Example usage for java.beans PropertyEditorSupport subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.beans PropertyEditorSupport subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.beans PropertyEditorSupport subclass-usage.


From source file org.openmrs.module.sdmxhddataexport.web.controller.editor.QueryEditor.java

 * <p> Class: QueryEditor </p>
 * <p> Package: org.openmrs.module.sdmxhddataexport.web.controller.editor </p> 
 * <p> Author: Nguyen manh chuyen(Email: chuyennmth@gmail.com) </p>
 * <p> Update by: Nguyen manh chuyen </p>
 * <p> Version: $1.0 </p>

From source file org.openmrs.module.sdmxhddataexport.web.controller.editor.ReportEditor.java

 * <p> Class: ReportEditor </p>
 * <p> Package: org.openmrs.module.sdmxhddataexport.web.controller.editor </p> 
 * <p> Author: Nguyen manh chuyen(Email: chuyennmth@gmail.com) </p>
 * <p> Update by: Nguyen manh chuyen </p>
 * <p> Version: $1.0 </p>

From source file org.openmrs.propertyeditor.ConceptAnswersEditor.java

 * Handles lists of conceptids that correspond to answers.
public class ConceptAnswersEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {

    private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

From source file org.openmrs.module.sdmxhddataexport.web.controller.editor.DataElementEditor.java

 * <p> Class: DataElementEditor </p>
 * <p> Package: org.openmrs.module.sdmxhddataexport.web.controller.editor </p> 
 * <p> Author: Nguyen manh chuyen(Email: chuyennmth@gmail.com) </p>
 * <p> Update by: Nguyen manh chuyen </p>
 * <p> Version: $1.0 </p>

From source file it.cilea.osd.jdyna.dto.ValoreDTOPropertyEditor.java

public class ValoreDTOPropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
    private PropertyEditor internalPropertyEditor;

    public ValoreDTOPropertyEditor(PropertyEditor internalPropertyEditor) {
        this.internalPropertyEditor = internalPropertyEditor;

From source file org.zilverline.web.CustomCollectionEditor.java

 * CustomCollectionEditor maps an array of Collection names to a (possibly longer) array of CollectionTriple. If the name is in the
 * array, the collection was selected in the form, and will be set to selected in the CollectionTriple. All non-selected Collections
 * will be retrieved from the CollectionManager, and selected will be set to false.
 * @see CollectionTriple

From source file org.kuali.rice.krad.web.bind.UifDateTimeEditor.java

 * PropertyEditor converts between timestamp display strings and @{DateTime} objects.
 * @author Kuali Rice Team (rice.collab@kuali.org)
public class UifDateTimeEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport implements Serializable {

From source file it.cilea.osd.jdyna.utils.ConfigurazioneSoggettarioEditor.java

public class ConfigurazioneSoggettarioEditor extends java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport {
    /** My gateway to business logic */
    private IPersistenceSubjectService applicationService;

    /** The logger */
    private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ConfigurazioneSoggettarioEditor.class);

From source file it.cilea.osd.jdyna.editor.LinkPropertyEditor.java

public class LinkPropertyEditor extends java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport {

    /** The logger */
    private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LinkPropertyEditor.class);


From source file it.cilea.osd.jdyna.editor.ModelPropertyEditor.java

public class ModelPropertyEditor extends java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport {
    /** My gateway to business logic */
    private IPersistenceService applicationService;

    /** Model Class */
    private Class clazz;