Example usage for java.awt Graphics2D rotate

List of usage examples for java.awt Graphics2D rotate


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt Graphics2D rotate.


public abstract void rotate(double theta);

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Concatenates the current Graphics2D Transform with a rotation transform.


From source file:uk.ac.babraham.BamQC.Graphs.ScatterGraph.java

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

    g.setColor(Color.WHITE);//from  w  w w . java  2s.  c  o m
    g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

    if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
        ((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

    double yStart, xStart;
    if (minY % yInterval == 0) {
        yStart = minY;
    } else {
        yStart = yInterval * (((int) minY / yInterval) + 1);

    if (minX % xInterval == 0) {
        xStart = minX;
    } else {
        xStart = xInterval * (((int) minX / xInterval) + 1);

    int xOffset = 0;

    // Draw the yLabel on the left of the yAxis
    int yLabelRightShift = 12;
    if (yLabel == null || yLabel.isEmpty()) {
        yLabelRightShift = 0;
    } else {
        if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
            AffineTransform orig = g2.getTransform();
            g2.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
            g2.drawString(yLabel, -getY(-yInterval) / 2 - (g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(yLabel) / 2),

    // Draw the y axis labels
    int lastYLabelEnd = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for (double i = yStart; i <= maxY; i += yInterval) {
        String label = "" + i;
        label = label.replaceAll(".0$", ""); // Don't leave trailing .0s where we don't need them.
        // Calculate the new xOffset depending on the widest ylabel.
        int width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(label);
        if (width > xOffset) {
            xOffset = width;
        // place the y axis labels so that they don't overlap when the plot is resized.
        int baseNumberHeight = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
        int baseNumberPosition = getY(i) + (baseNumberHeight / 2);
        if (baseNumberPosition + baseNumberHeight < lastYLabelEnd) {
            // Draw the y axis labels
            g.drawString(label, yLabelRightShift + 6, baseNumberPosition);
            lastYLabelEnd = baseNumberPosition + 2;

    // Give the x axis a bit of breathing space
    xOffset = xOffset + yLabelRightShift + 8;

    // Now draw horizontal lines across from the y axis
    g.setColor(new Color(180, 180, 180));
    for (double i = yStart; i <= maxY; i += yInterval) {
        g.drawLine(xOffset, getY(i), getWidth() - 10, getY(i));

    // Draw the graph title
    int titleWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(graphTitle);
    g.drawString(graphTitle, (xOffset + ((getWidth() - (xOffset + 10)) / 2)) - (titleWidth / 2), 30);

    // Draw the xLabel under the xAxis
    g.drawString(xLabel, (getWidth() / 2) - (g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(xLabel) / 2), getHeight() - 5);

    // Now draw the data points
    double baseWidth = (getWidth() - (xOffset + 10)) / (maxX - minX);

    //      System.out.println("Base Width is "+baseWidth);
    // Let's find the longest label, and then work out how often we can draw labels
    int lastXLabelEnd = 0;

    // Draw the x axis labels
    for (double i = xStart; i <= maxX; i += xInterval) {
        String baseNumber = "" + i;
        baseNumber = baseNumber.replaceAll(".0$", ""); // Don't leave trailing .0s where we don't need them.
        // Calculate the new xOffset depending on the widest ylabel.
        int baseNumberWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(baseNumber);
        int baseNumberPosition = (int) (xOffset + (baseWidth * i) - (baseNumberWidth / 2));

        if (baseNumberPosition > lastXLabelEnd) {
            g.drawString(baseNumber, baseNumberPosition, getHeight() - 25);
            lastXLabelEnd = baseNumberPosition + baseNumberWidth + 5;
        // Now draw vertical lines across from the y axis
        g.setColor(new Color(180, 180, 180));
        g.drawLine((int) (xOffset + (baseWidth * i)), getHeight() - 40, (int) (xOffset + (baseWidth * i)), 40);

    // Now draw the axes
    g.drawLine(xOffset, getHeight() - 40, getWidth() - 10, getHeight() - 40);
    g.drawLine(xOffset, getHeight() - 40, xOffset, 40);

    // Initialise the arrays containing the tooltips
    rectangles = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
    tips = new ArrayList<String>();

    // Draw the data points
    double ovalSize = 5;
    // We distinguish two inputs since the x label does not start from 0.
    // used for computing the actual line points as if they were starting from 0.
    double[] inputVar = new double[data.length];
    double[] responseVar = new double[data.length];
    for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
        double x = getX(xCategories[d], xOffset) - ovalSize / 2;
        double y = getY(data[d]) - ovalSize / 2;
        g.fillOval((int) x, (int) y, (int) (ovalSize), (int) (ovalSize));
        g.drawString(toolTipLabels[d], (int) x + 2, (int) y + 16);
        inputVar[d] = Double.valueOf(xCategories[d]);
        responseVar[d] = data[d];

        // Tool tips
        Rectangle r = new Rectangle((int) x, (int) y, (int) (ovalSize), (int) (ovalSize));

    // Draw the intercept 

    // WARNING: Is drawing a least squares regression line asserting that "the distribution follows a power law" correct?
    // This is our case if we plot log-log..
    // It seems not in this paper (Appendix A) http://arxiv.org/pdf/0706.1062v2.pdf

    if (data.length > 1) {
        LinearRegression linReg = new LinearRegression(inputVar, responseVar);
        double intercept = linReg.intercept();
        double slope = linReg.slope();
        double rSquare = linReg.R2();

        // Let's now calculate the two points (x1, y1) and (xn, yn)
        // (x1, y1). We need to skip the areas where x1<minY and y1>maxY
        double x1 = minX;
        double y1 = slope * minX + intercept;
        if (y1 < minY) {
            x1 = (minY - intercept) / slope;
            y1 = minY;
        } else if (y1 > maxY) {
            x1 = (maxY - intercept) / slope;
            y1 = maxY;
        // (xn, yn). maxX which essentially is inputVar[inputVar.length-1]
        double xn = maxX;
        double yn = slope * maxX + intercept;

        if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
            ((Graphics2D) g).setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.5f));
        g.drawLine(getX(x1, xOffset), getY(y1), getX(xn, xOffset), getY(yn));
        if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
            ((Graphics2D) g).setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));

        // Draw the legend for the intercept
        String legendString = "y = " + Precision.round(slope, 3) + "x";
        if (intercept < 0)
            legendString += " - " + Precision.round(-intercept, 3);
            legendString += " + " + Precision.round(intercept, 3);
        int width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(legendString);

        // First draw a box to put the legend in
        g.fillRect(xOffset + 10, 45, width + 8, 35);
        g.drawRect(xOffset + 10, 45, width + 8, 35);

        // Now draw the legend label
        g.drawString(legendString, xOffset + 13, 60);
        g.drawString("R^2 = " + Precision.round(rSquare, 3), xOffset + 13, 76);
