Example usage for java.beans BeanInfo getPropertyDescriptors

List of usage examples for java.beans BeanInfo getPropertyDescriptors


In this page you can find the example usage for java.beans BeanInfo getPropertyDescriptors.


PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors();

Source Link


Returns descriptors for all properties of the bean.


From source file:org.jaxygen.converters.properties.PropertiesToBeanConverter.java

private static void fillBeanArrayField(final String name, Object value, Object bean, BeanInfo beanInfo,
        String[] path, final String fieldName, int bracketStart, int len)
        throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, IntrospectionException,
        InstantiationException, IllegalArgumentException, WrongProperyIndex {
    final String indexStr = fieldName.substring(bracketStart + 1, len - 1);
    final String propertyName = fieldName.substring(0, bracketStart);
    int index = Integer.parseInt(indexStr);
    String childName = "";
    int firstDot = name.indexOf(".");
    if (firstDot > 0) {
        childName = name.substring(firstDot + 1);
    }/* w  ww  . j a va2  s . c o m*/

    for (PropertyDescriptor pd : beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
        if (pd.getName().equals(propertyName)) {
            Method writter = pd.getWriteMethod();
            Method reader = pd.getReadMethod();
            if (writter != null && reader != null) {
                Object array = reader.invoke(bean);
                if (pd.getPropertyType().isArray()) {
                    if (array == null) {
                        array = Array.newInstance(pd.getPropertyType().getComponentType(), index + 1);
                        writter.invoke(bean, array);
                    if (Array.getLength(array) < (index + 1)) {
                        array = resizeArray(array, index + 1);
                        writter.invoke(bean, array);
                    if (path.length == 1) {
                        Object valueObject = parsePropertyToValue(value, array.getClass().getComponentType());
                        Array.set(array, index, valueObject);
                    } else {
                        Object valueObject = fillBeanValueByName(childName, value,
                                array.getClass().getComponentType(), Array.get(array, index));
                        Array.set(array, index, valueObject);
                } else if (pd.getPropertyType().equals(List.class)) {
                    if (array == null) {
                        array = pd.getPropertyType().newInstance();
                        writter.invoke(bean, array);
                    Class<?> genericClass = array.getClass().getTypeParameters()[0].getClass();
                    if (path.length == 1) {
                        Object valueObject = parsePropertyToValue(value, genericClass);
                        Array.set(array, index, valueObject);
                    } else {
                        Object valueObject = fillBeanValueByName(childName, value, genericClass, null);
                        Array.set(array, index, valueObject);

From source file:com.fengduo.bee.commons.core.lang.CollectionUtils.java

public static <M> void merge(M original, M destination, List<String> ignore) throws Exception {
    BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(original.getClass());
    // Iterate over all the attributes
    for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
        // Only copy writable attributes
        if (descriptor.getWriteMethod() != null) {
            Object originalValue = descriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(original);
            String attributeName = descriptor.getName();
            // ignore this values,do'not merge
            if (ignore != null && !ignore.isEmpty() && ignore.contains(attributeName)) {
            }//from   w w w  .ja  v a  2  s.  c  om
            Object defaultValue = descriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(destination);
            // Only copy values values where the destination values is null
            if (originalValue == null) {
                descriptor.getWriteMethod().invoke(original, defaultValue);
            if (defaultValue instanceof Number && originalValue instanceof Number) {
                        MathUtils.add((Number) originalValue, (Number) defaultValue));

From source file:org.jaxygen.converters.properties.PropertiesToBeanConverter.java

 * Fill the field in bean by the value pointed by the name. Name format name=<(KEY([N])?)+> where KEY bean property name, N index in table (if bean field is
 * List of java array)./*from  w  ww  .j a v a  2s .  c  om*/
 * @param name
 * @param value
 * @param beanClass
 * @param baseBean
 * @param conversionReport
 * @return
 * @throws IntrospectionException
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 * @throws IllegalAccessException
 * @throws InvocationTargetException
 * @throws InstantiationException
 * @throws WrongProperyIndex
private static Object fillBeanValueByName(final String name, Object value, Class<?> beanClass, Object baseBean)
        throws IntrospectionException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException, WrongProperyIndex {
    // parse name x.y[i].z[n].v
    Object bean = baseBean;
    if (bean == null) {
        bean = beanClass.newInstance();
    Class<?> c = beanClass;
    BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(c, Object.class);
    final String childName = name.substring(name.indexOf(".") + 1);
    String path[] = name.split("\\.");

    final String fieldName = path[0];
    // parse arrays [n]
    if (fieldName.endsWith("]")) {
        int bracketStart = fieldName.indexOf("[");
        int len = fieldName.length();
        if (bracketStart > 0) {
            fillBeanArrayField(name, value, bean, beanInfo, path, fieldName, bracketStart, len);
        } else {
            throw new WrongProperyIndex(name);
    } else {
        // parse non arrays
        for (PropertyDescriptor pd : beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
            if (pd.getName().equals(fieldName)) {
                Method writter = pd.getWriteMethod();
                Method reader = pd.getReadMethod();
                if (writter != null && reader != null) {
                    Class<?> valueType = reader.getReturnType();
                    if (path.length == 1) {
                        Object valueObject = parsePropertyToValue(value, valueType);
                        writter.invoke(bean, valueObject);
                    } else {
                        Object childBean = reader.invoke(bean);
                        Object valueObject = fillBeanValueByName(childName, value, valueType, childBean);
                        writter.invoke(bean, valueObject);

    // Object bean = c.newInstance();
    return bean;

From source file:com.swingtech.commons.util.ClassUtil.java

public static List getPropertyDescriptorsFromClass(final Class pClass, final String filterRegEx) {
    BeanInfo vBeanInfo = null;
    PropertyDescriptor[] vPropDescList = null;
    PropertyDescriptor vPropDesc = null;
    String vPropName = null;//from   w w  w  . j  a  v  a 2  s . com
    final Vector vPropertyNameList = new Vector();

    try {
        vBeanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(pClass);
    } catch (final IntrospectionException e) {
        logger.warn("Utility.getPropertyNamesFromClass.  Error trying to use Introspector", e);
        return null;

    vPropDescList = vBeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();

    for (int i = 0; i < vPropDescList.length; i++) {
        vPropDesc = vPropDescList[i];

        vPropName = vPropDesc.getName();

        if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(filterRegEx) || vPropName.matches(filterRegEx)) {

    if (vPropertyNameList.isEmpty()) {
        return null;

    return vPropertyNameList;

From source file:com.swingtech.commons.util.ClassUtil.java

 * @param pClass/* w ww  .ja  v  a2  s  .c o  m*/
 * @param filterRegEx
 * @return
public static List getPropertyNamesFromClass(final Class pClass, final String filterRegEx) {
    BeanInfo vBeanInfo = null;
    PropertyDescriptor vPropDescList[] = null;
    PropertyDescriptor vPropDesc = null;
    String vPropName = null;
    final Vector vPropertyNameList = new Vector();

    try {
        vBeanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(pClass);
    } catch (final IntrospectionException e) {
        logger.warn("Utility.getPropertyNamesFromClass.  Error trying to use Introspector", e);
        return null;

    vPropDescList = vBeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();

    for (int i = 0; i < vPropDescList.length; i++) {
        vPropDesc = vPropDescList[i];

        vPropName = vPropDesc.getName();

        if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(filterRegEx) || vPropName.matches(filterRegEx)) {

    if (vPropertyNameList.isEmpty()) {
        return null;

    return vPropertyNameList;

From source file:net.audumla.concurrent.TemplatedExecuter.java

protected void mergeProperties(Object source, Object destination) throws IntrospectionException {
    BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(source.getClass());
    for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : info.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
        try {/*from   w  w w.  j  a  va2  s  . c  o  m*/
            // get the property value from the destination object.
            Object destvalue = BeanUtils.getProperty(destination, descriptor.getName());
            // only copy the value if the destination has not been set. This will therefore only work on non primitive types
            if (destvalue == null) {
                Object sourceValue = descriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(source);
                // Only copy values values where the destination values is null
                if (sourceValue != null) {
                    BeanUtils.copyProperty(destination, descriptor.getName(), sourceValue);

        } catch (Exception ignored) {


From source file:com.impetus.kundera.metadata.processor.AbstractEntityFieldProcessor.java

* Populates @Id accesser methods like, getId and setId of clazz to
* metadata./*from   w  w w . ja  va  2  s .  c  om*/
* @param metadata
*            the metadata
* @param clazz
*            the clazz
* @param f
*            the f
protected final void populateIdAccessorMethods(EntityMetadata metadata, Class<?> clazz, Field f) {
    try {
        BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz);

        for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : info.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
            if (descriptor.getName().equals(f.getName())) {
    } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

From source file:stroom.util.AbstractCommandLineTool.java

public void init(final String[] args) throws Exception {
    map = new HeaderMap();
    validArguments = new ArrayList<String>();

    map.loadArgs(args);/*from   ww w  .j a v  a  2s  .c  om*/

    final BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(this.getClass());

    for (final PropertyDescriptor field : beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
        if (field.getWriteMethod() != null) {
            if (field.getName().length() > maxPropLength) {
                maxPropLength = field.getName().length();
            if (map.containsKey(field.getName())) {
                field.getWriteMethod().invoke(this, getAsType(field));


From source file:com.industrieit.ohr.OHRJavassister.java

public static Class ohr(Class cll) {
    try {//from w  w w.  j ava2 s.com
        //System.out.println("++++++++++ "+cll.getName());
        /*if (cll.getName().startsWith("ohr."))
        throw new RuntimeException(cll.getName());
        if (processed2.containsKey(cll)) {
            return processed2.get(cll);

        HashSet<Long> handleOffsets = new HashSet<Long>();

        String cnam = cll.getName();
        if (!cnam.startsWith("ohr.")) {
            cnam = "ohr." + cll.getName();

        Class cl = Class.forName(cnam.substring(4));

        int clnumber = incrementClsCounter();

        List<Integer> owned = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        //remove the old implementation if its around from another process
        String fname = "target/classes/" + cnam.replace(".", "/") + ".class";
        System.out.println("deleted" + fname + " " + (new File(fname).delete()));

        if (!Modifier.isAbstract(cl.getModifiers())) {
            throw new RuntimeException("not an abstract class " + cl.getName());

        System.out.println("processing ohr " + cnam);

        CtClass bc = getDefault().getCtClass(cl.getName());
        CtClass cc = getDefault().makeClass(cnam, bc);

        StringBuilder initBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        initBuilder.append("public void internalInit() {\n");

        StringBuilder constructBuilder = new StringBuilder();

        String intname = OHRBase.class.getName();
        System.out.println("intername is " + intname);

        CtClass ci = getDefault().getCtClass(intname);
        CtClass extern = getDefault().getCtClass(Externalizable.class.getName());

        cc.setInterfaces(new CtClass[] { ci, extern });

        //add base implmenetation methods and properties
        setBaseMixinsPre(cc, false);

        //first long for id and other stuff
        long offset = 8;

        BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(cl);
        PropertyDescriptor[] pds = bi.getPropertyDescriptors();

        for (int co = 0; co < propertyOrdering.length; co++) {
            Class cprop = propertyOrdering[co];

            for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
                // Get property name
                String propName = pds[i].getName();

                if (propName.equals("class")) {

                String typ = pds[i].getPropertyType().getName();
                Class type = pds[i].getPropertyType();
                //if (propName.startsWith("fath"))
                //PL.pl("[[[[["+type+" "+propName+" "+cprop);
                if (cprop == Object.class) {
                    //handle refs only
                    if (type.isPrimitive()) {
                    if (type == String.class) {
                    if (type == CharSequence.class) {
                    if (type == OHRLongArray.class) {
                    if (type == OHRIntArray.class) {
                    if (type == OHRShortArray.class) {
                    if (type == OHRByteArray.class) {
                    if (type == OHRBooleanArray.class) {
                    if (type == OHRDoubleArray.class) {
                    if (type == OHRFloatArray.class) {
                } else if (cprop != type) {
                    //PL.pl("skipping "+type+" "+cprop);
                //PL.pl("[[[[[    " + type + " - " + propName + " - " + cprop);
                //System.out.println("--prop--" + propName);

                String rname = pds[i].getReadMethod().getName();
                String wname = null;
                if (pds[i].getWriteMethod() != null) {
                    wname = pds[i].getWriteMethod().getName();

                boolean reifread = isMethodReifAnnotated(pds[i].getReadMethod());
                boolean reifwrite = isMethodReifAnnotated(pds[i].getWriteMethod());

                String wcons = getConsistencyAsString(pds[i].getWriteMethod());
                String rcons = getConsistencyAsString(pds[i].getReadMethod());

                System.out.println("TYPE " + pds[i].getPropertyType().getName() + " "
                        + pds[i].getPropertyType().getInterfaces());

                if (pds[i].getPropertyType() == String.class && isInlineString(pds[i])) {
                    //NOTE - only for inline strings - normal strings are handled as extrefs like any other object
                    System.out.println("ITS An inline string!!!!");

                    int length = pds[i].getWriteMethod().getAnnotation(InlineStringReify.class).length();
                    boolean trim = pds[i].getWriteMethod().getAnnotation(InlineStringReify.class)
                    boolean ascii = pds[i].getWriteMethod().getAnnotation(InlineStringReify.class).asciiOnly();

                    String wmeth = "public void " + wname + "(" + typ + " o) { ohwritestr" + wcons + "("
                            + offset + "l,o," + length + "," + trim + "," + ascii + "); }";
                    //add setter
                    CtMethod wmethod = CtNewMethod.make(wmeth, cc);


                    String rmeth = "public " + typ + " " + rname + "() { return (" + typ + ") ohreadstr" + rcons
                            + "(" + offset + "l," + ascii + "); }";
                    //add setter
                    CtMethod rmethod = CtNewMethod.make(rmeth, cc);

                    int bytesperchar = ascii ? 1 : 2;

                    //pad to 16 bits
                    int ll = 4 + length * bytesperchar;
                    if (ll % 2 != 0) {
                    offset += ll; //lebgth marker as well as unicode 16 encoded characters
                } else if (pds[i].getPropertyType() == CharSequence.class && isInlineString(pds[i])) {
                    //NOTE - only for inline strings - normal strings are handled as extrefs like any other object
                    System.out.println("ITS An inline charsequence!!!!");

                    int length = pds[i].getWriteMethod().getAnnotation(InlineStringReify.class).length();
                    boolean trim = pds[i].getWriteMethod().getAnnotation(InlineStringReify.class)
                    boolean ascii = pds[i].getWriteMethod().getAnnotation(InlineStringReify.class).asciiOnly();
                    String wmeth = "public void " + wname + "(" + typ + " o) { ohwritestr" + wcons + "("
                            + offset + "l,o," + length + "," + trim + "," + ascii + "); }";
                    //add setter
                    CtMethod wmethod = CtNewMethod.make(wmeth, cc);


                    String rmeth = "public " + typ + " " + rname + "() { return (" + typ + ") ohreadcs" + rcons
                            + "(" + offset + "l," + ascii + "); }";
                    //add setter
                    CtMethod rmethod = CtNewMethod.make(rmeth, cc);

                    int bytesperchar = ascii ? 1 : 2;
                    //pad to 8 byte boundary!
                    int ll = (int) Math.ceil((4.0 + length * bytesperchar) / 8) * 8;
                    offset += ll; //lebgth marker as well as unicode 16 encoded characters
                } else if ((pds[i].getPropertyType() == OHRLongArray.class
                        || pds[i].getPropertyType() == OHRIntArray.class
                        || pds[i].getPropertyType() == OHRShortArray.class
                        || pds[i].getPropertyType() == OHRByteArray.class
                        || pds[i].getPropertyType() == OHRFloatArray.class
                        || pds[i].getPropertyType() == OHRDoubleArray.class
                        || pds[i].getPropertyType() == OHRBooleanArray.class)
                        && pds[i].getReadMethod().isAnnotationPresent(InlineArrayReify.class)) {

                    int bitsperitem = 0;
                    String cldef = null;
                    Class at = pds[i].getPropertyType();
                    boolean unchecked = pds[i].getReadMethod().isAnnotationPresent(UncheckedBoundsXXX.class);
                    if (at == OHRLongArray.class) {
                        bitsperitem = 8 * 8;
                        cldef = LongInlineOHRArray.class.getName();
                    } else if (at == OHRIntArray.class) {
                        bitsperitem = 4 * 8;
                        if (unchecked) {
                            cldef = IntInlineOHRArrayUnchecked.class.getName();
                        } else {
                            cldef = IntInlineOHRArray.class.getName();
                    if (at == OHRDoubleArray.class) {
                        bitsperitem = 8 * 8;
                        cldef = DoubleInlineOHRArray.class.getName();
                    if (at == OHRFloatArray.class) {
                        bitsperitem = 4 * 8;
                        cldef = FloatInlineOHRArray.class.getName();
                    if (at == OHRShortArray.class) {
                        bitsperitem = 2 * 8;
                        cldef = ShortInlineOHRArray.class.getName();
                    if (at == OHRByteArray.class) {
                        bitsperitem = 1 * 8;
                        cldef = ByteInlineOHRArray.class.getName();
                    if (at == OHRBooleanArray.class) {
                        bitsperitem = 1;
                        cldef = BooleanInlineOHRArray.class.getName();
                    //NOTE - only for inline strings - normal strings are handled as extrefs like any other object
                    System.out.println("ITS An inline array!!!!");

                    int length = pds[i].getReadMethod().getAnnotation(InlineArrayReify.class).length();

                    long bytealloc = OHRInlineArrayHandler.getGenericArrayAllocationSize(bitsperitem, length);

                    //PL.pl("byte allocation for logn array length "+length+" "+bytealloc);

                    CtClass ctc = getDefault().getCtClass(cldef);

                    String varname = "var" + i;
                    CtField cf = new CtField(ctc, varname, cc);

                    //add data to constructor
                                    + offset + "l," + length + "l," + bitsperitem + ");\n");
                    constructBuilder.append(varname + "=new " + cldef + "(this," + offset + "l);\n");

                    //+ "//this.basePtr"+offset+"l);");

                    //String wmeth = "public void " + wname + "(" + typ + " o) { throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(\"not supported\"); }";
                    //add setter
                    //CtMethod wmethod = CtNewMethod.make(wmeth, cc);


                    String rmeth = "public " + typ + " " + rname + "() { return " + varname + "; }";
                    //add setter
                    CtMethod rmethod = CtNewMethod.make(rmeth, cc);
                    System.out.println("||||||||" + rmeth + "|||||||||");

                    offset += bytealloc;
                } else if (pds[i].getPropertyType().isPrimitive()) {
                    //PL.pl("ITS A PRIMITIVE!");
                    int vv = 0;
                    if (cprop == long.class) {
                        vv = 8;
                    if (cprop == double.class) {
                        vv = 8;
                    if (cprop == int.class) {
                        vv = 4;
                    if (cprop == float.class) {
                        vv = 4;
                    if (cprop == short.class) {
                        vv = 2;
                    if (cprop == byte.class) {
                        vv = 1;

                            "for " + pds[i].getName() + " typ is " + pds[i].getPropertyType().getName());

                    String wmeth = "public void " + wname + "(" + typ + " o) { ohwrite" + wcons + "(" + offset
                            + "l,o); }";
                    //add setter

                    //ConstPool constpool = cc.getClassFile().getConstPool();

                    if (reifwrite) {
                        CtMethod wmethod = CtNewMethod.make(wmeth, cc);
                        System.out.println("&&&&&&&" + wmeth);

                    String rmeth = "public " + typ + " " + rname + "() { return (" + typ + ") ohread" + typ
                            + rcons + "(" + offset + "l); }";
                    //add setter

                    if (reifread) {
                        CtMethod rmethod = CtNewMethod.make(rmeth, cc);
                        System.out.println("&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" + rmeth + vv);

                    offset += vv;
                } else {
                    System.out.println("ITS AN ASSUMED REIFY!!!");

                    if (pds[i].getWriteMethod().isAnnotationPresent(Owned.class)) {
                    //CtClass tc = getDefault().getCtClass(pds[i].getPropertyType().getName());
                    CtClass tc = getDefault().getCtClass(OHRBase.class.getName());
                    //String fnam="ohrt"+i;
                    //CtField f = new CtField(tc, fnam, cc);
                    //store by reify
                    String wmeth = "public void " + wname + "(" + typ + " o) { ohwritere" + wcons + "(" + offset
                            + "l,o); }";
                    //add setter
                    CtMethod wmethod = CtNewMethod.make(wmeth, cc);

                    if (reifwrite) {

                    //String rmeth = "public " + typ + " " + rname + "() { return (" + typ + ") ohreadre(" + offset + "l," + typ + ".class); }";
                    String rmeth = "public " + typ + " " + rname + "() { return (" + typ + ") ohreadre" + rcons
                            + "(" + offset + "l);  };";
                    //add setter
                    CtMethod rmethod = CtNewMethod.make(rmeth, cc);
                    if (reifread) {
                    offset += 8;

                /* if (!isReif(type)) {
                PL.pl(""+pds[i].getName()+" is a non reified handle!!!!");
                //store by handle
                String wmeth = "public void " + wname + "(" + typ + " o) { ohwritehand(" + offset + "l,o); }";
                //add setter
                CtMethod wmethod = CtNewMethod.make(wmeth, cc);
                if (reifwrite) {
                String rmeth = "public " + typ + " " + rname + "() { return (" + typ + ") ohreadhand(" + offset + "l); }";
                //add setter
                CtMethod rmethod = CtNewMethod.make(rmeth, cc);
                if (reifread) {

            //PL.pl("offset is "+offset);

        //ok create the get handleoffsets method

        //print out total byts allocated
        //PL.pl("%%%%%%%%%% TOTAL BYTES = " + offset);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("public long[] handleOffsets() { ");
        sb.append("long a[] = new long[").append(handleOffsets.size()).append("];");
        int c = 0;
        for (long l : handleOffsets) {
        sb.append("return a; }");

        CtMethod om = CtNewMethod.make(sb.toString(), cc);

        String sizem = "public long gsize() { return " + (offset) + "l; }";

        CtMethod sm = CtNewMethod.make(sizem, cc);

        //add clsid
        CtMethod cmid = CtNewMethod.make("public int ohclassId() { return " + clnumber + "; }", cc);

        setBaseMixinsPost(cc, false, owned, pds, constructBuilder, initBuilder);


        /*for (Method me : cc.toClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { //test print, ok

        Class ppp = Class.forName(cnam);
        Field f = ppp.getDeclaredField("u");
        f.set(ppp.newInstance(), USafe.getUnsafe());
        //synchronized (mutex)
        processed2.put(cl, ppp);
        processed2.put(ppp, ppp);
        cls[clnumber] = ppp;
        return ppp;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

From source file:stroom.util.AbstractCommandLineTool.java

private void doTraceArguments(final PrintStream printStream) throws Exception {
    final BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(this.getClass());
    for (final PropertyDescriptor pd : beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
        // Only do properties with getters
        if (pd.getWriteMethod() != null) {
            // Simple getter ?
            String suffix = " (default)";
            if (map.containsKey(pd.getName())) {
                suffix = " (arg)";
            }//ww w  .j av a 2 s. c o  m
            String value = "";

            if (pd.getReadMethod() != null && pd.getReadMethod().getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
                value = String.valueOf(pd.getReadMethod().invoke(this));
            } else {
                // No simple getter
                Field field = null;
                try {
                    field = this.getClass().getDeclaredField(pd.getName());
                } catch (final NoSuchFieldException nsfex) {
                    // Ignore
                if (field != null) {
                    value = String.valueOf(field.get(this));
                } else {
                    value = "?";

            printStream.println(StringUtils.rightPad(pd.getName(), maxPropLength) + " = " + value + suffix);