Example usage for java.awt.image ColorModel getComponentSize

List of usage examples for java.awt.image ColorModel getComponentSize


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.image ColorModel getComponentSize.


public int[] getComponentSize() 

Source Link


Returns an array of the number of bits per color/alpha component.


From source file:lucee.runtime.img.Image.java

public void resize(int width, int height, int interpolation, double blurFactor) throws ExpressionException {

    ColorModel cm = image().getColorModel();

    if (interpolation == IP_HIGHESTPERFORMANCE) {
        interpolation = IPC_BICUBIC;/*from  ww w  . j  av a2s .  com*/

    if (cm.getColorSpace().getType() == ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY && cm.getComponentSize()[0] == 8) {
        if (interpolation == IP_HIGHESTQUALITY || interpolation == IP_HIGHPERFORMANCE
                || interpolation == IP_HIGHQUALITY || interpolation == IP_MEDIUMPERFORMANCE
                || interpolation == IP_MEDIUMQUALITY) {
            interpolation = IPC_BICUBIC;
        if (interpolation != IPC_BICUBIC && interpolation != IPC_BILINEAR && interpolation != IPC_NEAREST) {
            throw new ExpressionException("invalid grayscale interpolation");

    if (interpolation <= IPC_MAX) {
        resizeImage(width, height, interpolation);
    } else {
        image(ImageResizer.resize(image(), width, height, interpolation, blurFactor));


From source file:lucee.runtime.img.Image.java

public Struct info() throws ExpressionException {
    if (sctInfo != null)
        return sctInfo;

    Struct sctInfo = new StructImpl(), sct;

    sctInfo.setEL("height", new Double(getHeight()));
    sctInfo.setEL("width", new Double(getWidth()));
    sctInfo.setEL("source", source == null ? "" : source.getAbsolutePath());

    ColorModel cm = image().getColorModel();
    sct = new StructImpl();
    sctInfo.setEL("colormodel", sct);

    sct.setEL("alpha_channel_support", Caster.toBoolean(cm.hasAlpha()));
    sct.setEL("alpha_premultiplied", Caster.toBoolean(cm.isAlphaPremultiplied()));
    sct.setEL("transparency", toStringTransparency(cm.getTransparency()));
    sct.setEL("pixel_size", Caster.toDouble(cm.getPixelSize()));
    sct.setEL("num_components", Caster.toDouble(cm.getNumComponents()));
    sct.setEL("num_color_components", Caster.toDouble(cm.getNumColorComponents()));
    sct.setEL("colorspace", toStringColorSpace(cm.getColorSpace()));

    int[] bitspercomponent = cm.getComponentSize();
    Array arr = new ArrayImpl();
    Double value;/*w w w  .ja  v  a 2 s. c  o  m*/
    for (int i = 0; i < bitspercomponent.length; i++) {
        sct.setEL("bits_component_" + (i + 1), value = new Double(bitspercomponent[i]));
    sct.setEL("bits_component", arr);

    // colormodel_type
    if (cm instanceof ComponentColorModel)
        sct.setEL("colormodel_type", "ComponentColorModel");
    else if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel)
        sct.setEL("colormodel_type", "IndexColorModel");
    else if (cm instanceof PackedColorModel)
        sct.setEL("colormodel_type", "PackedColorModel");
        sct.setEL("colormodel_type", ListUtil.last(cm.getClass().getName(), '.'));


    ImageMeta.addInfo(format, source, sctInfo);

    this.sctInfo = sctInfo;
    return sctInfo;

From source file:org.geoserver.wps.gs.GeorectifyCoverage.java

        @DescribeResult(name = "result", description = "Georectified raster", type = GridCoverage2D.class),
        @DescribeResult(name = "path", description = "Pathname of the generated raster on the server", type = String.class) })
public Map<String, Object> execute(
        @DescribeParameter(name = "data", description = "Input raster") GridCoverage2D coverage,
        @DescribeParameter(name = "gcp", description = "List of Ground control points.  Points are specified as [x,y] or [x,y,z].") String gcps,
        @DescribeParameter(name = "bbox", description = "Bounding box for output", min = 0) Envelope bbox,
        @DescribeParameter(name = "targetCRS", description = "Coordinate reference system to use for the output raster") CoordinateReferenceSystem crs,
        @DescribeParameter(name = "width", description = "Width of output raster in pixels", min = 0) Integer width,
        @DescribeParameter(name = "height", description = "Height of output raster in pixels", min = 0) Integer height,
        @DescribeParameter(name = "warpOrder", min = 0, description = "Order of the warping polynomial (1 to 3)") Integer warpOrder,
        @DescribeParameter(name = "transparent", min = 0, description = "Force output to have transparent background") Boolean transparent,
        @DescribeParameter(name = "store", min = 0, description = "Indicates whether to keep the output file after processing") Boolean store,
        @DescribeParameter(name = "outputPath", min = 0, description = "Pathname where the output file is stored") String outputPath)
        throws IOException {

    GeoTiffReader reader = null;/*from   w ww.j  a  va2 s.  com*/
    List<File> removeFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
    String location = null;
    try {
        File tempFolder = config.getTempFolder();
        File loggingFolder = config.getLoggingFolder();

        // do we have to add the alpha channel?
        boolean forceTransparent = false;
        if (transparent == null) {
            transparent = true;
        ColorModel cm = coverage.getRenderedImage().getColorModel();
        if (cm.getTransparency() == Transparency.OPAQUE && transparent) {
            forceTransparent = true;

        // //
        // STEP 1: Getting the dataset to be georectified
        // //
        final Object fileSource = coverage.getProperty(GridCoverage2DReader.FILE_SOURCE_PROPERTY);
        if (fileSource != null && fileSource instanceof String) {
            location = (String) fileSource;
        if (location == null) {
            RenderedImage image = coverage.getRenderedImage();
            if (forceTransparent) {
                ImageWorker iw = new ImageWorker(image);
                final ImageLayout tempLayout = new ImageLayout(image);
                RenderedImage alpha = ConstantDescriptor.create(Float.valueOf(image.getWidth()),
                        Float.valueOf(image.getHeight()), new Byte[] { Byte.valueOf((byte) 255) },
                        new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, tempLayout));
                iw.addBand(alpha, false);
                image = iw.getRenderedImage();
                cm = image.getColorModel();
            File storedImageFile = storeImage(image, tempFolder);
            location = storedImageFile.getAbsolutePath();

        // //
        // STEP 2: Adding Ground Control Points
        // //
        final int gcpNum[] = new int[1];
        final String gcp = parseGcps(gcps, gcpNum);
        File vrtFile = addGroundControlPoints(location, gcp, config.getGdalTranslateParameters());
        if (vrtFile == null || !vrtFile.exists() || !vrtFile.canRead()) {
            throw new IOException("Unable to get a valid file with attached Ground Control Points");

        // //
        // STEP 3: Warping
        // //
        File warpedFile = warpFile(vrtFile, bbox, crs, width, height, warpOrder, tempFolder, loggingFolder,
                config.getExecutionTimeout(), config.getGdalWarpingParameters());
        if (warpedFile == null || !warpedFile.exists() || !warpedFile.canRead()) {
            throw new IOException("Unable to get a valid georectified file");

        boolean expand = false;
        if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel) {
            expand = true;
        } else if (cm instanceof ComponentColorModel && cm.getNumComponents() == 1
                && cm.getComponentSize()[0] == 1) {
            expand = true;
        if (expand) {
            warpedFile = expandRgba(warpedFile.getAbsolutePath());

        // if we have the output path move the final file there
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(store) && outputPath != null) {
            File output = new File(outputPath);
            if (output.exists()) {
                if (!output.delete()) {
                    throw new WPSException("Output file " + outputPath + " exists but cannot be overwritten");
            } else {
                File parent = output.getParentFile();
                if (!parent.exists()) {
                    if (!parent.mkdirs()) {
                        throw new WPSException("Output file parent directory " + parent.getAbsolutePath()
                                + " does not exist and cannot be created");
            if (!warpedFile.renameTo(output)) {
                throw new WPSException("Could not move " + warpedFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + outputPath
                        + ", it's likely a permission issue");
            warpedFile = output;

        // mark the output file for deletion at the end of request
        if (resourceManager != null && !Boolean.TRUE.equals(store)) {
            resourceManager.addResource(new WPSFileResource(warpedFile));

        // //
        // FINAL STEP: Returning the warped gridcoverage
        // //
        reader = new GeoTiffReader(warpedFile);
        GridCoverage2D cov = addLocationProperty(reader.read(null), warpedFile);

        Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        result.put("result", cov);
        result.put("path", warpedFile.getAbsolutePath());
        return result;
    } finally {
        if (reader != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                // Does nothing

        for (File file : removeFiles) {

From source file:org.photovault.image.PhotovaultImage.java

 Create a color mapping LUT based on current color channel mapping.
 @return the created LUT. If not channel mapping is specified, returns an
 identity mapping.//from  w w  w.ja va2s  . co  m
private LookupTableJAI createColorMappingLUT() {
    ColorModel colorModel = this.getCorrectedImageColorModel();
    ColorSpace colorSpace = colorModel.getColorSpace();

    int[] componentSizes = colorModel.getComponentSize();
    ColorCurve valueCurve = null;
    ColorCurve[] componentCurves = new ColorCurve[componentSizes.length];
    boolean[] applyValueCurve = new boolean[componentSizes.length];
    for (int n = 0; n < componentSizes.length; n++) {
        applyValueCurve[n] = false;

    if (channelMap != null) {
        valueCurve = channelMap.getChannelCurve("value");
        switch (colorSpace.getType()) {
        case ColorSpace.TYPE_GRAY:
            // Gray scale image - just apply value curve to 1st channel
            componentCurves[0] = valueCurve;
        case ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB:
            componentCurves[0] = channelMap.getChannelCurve("red");
            componentCurves[1] = channelMap.getChannelCurve("green");
            componentCurves[2] = channelMap.getChannelCurve("blue");
            applyValueCurve[0] = true;
            applyValueCurve[1] = true;
            applyValueCurve[2] = true;
            // Unsupported color format. Just return identity transform
    if (valueCurve == null) {
        // No color mapping found, use identity mapping
        valueCurve = new ColorCurve();

    LookupTableJAI jailut = null;
    if (componentSizes[0] == 8) {
        byte[][] lut = new byte[componentSizes.length][256];
        double dx = 1.0 / 256.0;
        for (int band = 0; band < colorModel.getNumComponents(); band++) {
            for (int n = 0; n < lut[band].length; n++) {
                double x = dx * n;
                double val = x;
                if (band < componentCurves.length && componentCurves[band] != null) {
                    val = componentCurves[band].getValue(val);
                if (band < applyValueCurve.length && applyValueCurve[band]) {
                    val = valueCurve.getValue(val);
                val = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(val, 1.0));
                lut[band][n] = (byte) ((lut[band].length - 1) * val);
        jailut = new LookupTableJAI(lut);
    } else if (componentSizes[0] == 16) {
        short[][] lut = new short[componentSizes.length][0x10000];
        double dx = 1.0 / 65536.0;
        for (int band = 0; band < colorModel.getNumComponents(); band++) {
            for (int n = 0; n < lut[band].length; n++) {
                double x = dx * n;
                double val = x;
                if (band < componentCurves.length && componentCurves[band] != null) {
                    val = componentCurves[band].getValue(val);
                if (band < applyValueCurve.length && applyValueCurve[band]) {
                    val = valueCurve.getValue(val);
                val = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(val, 1.0));
                lut[band][n] = (short) ((lut[band].length - 1) * val);
        jailut = new LookupTableJAI(lut, true);
    } else {
        log.error("Unsupported data type with with = " + componentSizes[0]);
    return jailut;

From source file:org.photovault.image.PhotovaultImage.java

 Create lookup table for saturation correction. The operation is done 
 in IHS color space, so the lookup table will contain identity mapping
 for intensity & hue channels and map based "saturation" curve from channelMap
 for saturation. If "saturation curve is nonexistent, use identity mapping for 
 saturation as well.//from  w w w  .ja v  a  2  s .  c  o  m
private LookupTableJAI createSaturationMappingLUT() {
    ColorModel colorModel = this.getCorrectedImageColorModel();

    int[] componentSizes = colorModel.getComponentSize();
    ColorCurve satCurve = null;
    if (channelMap != null) {
        satCurve = channelMap.getChannelCurve("saturation");
    if (satCurve == null) {
        satCurve = new ColorCurve();

    LookupTableJAI jailut = null;
    if (componentSizes[0] == 8) {
        byte[][] lut = new byte[componentSizes.length][256];
        double dx = 1.0 / 256.0;
        for (int band = 0; band < componentSizes.length; band++) {
            // Saturation
            for (int n = 0; n < lut[band].length; n++) {
                double x = dx * n;
                double val = x;
                if (band == 2) {
                    val = satCurve.getValue(val);
                val = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(val, 1.0));
                lut[band][n] = (byte) ((lut[band].length - 1) * val);

        jailut = new LookupTableJAI(lut);
    } else if (componentSizes[0] == 16) {
        short[][] lut = new short[componentSizes.length][0x10000];
        double dx = 1.0 / 65536.0;
        for (int band = 0; band < componentSizes.length; band++) {
            for (int n = 0; n < lut[band].length; n++) {
                double x = dx * n;
                double val = x;
                if (band == 2) {
                    val = satCurve.getValue(val);
                val = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(val, 1.0));
                lut[band][n] = (short) ((lut[band].length - 1) * val);
        jailut = new LookupTableJAI(lut, true);
    } else {
        log.error("Unsupported data type with with = " + componentSizes[0]);
    return jailut;

From source file:org.photovault.image.PhotovaultImage.java

 Add saturation mapping into from of the image processing pipeline.
 @param src The image to which saturation correction is applied
 @return Saturation change operator.//ww w  .j  av a  2  s . c om
protected RenderableOp getSaturated(RenderableOp src) {
    IHSColorSpace ihs = IHSColorSpace.getInstance();
    ColorModel srcCm = getCorrectedImageColorModel();
    int[] componentSizes = srcCm.getComponentSize();
    if (componentSizes.length != 3) {
        // This is not an RGB image
        // TODO: handle also images with alpha channel
        return null;
    ColorModel ihsColorModel = new ComponentColorModel(ihs, componentSizes, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE,

    // Create a ParameterBlock for the conversion.
    ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
    // Do the conversion.
    RenderableOp ihsImage = JAI.createRenderable("colorconvert", pb);
    ihsImage.setProperty("org.photovault.opname", "color_corrected_ihs_image");

    //        saturatedIhsImage =
    //                MultiplyConstDescriptor.createRenderable( ihsImage, new double[] {1.0, 1.0, saturation}, null );
    LookupTableJAI jailut = createSaturationMappingLUT();
    saturatedIhsImage = LookupDescriptor.createRenderable(ihsImage, jailut, null);
    saturatedIhsImage.setProperty("org.photovault.opname", "saturated_ihs_image");
    pb = new ParameterBlock();
    ColorSpace sRGB = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
    ColorModel srgbColorModel = new ComponentColorModel(sRGB, componentSizes, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE,
    pb.add(srgbColorModel); // RGB color model!        
    RenderableOp saturatedImage = JAI.createRenderable("colorconvert", pb);
    saturatedImage.setProperty("org.photovault.opname", "saturated_image");

    return saturatedImage;