List of usage examples for java.awt Font TYPE1_FONT
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/** * This methods validates the Font Stream, if the font program is damaged or * missing the FontContainer is updated and false is returned. * //from w w w .j av a 2 s. c o m * @throws ValidationException */ protected boolean checkFontFileElement() throws ValidationException { // ---- if the this font is a Subset, the CharSet entry must be present in // the FontDescriptor if (isSubSet(pFontDesc.getFontName())) { String charsetStr = pFontDesc.getCharSet(); if (charsetStr == null || "".equals(charsetStr)) { this.fontContainer .addError(new ValidationResult.ValidationError(ERROR_FONTS_CHARSET_MISSING_FOR_SUBSET, "The Charset entry is missing for the Type1 Subset")); return false; } } // ---- FontFile Validation PDStream ff1 = pFontDesc.getFontFile(); PDStream ff2 = pFontDesc.getFontFile2(); PDStream ff3 = pFontDesc.getFontFile3(); boolean onlyOne = (ff1 != null && ff2 == null && ff3 == null) || (ff1 == null && ff2 != null && ff3 == null) || (ff1 == null && ff2 == null && ff3 != null); if ((ff1 == null && (ff3 == null || !"Type1C".equals(((COSDictionary) ff3.getCOSObject()).getNameAsString(COSName.SUBTYPE)))) || !onlyOne) { this.fontContainer.addError(new ValidationResult.ValidationError(ERROR_FONTS_FONT_FILEX_INVALID, "The FontFile is invalid")); return false; } if (ff1 != null) { COSStream stream = ff1.getStream(); if (stream == null) { this.fontContainer.addError(new ValidationResult.ValidationError(ERROR_FONTS_FONT_FILEX_INVALID, "The FontFile is missing")); this.fontContainer.setFontProgramEmbedded(false); return false; } boolean hasLength1 = stream.getInt(COSName.getPDFName(FONT_DICTIONARY_KEY_LENGTH1)) > 0; boolean hasLength2 = stream.getInt(COSName.getPDFName(FONT_DICTIONARY_KEY_LENGTH2)) > 0; boolean hasLength3 = stream.getInt(COSName.getPDFName(FONT_DICTIONARY_KEY_LENGTH3)) > 0; if (!(hasLength1 && hasLength2 && hasLength3)) { this.fontContainer.addError(new ValidationResult.ValidationError(ERROR_FONTS_FONT_FILEX_INVALID, "The FontFile is invalid")); return false; } // ---- Stream validation should be done by the StreamValidateHelper. // ---- Process font specific check // ---- try to load the font using the java.awt.font object. // ---- if the font is invalid, an exception will be thrown ByteArrayInputStream bis = null; try { bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(ff1.getByteArray()); Font.createFont(Font.TYPE1_FONT, bis); return checkFontMetricsDataAndFeedFontContainer(ff1) && checkFontFileMetaData(pFontDesc, ff1); } catch (IOException e) { this.fontContainer.addError(new ValidationResult.ValidationError(ERROR_FONTS_TYPE1_DAMAGED, "The FontFile can't be read")); return false; } catch (FontFormatException e) { this.fontContainer.addError( new ValidationResult.ValidationError(ERROR_FONTS_TYPE1_DAMAGED, "The FontFile is damaged")); return false; } finally { if (bis != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(bis); } } } else { return checkCIDFontWidths(ff3) && checkFontFileMetaData(pFontDesc, ff3); } }
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private void disenoBotones(JButton actual) { actual.setBackground(colorBotones);/*from w ww .j ava 2 m*/ font = font.deriveFont(Font.TYPE1_FONT, 13); actual.setFont(font); actual.setBorderPainted(false); actual.setFocusPainted(false); //actual.setContentAreaFilled(false); actual.setOpaque(false); }
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/** * js function to load a font// w w w . jav a2s. com * returns BufferedImage */ public static Object loadFont(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) { if (args.length < 1) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("loadFont() requires one filename."); } String filename = Context.toString(args[0]); if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("No file provided for loadFont() command"); } printf("loading font file: %s\n", filename); String reason = null; File f = new File(filename); Font font = null; if (!f.exists()) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError(fmt("Cannot find font file: %s\n", f.getAbsoluteFile())); } if (f.length() > 800000) { // Bit of security thought here, font's should not be too large unless they contain some malware payload throw Context.reportRuntimeError(fmt("Font file too large")); } try { int type = Font.TRUETYPE_FONT; if (filename.indexOf(".ttf") == -1) type = Font.TYPE1_FONT; font = Font.createFont(type, f); } catch (Exception e) { reason = e.getMessage(); e.printStackTrace(); } if (font == null) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError(fmt("failed to load font file: %s. Reason: %s\n", filename, reason)); } return font; }
From source
private static Font prepareAwtFont(CFFFont font) throws IOException { byte[] type1Bytes = Type1FontFormatter.format(font); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(type1Bytes); try {// w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m return Font.createFont(Font.TYPE1_FONT, is); } catch (FontFormatException ffe) { throw new WrappedIOException(ffe); } finally { is.close(); } }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/* ww w . j a v a2s . c o m*/ */ public Font getawtFont() throws IOException { if (awtFont == null) { if (type1CFont != null) { awtFont = type1CFont.getawtFont(); } else { String baseFont = getBaseFont(); PDFontDescriptor fd = getFontDescriptor(); if (fd != null && fd instanceof PDFontDescriptorDictionary) { PDFontDescriptorDictionary fdDictionary = (PDFontDescriptorDictionary) fd; if (fdDictionary.getFontFile() != null) { try { // create a type1 font with the embedded data awtFont = Font.createFont(Font.TYPE1_FONT, fdDictionary.getFontFile().createInputStream()); } catch (FontFormatException e) {"Can't read the embedded type1 font " + fd.getFontName()); } } if (awtFont == null) { // check if the font is part of our environment awtFont = FontManager.getAwtFont(fd.getFontName()); if (awtFont == null) {"Can't find the specified font " + fd.getFontName()); } } } else { // check if the font is part of our environment awtFont = FontManager.getAwtFont(baseFont); if (awtFont == null) {"Can't find the specified basefont " + baseFont); } } } if (awtFont == null) { // we can't find anything, so we have to use the standard font awtFont = FontManager.getStandardFont();"Using font " + awtFont.getName() + " instead"); } } return awtFont; }
From source
/** * Try to load the font using the java.awt.font object. if the font is invalid, an exception will be pushed in the * font container// www . jav a2 s . co m * * @param fontDescriptor * @param fontFile */ protected void processFontFile1(PDFontDescriptorDictionary fontDescriptor, PDStream fontFile) { ByteArrayInputStream bis = null; try { bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(fontFile.getByteArray()); Font.createFont(Font.TYPE1_FONT, bis); IOUtils.closeQuietly(bis); // Parse the Type1 Font program in order to extract Glyph Width COSStream streamObj = fontFile.getStream(); int length1 = streamObj.getInt(COSName.LENGTH1); int length2 = streamObj.getInt(COSName.LENGTH2); bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(fontFile.getByteArray()); Type1Parser parserForMetrics = Type1Parser.createParserWithEncodingObject(bis, length1, length2, font.getFontEncoding()); Type1 parsedData = parserForMetrics.parse(); this.fContainer.setType1Font(parsedData); } catch (IOException e) { this.fContainer.push(new ValidationError(ERROR_FONTS_TYPE1_DAMAGED, "The FontFile can't be read")); } catch (FontFormatException e) { this.fContainer.push(new ValidationError(ERROR_FONTS_TYPE1_DAMAGED, "The FontFile is damaged")); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(bis); } }