List of usage examples for java.awt.geom AffineTransform createTransformedShape
public Shape createTransformedShape(Shape pSrc)
From source
protected static PluggableRenderer constructRenderer(Graph g, final LayoutOptions options) { final LayoutOptions graphLayoutOptions = options != null ? options : new LayoutOptions(); PluggableRenderer r = new PluggableRenderer() { /**/* w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * Draws the edge <code>e</code>, whose endpoints are at <code>(x1,y1)</code> * and <code>(x2,y2)</code>, on the graphics context <code>g</code>. * The <code>Shape</code> provided by the <code>EdgeShapeFunction</code> instance * is scaled in the x-direction so that its width is equal to the distance between * <code>(x1,y1)</code> and <code>(x2,y2)</code>. */ @Override protected void drawSimpleEdge(Graphics2D g2d, Edge e, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { final Vertex v1 = (Vertex) e.getEndpoints().getFirst(); final Vertex v2 = (Vertex) e.getEndpoints().getSecond(); boolean isLoop = v1.equals(v2); final Shape s2 = vertexShapeFunction.getShape(v2); Shape edgeShape = edgeShapeFunction.getShape(e); final double dx = x2 - x1; final double dy = y2 - y1; boolean edgeHit = true; boolean arrowHit = true; Rectangle deviceRectangle = null; if (screenDevice != null) { Dimension d = screenDevice.getSize(); if (d.width <= 0 || d.height <= 0) { d = screenDevice.getPreferredSize(); } deviceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, d.width, d.height); } String label = edgeStringer.getLabel(e); assert (label != null); Component labelComponent = prepareRenderer(graphLabelRenderer, label, isPicked(e), e); Dimension d = labelComponent.getPreferredSize(); Rectangle2D EdgeShapeBoundaries = edgeShape.getBounds2D(); AffineTransform xform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x1, y1); double yMin = 0, yMax = 0; double thetaRadians = 0; if (isLoop) { // this is a self-loop. scale it is larger than the vertex // it decorates and translate it so that its nadir is // at the center of the vertex. int edgeIndex = ParallelEdgeIndexSingleton.getInstance().getIndex(e); Rectangle2D s2Bounds = s2.getBounds2D(); double scaleBy = 1 + (graphLayoutOptions.scaleLines - 1) * 1. / 3.; double translation = s2Bounds.getHeight() * (1. / 4. + edgeIndex / 4.); xform.translate(0, -scaleBy * translation); xform.scale(scaleBy * s2Bounds.getWidth(), scaleBy * s2Bounds.getHeight()); yMin = scaleBy * (EdgeShapeBoundaries.getMinY() * s2Bounds.getHeight()) - translation; yMax = scaleBy * (EdgeShapeBoundaries.getMaxY() * s2Bounds.getHeight()) - translation; } else { // this is a normal edge. Rotate it to the angle between // vertex endpoints, then scale it to the distance between // the vertices thetaRadians = Math.atan2(dy, dx); double dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); xform.rotate(thetaRadians); xform.scale(dist, 1.0); yMin = EdgeShapeBoundaries.getMinY(); yMax = EdgeShapeBoundaries.getMaxY(); } edgeShape = xform.createTransformedShape(edgeShape); // Debug code /* if (!isLoop) { g2d.setPaint(new Color( 250, 250, 0)); AffineTransform rect = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x1, y1+yMin); rect.rotate(thetaRadians); g2d.fill(rect.createTransformedShape( new Rectangle(0,0,(int)Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy),(int)(yMax-yMin)))); } else { g2d.setPaint(new Color( 100, 250, 0)); AffineTransform rect = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x1-s2.getBounds2D().getWidth()/2, y1+yMin); rect.rotate(thetaRadians); g2d.fill(rect.createTransformedShape( new Rectangle(0,0,(int)s2.getBounds2D().getWidth(),(int)(yMax-yMin)))); }*/ edgeHit = viewTransformer.transform(edgeShape).intersects(deviceRectangle); if (edgeHit == true) { Paint oldPaint = g2d.getPaint(); // get Paints for filling and drawing // (filling is done first so that drawing and label use same Paint) Paint fill_paint = edgePaintFunction.getFillPaint(e); if (fill_paint != null) { g2d.setPaint(fill_paint); g2d.fill(edgeShape); } Paint draw_paint = edgePaintFunction.getDrawPaint(e); if (draw_paint != null) { g2d.setPaint(draw_paint); g2d.draw(edgeShape); } double scalex = g2d.getTransform().getScaleX(); double scaley = g2d.getTransform().getScaleY(); // see if arrows are too small to bother drawing if (scalex < .3 || scaley < .3) return; if (edgeArrowPredicate.evaluate(e)) { Shape destVertexShape = vertexShapeFunction.getShape((Vertex) e.getEndpoints().getSecond()); AffineTransform xf = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x2, y2); destVertexShape = xf.createTransformedShape(destVertexShape); arrowHit = viewTransformer.transform(destVertexShape).intersects(deviceRectangle); if (arrowHit) { AffineTransform at; if (edgeShape instanceof GeneralPath) at = getArrowTransform((GeneralPath) edgeShape, destVertexShape); else at = getArrowTransform(new GeneralPath(edgeShape), destVertexShape); if (at == null) return; Shape arrow = edgeArrowFunction.getArrow(e); arrow = at.createTransformedShape(arrow); // note that arrows implicitly use the edge's draw paint g2d.fill(arrow); } assert !(e instanceof UndirectedEdge); } // For difference visualisation only boolean labelBelow = false; if (graphLayoutOptions.showDIFF && (draw_paint == null || draw_paint instanceof Color && ((Color) draw_paint).equals(Color.BLACK))) labelBelow = true; // Now draw the label. double xLabel = 0, yLabel = 0, xa = 0, ya = 0, rotation = thetaRadians; if (isLoop) { double displacementY = labelBelow ? -yMin + d.height : -yMin + d.height, displacementX = d.width / 2; xa = x1 + dx / 2 + displacementY * Math.sin(thetaRadians); ya = y1 + dy / 2 - displacementY * Math.cos(thetaRadians); xLabel = xa - displacementX * Math.cos(thetaRadians); yLabel = ya - displacementX * Math.sin(thetaRadians); } else if (dx < 0) { double displacementY = labelBelow ? yMax - d.height : (-yMax - d.height), displacementX = d.width / 2; xa = x1 + dx / 2 + displacementY * Math.sin(thetaRadians); ya = y1 + dy / 2 - displacementY * Math.cos(thetaRadians); xLabel = xa + displacementX * Math.cos(thetaRadians); yLabel = ya + displacementX * Math.sin(thetaRadians); rotation = thetaRadians + Math.PI; } else { double displacementY = labelBelow ? yMax : -yMax, displacementX = d.width / 2; xa = x1 + dx / 2 + displacementY * Math.sin(thetaRadians); ya = y1 + dy / 2 - displacementY * Math.cos(thetaRadians); xLabel = xa - displacementX * Math.cos(thetaRadians); yLabel = ya - displacementX * Math.sin(thetaRadians); } AffineTransform old = g2d.getTransform(); AffineTransform labelTransform = new AffineTransform(); // Debug code: //g2d.drawLine((int)(x1+dx/2), (int)(y1+dy/2), (int)(xa), (int)(ya));g2d.drawLine((int)(xa), (int)(ya), (int)(xLabel), (int)(yLabel)); labelTransform.translate(xLabel, yLabel); labelTransform.rotate(rotation); g2d.setTransform(labelTransform); rendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, labelComponent, screenDevice, 0, 0, d.width, d.height, true); g2d.setTransform(old); // restore old paint g2d.setPaint(oldPaint); } // if edgeHit == true } }; r = labelEdges(g, r, graphLayoutOptions); r = labelVertices(r, g, graphLayoutOptions); r.setVertexIncludePredicate(new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object object) { if (!graphLayoutOptions.showIgnored && graphLayoutOptions.ignoredStates != null && graphLayoutOptions.ignoredStates.contains(object.toString())) return false; if (graphLayoutOptions.showNegatives) return true; else return DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.isAccept((Vertex) object); } }); return r; }
From source
public BufferedImage render(double angle, double scale) { // The renderer needs the bounds unscaled---scaling comes from the // width and height hints. AffineTransform px = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angle * DEGTORAD, defaultW / 2.0, defaultH / 2.0); r.setTransform(px);/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ px = new AffineTransform(px); px.scale(scale, scale); final Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, defaultW, defaultH); final Rectangle2D b = px.createTransformedShape(rect).getBounds2D(); r.addTranscodingHint(Rasterizer.KEY_WIDTH, (float) b.getWidth()); r.addTranscodingHint(Rasterizer.KEY_HEIGHT, (float) b.getHeight()); try { r.transcode(new TranscoderInput(doc), null); return r.getBufferedImage(); } // FIXME: review error message catch (BridgeException e) { logger.error("", e); } catch (TranscoderException e) { logger.error("", e); } return null; }