List of usage examples for java.awt.geom Path2D WIND_EVEN_ODD
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/** * Internal implementation to add an image (a world map, though other image data is also fine) to a slide. * Preserves the original image's aspect ratio, leaving blank space below and to the sides of the image. * @param slide the slide to add to./* w w w.j a va 2 s. com*/ * @param anchor bounding rectangle to draw onto, in PowerPoint coordinates. * @param picture the picture data. * @param markers an array of markers to draw over the map. * @param polygons * @return the picture shape object added to the slide. */ private static XSLFPictureShape addMap(final XSLFSlide slide, final Rectangle2D.Double anchor, final XSLFPictureData picture, final Marker[] markers, final MapData.Polygon[] polygons) { double tgtW = anchor.getWidth(), tgtH = anchor.getHeight(); final Dimension size = picture.getImageDimension(); final double ratio = size.getWidth() / size.getHeight(); if (ratio > tgtW / tgtH) { // source image is wider than target, clip fixed width variable height tgtH = tgtW / ratio; } else { tgtW = tgtH * ratio; } final XSLFPictureShape canvas = slide.createPicture(picture); // Vertically align top, horizontally-align center final double offsetX = anchor.getMinX() + 0.5 * (anchor.getWidth() - tgtW), offsetY = anchor.getMinY(); canvas.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(offsetX, offsetY, tgtW, tgtH)); if (polygons != null) { for (MapData.Polygon polygon : polygons) { final Color color = Color.decode(polygon.getColor()); final double[][] shapes = polygon.getPoints(); // The ESRI spec version 1.2.1 from has section, // which defines polygons as follows: /// A Polygon is a planar Surface defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries. // Each interior boundary defines a hole in the Polygon. A Triangle is a polygon with 3 distinct, // non-collinear vertices and no interior boundary. /// The exterior boundary LinearRing defines the top? of the surface which is the side of the surface // from which the exterior boundary appears to traverse the boundary in a counter clockwise direction. // The interior LinearRings will have the opposite orientation, and appear as clockwise // when viewed from the top? // so it's even-odd winding (whereas the Path2D default is non-zero-winding). final Path2D.Double path = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD); for (final double[] points : shapes) { for (int ii = 0; ii < points.length; ii += 2) { final double x1 = offsetX + points[ii] * tgtW; final double y1 = offsetY + points[ii + 1] * tgtH; if (ii == 0) { path.moveTo(x1, y1); } else { path.lineTo(x1, y1); } } path.closePath(); } final XSLFFreeformShape freeform = slide.createFreeform(); freeform.setPath(path); freeform.setStrokeStyle(0.5); // There's a 0.5 alpha transparency on the stroke, and a 0.2 alpha transparency on the polygon fill. freeform.setLineColor(transparentColor(color, 128)); freeform.setFillColor(transparentColor(color, 51)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(polygon.getText())) { final PackageRelationship rel = freeform.getSheet().getPackagePart().addRelationship( slide.getPackagePart().getPartName(), TargetMode.INTERNAL, XSLFRelation.SLIDE.getRelation()); // We create a hyperlink which links back to this slide; so we get hover-over-detail-text on the polygon final CTHyperlink link = ((CTShape) freeform.getXmlObject()).getNvSpPr().getCNvPr() .addNewHlinkClick(); link.setTooltip(polygon.getText()); link.setId(rel.getId()); link.setAction("ppaction://hlinksldjump"); } } } for (Marker marker : markers) { final Color color = Color.decode(marker.getColor()); final double centerX = offsetX + marker.getX() * tgtW; final double centerY = offsetY + marker.getY() * tgtH; if (marker.isCluster()) { final XSLFGroupShape group = slide.createGroup(); double halfMark = 10; double mark = halfMark * 2; double innerHalfMark = 7; double innerMark = innerHalfMark * 2; // align these so the middle is the latlng position final Rectangle2D.Double groupAnchor = new Rectangle2D.Double(centerX - halfMark, centerY - halfMark, mark, mark); group.setAnchor(groupAnchor); group.setInteriorAnchor(groupAnchor); final XSLFAutoShape shape = group.createAutoShape(); shape.setShapeType(ShapeType.ELLIPSE); final boolean fade = marker.isFade(); // There's a 0.3 alpha transparency (255 * 0.3 is 76) when a marker is faded out final int FADE_ALPHA = 76; shape.setFillColor(transparentColor(color, fade ? 47 : 154)); shape.setAnchor(groupAnchor); final XSLFAutoShape inner = group.createAutoShape(); inner.setFillColor(fade ? transparentColor(color, FADE_ALPHA) : color); inner.setLineWidth(0.1); inner.setLineColor(new Color((int) (color.getRed() * 0.9), (int) (color.getGreen() * 0.9), (int) (color.getBlue() * 0.9), fade ? FADE_ALPHA : 255)); inner.setShapeType(ShapeType.ELLIPSE); inner.setHorizontalCentered(true); inner.setWordWrap(false); inner.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.MIDDLE); inner.clearText(); final XSLFTextParagraph para = inner.addNewTextParagraph(); para.setTextAlign(TextParagraph.TextAlign.CENTER); final XSLFTextRun text = para.addNewTextRun(); text.setFontSize(6.0); final Color fontColor = Color.decode(StringUtils.defaultString(marker.getFontColor(), "#000000")); text.setFontColor(fade ? transparentColor(fontColor, FADE_ALPHA) : fontColor); text.setText(marker.getText()); inner.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(centerX - innerHalfMark, centerY - innerHalfMark, innerMark, innerMark)); } else { final XSLFGroupShape group = slide.createGroup(); final XSLFFreeformShape shape = group.createFreeform(); shape.setHorizontalCentered(true); shape.setWordWrap(false); shape.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM); shape.setLineWidth(0.5); shape.setLineColor(color.darker()); shape.setFillColor(transparentColor(color, 210)); final double halfMark = 8, mark = halfMark * 2, extension = 0.85, markerHeight = (0.5 + extension) * mark, angle = Math.asin(0.5 / extension) * 180 / Math.PI; // Set group position group.setAnchor( new Rectangle2D.Double(centerX - halfMark, centerY - markerHeight, mark, markerHeight)); group.setInteriorAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, mark, markerHeight)); // Draw a semicircle and a triangle to represent the marker, pointing at the precise x,y location final Path2D.Double path = new Path2D.Double(); path.moveTo(halfMark, markerHeight); path.append(new Arc2D.Double(0, 0, mark, mark, -angle, 180 + angle + angle, Arc2D.OPEN), true); path.lineTo(halfMark, markerHeight); shape.setPath(path); shape.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, mark, markerHeight)); final XSLFAutoShape disc = group.createAutoShape(); disc.setShapeType(ShapeType.DONUT); final double discRadius = 0.25 * mark; final double discDiameter = 2 * discRadius; disc.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(halfMark - discRadius, halfMark - discRadius, discDiameter, discDiameter)); disc.setFillColor(Color.WHITE); disc.setLineColor(Color.WHITE); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(marker.getText())) { final PackageRelationship rel = shape.getSheet().getPackagePart().addRelationship( slide.getPackagePart().getPartName(), TargetMode.INTERNAL, XSLFRelation.SLIDE.getRelation()); // We create a hyperlink which links back to this slide; so we get hover-over-detail-text on the marker // Annoyingly, you can't put a link on the group, just on the individual shapes. for (XSLFShape clickable : group.getShapes()) { final CTHyperlink link = ((CTShape) clickable.getXmlObject()).getNvSpPr().getCNvPr() .addNewHlinkClick(); link.setTooltip(marker.getText()); link.setId(rel.getId()); link.setAction("ppaction://hlinksldjump"); } } } } return canvas; }
From source
/** * Returns a closed, stright-line {@link Path2D} representation of this list * @return a path representation of {@code this} *///from w w w .ja v a 2 s. c om public Path2D toPath() { Path2D path = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD, size()); boolean starting = true; for (Location loc : this) { double lat = loc.getLatitude(); double lon = loc.getLongitude(); // if just starting, then moveTo if (starting) { path.moveTo(lon, lat); starting = false; continue; } path.lineTo(lon, lat); } path.closePath(); return path; }