List of usage examples for java.awt Font getStyle
public int getStyle()
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private void updateInvestInformationBox(Graphics2D g2) { final Font oldFont = g2.getFont(); final Font paramFont = oldFont; final FontMetrics paramFontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics(paramFont); final Font valueFont = oldFont.deriveFont(oldFont.getStyle() | Font.BOLD, (float) oldFont.getSize() + 1); final FontMetrics valueFontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics(valueFont); final Font dateFont = oldFont.deriveFont((float) oldFont.getSize() - 1); final FontMetrics dateFontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics(dateFont); final Activities activities = this.investmentFlowChartJDialog.getInvestActivities(this.investPointIndex); this.investValues.clear(); this.investParams.clear(); this.totalInvestValue = 0.0; final DecimalPlace decimalPlace = JStock.instance().getJStockOptions().getDecimalPlace(); for (int i = 0, size = activities.size(); i < size; i++) { final Activity activity = activities.get(i); // Buy only. this.investParams.add(activity.getType() + " " + org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils.toQuantity(activity.get(Activity.Param.Quantity)) + " " + ((StockInfo) activity.get(Activity.Param.StockInfo)).symbol); if (activity.getType() == Activity.Type.Buy) { final StockInfo stockInfo = (StockInfo) activity.get(Activity.Param.StockInfo); final double amount = convertToPoundIfNecessary(stockInfo.code, activity.getAmount()); this.totalInvestValue += amount; this.investValues .add(org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils.toCurrencyWithSymbol(decimalPlace, amount)); } else {// ww w .ja v a2 s.c o m assert (false); } } final boolean isTotalNeeded = this.investParams.size() > 1; final String totalParam = GUIBundle.getString("InvestmentFlowLayerUI_Total_Invest"); final String totalValue = org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils.toCurrencyWithSymbol(decimalPlace, this.totalInvestValue); /* This is the height for "total" information. */ int totalHeight = 0; assert (this.investValues.size() == this.investParams.size()); int index = 0; final int paramValueWidthMargin = 10; final int paramValueHeightMargin = 0; int maxInfoWidth = -1; // paramFontMetrics will always "smaller" than valueFontMetrics. int totalInfoHeight = Math.max(paramFontMetrics.getHeight(), valueFontMetrics.getHeight()) * this.investValues.size() + paramValueHeightMargin * (this.investValues.size() - 1); for (String param : this.investParams) { final String value = this.investValues.get(index++); final int paramStringWidth = paramFontMetrics.stringWidth(param + ":") + paramValueWidthMargin + valueFontMetrics.stringWidth(value); if (maxInfoWidth < paramStringWidth) { maxInfoWidth = paramStringWidth; } } if (isTotalNeeded) { final int tmp = paramFontMetrics.stringWidth(totalParam + ":") + paramValueWidthMargin + valueFontMetrics.stringWidth(totalValue); if (maxInfoWidth < tmp) { maxInfoWidth = tmp; } totalHeight = Math.max(paramFontMetrics.getHeight(), valueFontMetrics.getHeight()); } final Date date = activities.getDate().getTime(); final SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy"); final String dateString = simpleDateFormat.format(date); final int dateStringWidth = dateFontMetrics.stringWidth(dateString); final int dateStringHeight = dateFontMetrics.getHeight(); final int maxStringWidth = Math.max(dateStringWidth, maxInfoWidth); final int dateInfoHeightMargin = 5; final int infoTotalHeightMargin = 5; final int maxStringHeight = isTotalNeeded ? (dateStringHeight + dateInfoHeightMargin + totalInfoHeight + infoTotalHeightMargin + totalHeight) : (dateStringHeight + dateInfoHeightMargin + totalInfoHeight); // Now, We have a pretty good information on maxStringWidth and maxStringHeight. final int padding = 5; final int boxPointMargin = 8; final int width = maxStringWidth + (padding << 1); final int height = maxStringHeight + (padding << 1); // On left side of the ball. final int suggestedX = (int) (this.investPoint.getX() - width - boxPointMargin); final int suggestedY = (int) (this.investPoint.getY() - (height >> 1)); final int x = suggestedX > this.drawArea.getX() ? (suggestedX + width) < (this.drawArea.getX() + this.drawArea.getWidth()) ? suggestedX : (int) (this.drawArea.getX() + this.drawArea.getWidth() - width - boxPointMargin) : (int) (investPoint.getX() + boxPointMargin); final int y = suggestedY > this.drawArea.getY() ? (suggestedY + height) < (this.drawArea.getY() + this.drawArea.getHeight()) ? suggestedY : (int) (this.drawArea.getY() + this.drawArea.getHeight() - height - boxPointMargin) : (int) (this.drawArea.getY() + boxPointMargin); this.investRect.setRect(x, y, width, height); }
From source
private void updateROIInformationBox(Graphics2D g2) { final Font oldFont = g2.getFont(); final Font paramFont = oldFont; final FontMetrics paramFontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics(paramFont); final Font valueFont = oldFont.deriveFont(oldFont.getStyle() | Font.BOLD, (float) oldFont.getSize() + 1); final FontMetrics valueFontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics(valueFont); final Font dateFont = oldFont.deriveFont((float) oldFont.getSize() - 1); final FontMetrics dateFontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics(dateFont); final Activities activities = this.investmentFlowChartJDialog.getROIActivities(this.ROIPointIndex); this.ROIValues.clear(); this.ROIParams.clear(); this.totalROIValue = 0.0; final DecimalPlace decimalPlace = JStock.instance().getJStockOptions().getDecimalPlace(); for (int i = 0, size = activities.size(); i < size; i++) { final Activity activity = activities.get(i); // Buy, Sell or Dividend only. if (activity.getType() == Activity.Type.Buy) { final double quantity = (Double) activity.get(Activity.Param.Quantity); final StockInfo stockInfo = (StockInfo) activity.get(Activity.Param.StockInfo); this.ROIParams.add(GUIBundle.getString("InvestmentFlowLayerUI_Own") + " " + org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils.toQuantity(quantity) + " " + stockInfo.symbol); final double amount = convertToPoundIfNecessary(stockInfo.code, quantity * this.investmentFlowChartJDialog.getStockPrice(stockInfo.code)); this.totalROIValue += amount; this.ROIValues.add(org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils.toCurrencyWithSymbol(decimalPlace, amount)); } else if (activity.getType() == Activity.Type.Sell) { final double quantity = (Double) activity.get(Activity.Param.Quantity); final StockInfo stockInfo = (StockInfo) activity.get(Activity.Param.StockInfo); this.ROIParams.add(activity.getType() + " " + org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils.toQuantity(quantity) + " " + stockInfo.symbol); final double amount = convertToPoundIfNecessary(stockInfo.code, activity.getAmount()); this.totalROIValue += amount; this.ROIValues.add(org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils.toCurrencyWithSymbol(decimalPlace, amount)); } else if (activity.getType() == Activity.Type.Dividend) { final StockInfo stockInfo = (StockInfo) activity.get(Activity.Param.StockInfo); this.ROIParams.add(activity.getType() + " " + stockInfo.symbol); final double amount = activity.getAmount(); this.totalROIValue += amount; this.ROIValues.add(org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils.toCurrencyWithSymbol(decimalPlace, amount)); } else {// w ww. ja va2 s . c o m assert (false); } } final boolean isTotalNeeded = this.ROIParams.size() > 1; final String totalParam = GUIBundle.getString("InvestmentFlowLayerUI_Total_Return"); final String totalValue = org.yccheok.jstock.portfolio.Utils.toCurrencyWithSymbol(decimalPlace, this.totalROIValue); /* This is the height for "total" information. */ int totalHeight = 0; assert (this.ROIParams.size() == this.ROIValues.size()); int index = 0; final int paramValueWidthMargin = 10; final int paramValueHeightMargin = 0; int maxInfoWidth = -1; // paramFontMetrics will always "smaller" than valueFontMetrics. int totalInfoHeight = Math.max(paramFontMetrics.getHeight(), valueFontMetrics.getHeight()) * this.ROIValues.size() + paramValueHeightMargin * (this.ROIValues.size() - 1); for (String param : this.ROIParams) { final String value = this.ROIValues.get(index++); final int paramStringWidth = paramFontMetrics.stringWidth(param + ":") + paramValueWidthMargin + valueFontMetrics.stringWidth(value); if (maxInfoWidth < paramStringWidth) { maxInfoWidth = paramStringWidth; } } if (isTotalNeeded) { final int tmp = paramFontMetrics.stringWidth(totalParam + ":") + paramValueWidthMargin + valueFontMetrics.stringWidth(totalValue); if (maxInfoWidth < tmp) { maxInfoWidth = tmp; } totalHeight = Math.max(paramFontMetrics.getHeight(), valueFontMetrics.getHeight()); } final Date date = activities.getDate().getTime(); final SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy"); final String dateString = simpleDateFormat.format(date); final int dateStringWidth = dateFontMetrics.stringWidth(dateString); final int dateStringHeight = dateFontMetrics.getHeight(); final int maxStringWidth = Math.max(dateStringWidth, maxInfoWidth); final int dateInfoHeightMargin = 5; final int infoTotalHeightMargin = 5; final int maxStringHeight = isTotalNeeded ? (dateStringHeight + dateInfoHeightMargin + totalInfoHeight + infoTotalHeightMargin + totalHeight) : (dateStringHeight + dateInfoHeightMargin + totalInfoHeight); // Now, We have a pretty good information on maxStringWidth and maxStringHeight. final int padding = 5; final int boxPointMargin = 8; final int width = maxStringWidth + (padding << 1); final int height = maxStringHeight + (padding << 1); final int borderWidth = width + 2; final int borderHeight = height + 2; // On left side of the ball. final double suggestedBorderX = this.ROIPoint.getX() - borderWidth - boxPointMargin; final double suggestedBorderY = this.ROIPoint.getY() - (borderHeight >> 1); final double bestBorderX = suggestedBorderX > this.drawArea.getX() ? (suggestedBorderX + borderWidth) < (this.drawArea.getX() + this.drawArea.getWidth()) ? suggestedBorderX : this.drawArea.getX() + this.drawArea.getWidth() - borderWidth - boxPointMargin : this.ROIPoint.getX() + boxPointMargin; final double bestBorderY = suggestedBorderY > this.drawArea.getY() ? (suggestedBorderY + borderHeight) < (this.drawArea.getY() + this.drawArea.getHeight()) ? suggestedBorderY : this.drawArea.getY() + this.drawArea.getHeight() - borderHeight - boxPointMargin : this.drawArea.getY() + boxPointMargin; final double x = bestBorderX + 1; final double y = bestBorderY + 1; this.ROIRect.setRect(x, y, width, height); }
From source
/** * Write a blank thumbnail image so user doesn't see the broken icon. */// w w w. ja v a 2s . c o m private void writePlaceholderThumbnailImage(OutputStream os, int placeholderSize) throws IOException { // Make the image a bit bigger to account for the empty space around the generated image. // If we can find a way to remove this empty space, we don't need to make the chart bigger. BufferedImage buffer = new BufferedImage(placeholderSize + 16, placeholderSize + 9, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = buffer.createGraphics(); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0, 0, placeholderSize + 16, placeholderSize + 9); g.setColor(Color.gray); g.drawLine(8, placeholderSize + 5, placeholderSize + 8, placeholderSize + 5); // x-axis g.drawLine(8, 5, 8, placeholderSize + 5); // y-axis g.setColor(; Font font = g.getFont(); g.setFont(new Font(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), 8)); g.drawString("N/A", 9, placeholderSize); ImageIO.write(buffer, "png", os); }
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private void storeFont(final IMemento memento, final String entryHeader, final Font theFont) { // write elements memento.putInteger(entryHeader + "_SIZE", theFont.getSize()); memento.putString(entryHeader + "_FAMILY", theFont.getFamily()); memento.putInteger(entryHeader + "_STYLE", theFont.getStyle()); }
From source
private String serializeFont(Font font) { // Fonts are serialized to the form: // "<family name>-<style>-<size>" StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(font.getFamily());//from w w w.jav a 2 s . com buffer.append("-"); buffer.append(font.getStyle()); buffer.append("-"); buffer.append(font.getSize()); String result = buffer.toString(); fontCache.put(result, font); return result; }
From source
/** * Allows graphs to be saved to the PRISM 'gra' file format. * /* w w w . java2s.c o m*/ * @param file * The file to save the graph to. * @throws GraphException * If the file cannot be written. */ public void save(File file) throws PrismException { try { JFreeChart chart = getChart(); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.newDocument(); Element chartFormat = doc.createElement("chartFormat"); chartFormat.setAttribute("versionString", prism.Prism.getVersion()); chartFormat.setAttribute("graphTitle", getTitle()); Font titleFont = getTitleFont().f; chartFormat.setAttribute("titleFontName", titleFont.getName()); chartFormat.setAttribute("titleFontSize", "" + titleFont.getSize()); chartFormat.setAttribute("titleFontStyle", "" + titleFont.getStyle()); Color titleFontColor = (Color) getTitleFont().c; chartFormat.setAttribute("titleFontColourR", "" + titleFontColor.getRed()); chartFormat.setAttribute("titleFontColourG", "" + titleFontColor.getGreen()); chartFormat.setAttribute("titleFontColourB", "" + titleFontColor.getBlue()); chartFormat.setAttribute("legendVisible", isLegendVisible() ? "true" : "false"); Font legendFont = getLegendFont().f; chartFormat.setAttribute("legendFontName", "" + legendFont.getName()); chartFormat.setAttribute("legendFontSize", "" + legendFont.getSize()); chartFormat.setAttribute("legendFontStyle", "" + legendFont.getStyle()); Color legendFontColor = getLegendFont().c; chartFormat.setAttribute("legendFontColourR", "" + legendFontColor.getRed()); chartFormat.setAttribute("legendFontColourG", "" + legendFontColor.getGreen()); chartFormat.setAttribute("legendFontColourB", "" + legendFontColor.getBlue()); switch (getLegendPosition()) { case LEFT: chartFormat.setAttribute("legendPosition", "left"); break; case BOTTOM: chartFormat.setAttribute("legendPosition", "bottom"); break; case TOP: chartFormat.setAttribute("legendPosition", "top"); break; default: chartFormat.setAttribute("legendPosition", "right"); } Element layout = doc.createElement("layout"); chartFormat.appendChild(layout); Element xAxis = doc.createElement("axis"); getXAxisSettings().save(xAxis); chartFormat.appendChild(xAxis); Element yAxis = doc.createElement("axis"); getYAxisSettings().save(yAxis); chartFormat.appendChild(yAxis); synchronized (getSeriesLock()) { /* Make sure we preserve ordering. */ for (int i = 0; i < seriesList.getSize(); i++) { SeriesKey key = seriesList.getKeyAt(i); Element series = doc.createElement("graph"); SeriesSettings seriesSettings = getGraphSeries(key);; XYSeries seriesData = getXYSeries(key); for (int j = 0; j < seriesData.getItemCount(); j++) { Element point = doc.createElement("point"); point.setAttribute("x", "" + seriesData.getX(j)); point.setAttribute("y", "" + seriesData.getY(j)); series.appendChild(point); } chartFormat.appendChild(series); } } doc.appendChild(chartFormat); // File writing Transformer t = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); t.setOutputProperty("doctype-system", "chartformat.dtd"); t.setOutputProperty("indent", "yes"); t.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(file))); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PrismException(e.getMessage()); } catch (DOMException e) { throw new PrismException("Problem saving graph: DOM Exception: " + e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new PrismException("Problem saving graph: Parser Exception: " + e); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { throw new PrismException("Problem saving graph: Error in creating XML: " + e); } catch (TransformerException e) { throw new PrismException("Problem saving graph: Transformer Exception: " + e); } catch (SettingException e) { throw new PrismException(e.getMessage()); } }
From source
/** Returns layout of the text that will be drawn on the vertex. */ private TextLayout getVertexTextLayout(final Graphics2D g2d, final String text, final double fontSizeFactor) { final TextLayout ctl = textLayoutCache.get(fontSizeFactor + ":" + text); if (ctl != null) { return ctl; }/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m*/ final Font font = mainData.getMainFrame().getFont(); final FontRenderContext context = g2d.getFontRenderContext(); final TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(text, new Font(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), (int) (font.getSize() * fontSizeFactor)), context); textLayoutCache.put(fontSizeFactor + ":" + text, tl); return tl; }
From source
/** Returns layout of the text that will be drawn on the vertex. */ private TextLayout getVertexTextLayout(final Graphics2D g2d, final String text, final double fontSizeFactor) { final TextLayout ctl = textLayoutCache.get(fontSizeFactor + ':' + text); if (ctl != null) { return ctl; }//from ww w. j a v a2s . c o m final Font font = Tools.getGUIData().getMainFrame().getFont(); final FontRenderContext context = g2d.getFontRenderContext(); TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(text, new Font(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), (int) (font.getSize() * fontSizeFactor)), context); textLayoutCache.put(fontSizeFactor + ':' + text, tl); return tl; }
From source
/** * Reset all day labels back to plain font. *//*from w w w . j a va2s. c om*/ private void resetAllDayLabels() { JLabel[] labels = { jLabel9, jLabel10, jLabel11, jLabel12, jLabel13, jLabel14, jLabel5, jLabel6 }; for (JLabel label : labels) { final Font oldFont = label.getFont(); // Reset BOLD attribute. final Font font = oldFont.deriveFont(oldFont.getStyle() & ~Font.BOLD); label.setFont(font); } }
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public static void setFontSizeGlobal(String font, int size) { for (Enumeration e = UIManager.getDefaults().keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Object key = e.nextElement(); Object value = UIManager.get(key); if (value instanceof Font) { Font f = (Font) value; UIManager.put(key, new javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource(font, f.getStyle(), size)); }/* w ww .jav a2s . co m*/ } }