOf(".") < 0 ? getExecutable() + ".bat" : getExecutable();
            File f = new File(dir, ex);
            if (f.exists()) {
                exec = ex;
            } else {
                // now try to figure the path from PATH, PATHEXT env vars
                // if bat file, wrap in cmd /c
                String path = (String) enviro.get("PATH");
                if (path != null) {
                    String[] elems = StringUtils.split(path, File.pathSeparator);
                    for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
                        f = new File(new File(elems[i]), ex);
                        if (f.exists()) {
                            exec = ex;

    if (exec == null) {
        exec = getExecutable();

    CommandLine toRet;
    if (OS.isFamilyWindows() && exec.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).endsWith(".bat")) {
        toRet = new CommandLine("cmd");
    } else {
        toRet = new CommandLine(exec);

    return toRet;

From source file:com.yunrang.hadoop.app.utils.CustomizedUtil.java

 * Returns a classpath string built from the content of the "tmpjars" value
 * in {@code conf}. Also exposed to shell scripts via `bin/hbase mapredcp`.
 *///from  w  ww . j  a  v a 2s .  c om
public static String buildDependencyClasspath(Configuration conf) {
    if (conf == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide a configuration object.");
    Set<String> paths = new HashSet<String>(conf.getStringCollection("tmpjars"));
    if (paths.size() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Configuration contains no tmpjars.");
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (String s : paths) {
        // entries can take the form 'file:/path/to/file.jar'.
        int idx = s.indexOf(":");
        if (idx != -1)
            s = s.substring(idx + 1);
        if (sb.length() > 0)
    return sb.toString();

From source file:net.grinder.util.GrinderClassPathUtils.java

 * Construct classPath from current classLoader.
 * // w  w w .  ja v  a 2s .c  o  m
 * @param logger
 *            logger
 * @return classpath optimized for grinder.
public static String buildClasspathBasedOnCurrentClassLoader(Logger logger) {
    URL[] urLs = ((URLClassLoader) GrinderClassPathUtils.class.getClassLoader()).getURLs();
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    for (URL each : urLs) {
    return GrinderClassPathUtils.filterClassPath(builder.toString(), logger);

From source file:org.apache.hive.hcatalog.templeton.tool.LaunchMapper.java

 * Ensures that {@code paths} are prepended to {@code pathVarName} and made available to forked child
 * process./* ww  w.ja va2s  .  c  o m*/
 * @param paths properly separated list of paths
private static void prependPathToVariable(String pathVarName, Map<String, String> env, String paths) {
    if (!TempletonUtils.isset(pathVarName) || !TempletonUtils.isset(paths) || env == null) {
    if (TempletonUtils.isset(env.get(pathVarName))) {
        env.put(pathVarName, paths + File.pathSeparator + env.get(pathVarName));
    } else if (TempletonUtils.isset(System.getenv(pathVarName))) {
        env.put(pathVarName, paths + File.pathSeparator + System.getenv(pathVarName));
    } else {
        env.put(pathVarName, paths);

From source file:info.magnolia.freemarker.FreemarkerServletContextWrapper.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Set getResourcePaths(String path) {
    if (StringUtils.equals(path, "/WEB-INF/lib")) {
        log.debug("returning resources from classpath");
        // Just when asking libraries, pass the classpath ones.
        final Set<String> resources = new HashSet<String>();
        final ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        // if the classloader is an URLClassloader we have a better method for discovering resources
        // whis will also fetch files from jars outside WEB-INF/lib, useful during development
        if (cl instanceof URLClassLoader) {
            final URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) cl;
            final URL[] urls = urlClassLoader.getURLs();
            for (int j = 0; j < urls.length; j++) {
                final File tofile = sanitizeToFile(urls[j]);
                if (tofile.isDirectory()) {
                    for (File file : ((List<File>) FileUtils.listFiles(tofile, null, true))) {
                    }/*  w  w  w .  j  a va  2 s .  c  o m*/
                } else {

            return resources;
        try {
            // be friendly to WAS developers too...
            // in development mode under RAD 7.5 here we have an instance of com.ibm.ws.classloader.WsClassLoader
            // and jars are NOT deployed to WEB-INF/lib by default, so they can't be found without this explicit
            // check
            // but since we don't want to depend on WAS stuff we just check if the cl exposes a "classPath" property
            PropertyDescriptor pd = new PropertyDescriptor("classPath", cl.getClass());
            if (pd != null && pd.getReadMethod() != null) {
                String classpath = (String) pd.getReadMethod().invoke(cl, new Object[] {});
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(classpath)) {
                    String[] paths = StringUtils.split(classpath, File.pathSeparator);
                    for (int j = 0; j < paths.length; j++) {
                        final File tofile = new File(paths[j]);
                        // there can be several missing (optional?) paths here...
                        if (tofile.exists()) {
                            if (tofile.isDirectory()) {
                                for (File file : ((List<File>) FileUtils.listFiles(tofile, null, true))) {
                            } else {
                    return resources;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // no, it's not a classloader we can handle in a special way
        // no way, we have to assume a standard war structure and look in the WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes dirs
        // read the jars in the lib dir
    return parentContext.getResourcePaths(path);

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.launcher.ContainerLaunch.java

public static String expandEnvironment(String var, Path containerLogDir) {
    var = var.replace(ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR, containerLogDir.toString());
    var = var.replace(ApplicationConstants.CLASS_PATH_SEPARATOR, File.pathSeparator);

    // replace parameter expansion marker. e.g. {{VAR}} on Windows is replaced
    // as %VAR% and on Linux replaced as "$VAR"
    if (Shell.WINDOWS) {
        var = var.replaceAll("(\\{\\{)|(\\}\\})", "%");
    } else {//from  www .j  a  v a2 s.  co  m
        var = var.replace(ApplicationConstants.PARAMETER_EXPANSION_LEFT, "$");
        var = var.replace(ApplicationConstants.PARAMETER_EXPANSION_RIGHT, "");
    return var;

From source file:org.esa.s2tbx.dataio.gdal.GDALInstaller.java

private void processInstalledDistribution(Path gdalFolderPath, Path gdalBinFolderPath, OSCategory osCategory,
        String mapLibraryName) throws IOException {
    Path pathItem = gdalBinFolderPath.resolve(mapLibraryName);
    if (Files.exists(pathItem)) {
        // the library file exists on the local disk
        String libraryFileName = System.mapLibraryName("environment-variables");
        Path libraryFilePath = gdalFolderPath.resolve(libraryFileName);
        if (!Files.exists(libraryFilePath)) {
            String libraryFilePathFromSources = SRC_PATH + "/" + libraryFileName;
            URL libraryFileURLFromSources = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(libraryFilePathFromSources);
            FileHelper.copyFile(libraryFileURLFromSources, libraryFilePath);
        }/*from  www . j av  a2 s. c o  m*/

        if (registerNativePaths(gdalBinFolderPath, osCategory)) {
            Path gdalAppsFolderPath = gdalBinFolderPath.resolve(APPS_PATH);

            String pathEnvironment = EnvironmentVariables.getEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
            boolean foundBinFolderInPath = findFolderInPathEnvironment(gdalBinFolderPath, pathEnvironment);
            if (!foundBinFolderInPath) {
                StringBuilder newPathValue = new StringBuilder();

            Path gdalDataFolderPath = gdalBinFolderPath.resolve(DATA_PATH);
            StringBuilder gdalDataValue = new StringBuilder();

            Path gdalDriverFolderPath = gdalBinFolderPath.resolve(PLUGINS_PATH);
            StringBuilder gdalDriverValue = new StringBuilder();

            GdalInstallInfo gdalInstallInfo = GdalInstallInfo.INSTANCE;
            gdalInstallInfo.setLocations(gdalBinFolderPath, gdalAppsFolderPath, gdalDriverFolderPath,
    } else {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "The GDAL bin folder '" + gdalBinFolderPath.toString()
                + "' does not contain the library '" + mapLibraryName + "'.");