Example usage for java.awt.geom Dimension2D getWidth

List of usage examples for java.awt.geom Dimension2D getWidth


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.geom Dimension2D getWidth.


public abstract double getWidth();

Source Link


Returns the width of this Dimension in double precision.


From source file:ShapeTransform.java

 * Translates the given shape. The shape is translated to the origin supplied
 * in <code>point</code>. If scaling is requested, the shape will also be
 * scaled using an AffineTransform.//from ww  w  . j ava2  s .co m
 * @param s
 *          the shape that should be transformed
 * @param scale
 *          true, if the shape should be scaled, false otherwise
 * @param keepAR
 *          true, if the scaled shape should keep the aspect ratio
 * @param dim
 *          the target dimension.
 * @return the transformed shape
public static Shape transformShape(final Shape s, final boolean scale, final boolean keepAR,
        final Dimension2D dim) {
    return transformShape(s, scale, keepAR, dim.getWidth(), dim.getHeight());

From source file:net.sf.jasperreports.customizers.shape.LineDotShapeCustomizer.java

protected Point getOffset(Dimension2D size) {
    return new Point((int) (size.getWidth() / 2), (int) (size.getHeight() / 2));

From source file:net.sf.jasperreports.customizers.shape.AbstractShapeCustomizer.java

 * Builds an ellipse shape./* w w  w . ja  v a  2s  .  c om*/
 * @return the ellipse or null if its size is not specified
protected Shape buildEllipse() {
    Ellipse2D ellipse = null;
    Dimension2D size = getSize();
    if (size != null) {
        Point offset = getOffset(size);
        ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Float(-offset.getX(), -offset.getY(), (float) size.getWidth(),
                (float) size.getHeight());
    return ellipse;

From source file:net.sf.jasperreports.customizers.shape.AbstractShapeCustomizer.java

 * Builds a rectangle shape./*from  ww w.ja  va 2 s  .  c  o  m*/
 * @return the rectangle or null if its size is not specified
protected Shape buildRectangle() {
    Rectangle2D rectangle = null;
    Dimension2D size = getSize();
    if (size != null) {
        Point offset = getOffset(size);
        rectangle = new Rectangle2D.Float(-offset.getX(), -offset.getY(), (float) size.getWidth(),
                (float) size.getHeight());
    return rectangle;

From source file:org.jax.haplotype.analysis.visualization.SimplePhylogenyTreeImageFactory.java

 * Transform the tree layout so that it fits nicely in the given image
 * dimensions/*w  ww .jav a2 s. com*/
 * @param treeLayout
 *          the layout to transform
 * @param imageWidth
 *          the image width
 * @param imageHeight
 *          the image height
private void transformTreeLayout(VisualTreeNode treeLayout, int imageWidth, int imageHeight,
        FontRenderContext frc) {
    Dimension2D maximalNodeLabelDimension = this.calculateMaximalNodeDimension(treeLayout, frc);
    double widthBuffer = maximalNodeLabelDimension.getWidth() + BORDER_WHITE_SPACE;
    double heightBuffer = maximalNodeLabelDimension.getHeight() + BORDER_WHITE_SPACE;

    // perform rotation to improve the use of space
        // center around 0, 0
        VisualTreeNode[] mostDistantPair = this.getMostDistantNodePair(treeLayout);
        Point2D distantPoint1 = mostDistantPair[0].getPosition();
        Point2D distantPoint2 = mostDistantPair[1].getPosition();
        double xDiff = distantPoint1.getX() - distantPoint2.getX();
        double yDiff = distantPoint1.getY() - distantPoint2.getY();
        this.translateTreeLayout(treeLayout, (xDiff / 2.0) - distantPoint1.getX(),
                (yDiff / 2.0) - distantPoint2.getY());

        // rotate
        double thetaRadians = Math.atan2(yDiff, xDiff);

        if (imageWidth >= imageHeight) {
            this.rotateTreeLayout(treeLayout, -thetaRadians);
        } else {
            this.rotateTreeLayout(treeLayout, (Math.PI / 2.0 - thetaRadians));

    Rectangle2D boundingRectangle = this.calculateBounds(treeLayout, null);

    // center around the middle of the display area
    this.translateTreeLayout(treeLayout, -boundingRectangle.getX(), -boundingRectangle.getY());

    // grow the image to fill a larger area
    double xScale = (imageWidth - widthBuffer) / boundingRectangle.getWidth();
    double yScale = (imageHeight - heightBuffer) / boundingRectangle.getHeight();
    double smallerScale = Math.min(xScale, yScale);

    this.scaleTreeLayout(treeLayout, smallerScale);

    // center around the middle of the display area
    boundingRectangle = this.calculateBounds(treeLayout, null);
            ((imageWidth - boundingRectangle.getWidth()) / 2.0) - boundingRectangle.getX(),
            ((imageHeight - boundingRectangle.getHeight()) / 2.0) - boundingRectangle.getY());

From source file:com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.swing.panel.MindMapPanel.java

public static BufferedImage renderMindMapAsImage(final MindMap model, final MindMapPanelConfig cfg,
        final boolean expandAll) {
    final MindMap workMap = new MindMap(model, null);
    workMap.resetPayload();//from  w  w w  .  j av  a  2s.co m

    if (expandAll) {

    final Dimension2D blockSize = calculateSizeOfMapInPixels(workMap, cfg, expandAll);
    if (blockSize == null) {
        return null;

    final BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage((int) blockSize.getWidth(), (int) blockSize.getHeight(),
    final Graphics2D gfx = img.createGraphics();
    try {
        gfx.setClip(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight());
        layoutFullDiagramWithCenteringToPaper(gfx, workMap, cfg, blockSize);
        drawOnGraphicsForConfiguration(gfx, cfg, workMap, false, null);
    } finally {
    return img;

From source file:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillImage.java

protected boolean fitImage(Dimension2D imageSize, int availableHeight, boolean overflowAllowed,
        HorizontalImageAlignEnum hAlign) throws JRException {
    imageHeight = null;//from ww  w .j a v a2 s . co  m
    imageWidth = null;
    imageX = null;

    int realHeight = (int) imageSize.getHeight();
    int realWidth = (int) imageSize.getWidth();
    boolean fitted;

    int reducedHeight = realHeight;
    int reducedWidth = realWidth;
    if (realWidth > getWidth()) {
        double wRatio = ((double) getWidth()) / realWidth;
        reducedHeight = (int) (wRatio * realHeight);
        reducedWidth = getWidth();

    if (reducedHeight <= availableHeight) {
        imageHeight = reducedHeight;
        if (getScaleImageValue() == ScaleImageEnum.REAL_SIZE) {
            imageWidth = reducedWidth;
        fitted = true;
    } else if (overflowAllowed) {
        fitted = false;
    } else {
        imageHeight = availableHeight;
        if (getScaleImageValue() == ScaleImageEnum.REAL_SIZE) {
            double hRatio = ((double) availableHeight) / realHeight;
            imageWidth = (int) (hRatio * realWidth);
        fitted = true;

    if (imageWidth != null && imageWidth != getWidth()) {
        switch (hAlign) {
        case RIGHT:
            imageX = getX() + getWidth() - imageWidth;
        case CENTER:
            imageX = getX() + (getWidth() - imageWidth) / 2;

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Fitted image of dimension " + imageSize + " on " + availableHeight + ", overflow allowed "
                + overflowAllowed + ": " + fitted);

    return fitted;

From source file:de.kiwiwings.jasperreports.exporter.PptxShapeExporter.java

 *///from   ww w .j a v  a2 s .c o  m
public void exportImage(JRPrintImage image) throws JRException {
    int leftPadding = image.getLineBox().getLeftPadding().intValue();
    int topPadding = image.getLineBox().getTopPadding().intValue();//FIXMEDOCX maybe consider border thickness
    int rightPadding = image.getLineBox().getRightPadding().intValue();
    int bottomPadding = image.getLineBox().getBottomPadding().intValue();

    double availableImageWidth = image.getWidth() - leftPadding - rightPadding;
    availableImageWidth = availableImageWidth < 0 ? 0 : availableImageWidth;

    double availableImageHeight = image.getHeight() - topPadding - bottomPadding;
    availableImageHeight = availableImageHeight < 0 ? 0 : availableImageHeight;

    Renderable renderer = image.getRenderable();

    if (renderer == null || availableImageWidth == 0 || availableImageHeight == 0)

    if (renderer.getTypeValue() == RenderableTypeEnum.IMAGE) {
        // Non-lazy image renderers are all asked for their image data at some point.
        // Better to test and replace the renderer now, in case of lazy load error.
        renderer = RenderableUtil.getInstance(jasperReportsContext).getOnErrorRendererForImageData(renderer,
        if (renderer == null)

    double normalWidth = availableImageWidth;
    double normalHeight = availableImageHeight;

    // Image load might fail.
    Renderable tmpRenderer = RenderableUtil.getInstance(jasperReportsContext)
            .getOnErrorRendererForDimension(renderer, image.getOnErrorTypeValue());
    Dimension2D dimension = tmpRenderer == null ? null : tmpRenderer.getDimension(jasperReportsContext);
    // If renderer was replaced, ignore image dimension.
    if (tmpRenderer == renderer && dimension != null) {
        normalWidth = dimension.getWidth();
        normalHeight = dimension.getHeight();

    double cropTop = 0;
    double cropLeft = 0;
    double cropBottom = 0;
    double cropRight = 0;

    switch (image.getScaleImageValue()) {
    case FILL_FRAME:
        //            width = availableImageWidth;
        //            height = availableImageHeight;

    case RETAIN_SHAPE:
        if (availableImageWidth > 0 && availableImageHeight > 0) {
            if (normalWidth > availableImageWidth) {
                normalHeight /= normalWidth / availableImageWidth;
                normalWidth = availableImageWidth;
            if (normalHeight > availableImageHeight) {
                normalWidth /= normalHeight / availableImageHeight;
                normalHeight = availableImageHeight;
        // nobreak

    case CLIP:
        if (availableImageWidth > 0 && availableImageHeight > 0) {
            double reducedWidth = getOffsetInPercent(normalWidth, availableImageWidth);
            switch (image.getHorizontalAlignmentValue()) {
            case LEFT:
                cropRight = reducedWidth;
            case RIGHT:
                cropLeft = reducedWidth;
            case CENTER:
                cropLeft = cropRight = reducedWidth / 2d;
            double reducedHeight = getOffsetInPercent(normalHeight, availableImageHeight);
            switch (image.getVerticalAlignmentValue()) {
            case BOTTOM:
                cropTop = reducedHeight;
            case TOP:
                cropBottom = reducedHeight;
            case MIDDLE:
                cropTop = cropBottom = reducedHeight / 2;

    XSLFSimpleShape backgroundShape;
    XSLFShape hyperlinkShape;

    if (renderer instanceof DrawChartRenderer) {
        Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(image.getX(), image.getY(), image.getWidth(),
        PptxGraphics2D grx2 = new PptxGraphics2D(rect, this, slide);
        // Background color is applied to whole Image
        backgroundShape = grx2.getShape(rect);
        renderer.render(jasperReportsContext, grx2, rect);

        // hyperlinks are only available for visible elements of the chart
        XSLFGroupShape grp = grx2.getShapeGroup();
        CTNonVisualDrawingProps cp = grp.getXmlObject().getNvGrpSpPr().getCNvPr();
        cp.setName(cp.getName().replaceFirst("[^ ]+", "JFreeChart"));
        hyperlinkShape = grp;
    } else {
        //   if (image.isLazy())//FIXMEDOCX learn how to link images            
        Renderable imgRenderer = image.getRenderable();
        if (imgRenderer.getTypeValue() == RenderableTypeEnum.SVG) {
            imgRenderer = new JRWrappingSvgRenderer(imgRenderer,
                    new Dimension(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()),
                    ModeEnum.OPAQUE == image.getModeValue() ? image.getBackcolor() : null);

        ImageTypeEnum mimeType = imgRenderer.getImageTypeValue();
        if (mimeType == null)
            mimeType = ImageTypeEnum.JPEG;
        int xsMime;
        switch (mimeType) {
        case UNKNOWN:
        case JPEG:
            xsMime = XSLFPictureData.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG;
        case GIF:
            xsMime = XSLFPictureData.PICTURE_TYPE_GIF;
        case PNG:
            xsMime = XSLFPictureData.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG;
        case TIFF:
            xsMime = XSLFPictureData.PICTURE_TYPE_TIFF;

        byte pictureData[] = imgRenderer.getImageData(jasperReportsContext);

        int idx = ppt.addPicture(pictureData, xsMime);
        backgroundShape = slide.createPicture(idx);
        hyperlinkShape = backgroundShape;
        CTPicture ct = (CTPicture) backgroundShape.getXmlObject();

        if (cropTop != 0 || cropRight != 0 || cropBottom != 0 || cropLeft != 0) {
            //            CTRelativeRect rrect = ct.getBlipFill().getStretch().getFillRect();
            CTRelativeRect rrect = ct.getBlipFill().addNewSrcRect();
            rrect.setT((int) cropTop);
            rrect.setR((int) cropRight);
            rrect.setB((int) cropBottom);
            rrect.setL((int) cropLeft);

        Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(image.getX() + getOffsetX() + leftPadding,
                image.getY() + getOffsetY() + topPadding, availableImageWidth, availableImageHeight);

    exportElementAttributes(backgroundShape, image, image.getLinePen(), image, hyperlinkShape);

From source file:com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.swing.panel.MindMapPanel.java

public static Dimension2D calculateSizeOfMapInPixels(final MindMap model, final MindMapPanelConfig cfg,
        final boolean expandAll) {
    final MindMap workMap = new MindMap(model, null);
    workMap.resetPayload();/*w  ww.  j av a 2  s.c  o  m*/

    BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(32, 32,
            cfg.isDrawBackground() ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Dimension2D blockSize = null;
    Graphics2D gfx = img.createGraphics();
    try {
        if (calculateElementSizes(gfx, workMap, cfg)) {
            if (expandAll) {
                final AbstractElement root = (AbstractElement) workMap.getRoot().getPayload();
                calculateElementSizes(gfx, workMap, cfg);
            blockSize = layoutModelElements(workMap, cfg);
            final double paperMargin = cfg.getPaperMargins() * cfg.getScale();
            blockSize.setSize(blockSize.getWidth() + paperMargin * 2, blockSize.getHeight() + paperMargin * 2);
    } finally {
    return blockSize;

From source file:com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.swing.panel.MindMapPanel.java

public static Dimension layoutFullDiagramWithCenteringToPaper(final Graphics2D gfx, final MindMap map,
        final MindMapPanelConfig cfg, final Dimension2D paperSize) {
    Dimension resultSize = null;//ww  w . j a v a  2s .  c o m
    if (calculateElementSizes(gfx, map, cfg)) {
        Dimension2D rootBlockSize = layoutModelElements(map, cfg);
        final double paperMargin = cfg.getPaperMargins() * cfg.getScale();

        if (rootBlockSize != null) {
            if (paperSize != null) {
                final ElementRoot rootElement = (ElementRoot) map.getRoot().getPayload();

                double rootOffsetXInBlock = rootElement.getLeftBlockSize().getWidth();
                double rootOffsetYInBlock = (rootBlockSize.getHeight() - rootElement.getBounds().getHeight())
                        / 2;

                rootOffsetXInBlock += paperSize.getWidth() - rootBlockSize.getWidth() <= paperMargin
                        ? paperMargin
                        : (paperSize.getWidth() - rootBlockSize.getWidth()) / 2;
                rootOffsetYInBlock += paperSize.getHeight() - rootBlockSize.getHeight() <= paperMargin
                        ? paperMargin
                        : (paperSize.getHeight() - rootBlockSize.getHeight()) / 2;

                moveDiagram(map, rootOffsetXInBlock, rootOffsetYInBlock);
            resultSize = new Dimension((int) Math.round(rootBlockSize.getWidth() + paperMargin * 2),
                    (int) Math.round(rootBlockSize.getHeight() + paperMargin * 2));

    return resultSize;