List of usage examples for java.awt Rectangle setLocation
public void setLocation(int x, int y)
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@Override protected void onScrollSelectionIntoView(final JViewport viewport) { // compute where we're going and where we are final Rectangle targetRect = this.table.getCellRect(this.getSelectedIndex(), 0, true); final Rectangle curViewRect = viewport.getViewRect(); // if the target cell is not visible, attempt to jump to a location where it is // visible but not on the edge of the viewport if (targetRect.y + targetRect.height > curViewRect.y + curViewRect.height) { // target is below us, move to position 3 rows below target targetRect.setLocation(targetRect.x, targetRect.y + (targetRect.height * 3)); } else if (targetRect.y < curViewRect.y) { // target is above is, move to position 3 rows above target targetRect.setLocation(targetRect.x, targetRect.y - (targetRect.height * 3)); }/*w ww .j av a2s . c o m*/ this.table.scrollRectToVisible(targetRect); }
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private void solveConflict() { if (this.investPoint == null || this.ROIPoint == null) { /* No conflict to be solved. */ return;/*from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ } /* Take border into consideration. */ final Rectangle ROIRectWithBorder = new Rectangle((Rectangle) this.ROIRect); final Rectangle investRectWithBorder = new Rectangle((Rectangle) this.investRect); ROIRectWithBorder.setLocation((int) ROIRectWithBorder.getX() - 1, (int) ROIRectWithBorder.getY() - 1); ROIRectWithBorder.setSize((int) ROIRectWithBorder.getWidth() + 2, (int) ROIRectWithBorder.getHeight() + 2); investRectWithBorder.setLocation((int) investRectWithBorder.getX() - 1, (int) investRectWithBorder.getY() - 1); investRectWithBorder.setSize((int) investRectWithBorder.getWidth() + 2, (int) investRectWithBorder.getHeight() + 2); if (false == ROIRectWithBorder.intersects(investRectWithBorder)) { return; } final Rectangle oldROIRect = new Rectangle((Rectangle) this.ROIRect); final Rectangle oldInvestRect = new Rectangle((Rectangle) this.investRect); // Move to Down. if (this.ROIRect.getY() > this.investRect.getY()) { ((Rectangle) this.ROIRect).translate(0, (int) (this.investRect.getY() + this.investRect.getHeight() - this.ROIRect.getY() + 4)); } else { ((Rectangle) this.investRect).translate(0, (int) (this.ROIRect.getY() + this.ROIRect.getHeight() - this.investRect.getY() + 4)); } if ((this.drawArea.getY() + this.drawArea.getHeight()) > (this.ROIRect.getY() + this.ROIRect.getHeight()) && (this.drawArea.getY() + this.drawArea.getHeight()) > (this.investRect.getY() + this.investRect.getHeight())) { return; } this.ROIRect.setRect(oldROIRect); this.investRect.setRect(oldInvestRect); // Move to Up. if (this.ROIRect.getY() > this.investRect.getY()) { ((Rectangle) this.investRect).translate(0, -(int) (this.investRect.getY() + this.investRect.getHeight() - this.ROIRect.getY() + 4)); } else { ((Rectangle) this.ROIRect).translate(0, -(int) (this.ROIRect.getY() + this.ROIRect.getHeight() - this.investRect.getY() + 4)); } if ((this.drawArea.getY() < this.ROIRect.getY()) && (this.drawArea.getY() < this.investRect.getY())) { return; } this.ROIRect.setRect(oldROIRect); this.investRect.setRect(oldInvestRect); }
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private void drawSquares(Graphics squares, Point start, Rectangle bounds, Dataset dataset, boolean clusterColumns) { // ColorFactory colors = ColorFactoryList.getInstance().getActiveColorFactory(dataset); colors = colorFactory.getActiveColorFactory(dataset); Rectangle view = getSquaresBounds(dataset); squares.translate(start.x, start.y); int rows = this.countgenes(this.rowNode); int counter = 0; double[] gengenscalevals = null; int[] upperArrangement = null; if (clusterColumns) { upperArrangement = upperTree.arrangement; } else {//from www .j a v a 2s. c o m upperArrangement = new int[dataset.getColumnIds().length]; for (int x = 0; x < dataset.getColumnIds().length; x++) upperArrangement[x] = x; } double[][] dat = null; dat = dataset.getData(); if (sideTree == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < sideTree.arrangement.length; i++) { double v = 0; Rectangle sqr = new Rectangle(0, 0, squareW, squareL); for (int j = 0; j < upperArrangement.length; j++) { if (bounds == null || bounds.intersects((j * squareW), (i * squareL), squareW, squareL)) { if (upperTree != null) { sqr.setLocation((j * squareW), (i * squareL)); if (!view.intersects(sqr)) { continue; } if (sideTree.arrangement[i] != -1 && upperArrangement[j] != -1) { if (dataset.isMissing(sideTree.arrangement[i], upperArrangement[j])) { squares.setColor(colors.getMissing()); } else { if (!gengenscale) { v = dat[sideTree.arrangement[i]][upperArrangement[j]]; squares.setColor(colors.getColor(v)); } else { v = gengenscalevals[upperArrangement[j]]; squares.setColor(colors.getColor(v)); } } squares.fillRect((j * squareW), (i * squareL), squareW, squareL); } } else { sqr.setLocation((j * squareW), (i * squareL)); if (!view.intersects(sqr)) { continue; } v = dat[sideTree.arrangement[i]][upperArrangement[j]]; if (dataset.isMissing(sideTree.arrangement[i], upperArrangement[j])) { squares.setColor(colors.getMissing()); } else { squares.setColor(colors.getColor(v)); } squares.fillRect((j * squareW), (i * squareL), squareW, squareL); } } } counter++; if (counter == rows) { break; } } counter = 0; if (true) { squares.setColor(GridCol); for (int i = 0; i < sideTree.arrangement.length + 1; i++) { if (bounds == null || bounds.intersects(0, i * squareL, upperArrangement.length * squareW, i * squareL)) { squares.drawLine(0, i * squareL, (upperArrangement.length * squareW) + 0, i * squareL); } counter++; if (counter > rows) { break; } } for (int j = 0; j < upperArrangement.length; j++) { if (bounds == null || bounds.intersects(j * squareW, 0, j * squareW, rows * squareL)) { squares.drawLine(j * squareW, 0, j * squareW, rows * squareL); } } if (bounds == null || bounds.intersects(upperArrangement.length * squareW, 0, upperArrangement.length * squareW, rows * squareL)) { squares.drawLine(upperArrangement.length * squareW, 0, upperArrangement.length * squareW, rows * squareL); } } squares.translate(-start.x, -start.y); }
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/** * Gets the enlarged frame./*from www .java 2s . c om*/ * * @param r the r * @param f the f * @return the enlarged frame */ public static Rectangle getEnlargedFrame(Rectangle r, int f) { Rectangle rn = new Rectangle(); rn.setLocation(round(r.getCenterX() - f / 2), round(r.getCenterY() - f / 2)); rn.setSize(f, f); return rn; }
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/** * Gets the enlarged frame./*from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param r the r * @return the enlarged frame */ public Rectangle getEnlargedFrame(Rectangle r) { Rectangle rn = new Rectangle(); int f = frameSize; if (frameSize * frameSize >= imageWidth * imageHeight * 0.8) { rn.setLocation(0, 0); rn.setSize(imageWidth, imageHeight); return rn; } int x = MathUtils.round(r.getX() + r.getWidth() / 2 - f / 2); int y = MathUtils.round(r.getY() + r.getHeight() / 2 - f / 2); x -= 1; y -= 1; int w = f; int h = f; rn.setLocation(x, y); rn.setSize(w, h); return rn; }
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@Override public void mouseWheelMoved(final MouseWheelEvent e) { if ((e.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0) { final int rotation = e.getWheelRotation(); final Point point = e.getPoint(); final Rectangle rect = this.hexMapPanel.getVisibleRect(); final HexPosition focusedNumber = this.hexMapPanel.getHexPosition(e.getPoint()); if (rotation < 0) { menuViewZoomInActionPerformed(null); } else {//from w ww . j a v a 2 s.c om menuViewZoomOutActionPerformed(null); } final float cellx = this.hexMapPanel.getHexEngine().calculateX(focusedNumber.getColumn(), focusedNumber.getRow()); final float celly = this.hexMapPanel.getHexEngine().calculateY(focusedNumber.getColumn(), focusedNumber.getRow()); final float cellw = this.hexMapPanel.getHexEngine().getCellWidth() * this.hexMapPanel.getHexEngine().getScaleX(); final float cellh = this.hexMapPanel.getHexEngine().getCellHeight() * this.hexMapPanel.getHexEngine().getScaleY(); final float dx = cellx + cellw / 2 - point.x; final float dy = celly + cellh / 2 - point.y; rect.setLocation(Math.round(rect.x + dx), Math.round(rect.y + dy)); this.hexMapPanel.scrollRectToVisible(rect); } }
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public void init() { + "\n"); docVersion = 0;//from ww w. ja v a2s . c om frame = new JFrame(Config.TITLE + " - Server Control Panel"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(itemExit, 0, null)); } }); // Create graphical terminal view panel = new WorkspacePanel(this); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); // Create a menu bar JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); // FILE JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); fileMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); // Load configuration itemLoadConfig = new JMenuItem("Load configuration..."); itemLoadConfig.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(itemLoadConfig); // Load terminal setup itemLoadExercise = new JMenuItem("Load exercise..."); itemLoadExercise.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(itemLoadExercise); fileMenu.addSeparator(); // Exit itemExit = new JMenuItem("Exit"); itemExit.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(itemExit); menuBar.add(fileMenu); // SERVER JMenu serverMenu = new JMenu("Server"); serverMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S); // Start itemServerStart = new JMenuItem("Start"); itemServerStart.addActionListener(this); serverMenu.add(itemServerStart); // Stop itemServerStop = new JMenuItem("Stop"); itemServerStop.addActionListener(this); serverMenu.add(itemServerStop); // Restart itemServerRestart = new JMenuItem("Restart"); itemServerRestart.addActionListener(this); itemServerRestart.setEnabled(false); serverMenu.add(itemServerRestart); // Monitor network connection itemServerMonitor = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Monitor network"); itemServerMonitor.addActionListener(this); itemServerMonitor.setState(false); serverMenu.add(itemServerMonitor); menuBar.add(serverMenu); // TERMINAL JMenu terminalMenu = new JMenu("Terminal"); terminalMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_T); itemTerminalLink = new JMenuItem("Link..."); itemTerminalLink.addActionListener(this); terminalMenu.add(itemTerminalLink); itemTerminalUnlink = new JMenuItem("Unlink..."); itemTerminalUnlink.addActionListener(this); terminalMenu.add(itemTerminalUnlink); itemTerminalUnlinkAll = new JMenuItem("Unlink All"); itemTerminalUnlinkAll.addActionListener(this); terminalMenu.add(itemTerminalUnlinkAll); itemTerminalSwap = new JMenuItem("Swap..."); itemTerminalSwap.addActionListener(this); terminalMenu.add(itemTerminalSwap); menuBar.add(terminalMenu); // GROUP JMenu groupMenu = new JMenu("Group"); groupMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_G); itemGroupStart = new JMenuItem("Start..."); itemGroupStart.addActionListener(this); groupMenu.add(itemGroupStart); itemGroupPause = new JMenuItem("Pause..."); itemGroupPause.addActionListener(this); groupMenu.add(itemGroupPause); itemGroupStop = new JMenuItem("Stop..."); itemGroupStop.addActionListener(this); groupMenu.add(itemGroupStop); menuBar.add(groupMenu); frame.setJMenuBar(menuBar); GraphicsEnvironment graphicsEnvironment = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); Rectangle maximumWindowBounds = graphicsEnvironment.getMaximumWindowBounds(); if (Config.SERVER_SIZE_FULLSCREEN) { maximumWindowBounds.setLocation(0, 0); maximumWindowBounds.setSize(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()); frame.setResizable(false); frame.setUndecorated(true); } else if (Config.SERVER_SIZE_100P_WINDOW) { // Fixes a bug in linux using gnome. With the line below the upper and // lower bars are respected maximumWindowBounds.height -= 1; } else if (Config.SERVER_SIZE_75P_WINDOW) { maximumWindowBounds.width *= 0.75; maximumWindowBounds.height *= 0.75; } else if (Config.SERVER_SIZE_50P_WINDOW) { maximumWindowBounds.width /= 2; maximumWindowBounds.height /= 2; } frame.setBounds(maximumWindowBounds); frame.setVisible(true);"Starting control panel"); // Autostart for debugging if (Config.SERVER_AUTOLOAD_CONFIGURATION != null) actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(itemLoadConfig, 0, null)); if (Config.SERVER_AUTOSTART_SERVER) actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(itemServerStart, 0, null)); if (Config.SERVER_AUTOLOAD_EXERCISE != null) actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(itemLoadExercise, 0, null)); if (Config.SERVER_AUTOSTART_GROUP > 0) actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(itemGroupStart, 0, null)); try { // Read the property files serverProperties = new Properties(); serverProperties.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream("data/properties/serverproperties.xml")); int rcPort = Integer.parseInt(serverProperties.getProperty("RemoteControlPort", "0")); if (rcPort > 0) { groupRemoteControlListener(rcPort); } isaPeriod = Integer.parseInt(serverProperties.getProperty("ISAPeriod", "60")); isaNumChoices = Integer.parseInt(serverProperties.getProperty("ISANumChoices", "6")); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { String tag = "ISAKeyText" + Integer.toString(i); String def_val = Integer.toString(i + 1); isakeytext[i] = serverProperties.getProperty(tag, def_val); } isaExtendedMode = serverProperties.getProperty("ISAExtendedMode", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to start remote control listener"); log.error(e.getMessage()); } isaClients = new HashSet<Integer>(); }
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private Rectangle getTextBoundingBox(int x, int y, int letterSpacing, int wordSpacing, int[] dx, String text, Font font, FontMetricsMapper metrics) { int maxAscent = metrics.getMaxAscent(font.getFontSize()) / 1000; int descent = metrics.getDescender(font.getFontSize()) / 1000; //is negative int safetyMargin = (int) (SAFETY_MARGIN_FACTOR * font.getFontSize()); Rectangle boundingRect = new Rectangle(x, y - maxAscent - safetyMargin, 0, maxAscent - descent + 2 * safetyMargin); int l = text.length(); int dxl = (dx != null ? dx.length : 0); if (dx != null && dxl > 0 && dx[0] != 0) { boundingRect.setLocation(boundingRect.x - (int) Math.ceil(dx[0] / 10f), boundingRect.y); }/*from www. j a va2 s .co m*/ float width = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { char orgChar = text.charAt(i); float glyphAdjust = 0; int cw = font.getCharWidth(orgChar); if ((wordSpacing != 0) && CharUtilities.isAdjustableSpace(orgChar)) { glyphAdjust += wordSpacing; } glyphAdjust += letterSpacing; if (dx != null && i < dxl - 1) { glyphAdjust += dx[i + 1]; } width += cw + glyphAdjust; } int extraWidth = font.getFontSize() / 3; boundingRect.setSize((int) Math.ceil(width) + extraWidth, boundingRect.height); return boundingRect; }
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private void adjustVerticalScrollBarForSearch(boolean bRefreshOnly) { final CollectController<Clct> cc = getCollectController(); final JViewport viewport = cc.getResultPanel().getResultTableScrollPane().getViewport(); if (bRefreshOnly) { final Rectangle rect = cc.getResultTable().getCellRect(0, 0, true); final Rectangle viewRect = viewport.getViewRect(); // There seem to be different opinions about what scrollRectToVisible has to do at SUN and everywhere else... rect.setLocation(viewRect.x, viewRect.y);//rect.x - viewRect.x, rect.y - viewRect.y); viewport.scrollRectToVisible(rect); } else {/* w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ Point viewPosition = viewport.getViewPosition(); viewport.setViewPosition(new Point(viewPosition.x, 0)); } final JScrollBar scrlbarVertical = cc.getResultPanel().getResultTableScrollPane().getVerticalScrollBar(); scrlbarVertical.setValue(scrlbarVertical.getMinimum()); }
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public static void scrollToVisible(JTable table, int rowIndex, int vColIndex) { if (!(table.getParent() instanceof JViewport)) { return;//from ww w . j a v a 2s .c o m } JViewport viewport = (JViewport) table.getParent(); // This rectangle is relative to the table where the // northwest corner of cell (0,0) is always (0,0). Rectangle rect = table.getCellRect(rowIndex, vColIndex, true); // The location of the viewport relative to the table Point pt = viewport.getViewPosition(); // Translate the cell location so that it is relative // to the view, assuming the northwest corner of the // view is (0,0) rect.setLocation(rect.x - pt.x, rect.y - pt.y); // Scroll the area into view viewport.scrollRectToVisible(rect); }