List of usage examples for java.awt.print Printable interface-usage
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/** * JUNG Panel Adaptor class uses an Adaptor Pattern to take * the MANV Network's and render the them with the JUNG Framework's Graphical Network. */ public class JUNGPanelAdapter extends JPanel implements Printable {
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class PrintableCanvas implements Printable { DrawingCanvas canvas; PageFormat pageFormat; public PrintableCanvas(PageFormat pf) { pageFormat = pf;
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/** * This component generates a 2D graphics image for screen display and printing. */ class PrintComponent extends JComponent implements Printable { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
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/** * @author Werner Jrg */ public class GridChartPanel extends JPanel implements Printable, MessageSource, ProgressSource { static class ImageTransferHandler extends TransferHandler {
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/** * @author nxi * */ public class CompositePanel extends JPanel implements ICompositePlot, ChartMouseListener, Printable {
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public class AnnotationReportCanvas extends JComponent implements SVGUtils.Renderable, BaseDocument.DocumentChangeListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, Printable { public interface SelectionChangeListener { public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangeEvent e); }
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/** * This class represents multiple series on a single unit graph; all series are * rendered together by MultiGraphView. */ public class Graph extends ChartPanel implements SettingOwner, EntityResolver, Observer, Printable { /** Interval for graph updates (in ms). */
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class PrintListingPainter implements Printable { private RandomAccessFile raf; private final String fileName; private final Font fnt = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 13); private int rememberedPageIndex = -1;
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* Reescritura de la clase ChartPanel. Se reescribe para personalizar el grafico con
* opciones de dibujado de rectangulos sobre el area del grfico.
* @see CharPanel JfreeChart
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/** * A banner that prints a text string on multiple pages. */ class Banner implements Printable { /** * Constructs a banner