Example usage for java.awt.geom Rectangle2D.Double getWidth

List of usage examples for java.awt.geom Rectangle2D.Double getWidth


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.geom Rectangle2D.Double getWidth.


public abstract double getWidth();

Source Link


Returns the width of the framing rectangle in double precision.


From source file:Main.java

public static boolean isPosible(Rectangle2D.Double r) {
    if ((r.getMaxX() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (r.getMaxY() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            || (r.getMinX() < Integer.MIN_VALUE) || (r.getMinY() < Integer.MIN_VALUE)
            || (r.getWidth() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (r.getHeight() > Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
        return false;
    }//from  w ww.j a  va  2 s.co m

    return true;

From source file:com.hp.autonomy.frontend.reports.powerpoint.PowerPointServiceImpl.java

 * Utility function to compute bounds for a shape in PowerPoint coordinates, given the bounds of the original
 *   free space available and a measure of the shape's height.
 * @param pageAnchor the available bounds in PowerPoint coordinates.
 * @param space the height of the shape.
 * @return the bounds for the shape.//from w  w w .  j  a v a 2 s  . c  o m
private static Rectangle2D.Double startingSpace(final Rectangle2D.Double pageAnchor, final double space) {
    return new Rectangle2D.Double(pageAnchor.getMinX(), pageAnchor.getMinY(), pageAnchor.getWidth(), space);

From source file:com.hp.autonomy.frontend.reports.powerpoint.PowerPointServiceImpl.java

 * Utility function to compute the bounds for the remaining space, given the bounds of the original
 *   free space available and the amount of vertical height already taken.
 * @param pageAnchor the available bounds in PowerPoint coordinates.
 * @param usedSpace how much height is already taken.
 * @return the bounds for the remaining space under the used space.
 */// w w  w  .  j av a 2  s  . c o m
private static Rectangle2D.Double remainingSpace(final Rectangle2D.Double pageAnchor, final double usedSpace) {
    return new Rectangle2D.Double(pageAnchor.getMinX(), pageAnchor.getMinY() + usedSpace, pageAnchor.getWidth(),
            Math.max(1, pageAnchor.getHeight() - usedSpace));

From source file:com.hp.autonomy.frontend.reports.powerpoint.PowerPointServiceImpl.java

 * Internal implementation to add a table to a slide.
 * @param slide the slide to add to./*  w ww . ja v  a 2 s .c o  m*/
 * @param anchor bounding rectangle to draw onto, in PowerPoint coordinates.
 * @param rows number of rows.
 * @param cols number of columns.
 * @param data the data for each cell, laid out row-by-row.
 * @param crop whether we should try and crop the table to the bounding rectangle by removing extra rows.
 *               This doesn't guarantee an exact match, since the font metrics may not exactly match.
private static void addTable(final XSLFSlide slide, final Rectangle2D.Double anchor, final int rows,
        final int cols, final String[] data, final boolean crop) {
    final XSLFTable table = slide.createTable(rows, cols);

    int idx = 0;

    double availWidth = anchor.getWidth();
    double tableW = 0;

    if (cols == 2) {
        // In the most common situation, there's a count column which should be relatively smaller.
        // Make it take 10%, or 70 pixels, whichever is bigger, unless that's more than 50% of the overall space.
        final double minCountWidth = 70;
        final double countColWidth = Math.min(0.5 * availWidth, Math.max(minCountWidth, availWidth * 0.1));
        table.setColumnWidth(0, availWidth - countColWidth);
        table.setColumnWidth(1, countColWidth);
        tableW += table.getColumnWidth(0);
        tableW += table.getColumnWidth(1);
    } else {
        for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
            table.setColumnWidth(col, availWidth / cols);
            tableW += table.getColumnWidth(col);

    // PowerPoint won't auto-shrink the table for you; and the POI API can't calculate the heights, so we just
    //   have to assume the total row heights add up to be the table height.
    double tableH = 0;

    for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
        for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
            final XSLFTableCell cell = table.getCell(row, col);

            for (final TableCell.BorderEdge edge : TableCell.BorderEdge.values()) {
                cell.setBorderColor(edge, Color.BLACK);

        final double nextH = tableH + table.getRowHeight(row);

        if (crop && nextH > anchor.getHeight() && row < rows - 1) {
            // If it doesn't fit, merge all the final row cells together and label them with an ellipsis.
            table.mergeCells(row, row, 0, cols - 1);
            table.getCell(row, 0).setText("\u2026");
        } else {
            tableH = nextH;

    final double width = Math.min(tableW, availWidth);

    table.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(anchor.getMinX() + 0.5 * (availWidth - width), anchor.getMinY(),
            width, Math.min(tableH, anchor.getHeight())));

From source file:com.hp.autonomy.frontend.reports.powerpoint.PowerPointServiceImpl.java

 * Internal implementation to add an image (a world map, though other image data is also fine) to a slide.
 *   Preserves the original image's aspect ratio, leaving blank space below and to the sides of the image.
 * @param slide the slide to add to.//  www.  j a  v a  2 s  .c  o  m
 * @param anchor bounding rectangle to draw onto, in PowerPoint coordinates.
 * @param picture the picture data.
 * @param markers an array of markers to draw over the map.
 * @param polygons
 * @return the picture shape object added to the slide.
private static XSLFPictureShape addMap(final XSLFSlide slide, final Rectangle2D.Double anchor,
        final XSLFPictureData picture, final Marker[] markers, final MapData.Polygon[] polygons) {
    double tgtW = anchor.getWidth(), tgtH = anchor.getHeight();

    final Dimension size = picture.getImageDimension();
    final double ratio = size.getWidth() / size.getHeight();

    if (ratio > tgtW / tgtH) {
        // source image is wider than target, clip fixed width variable height
        tgtH = tgtW / ratio;
    } else {
        tgtW = tgtH * ratio;

    final XSLFPictureShape canvas = slide.createPicture(picture);
    // Vertically align top, horizontally-align center
    final double offsetX = anchor.getMinX() + 0.5 * (anchor.getWidth() - tgtW), offsetY = anchor.getMinY();
    canvas.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(offsetX, offsetY, tgtW, tgtH));

    if (polygons != null) {
        for (MapData.Polygon polygon : polygons) {
            final Color color = Color.decode(polygon.getColor());
            final double[][] shapes = polygon.getPoints();
            // The ESRI spec version 1.2.1 from http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sfa has section,
            //    which defines polygons as follows:
            /// A Polygon is a planar Surface defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries.
            //    Each interior boundary defines a hole in the Polygon. A Triangle is a polygon with 3 distinct,
            //    non-collinear vertices and no interior boundary.
            /// The exterior boundary LinearRing defines the top? of the surface which is the side of the surface
            //    from which the exterior boundary appears to traverse the boundary in a counter clockwise direction.
            //    The interior LinearRings will have the opposite orientation, and appear as clockwise
            //    when viewed from the top?
            // so it's even-odd winding (whereas the Path2D default is non-zero-winding).
            final Path2D.Double path = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD);

            for (final double[] points : shapes) {
                for (int ii = 0; ii < points.length; ii += 2) {
                    final double x1 = offsetX + points[ii] * tgtW;
                    final double y1 = offsetY + points[ii + 1] * tgtH;
                    if (ii == 0) {
                        path.moveTo(x1, y1);
                    } else {
                        path.lineTo(x1, y1);

            final XSLFFreeformShape freeform = slide.createFreeform();
            // There's a 0.5 alpha transparency on the stroke, and a 0.2 alpha transparency on the polygon fill.
            freeform.setLineColor(transparentColor(color, 128));
            freeform.setFillColor(transparentColor(color, 51));

            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(polygon.getText())) {
                final PackageRelationship rel = freeform.getSheet().getPackagePart().addRelationship(
                        slide.getPackagePart().getPartName(), TargetMode.INTERNAL,
                // We create a hyperlink which links back to this slide; so we get hover-over-detail-text on the polygon
                final CTHyperlink link = ((CTShape) freeform.getXmlObject()).getNvSpPr().getCNvPr()

    for (Marker marker : markers) {
        final Color color = Color.decode(marker.getColor());
        final double centerX = offsetX + marker.getX() * tgtW;
        final double centerY = offsetY + marker.getY() * tgtH;

        if (marker.isCluster()) {
            final XSLFGroupShape group = slide.createGroup();
            double halfMark = 10;
            double mark = halfMark * 2;
            double innerHalfMark = 7;
            double innerMark = innerHalfMark * 2;
            // align these so the middle is the latlng position
            final Rectangle2D.Double groupAnchor = new Rectangle2D.Double(centerX - halfMark,
                    centerY - halfMark, mark, mark);


            final XSLFAutoShape shape = group.createAutoShape();
            final boolean fade = marker.isFade();
            // There's a 0.3 alpha transparency (255 * 0.3 is 76) when a marker is faded out
            final int FADE_ALPHA = 76;
            shape.setFillColor(transparentColor(color, fade ? 47 : 154));

            final XSLFAutoShape inner = group.createAutoShape();
            inner.setFillColor(fade ? transparentColor(color, FADE_ALPHA) : color);
            inner.setLineColor(new Color((int) (color.getRed() * 0.9), (int) (color.getGreen() * 0.9),
                    (int) (color.getBlue() * 0.9), fade ? FADE_ALPHA : 255));
            final XSLFTextParagraph para = inner.addNewTextParagraph();
            final XSLFTextRun text = para.addNewTextRun();
            final Color fontColor = Color.decode(StringUtils.defaultString(marker.getFontColor(), "#000000"));
            text.setFontColor(fade ? transparentColor(fontColor, FADE_ALPHA) : fontColor);
            inner.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(centerX - innerHalfMark, centerY - innerHalfMark, innerMark,
        } else {
            final XSLFGroupShape group = slide.createGroup();

            final XSLFFreeformShape shape = group.createFreeform();

            shape.setFillColor(transparentColor(color, 210));

            final double halfMark = 8, mark = halfMark * 2, extension = 0.85,
                    markerHeight = (0.5 + extension) * mark, angle = Math.asin(0.5 / extension) * 180 / Math.PI;

            // Set group position
                    new Rectangle2D.Double(centerX - halfMark, centerY - markerHeight, mark, markerHeight));
            group.setInteriorAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, mark, markerHeight));

            // Draw a semicircle and a triangle to represent the marker, pointing at the precise x,y location
            final Path2D.Double path = new Path2D.Double();
            path.moveTo(halfMark, markerHeight);
            path.append(new Arc2D.Double(0, 0, mark, mark, -angle, 180 + angle + angle, Arc2D.OPEN), true);
            path.lineTo(halfMark, markerHeight);
            shape.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, mark, markerHeight));

            final XSLFAutoShape disc = group.createAutoShape();
            final double discRadius = 0.25 * mark;
            final double discDiameter = 2 * discRadius;
            disc.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(halfMark - discRadius, halfMark - discRadius, discDiameter,

            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(marker.getText())) {
                final PackageRelationship rel = shape.getSheet().getPackagePart().addRelationship(
                        slide.getPackagePart().getPartName(), TargetMode.INTERNAL,
                // We create a hyperlink which links back to this slide; so we get hover-over-detail-text on the marker
                // Annoyingly, you can't put a link on the group, just on the individual shapes.
                for (XSLFShape clickable : group.getShapes()) {
                    final CTHyperlink link = ((CTShape) clickable.getXmlObject()).getNvSpPr().getCNvPr()

    return canvas;

From source file:com.hp.autonomy.frontend.reports.powerpoint.PowerPointServiceImpl.java

 * Internal implementation to add a topic map to a slide.
 * @param slide the slide to add to./*w  w  w  . java  2 s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param anchor bounding rectangle to draw onto, in PowerPoint coordinates.
 * @param data the topic map data.
private static void addTopicMap(final XSLFSlide slide, final Rectangle2D.Double anchor,
        final TopicMapData data) {
    for (final TopicMapData.Path reqPath : data.getPaths()) {
        final XSLFFreeformShape shape = slide.createFreeform();
        final Path2D.Double path = new Path2D.Double();

        boolean first = true;

        for (double[] point : reqPath.getPoints()) {
            final double x = point[0] * anchor.getWidth() + anchor.getMinX();
            final double y = point[1] * anchor.getHeight() + anchor.getMinY();
            if (first) {
                path.moveTo(x, y);
                first = false;
            } else {
                path.lineTo(x, y);


        final XSLFTextParagraph text = shape.addNewTextParagraph();
        final XSLFTextRun textRun = text.addNewTextRun();

        final CTShape cs = (CTShape) shape.getXmlObject();

        double max = 100, min = 1, scale = 100;
        final CTTextNormalAutofit autoFit = cs.getTxBody().getBodyPr().getNormAutofit();
        final double availHeight = path.getBounds2D().getHeight();
        final int RESIZE_ATTEMPTS = 7;

        for (int attempts = 0; attempts < RESIZE_ATTEMPTS; ++attempts) {
            // PowerPoint doesn't resize the text till you edit it once, which means the text initially looks too
            //   large when you first view the slide; so we binary-chop to get a sensible initial approximation.
            // OpenOffice does the text resize on load so it doesn't have this problem.
            autoFit.setFontScale(Math.max(1, (int) (scale * 1000)));

            final double textHeight = shape.getTextHeight();
            if (textHeight < availHeight) {
                min = scale;
                scale = 0.5 * (min + max);
            } else if (textHeight > availHeight) {
                max = scale;
                scale = 0.5 * (min + max);
            } else {

        final int opacity = (int) (100000 * reqPath.getOpacity());
        final Color c1 = Color.decode(reqPath.getColor());
        final Color c2 = Color.decode(reqPath.getColor2());

        final CTGradientFillProperties gFill = cs.getSpPr().addNewGradFill();
        final CTGradientStopList list = gFill.addNewGsLst();

        final CTGradientStop stop1 = list.addNewGs();
        final CTSRgbColor color1 = stop1.addNewSrgbClr();
        color1.setVal(new byte[] { (byte) c1.getRed(), (byte) c1.getGreen(), (byte) c1.getBlue() });

        final CTGradientStop stop2 = list.addNewGs();
        final CTSRgbColor color2 = stop2.addNewSrgbClr();
        color2.setVal(new byte[] { (byte) c2.getRed(), (byte) c2.getGreen(), (byte) c2.getBlue() });

        if (reqPath.level > 0) {
            // The nodes which aren't leaf nodes can be clicked on to hide them so you can see the nodes underneath.
            // This only works in PowerPoint; OpenOffice doesn't seem to support it. OpenOffice has its own syntax
            //   to do something similar, but we don't use it since PowerPoint treats it as corrupt.
            final String shapeId = Integer.toString(shape.getShapeId());
            final CTSlide slXML = slide.getXmlObject();

            final CTTimeNodeList childTnLst;
            final CTBuildList bldLst;
            if (!slXML.isSetTiming()) {
                final CTSlideTiming timing = slXML.addNewTiming();
                final CTTLCommonTimeNodeData ctn = timing.addNewTnLst().addNewPar().addNewCTn();
                childTnLst = ctn.addNewChildTnLst();
                bldLst = timing.addNewBldLst();
            } else {
                final CTSlideTiming timing = slXML.getTiming();
                childTnLst = timing.getTnLst().getParArray(0).getCTn().getChildTnLst();
                bldLst = timing.getBldLst();

            final CTTLTimeNodeSequence seq = childTnLst.addNewSeq();
            final CTTLCommonTimeNodeData common = seq.addNewCTn();


            final CTTLTimeConditionList condList = common.addNewStCondLst();
            final CTTLTimeCondition cond = condList.addNewCond();

            final CTTLTimeCondition endSync = common.addNewEndSync();

            // These holdCtn* 'hold' transitions with zero delay might seem redundant; but they're exported in the
            //   PowerPoint XML, and the online PowerPoint Office365 viewer won't support the click animations
            //   unless they're present (e.g. from the 'Start Slide Show' button in the browser).
            final CTTLCommonTimeNodeData holdCtn1 = common.addNewChildTnLst().addNewPar().addNewCTn();


            final CTTLCommonTimeNodeData holdCtn2 = holdCtn1.addNewChildTnLst().addNewPar().addNewCTn();


            final CTTLCommonTimeNodeData clickCtn = holdCtn2.addNewChildTnLst().addNewPar().addNewCTn();



            final CTTimeNodeList clickChildTnList = clickCtn.addNewChildTnLst();

            final CTTLAnimateEffectBehavior animEffect = clickChildTnList.addNewAnimEffect();
            final CTTLCommonBehaviorData cBhvr = animEffect.addNewCBhvr();
            final CTTLCommonTimeNodeData bhvrCtn = cBhvr.addNewCTn();


            final CTTLSetBehavior clickSet = clickChildTnList.addNewSet();
            final CTTLCommonBehaviorData clickSetBhvr = clickSet.addNewCBhvr();
            final CTTLCommonTimeNodeData hideCtn = clickSetBhvr.addNewCTn();



            final CTTLBuildParagraph bldP = bldLst.addNewBldP();

From source file:com.hp.autonomy.frontend.reports.powerpoint.PowerPointServiceImpl.java

public XMLSlideShow report(final ReportData report, final boolean slidePerVisualizer)
        throws TemplateLoadException {
    final SlideShowTemplate template = loadTemplate();
    final XMLSlideShow ppt = template.getSlideShow();

    final Rectangle2D.Double pageAnchor = createPageAnchor(ppt);
    double width = pageAnchor.getWidth();
    double height = pageAnchor.getHeight();

    if (!slidePerVisualizer) {
        // If drawing multiple visualizations on a single slide, we need to render the charts first since adding
        //   chart objects directly via XML after calling slide.getShapes() or createShape() etc. will break things.
        Arrays.sort(report.getChildren(), Comparator.comparingInt(PowerPointServiceImpl::prioritizeCharts));
    }/*from ww  w.j  a v a  2s .  c  om*/

    // As above, we need to have a separate slide to place our sizing textbox for calculations.
    XSLFSlide sizingSlide = ppt.createSlide();
    // This is the slide to draw on.
    XSLFSlide slide = ppt.createSlide();

    int shapeId = 1;
    boolean first = true;

    for (final ReportData.Child child : report.getChildren()) {
        if (slidePerVisualizer && !first) {
            sizingSlide = ppt.createSlide();
            slide = ppt.createSlide();

        first = false;

        final ComposableElement data = child.getData();
        final Rectangle2D.Double anchor = new Rectangle2D.Double(pageAnchor.getMinX() + width * child.getX(),
                pageAnchor.getMinY() + height * child.getY(), width * child.getWidth(),
                height * child.getHeight());

        if (child.getMargin() >= 0) {
            final double margin = child.getMargin();
            final double marginX2 = margin * 2;
            final double textMargin = child.getTextMargin();

            if (anchor.getWidth() > marginX2) {
                double xCursor = anchor.getMinX() + margin, xWidthAvail = anchor.getWidth() - marginX2,
                        yCursor = anchor.getMinY() + margin, yHeightAvail = anchor.getHeight() - marginX2;
                XSLFTextBox sizingBox = null;

                final String title = child.getTitle();
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(title) && yHeightAvail > 0) {
                    sizingBox = sizingSlide.createTextBox();
                    final Rectangle2D.Double sizingAnchor = new Rectangle2D.Double(xCursor, yCursor,
                            xWidthAvail, yHeightAvail);
                    addTextRun(sizingBox.addNewTextParagraph(), title, child.getFontSize(), Color.BLACK)

                    final double textHeight = sizingBox.getTextHeight() + textMargin;
                    yCursor += textHeight;
                    yHeightAvail -= textHeight;

                if (yHeightAvail > 0) {
                    anchor.setRect(xCursor, yCursor, xWidthAvail, yHeightAvail);
                } else if (sizingBox != null) {

        if (data instanceof DategraphData) {
            addDategraph(template, slide, anchor, (DategraphData) data, shapeId, "relId" + shapeId);
        } else if (data instanceof ListData) {
            final ListData listData = (ListData) data;
            addList(imageSource, ppt, slide, anchor, false, listData, null, null);
        } else if (data instanceof MapData) {
            final MapData mapData = (MapData) data;
            addMap(slide, anchor, addPictureData(imageSource, ppt, mapData.getImage()), mapData.getMarkers(),
        } else if (data instanceof SunburstData) {
            addSunburst(template, slide, anchor, (SunburstData) data, shapeId, "relId" + shapeId);
        } else if (data instanceof TableData) {
            final TableData tableData = (TableData) data;
            addTable(slide, anchor, tableData.getRows(), tableData.getCols(), tableData.getCells(), true);
        } else if (data instanceof TopicMapData) {
            addTopicMap(slide, anchor, (TopicMapData) data);
        } else if (data instanceof TextData) {
            addTextData(slide, anchor, (TextData) data);

        if (slidePerVisualizer) {
            transferSizedTextboxes(ppt, slide, sizingSlide);

    if (!slidePerVisualizer) {
        transferSizedTextboxes(ppt, slide, sizingSlide);

    return ppt;

From source file:com.hp.autonomy.frontend.reports.powerpoint.SlideShowTemplate.java

 * Utility function to clone the graphical object which represents a chart on a slide.
 * @param base the object to clone.//from  w  ww  .  j a  v  a 2s .c  o  m
 * @param relId the new relation ID we should insert.
 * @param shapeId the new shape ID we should insert.
 * @param shapeName the new shape name we should insert.
 * @param anchor the bounds of the new shape object in PowerPoint coordinates, if set, or null to use the existing clone's bounds.
 * @return a new clone object with the desired properties.
private CTGraphicalObjectFrame cloneShapeXML(final CTGraphicalObjectFrame base, final String relId,
        final int shapeId, final String shapeName, final Rectangle2D.Double anchor) {
    /* Based on viewing the raw chart.
      <p:cNvPr id="4" name="Chart 3"/>
          <p:ext uri="{D42A27DB-BD31-4B8C-83A1-F6EECF244321}">
            <p14:modId xmlns:p14="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/powerpoint/2010/main" val="866141002"/>
      <a:off x="0" y="0"/>
      <a:ext cx="12192000" cy="6858000"/>
      <a:graphicData uri="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart">
        <c:chart xmlns:c="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart"
                 xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" r:id="rId2"/>
    final CTGraphicalObjectFrame copy = (CTGraphicalObjectFrame) base.copy();

    final CTNonVisualDrawingProps cNvPr = copy.getNvGraphicFramePr().getCNvPr();

    final XmlObject[] children = copy.getGraphic().getGraphicData()
            .selectChildren(new QName(XSSFRelation.NS_CHART, "chart"));

    if (anchor != null) {
        final CTPoint2D off = copy.getXfrm().getOff();
        off.setX((int) (anchor.getX() * EMU_PER_POINT));
        off.setY((int) (anchor.getY() * EMU_PER_POINT));

        final CTPositiveSize2D ext = copy.getXfrm().getExt();
        ext.setCx((int) (anchor.getWidth() * EMU_PER_POINT));
        ext.setCy((int) (anchor.getHeight() * EMU_PER_POINT));

    for (final XmlObject child : children) {
        child.getDomNode().getAttributes().getNamedItemNS(RELATION_NAMESPACE, "id").setNodeValue(relId);

    return copy;