List of usage examples for java.awt.geom AffineTransform scale
@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") public void scale(double sx, double sy)
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public byte[] getThumbnail(BufferedImage buffImage) throws IOException { BufferedImage pDestImage = new BufferedImage(Constants.THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Constants.THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); transform.scale((float) Constants.THUMBNAIL_WIDTH / (float) buffImage.getWidth(), (float) Constants.THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT / (float) buffImage.getHeight()); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) pDestImage.getGraphics(); //set the rendering hints for a good thumbnail image Map m = g.getRenderingHints(); m.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); m.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATION_QUALITY); m.put(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); m.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); g.setRenderingHints(m);/*from w w w . ja va 2s . co m*/ g.drawImage(buffImage, transform, null); g.dispose(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(pDestImage, "JPEG", out); return out.toByteArray(); }
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public BufferedImage tile(BufferedImage image, int level, XYData quadrant, XYData size, boolean efficient) throws Exception { double scale = Math.pow(2, level); if (efficient) { /* efficient: crop out the area of interest first, then scale and copy it */ XYData inverSize = new XYData((int) (image.getWidth(null) / (size.getX() * scale)), (int) (image.getHeight(null) / (size.getY() * scale))); XYData topLeft = new XYData(quadrant.getX() * size.getX() * inverSize.getX(), quadrant.getY() * size.getY() * inverSize.getY()); XYData newSize = new XYData((size.getX() * inverSize.getX()), (size.getY() * inverSize.getY())); if (inverSize.getX() < 1.0 || inverSize.getY() < 1.0) { throw new Exception("Requested zoom level (" + level + ") is too high."); }//from w w w . ja va2 s. c o m image = image.getSubimage(topLeft.getX(), topLeft.getY(), newSize.getX(), newSize.getY()); BufferedImage zoomed = new BufferedImage(size.getX(), size.getY(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); zoomed.getGraphics().drawImage(image, 0, 0, size.getX(), size.getY(), null); if (level > maxLevel) { maxLevel = level; } return zoomed; } else { /* inefficient: copy the whole image, scale it and then crop out the area of interest */ XYData newSize = new XYData((int) (size.getX() * scale), (int) (size.getY() * scale)); XYData topLeft = new XYData(quadrant.getX() * size.getX(), quadrant.getY() * size.getY()); if (newSize.getX() > image.getWidth(null) || newSize.getY() > image.getHeight(null)) { throw new Exception("Requested zoom level (" + level + ") is too high."); } AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform(); AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); tx.scale(scale, scale); image = op.filter(image, null); BufferedImage zoomed = image.getSubimage(topLeft.getX(), topLeft.getY(), newSize.getX(), newSize.getY()); if (level > maxLevel) { maxLevel = level; } return zoomed; } }
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public static BufferedImage resizeImage(BufferedImage img, double xScale, double yScale, int type) { if (img == null) { return null; }//w w w . j a v a 2 s. com if (xScale <= 0 || yScale <= 0) { return null; } int w = img.getWidth(); int h = img.getHeight(); int neww = (int) (((double) w) * xScale); int newh = (int) (((double) h) * yScale); BufferedImage out = new BufferedImage(neww, newh, img.getType()); AffineTransform tr = new AffineTransform(); tr.scale(xScale, yScale); BufferedImageOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tr, type); op.filter(img, out); return out; }
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/** * Get the value of transform/*w w w . ja va 2 s.c om*/ * * @return the value of transform */ public AffineTransform getTransform() { AffineTransform returnTransform = new AffineTransform(); Vector2D currentPosScreenCoord = new Vector2D(getScale(), getCurrentPosWorldCoord()); Vector2D halfWindow = getHalfWindowSize(); returnTransform.translate(currentPosScreenCoord.getX() + halfWindow.getX(), currentPosScreenCoord.getY() + halfWindow.getY()); returnTransform.scale(getScale(), -getScale()); return returnTransform; }
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/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void startPage(int index, String name, String pageMasterName, Dimension size) throws IFException { this.pdfResources = this.pdfDoc.getResources(); PageBoundaries boundaries = new PageBoundaries(size, getContext().getForeignAttributes()); Rectangle trimBox = boundaries.getTrimBox(); Rectangle bleedBox = boundaries.getBleedBox(); Rectangle mediaBox = boundaries.getMediaBox(); Rectangle cropBox = boundaries.getCropBox(); // set scale attributes double scaleX = 1; double scaleY = 1; String scale = (String) getContext().getForeignAttribute(PageScale.EXT_PAGE_SCALE); Point2D scales = PageScale.getScale(scale); if (scales != null) { scaleX = scales.getX();/*from w ww . j a v a*/ scaleY = scales.getY(); } //PDF uses the lower left as origin, need to transform from FOP's internal coord system AffineTransform boxTransform = new AffineTransform(scaleX / 1000, 0, 0, -scaleY / 1000, 0, scaleY * size.getHeight() / 1000); this.currentPage = this.pdfDoc.getFactory().makePage(this.pdfResources, index, toPDFCoordSystem(mediaBox, boxTransform), toPDFCoordSystem(cropBox, boxTransform), toPDFCoordSystem(bleedBox, boxTransform), toPDFCoordSystem(trimBox, boxTransform)); if (accessEnabled) { logicalStructureHandler.startPage(currentPage); } pdfUtil.generatePageLabel(index, name); currentPageRef = new PageReference(currentPage, size); this.pageReferences.put(Integer.valueOf(index), currentPageRef); this.generator = new PDFContentGenerator(this.pdfDoc, this.outputStream, this.currentPage); // Transform the PDF's default coordinate system (0,0 at lower left) to the PDFPainter's AffineTransform basicPageTransform = new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, (scaleY * size.height) / 1000f); basicPageTransform.scale(scaleX, scaleY); generator.saveGraphicsState(); generator.concatenate(basicPageTransform); }
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public BufferedImage render(double angle, double scale) { // The renderer needs the bounds unscaled---scaling comes from the // width and height hints. AffineTransform px = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angle * DEGTORAD, defaultW / 2.0, defaultH / 2.0); r.setTransform(px);/* w w w .j a va 2s .c o m*/ px = new AffineTransform(px); px.scale(scale, scale); final Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, defaultW, defaultH); final Rectangle2D b = px.createTransformedShape(rect).getBounds2D(); r.addTranscodingHint(Rasterizer.KEY_WIDTH, (float) b.getWidth()); r.addTranscodingHint(Rasterizer.KEY_HEIGHT, (float) b.getHeight()); try { r.transcode(new TranscoderInput(doc), null); return r.getBufferedImage(); } // FIXME: review error message catch (BridgeException e) { logger.error("", e); } catch (TranscoderException e) { logger.error("", e); } return null; }
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public BufferedImage render(double angle, double scale, Rectangle2D aoi) { // The renderer needs the bounds unscaled---scaling comes from the // width and height hints. AffineTransform px = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angle * DEGTORAD, defaultW / 2.0, defaultH / 2.0); r.setTransform(px);/*from w ww . j a v a 2*/ px = new AffineTransform(px); px.scale(scale, scale); final Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, defaultW, defaultH); r.addTranscodingHint(Rasterizer.KEY_WIDTH, (float) aoi.getWidth()); r.addTranscodingHint(Rasterizer.KEY_HEIGHT, (float) aoi.getHeight()); r.addTranscodingHint(Rasterizer.KEY_AOI, aoi); try { r.transcode(new TranscoderInput(doc), null); return r.getBufferedImage(); } // FIXME: review error message catch (BridgeException e) { logger.error("", e); } catch (TranscoderException e) { logger.error("", e); } return null; }
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/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void handleImage(RenderingContext context, // CSOK: MethodLength Image image, Rectangle pos) throws IOException { PDFRenderingContext pdfContext = (PDFRenderingContext) context; PDFContentGenerator generator = pdfContext.getGenerator(); ImageXMLDOM imageSVG = (ImageXMLDOM) image; FOUserAgent userAgent = context.getUserAgent(); final float deviceResolution = userAgent.getTargetResolution(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Generating SVG at " + deviceResolution + "dpi."); }/*from w w w . j av a2 s . c om*/ final float uaResolution = userAgent.getSourceResolution(); SVGUserAgent ua = new SVGUserAgent(userAgent, new AffineTransform()); GVTBuilder builder = new GVTBuilder(); //Controls whether text painted by Batik is generated using text or path operations boolean strokeText = false; //TODO connect with configuration elsewhere. BridgeContext ctx = new PDFBridgeContext(ua, (strokeText ? null : pdfContext.getFontInfo()), userAgent.getFactory().getImageManager(), userAgent.getImageSessionContext(), new AffineTransform()); //Cloning SVG DOM as Batik attaches non-thread-safe facilities (like the CSS engine) //to it. Document clonedDoc = BatikUtil.cloneSVGDocument(imageSVG.getDocument()); GraphicsNode root; try { root =, clonedDoc); builder = null; } catch (Exception e) { SVGEventProducer eventProducer = SVGEventProducer.Provider .get(context.getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster()); eventProducer.svgNotBuilt(this, e, image.getInfo().getOriginalURI()); return; } // get the 'width' and 'height' attributes of the SVG document float w = image.getSize().getWidthMpt(); float h = image.getSize().getHeightMpt(); float sx = pos.width / w; float sy = pos.height / h; //Scaling and translation for the bounding box of the image AffineTransform scaling = new AffineTransform(sx, 0, 0, sy, pos.x / 1000f, pos.y / 1000f); double sourceScale = UnitConv.IN2PT / uaResolution; scaling.scale(sourceScale, sourceScale); //Scale for higher resolution on-the-fly images from Batik AffineTransform resolutionScaling = new AffineTransform(); double targetScale = uaResolution / deviceResolution; resolutionScaling.scale(targetScale, targetScale); resolutionScaling.scale(1.0 / sx, 1.0 / sy); //Transformation matrix that establishes the local coordinate system for the SVG graphic //in relation to the current coordinate system AffineTransform imageTransform = new AffineTransform(); imageTransform.concatenate(scaling); imageTransform.concatenate(resolutionScaling); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("nat size: " + w + "/" + h); log.trace("req size: " + pos.width + "/" + pos.height); log.trace("source res: " + uaResolution + ", targetRes: " + deviceResolution + " --> target scaling: " + targetScale); log.trace(image.getSize()); log.trace("sx: " + sx + ", sy: " + sy); log.trace("scaling: " + scaling); log.trace("resolution scaling: " + resolutionScaling); log.trace("image transform: " + resolutionScaling); } /* * Clip to the svg area. * Note: To have the svg overlay (under) a text area then use * an fo:block-container */ if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("SVG setup"); } generator.saveGraphicsState(); if (context.getUserAgent().isAccessibilityEnabled()) { MarkedContentInfo mci = pdfContext.getMarkedContentInfo(); generator.beginMarkedContentSequence(mci.tag, mci.mcid); } generator.updateColor(, false, null); generator.updateColor(, true, null); if (!scaling.isIdentity()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("viewbox"); } generator.add(CTMHelper.toPDFString(scaling, false) + " cm\n"); } //SVGSVGElement svg = ((SVGDocument)doc).getRootElement(); PDFGraphics2D graphics = new PDFGraphics2D(true, pdfContext.getFontInfo(), generator.getDocument(), generator.getResourceContext(), pdfContext.getPage().referencePDF(), "", 0); graphics.setGraphicContext(new org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.GraphicContext()); if (!resolutionScaling.isIdentity()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("resolution scaling for " + uaResolution + " -> " + deviceResolution); } generator.add(CTMHelper.toPDFString(resolutionScaling, false) + " cm\n"); graphics.scale(1.0 / resolutionScaling.getScaleX(), 1.0 / resolutionScaling.getScaleY()); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("SVG start"); } //Save state and update coordinate system for the SVG image generator.getState().save(); generator.getState().concatenate(imageTransform); //Now that we have the complete transformation matrix for the image, we can update the //transformation matrix for the AElementBridge. PDFAElementBridge aBridge = (PDFAElementBridge) ctx.getBridge(SVGDOMImplementation.SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, SVGConstants.SVG_A_TAG); aBridge.getCurrentTransform().setTransform(generator.getState().getTransform()); graphics.setPaintingState(generator.getState()); graphics.setOutputStream(generator.getOutputStream()); try { root.paint(graphics); ctx.dispose(); generator.add(graphics.getString()); } catch (Exception e) { SVGEventProducer eventProducer = SVGEventProducer.Provider .get(context.getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster()); eventProducer.svgRenderingError(this, e, image.getInfo().getOriginalURI()); } generator.getState().restore(); if (context.getUserAgent().isAccessibilityEnabled()) { generator.restoreGraphicsStateAccess(); } else { generator.restoreGraphicsState(); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("SVG end"); } }
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/** * Function to create the edge shape while drawing * @param down//from w w w .j ava2 m * @param out */ private void transformEdgeShape(Point2D down, Point2D out) { float x1 = (float) down.getX(); float y1 = (float) down.getY(); float x2 = (float) out.getX(); float y2 = (float) out.getY(); AffineTransform xform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x1, y1); float dx = x2 - x1; float dy = y2 - y1; float thetaRadians = (float) Math.atan2(dy, dx); xform.rotate(thetaRadians); float dist = (float) Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); xform.scale((double) dist / rawEdge.getBounds().getWidth(), 1.0d); edgeShape = xform.createTransformedShape(rawEdge); }
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/** * Scaled graphics for drawing on a small version of the page. * Transform is set for drawing in pixels refered to the original scanned image * @return//from w w w . j a v a2 s .co m */ public Graphics2D getReportingGraphics() { // TODO: Crear una transformacion equivalente a la de la pgina para la imagen reducida BufferedImage reportingImage = this.getReportingImage(); Graphics2D g = reportingImage.createGraphics(); // AffineTransform origTransf=getAllignmentInfo(); // // AffineTransform trans=(AffineTransform) origTransf.clone(); // trans.scale(reportingImage.getWidth()/(getImage().getWidth()), // reportingImage.getHeight()/(getImage().getHeight())); // AffineTransform trans=g.getTransform(); // trans.scale(reportingImage.getWidth()/(getPreferredHorizontalResolution()*PageImage.a4width), // reportingImage.getHeight()/(getPreferredVerticalResolution()*PageImage.a4height)); double scaleX = ((double) reportingImage.getWidth()) / (getImage().getWidth()); double scaleY = ((double) reportingImage.getHeight()) / (getImage().getHeight()); AffineTransform trans = g.getTransform(); trans.scale(scaleX, scaleY); g.setTransform(trans); return g; }