List of usage examples for java.awt Graphics drawString
public abstract void drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator iterator, int x, int y);
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/** * @param g//from w w w.ja v a2 s . com * @param d */ protected void drawScaleBar(Graphics g, Dimension d, double displayMin, double displayMax) { /* * FIXME this is all a bit of a hack */ g.setColor(Color.white); int upperLeftScalebarGutter = 10; int scaleBarHeight = 10; // these and text height have to total < SCALE_BAR_ROOM int desiredScaleBarLength = (int) Math.min(DEFAULT_SCALE_BAR_WIDTH, d.getWidth()); if (desiredScaleBarLength < 10) { return; } g.drawRect(upperLeftScalebarGutter, upperLeftScalebarGutter, desiredScaleBarLength, upperLeftScalebarGutter); JGradientLabel scalebar = new JGradientLabel(new ColorMap(this.getColorMap()).getPalette()); scalebar.setBackground(Color.white); scalebar.setSize(new Dimension(desiredScaleBarLength, scaleBarHeight)); int actualWidth = scalebar.drawAtLocation(g, upperLeftScalebarGutter, upperLeftScalebarGutter); g.setColor(; g.drawString(String.format("%.2g", displayMin), 0, upperLeftScalebarGutter + scaleBarHeight + m_fontGutter + g.getFontMetrics().getHeight()); g.drawString(String.format("%.2g", displayMax), actualWidth, upperLeftScalebarGutter + scaleBarHeight + m_fontGutter + g.getFontMetrics().getHeight()); g.drawRect(upperLeftScalebarGutter, upperLeftScalebarGutter, actualWidth, scaleBarHeight); }
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/** * Draws row names (horizontally)//from w ww. j a v a2 s . com * * @param g Graphics * @param showScalebar */ protected void drawRowNames(Graphics g, boolean showScalebar) { if (colorMatrix == null) return; Color oldColor = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(colorMatrix.getColumnCount() * m_cellSize.width, 0, colorMatrix.getColumnCount() * m_cellSize.width, this.getHeight()); int rowCount = colorMatrix.getRowCount(); int xLabelStartPosition = colorMatrix.getColumnCount() * m_cellSize.width + m_labelGutter; g.setColor(; g.setFont(m_labelFont); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { int y = i * m_cellSize.height + m_columnLabelHeight + m_labelGutter; int yLabelPosition = y + m_cellSize.height - m_fontGutter; if (showScalebar) { yLabelPosition += SCALE_BAR_ROOM; } Object rowName = colorMatrix.getRowName(i); if (null == rowName) { rowName = "Undefined"; } g.drawString(rowName.toString(), xLabelStartPosition, yLabelPosition); } // end drawing row names g.setColor(oldColor); }
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/** * Draw the line on the image for debugging * @param g the graphics environment to draw in * @param n the number of the line/*from w ww . j av a 2 s . com*/ */ public void draw(Graphics g, int n) { Point p1, p2 = null; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { p1 = p2; p2 = points.get(i); if (p1 != null) { int x1 = Math.round(p1.x); int y1 = Math.round(p1.y); int x2 = Math.round(p2.x); int y2 = Math.round(p2.y); if (!rogue) { g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); } else { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3)); g2.draw(new Line2D.Float(x1, y1, x2, y2)); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); } } } Rectangle bounds = getPointsBounds(); String num = Integer.toString(n); g.drawString(num, bounds.x - 30, (bounds.y * 2 + bounds.height) / 2); //System.out.println("width of line"+n+": "+bounds.width); }
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public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Rectangle drawHere = g.getClipBounds(); // Fill clipping area with dirty brown/orange. g.setColor(new Color(230, 163, 4)); g.fillRect(drawHere.x, drawHere.y, drawHere.width, drawHere.height); // Do the ruler labels in a small font that's black. g.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10)); g.setColor(;// w w w . j a v a 2 s .c om // Some vars we need. int end = 0; int start = 0; int tickLength = 0; String text = null; // Use clipping bounds to calculate first tick // and last tick location. if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) { start = (drawHere.x / increment) * increment; end = (((drawHere.x + drawHere.width) / increment) + 1) * increment; } else { start = (drawHere.y / increment) * increment; end = (((drawHere.y + drawHere.height) / increment) + 1) * increment; } // Make a special case of 0 to display the number // within the rule and draw a units label. if (start == 0) { text = Integer.toString(0) + (isMetric ? " cm" : " in"); tickLength = 10; if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) { g.drawLine(0, SIZE - 1, 0, SIZE - tickLength - 1); g.drawString(text, 2, 21); } else { g.drawLine(SIZE - 1, 0, SIZE - tickLength - 1, 0); g.drawString(text, 9, 10); } text = null; start = increment; } // ticks and labels for (int i = start; i < end; i += increment) { if (i % units == 0) { tickLength = 10; text = Integer.toString(i / units); } else { tickLength = 7; text = null; } if (tickLength != 0) { if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) { g.drawLine(i, SIZE - 1, i, SIZE - tickLength - 1); if (text != null) g.drawString(text, i - 3, 21); } else { g.drawLine(SIZE - 1, i, SIZE - tickLength - 1, i); if (text != null) g.drawString(text, 9, i + 3); } } } }
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/** * Draws a line on the screen at the specified index. Default is green. * <p/>//from ww w. j a v a 2 s.c om * Available colours: red, green, cyan, purple, white. * * @param render The Graphics object to be used. * @param row The index where you want the text. * @param text The text you want to render. Colours can be set like [red]. */ public static void drawLine(Graphics render, int row, String text) { FontMetrics metrics = render.getFontMetrics(); int height = metrics.getHeight() + 4; // height + gap int y = row * height + 15 + 19; String[] texts = text.split("\\["); int xIdx = 7; Color cur = Color.GREEN; for (String t : texts) { for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") String element : COLOURS_STR) { // String element = COLOURS_STR[i]; // Don't search for a starting '[' cause it they don't exists. // we split on that. int endIdx = t.indexOf(']'); if (endIdx != -1) { String colorName = t.substring(0, endIdx); if (COLOR_MAP.containsKey(colorName)) { cur = COLOR_MAP.get(colorName); } else { try { Field f = Color.class.getField(colorName); int mods = f.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isPublic(mods) && Modifier.isStatic(mods) && Modifier.isFinal(mods)) { cur = (Color) f.get(null); COLOR_MAP.put(colorName, cur); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } t = t.replace(colorName + "]", ""); } } render.setColor(Color.BLACK); render.drawString(t, xIdx, y + 1); render.setColor(cur); render.drawString(t, xIdx, y); xIdx += metrics.stringWidth(t); } }
From source
/** * This method retrieves a heatmap image from jfreechart and places it on the panel * along with black divider lines and labels to create a heat map graph. * /*from w ww .j a va2s.c o m*/ * @param g The Graphics for the jpanel. */ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); if (moleculeList.size() > 0) { float tickStep; BufferedImage drawing = HeatMapUtilities.createHeatMapImage(this.getDataset(), this.spectrum); int leftEdge = this.getWidth() / 8; int topEdge = this.getHeight() / 32; int bottomEdge = this.getHeight() * 7 / 8; int rightEdge = this.getWidth() * 31 / 32; mapPosition = new Rectangle(leftEdge, topEdge, rightEdge - leftEdge, bottomEdge - topEdge); g.drawImage(drawing, leftEdge, topEdge, rightEdge - leftEdge, bottomEdge - topEdge, this.getBackground(), this); // y-axis int yAxisPos = leftEdge - 1; // g.drawLine( yAxisPos, topEdge, yAxisPos, bottomEdge ); tickStep = (bottomEdge - topEdge) / (float) moleculeList.size(); for (int i = 0; i <= moleculeList.size(); i++) { int tickY = Math.round(topEdge + i * tickStep); g.drawLine(rightEdge, tickY, yAxisPos - tickSize, tickY); if (i < moleculeList.size()) { String name = this.moleculeList.get(this.moleculeList.size() - 1 - i).toString(); g.drawString(name, yAxisPos - 4 - g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(name), (int) (tickY + tickStep)); } } // x-axis int xAxisPos = bottomEdge; tickStep = (rightEdge - leftEdge) / (float) moleculeList.size(); // g.drawLine( leftEdge, xAxisPos, rightEdge, xAxisPos ); for (int i = 0; i <= moleculeList.size(); i++) { int tickX = (int) (leftEdge + i * tickStep); g.drawLine(tickX, topEdge, tickX, xAxisPos + tickSize); } // transform clockwise 90 degrees for the vertical text AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); at.quadrantRotate(3); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); g2d.transform(at); for (int i = 0; i < moleculeList.size(); i++) { int tickX = Math.round(leftEdge + i * tickStep); String name = this.moleculeList.get(i).toString(); g2d.drawString(name, -(int) (xAxisPos + 4 + g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(name)), (int) (tickX + tickStep)); } } }
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public void paint(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; Dimension size = getSize();//from ww w . j a va2 s.c o m Composite origComposite; setupWeatherReport(); origComposite = g2.getComposite(); if (alpha0 != null) g2.setComposite(alpha0); g2.drawImage(img0, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, 0, 0, img0.getWidth(null), img0.getHeight(null), null); if (img1 != null) { if (alpha1 != null) g2.setComposite(alpha1); g2.drawImage(img1, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, 0, 0, img1.getWidth(null), img1.getHeight(null), null); } g2.setComposite(origComposite); // Freezing, Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot, // Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 36); g.setFont(font); String tempString = feels + " " + temperature + "F"; FontRenderContext frc = ((Graphics2D) g).getFontRenderContext(); Rectangle2D boundsTemp = font.getStringBounds(tempString, frc); Rectangle2D boundsCond = font.getStringBounds(condStr, frc); int wText = Math.max((int) boundsTemp.getWidth(), (int) boundsCond.getWidth()); int hText = (int) boundsTemp.getHeight() + (int) boundsCond.getHeight(); int rX = (size.width - wText) / 2; int rY = (size.height - hText) / 2; g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); g2.fillRect(rX, rY, wText, hText); g.setColor(textColor); int xTextTemp = rX - (int) boundsTemp.getX(); int yTextTemp = rY - (int) boundsTemp.getY(); g.drawString(tempString, xTextTemp, yTextTemp); int xTextCond = rX - (int) boundsCond.getX(); int yTextCond = rY - (int) boundsCond.getY() + (int) boundsTemp.getHeight(); g.drawString(condStr, xTextCond, yTextCond); }
From source
/** * Write a blank thumbnail image so user doesn't see the broken icon. *///from w w w.ja v a 2 s. c om private void writePlaceholderThumbnailImage(OutputStream os, int placeholderSize) throws IOException { // Make the image a bit bigger to account for the empty space around the generated image. // If we can find a way to remove this empty space, we don't need to make the chart bigger. BufferedImage buffer = new BufferedImage(placeholderSize + 16, placeholderSize + 9, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = buffer.createGraphics(); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0, 0, placeholderSize + 16, placeholderSize + 9); g.setColor(Color.gray); g.drawLine(8, placeholderSize + 5, placeholderSize + 8, placeholderSize + 5); // x-axis g.drawLine(8, 5, 8, placeholderSize + 5); // y-axis g.setColor(; Font font = g.getFont(); g.setFont(new Font(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), 8)); g.drawString("N/A", 9, placeholderSize); ImageIO.write(buffer, "png", os); }
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public static Rectangle drawString(Graphics g, Font font, String text, int x, int y, int width, int height, int align, boolean wrap) { g.setFont(font);//from w 2 s .co m FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font); setPreferredAliasingMode(g); Rectangle ret = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); if (text == null) { return ret; } String[] alines = text.split("\\n"); ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : alines) { if (wrap && fm.stringWidth(s) > width) { // need to split this up into multiple lines... List<String> splitLines = wrapString(s, fm, width); lines.addAll(splitLines); } else { lines.add(s); } } int numlines = lines.size(); while (fm.getHeight() * numlines > height) { numlines--; } if (numlines > 0) { int maxwidth = 0; int minxoffset = y + width; int totalheight = (numlines * fm.getHeight()); int linestart = ((height / 2) - (totalheight / 2)); if (!wrap) { ret.y = y + linestart; } else { ret.y = y; linestart = 0; } for (int idx = 0; idx < numlines; ++idx) { String line = lines.get(idx); int stringWidth = fm.stringWidth(line); // the width of the label depends on the font : // if the width of the label is larger than the item if (stringWidth > 0 && width < stringWidth) { // We have to truncate the label line = clipString(null, fm, line, width); stringWidth = fm.stringWidth(line); } int xoffset = 0; int yoffset = linestart + fm.getHeight() - fm.getDescent(); if (align == TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) { xoffset = (width - stringWidth); } else if (align == TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) { xoffset = (int) Math.round((double) (width - stringWidth) / (double) 2); } if (xoffset < minxoffset) { minxoffset = xoffset; } g.drawString(line, x + xoffset, y + yoffset); if (stringWidth > maxwidth) { maxwidth = stringWidth; } linestart += fm.getHeight(); } ret.width = maxwidth; ret.height = totalheight; ret.x = x + minxoffset; // Debug only... if (DEBUG) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(ret.x, ret.y, ret.width, ret.height); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(x, y, width, height); } return ret; } return ret; }
From source
public void createFrame() { final VisualizationViewer<Vertex, Edge> vv = v.getVisualisationViewer(); vv.getRenderContext().setVertexIconTransformer(new Transformer<Vertex, Icon>() { public Icon transform(final Vertex v) { return new Icon() { public int getIconHeight() { return 40; }//from ww w . ja va2 s.c om public int getIconWidth() { return 40; } public void paintIcon(java.awt.Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { ImageIcon img; if (v.getType() == "node") { img = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/server.png")); } else if (v.getType() == "platform") { img = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/dbms.png")); } else { img = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/soft.png")); } ImageObserver io = new ImageObserver() { public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int infoflags, int x, int y, int width, int height) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } }; g.drawImage(img.getImage(), x, y, getIconHeight(), getIconWidth(), io); if (!vv.getPickedVertexState().isPicked(v)) { g.setColor(; } else { g.setColor(; properties.setModel(new CPIMTable(v)); runtimeProperties.setModel(new CPSMTable(v)); } g.drawString(v.getName(), x - 10, y + 50); } }; } }); // create a frame to hold the graph final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); Container content = frame.getContentPane(); final GraphZoomScrollPane panel = new GraphZoomScrollPane(vv); content.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); final ModalGraphMouse gm = new DefaultModalGraphMouse<Integer, Number>(); vv.setGraphMouse(gm); final ScalingControl scaler = new CrossoverScalingControl(); JButton plus = new JButton("+"); plus.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { scaler.scale(vv, 1.1f, vv.getCenter()); } }); JButton save = new JButton("save"); save.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = fc.showDialog(frame, "save"); File result = fc.getSelectedFile(); JsonCodec codec = new JsonCodec(); OutputStream streamResult; try { streamResult = new FileOutputStream(result);, streamResult); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } }); JButton saveImage = new JButton("save as image"); saveImage.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = fc.showDialog(frame, "save"); File result = fc.getSelectedFile(); JsonCodec codec = new JsonCodec(); v.writeJPEGImage(result); } }); //WE NEED TO UPDATE THE FACADE AND THE GUI JButton load = new JButton("load"); load.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = fc.showDialog(frame, "load"); File result = fc.getSelectedFile(); JsonCodec codec = new JsonCodec(); try { InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(result); Deployment model = (Deployment) codec.load(stream); dmodel = model; v.setDeploymentModel(dmodel); ArrayList<Vertex> V = v.drawFromDeploymentModel(); nodeTypes.removeAll(); nodeTypes.setModel(fillList()); properties.setModel(new CPIMTable(V.get(0))); runtimeProperties.setModel(new CPSMTable(V.get(0))); CommandFactory fcommand = new CommandFactory(); CloudMlCommand load = fcommand.loadDeployment(result.getPath()); cml.fireAndWait(load); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } }); JButton minus = new JButton("-"); minus.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { scaler.scale(vv, 1 / 1.1f, vv.getCenter()); } }); JButton deploy = new JButton("Deploy!"); deploy.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //cad.deploy(dmodel); System.out.println("deploy"); CommandFactory fcommand = new CommandFactory(); CloudMlCommand deploy = fcommand.deploy(); cml.fireAndWait(deploy); } }); //right panel JPanel intermediary = new JPanel(); intermediary.setLayout(new BoxLayout(intermediary, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); intermediary.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; JLabel jlCPIM = new JLabel(); jlCPIM.setText("CPIM"); JLabel jlCPSM = new JLabel(); jlCPSM.setText("CPSM"); properties = new JTable(null); //properties.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); JTableHeader h = properties.getTableHeader(); JPanel props = new JPanel(); props.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); props.add(new JScrollPane(properties), BorderLayout.CENTER); props.add(h, BorderLayout.NORTH); runtimeProperties = new JTable(null); //runtimeProperties.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); JTableHeader h2 = runtimeProperties.getTableHeader(); JPanel runProps = new JPanel(); runProps.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); runProps.add(h2, BorderLayout.NORTH); runProps.add(new JScrollPane(runtimeProperties), BorderLayout.CENTER); intermediary.add(jlCPIM); intermediary.add(props); intermediary.add(jlCPSM); intermediary.add(runProps); content.add(intermediary, BorderLayout.EAST); //Left panel JPanel selection = new JPanel(); JLabel nodes = new JLabel(); nodes.setText("Types"); selection.setLayout(new BoxLayout(selection, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); nodeTypes = new JList(fillList()); nodeTypes.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL); nodeTypes.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); nodeTypes.setVisibleRowCount(10); JScrollPane types = new JScrollPane(nodeTypes); types.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 80)); selection.add(nodes); selection.add(types); content.add(selection, BorderLayout.WEST); ((DefaultModalGraphMouse<Integer, Number>) gm) .add(new MyEditingGraphMousePlugin(0, vv, v.getGraph(), nodeTypes, dmodel)); JPanel controls = new JPanel(); controls.add(plus); controls.add(minus); controls.add(save); controls.add(saveImage); controls.add(load); controls.add(deploy); controls.add(((DefaultModalGraphMouse<Integer, Number>) gm).getModeComboBox()); content.add(controls, BorderLayout.SOUTH); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); }