Example usage for java.awt Transparency BITMASK

List of usage examples for java.awt Transparency BITMASK


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt Transparency BITMASK.



To view the source code for java.awt Transparency BITMASK.

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Represents image data that is guaranteed to be either completely opaque, with an alpha value of 1.0, or completely transparent, with an alpha value of 0.0.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] argv) {
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
    GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs.getDefaultConfiguration();

From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
    GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs.getDefaultConfiguration();

    BufferedImage bimage = gc.createCompatibleImage(100, 100, Transparency.BITMASK);


From source file:Main.java

public static Image getImage(Component c) {
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    GraphicsDevice gd = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
    GraphicsConfiguration gc = gd.getDefaultConfiguration();

    // Create an image that supports transparent pixels
    BufferedImage bImage = gc.createCompatibleImage(c.getWidth(), c.getHeight(), Transparency.BITMASK);

    /*//  w ww . ja  va  2  s . c  o  m
     * And now this is how we get an image of the component
    Graphics2D g = bImage.createGraphics();

    // Then use the current component we're in and call paint on this
    // graphics object
    return bImage;

From source file:Main.java

public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Image image) {
    if (image instanceof BufferedImage) {
        return (BufferedImage) image;
    }/*from   w  ww . ja  v a2 s . c o  m*/

    // This code ensures that all the pixels in the image are loaded
    image = new ImageIcon(image).getImage();
    // Create a buffered image with a format that's compatible with the screen
    BufferedImage bimage = null;
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    try {
        GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
        GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs.getDefaultConfiguration();
        VolatileImage vbimage = gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(200, 200, gc.getImageCapabilities(),
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // The system does not have a screen
    return bimage;

From source file:Main.java

public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Image image) {
    if (image instanceof BufferedImage) {
        return (BufferedImage) image;
    }//from ww  w  .  ja v  a 2 s.com

    // This code ensures that all the pixels in the image are loaded
    image = new ImageIcon(image).getImage();

    // Determine if the image has transparent pixels; for this method's
    // implementation, see Determining If an Image Has Transparent Pixels
    boolean hasAlpha = true;

    // Create a buffered image with a format that's compatible with the screen
    BufferedImage bimage = null;
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    try {
        // Determine the type of transparency of the new buffered image
        int transparency = Transparency.OPAQUE;
        if (hasAlpha) {
            transparency = Transparency.BITMASK;

        // Create the buffered image
        GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
        GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs.getDefaultConfiguration();
        bimage = gc.createCompatibleImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), transparency);
    } catch (HeadlessException e) {
        // The system does not have a screen

    if (bimage == null) {
        // Create a buffered image using the default color model
        int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB;
        if (hasAlpha) {
            type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
        bimage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), type);

    // Copy image to buffered image
    Graphics g = bimage.createGraphics();

    // Paint the image onto the buffered image
    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);

    return bimage;

From source file:ImageUtil.java

 * Posted by alpha02 at http://www.dreamincode.net/code/snippet1076.htm
 *//*from   ww w  .  j  av a2  s  . c  o  m*/
public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Image image) {
    if (image instanceof BufferedImage)
        return (BufferedImage) image;

    // This code ensures that all the pixels in the image are loaded
    image = new ImageIcon(image).getImage();

    // Determine if the image has transparent pixels
    boolean hasAlpha = hasAlpha(image);

    // Create a buffered image with a format that's compatible with the screen
    BufferedImage bimage = null;

    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();

    try {
        // Determine the type of transparency of the new buffered image
        int transparency = Transparency.OPAQUE;

        if (hasAlpha == true)
            transparency = Transparency.BITMASK;

        // Create the buffered image
        GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
        GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs.getDefaultConfiguration();

        bimage = gc.createCompatibleImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), transparency);
    } catch (HeadlessException e) {
    } //No screen

    if (bimage == null) {
        // Create a buffered image using the default color model
        int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB;

        if (hasAlpha == true) {
            type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
        bimage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), type);

    // Copy image to buffered image
    Graphics g = bimage.createGraphics();

    // Paint the image onto the buffered image
    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);

    return bimage;

From source file:Main.java

 * Create a custom cursor out of the specified image, with the specified hotspot.
 *///from ww w . j  a  v  a 2  s  .c  o  m
public static Cursor createImageCursor(Image img, Point hotspot) {
    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

    // for now, just report the cursor restrictions, then blindly create
    int w = img.getWidth(null);
    int h = img.getHeight(null);
    Dimension d = tk.getBestCursorSize(w, h);
    //         int colors = tk.getMaximumCursorColors();
    //         Log.debug("Creating custom cursor [desiredSize=" + w + "x" + h +
    //                   ", bestSize=" + d.width + "x" + d.height +
    //                   ", maxcolors=" + colors + "].");

    // if the passed-in image is smaller, pad it with transparent pixels and use it anyway.
    if (((w < d.width) && (h <= d.height)) || ((w <= d.width) && (h < d.height))) {
        Image padder = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice()
                .getDefaultConfiguration().createCompatibleImage(d.width, d.height, Transparency.BITMASK);
        Graphics g = padder.getGraphics();
        g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);

        // and reassign the image to the padded image
        img = padder;

        // and adjust the 'best' to cheat the hotspot checking code
        d.width = w;
        d.height = h;

    // make sure the hotspot is valid
    if (hotspot == null) {
        hotspot = new Point(d.width / 2, d.height / 2);
    } else {
        hotspot.x = Math.min(d.width - 1, Math.max(0, hotspot.x));
        hotspot.y = Math.min(d.height - 1, Math.max(0, hotspot.y));

    // and create the cursor
    return tk.createCustomCursor(img, hotspot, "samskivertDnDCursor");

From source file:Main.java

 * This method returns a buffered image with the contents of an image
 * This snippet was taken from: http://www.exampledepot.com/egs/java.awt.image/Image2Buf.html
 * @param image/*www  .  j a v  a2 s  .  co  m*/
 * @return The buffered image
public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Image image) {
    if (image instanceof BufferedImage) {
        return (BufferedImage) image;

    // This code ensures that all the pixels in the image are loaded
    image = new ImageIcon(image).getImage();

    // Determine if the image has transparent pixels; for this method's
    // implementation, see e661 Determining If an Image Has Transparent Pixels
    boolean hasAlpha = hasAlpha(image);

    // Create a buffered image with a format that's compatible with the screen
    BufferedImage bimage = null;
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    try {
        // Determine the type of transparency of the new buffered image
        int transparency = Transparency.OPAQUE;
        if (hasAlpha) {
            transparency = Transparency.BITMASK;

        // Create the buffered image
        GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
        GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs.getDefaultConfiguration();
        bimage = gc.createCompatibleImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), transparency);
    } catch (HeadlessException e) {
        // The system does not have a screen

    if (bimage == null) {
        // Create a buffered image using the default color model
        int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB;
        if (hasAlpha) {
            type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
        bimage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), type);

    // Copy image to buffered image
    Graphics g = bimage.createGraphics();

    // Paint the image onto the buffered image
    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);

    return bimage;

From source file:org.sonar.server.charts.deprecated.BaseChart.java

protected BufferedImage getBufferedImage(JFreeChart chart) {
    return chart.createBufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(), Transparency.BITMASK, null);

From source file:com.t3.image.ImageUtil.java

 * Look at the image and determine which Transparency is most appropriate.
 * If it finds any translucent pixels it returns Transparency.TRANSLUCENT, if 
 * it finds at least one purely transparent pixel and no translucent pixels
 * it will return Transparency.BITMASK, in all other cases it returns 
 * Transparency.OPAQUE, including errors
 * //from   w  ww.  j  av  a  2  s.c  o m
 * @param image
 * @return one of Transparency constants
public static int pickBestTransparency(Image image) {

    // Take a shortcut if possible
    if (image instanceof BufferedImage) {
        return pickBestTransparency((BufferedImage) image);

    // Legacy method
    // NOTE: This is a horrible memory hog
    int width = image.getWidth(null);
    int height = image.getHeight(null);
    int[] pixelArray = new int[width * height];
    PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(image, 0, 0, width, height, pixelArray, 0, width);
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        System.err.println("interrupted waiting for pixels!");
        return Transparency.OPAQUE;

    if ((pg.getStatus() & ImageObserver.ABORT) != 0) {
        System.err.println("image fetch aborted or errored");
        return Transparency.OPAQUE;

    // Look for specific pixels
    boolean foundTransparent = false;
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            // Get the next pixel
            int pixel = pixelArray[y * width + x];
            int alpha = (pixel >> 24) & 0xff;

            // Is there translucency or just pure transparency ?
            if (alpha > 0 && alpha < 255) {
                return Transparency.TRANSLUCENT;

            if (alpha == 0 && !foundTransparent) {
                foundTransparent = true;

    return foundTransparent ? Transparency.BITMASK : Transparency.OPAQUE;