List of usage examples for java.beans Introspector getBeanInfo
public static BeanInfo getBeanInfo(Class<?> beanClass) throws IntrospectionException
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T cloneObject(T p, Mapping<Pair<Object, String>, Boolean> propertyFilter) throws Exception { if (p == null) return null; if (p instanceof Cloneable) { Method cloneMethod = p.getClass().getMethod("clone", (Class[]) null); if (cloneMethod != null) return (T) cloneMethod.invoke(p, (Object[]) null); } else if (p.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] A = (Object[]) p; Class<?> type = p.getClass(); Object[] ac = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(type.getComponentType(), A.length); for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) ac[i] = cloneObject(A[i], propertyFilter); return (T) ac; } else if (identityCloneClasses.contains(p.getClass())) return p; ///*from w w w. ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ // Need to implement cloning ourselves. We do this by copying bean properties. // Constructor<?> cons = null; try { cons = p.getClass().getConstructor((Class[]) null); } catch (Throwable t) { return p; } Object copy = cons.newInstance((Object[]) null); if (p instanceof Collection) { Collection<Object> cc = (Collection<Object>) copy; for (Object el : (Collection<?>) p) cc.add(cloneObject(el, propertyFilter)); } else if (p instanceof Map) { Map<Object, Object> cm = (Map<Object, Object>) copy; for (Object key : ((Map<Object, Object>) p).keySet()) cm.put(key, cloneObject(((Map<Object, Object>) p).get(key), propertyFilter)); } else { BeanInfo bean_info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(p.getClass()); PropertyDescriptor beanprops[] = bean_info.getPropertyDescriptors(); if (beanprops == null || beanprops.length == 0) copy = p; else for (PropertyDescriptor desc : beanprops) { Method rm = desc.getReadMethod(); Method wm = desc.getWriteMethod(); if (rm == null || wm == null) continue; Object value = rm.invoke(p, (Object[]) null); if (propertyFilter == null || propertyFilter.eval(new Pair<Object, String>(p, desc.getName()))) value = cloneObject(value, propertyFilter); wm.invoke(copy, new Object[] { value }); } } return (T) copy; }
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/** * Handle Locale Change by reloading BeanInfo * @param event {@link LocaleChangeEvent} *//*from w w w . j av a 2s. co m*/ @Override public void localeChanged(LocaleChangeEvent event) { try { beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(testBeanClass); setupGuiClasses(); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { log.error("Can't get beanInfo for " + testBeanClass.getName(), e); JMeterUtils.reportErrorToUser("Can't get beanInfo for " + testBeanClass.getName()); } }
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/** * @return {@link Image} represented given bean class. *///from w ww. j a va 2s .c o m public Image getBeanImage(Class<?> beanClass, ObjectInfo javaInfo) throws Exception { // check java info if (javaInfo != null) { return null; } // prepare cached image Image beanImage = m_classToImage.get(beanClass); // check load image if (beanImage == null) { try { // load AWT image BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanClass); java.awt.Image awtBeanIcon = beanInfo.getIcon(BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16); if (awtBeanIcon == null) { // set default beanImage = Activator.getImage("javabean.gif"); } else { // convert to SWT image // FIXME: memory leak beanImage = ImageUtils.convertToSWT(awtBeanIcon); } } catch (Throwable e) { // set default beanImage = Activator.getImage("javabean.gif"); } m_classToImage.put(beanClass, beanImage); } return beanImage; }
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/** * Creates a {@link TicketValidator} instance from a class name and map of property name/value pairs. * @param className Fully-qualified name of {@link TicketValidator} concrete class. * @param propertyMap Map of property name/value pairs to set on validator instance. * @return Ticket validator with properties set. *//*from www .j ava2 s . c o m*/ private TicketValidator createTicketValidator(final String className, final Map propertyMap) { CommonUtils.assertTrue(propertyMap.containsKey("casServerUrlPrefix"), "Required property casServerUrlPrefix not found."); final Class validatorClass = ReflectUtils.loadClass(className); final TicketValidator validator = (TicketValidator) ReflectUtils.newInstance(validatorClass, new Object[] { propertyMap.get("casServerUrlPrefix") }); try { final BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(validatorClass); final Iterator iter = propertyMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final String property = (String); if (!"casServerUrlPrefix".equals(property)) { log.debug("Attempting to set TicketValidator property " + property); final String value = (String) propertyMap.get(property); final PropertyDescriptor pd = ReflectUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(info, property); if (pd != null) { ReflectUtils.setProperty(property, convertIfNecessary(pd, value), validator, info); log.debug("Set " + property + "=" + value); } else { log.warn("Cannot find property " + property + " on " + className); } } } } catch (final IntrospectionException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error getting bean info for " + validatorClass, e); } return validator; }
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private List<BindingSide> getInnerMatchingSourceMemberByName(final Class innerPropertyClass, final String atDestinationName, final BindingSide firstBinding, final MemberAccessType destinationMemberAccessType) throws MappingException { BeanInfo innerPropertyBeanInfo; try {/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . co m*/ innerPropertyBeanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(innerPropertyClass); } catch (IntrospectionException ex) { throw new MappingException(String.format("Failed to get bean info for %s", innerPropertyClass), ex); } String innerDestinationName = atDestinationName.substring(firstBinding.getName().length()); List<BindingSide> result = getMatchingSourceMemberByName(innerPropertyBeanInfo, innerPropertyClass, innerDestinationName, destinationMemberAccessType); if (result != null) { result.add(0, firstBinding); return result; } else { return null; } }
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/** * Writes bean description recursively.//www .j a v a 2 s . c o m * * @param jgen * to write to * @param currentVocab * in context * @param valueType * class of value * @param allRootParameters * of the method that receives the request body * @param rootParameter * the request body * @param currentCallValue * the value at the current recursion level * @param propertyPath * of the current recursion level * @throws IntrospectionException * @throws IOException */ private void recurseSupportedProperties(JsonGenerator jgen, String currentVocab, Class<?> valueType, ActionDescriptor allRootParameters, ActionInputParameter rootParameter, Object currentCallValue, String propertyPath) throws IntrospectionException, IOException { Map<String, ActionInputParameter> properties = new HashMap<String, ActionInputParameter>(); // collect supported properties from ctor Constructor[] constructors = valueType.getConstructors(); // find default ctor Constructor constructor = PropertyUtils.findDefaultCtor(constructors); // find ctor with JsonCreator ann if (constructor == null) { constructor = PropertyUtils.findJsonCreator(constructors, JsonCreator.class); } if (constructor == null) { // TODO this can be a generic collection, find a way to describe it LOG.warn("can't describe supported properties, no default constructor or JsonCreator found for type " + valueType.getName()); return; } int parameterCount = constructor.getParameterTypes().length; if (parameterCount > 0) { Annotation[][] annotationsOnParameters = constructor.getParameterAnnotations(); Class[] parameters = constructor.getParameterTypes(); int paramIndex = 0; for (Annotation[] annotationsOnParameter : annotationsOnParameters) { for (Annotation annotation : annotationsOnParameter) { if (JsonProperty.class == annotation.annotationType()) { JsonProperty jsonProperty = (JsonProperty) annotation; // TODO use required attribute of JsonProperty String paramName = jsonProperty.value(); Object propertyValue = PropertyUtils.getPropertyOrFieldValue(currentCallValue, paramName); ActionInputParameter constructorParamInputParameter = new SpringActionInputParameter( new MethodParameter(constructor, paramIndex), propertyValue); // TODO collect ctor params, setter params and process // TODO then handle single, collection and bean for both properties.put(paramName, constructorParamInputParameter); paramIndex++; // increase for each @JsonProperty } } } Assert.isTrue(parameters.length == paramIndex, "not all constructor arguments of @JsonCreator " + constructor.getName() + " are annotated with @JsonProperty"); } // collect supported properties from setters // TODO support Option provider by other method args? final BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(valueType); final PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); // TODO collection and map // TODO distinguish which properties should be printed as supported - now just setters for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors) { final Method writeMethod = propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod(); if (writeMethod == null) { continue; } // TODO: the property name must be a valid URI - need to check context for terms? String propertyName = getWritableExposedPropertyOrPropertyName(propertyDescriptor); Object propertyValue = PropertyUtils.getPropertyOrFieldValue(currentCallValue, propertyDescriptor.getName()); MethodParameter methodParameter = new MethodParameter(propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod(), 0); ActionInputParameter propertySetterInputParameter = new SpringActionInputParameter(methodParameter, propertyValue); properties.put(propertyName, propertySetterInputParameter); } // write all supported properties // TODO we are using the annotatedParameter.parameterName but should use the key of properties here: for (ActionInputParameter annotatedParameter : properties.values()) { String nextPropertyPathLevel = propertyPath.isEmpty() ? annotatedParameter.getParameterName() : propertyPath + '.' + annotatedParameter.getParameterName(); if (DataType.isSingleValueType(annotatedParameter.getParameterType())) { final Object[] possiblePropertyValues = rootParameter.getPossibleValues(allRootParameters); if (rootParameter.isIncluded(nextPropertyPathLevel) && !rootParameter.isExcluded(nextPropertyPathLevel)) { writeSupportedProperty(jgen, currentVocab, annotatedParameter, annotatedParameter.getParameterName(), possiblePropertyValues); } // TODO collections? // } else if (DataType.isArrayOrCollection(parameterType)) { // Object[] callValues = rootParameter.getValues(); // int items = callValues.length; // for (int i = 0; i < items; i++) { // Object value; // if (i < callValues.length) { // value = callValues[i]; // } else { // value = null; // } // recurseSupportedProperties(jgen, currentVocab, rootParameter // .getParameterType(), // allRootParameters, rootParameter, value); // } } else { jgen.writeStartObject(); jgen.writeStringField("hydra:property", annotatedParameter.getParameterName()); // TODO: is the property required -> for bean props we need the Access annotation to express that jgen.writeObjectFieldStart(getPropertyOrClassNameInVocab(currentVocab, "rangeIncludes", LdContextFactory.HTTP_SCHEMA_ORG, "schema:")); Expose expose = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(annotatedParameter.getParameterType(), Expose.class); String subClass; if (expose != null) { subClass = expose.value(); } else { subClass = annotatedParameter.getParameterType().getSimpleName(); } jgen.writeStringField(getPropertyOrClassNameInVocab(currentVocab, "subClassOf", "http://www.w3" + ".org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "rdfs:"), subClass); jgen.writeArrayFieldStart("hydra:supportedProperty"); Object propertyValue = PropertyUtils.getPropertyOrFieldValue(currentCallValue, annotatedParameter.getParameterName()); recurseSupportedProperties(jgen, currentVocab, annotatedParameter.getParameterType(), allRootParameters, rootParameter, propertyValue, nextPropertyPathLevel); jgen.writeEndArray(); jgen.writeEndObject(); jgen.writeEndObject(); } } }
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private AndFilter getAndFilterFromExample(LdapEntity example, boolean wildcardFilters, boolean logFilter) { try {/*from w w w.j a v a 2s . c o m*/ AndFilter filter = new AndFilter(); BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(example.getClass()); for (PropertyDescriptor pd : info.getPropertyDescriptors()) { if (isAttributeApplicableInFilter(pd)) { Object value = pd.getReadMethod().invoke(example); if (value != null) { if (value.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] valueArray = (Object[]) value; for (Object o : valueArray) { addAndFilter(filter, pd, o, wildcardFilters); } } else { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value.toString())) { addAndFilter(filter, pd, value, wildcardFilters); } } } } } if (logFilter && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Finding " + example.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(s) using filter: " + filter.encode()); } return filter; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the filter from ldap entity:" + example, e); } }
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private void recordEnrouteChanges(PositionBo previousPosition, String noteTarget) { //List of fields on the position class not to compare List<String> noCompareFields = new ArrayList<String>(); noCompareFields.add("process"); noCompareFields.add("requiredQualList"); List<Note> noteList = new ArrayList<Note>(); PositionBo currentPosition = (PositionBo) this.getDataObject(); EntityNamePrincipalName approver = KimApiServiceLocator.getIdentityService() .getDefaultNamesForPrincipalId(currentPosition.getUserPrincipalId()); //compare all fields on position try {/*from w w w .java 2 s . co m*/ for (PropertyDescriptor pd : Introspector.getBeanInfo(PositionBo.class).getPropertyDescriptors()) { if (pd.getReadMethod() != null && !noCompareFields.contains(pd.getName())) { try { Object currentObject = pd.getReadMethod().invoke(currentPosition); Object previousObject = pd.getReadMethod().invoke(previousPosition); if (currentObject instanceof Collection) { if (!compareCollections(currentObject, previousObject)) { String noteText = approver.getPrincipalName() + " changed " + pd.getDisplayName() + " from '" + previousObject.toString() + "' to '" + currentObject.toString() + "'"; noteList.add( createNote(noteText, noteTarget, currentPosition.getUserPrincipalId())); } } else { if (!(currentObject == null ? previousObject == null : currentObject.equals(previousObject))) { String noteText = approver.getPrincipalName() + " changed " + pd.getDisplayName() + " from '" + previousObject.toString() + "' to '" + currentObject.toString() + "'"; noteList.add( createNote(noteText, noteTarget, currentPosition.getUserPrincipalId())); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (IntrospectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } KRADServiceLocator.getNoteService().saveNoteList(noteList); }
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/** This method will introspect the beanClass & get the getter method for the input propertyName. * It will then try & convert the propertyValue to the appropriate datatype. * @param beanClass The bean class to be introspected. * @param propertyName The Property being searched for. * @param propertyValue The value to be converted. * @throws IntrospectionException if an exception occurs during introspection. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the property cannot be found on the input class. * @throws ClassCastException if the input value can't be mapped to target class * @return a converted propertyValue compatible with the getter. * @deprecated Use DataTypeMapper.instance() instead. *//*from w ww . j a v a 2 s .com*/ public static Object convertDataType(Class beanClass, String propertyName, String propertyValue) throws IntrospectionException, IllegalArgumentException, ClassCastException { Object convertedPropertyValue = null; if (propertyValue != null) { boolean foundProperty = false; BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanClass); if (beanInfo != null) { PropertyDescriptor[] pds = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); if (pds != null) { for (PropertyDescriptor pd : pds) { if (StringHelper.equalsIgnoreCaseFirstChar(pd.getName(), propertyName)) { foundProperty = true; if (pd.getPropertyType().isEnum()) { convertedPropertyValue = findEnum(pd.getPropertyType(), propertyValue.toString()); if (convertedPropertyValue == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property " + beanClass.getName() + '.' + propertyName + ", cannot be set to the value " + propertyValue + ", since it is not defined in the Enum " + pd.getPropertyType()); } else { convertedPropertyValue = DataTypeMapper.instance().map(propertyValue, pd.getPropertyType()); } break; } } } } if (!foundProperty) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find the the property: " + beanClass.getName() + '.' + propertyName); } return convertedPropertyValue; }