List of usage examples for java.awt.event MouseEvent getY
public int getY()
From source
/** * _more_/*from w ww .j av a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @return _more_ */ public JComponent doMakeDashboardPanel() { dashboardImage = GuiUtils.getImage("/auxdata/ui/icons/cockpit.gif", getClass(), false); pipPanel = new PipPanel(viewManager); pipPanel.getNavigatedPanel().setBorder(null); pipPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 100)); pipPanel.doLayout(); pipPanel.validate(); pipFrame = new JFrame("Show remain invisible"); pipFrame.setContentPane(pipPanel); pipFrame.pack(); dashboardLbl = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(dashboardImage)) { public void paint(Graphics g) { // readPts(); paintDashboardBackground(g, dashboardLbl); super.paint(g); paintDashboardAfter(g, dashboardLbl); } }; dashboardLbl.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { pipPanel.keyPressedInMap(e); updateDashboard(); } }); dashboardLbl.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); MouseAdapter mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter() { Point mouseStart = new Point(0, 0); Point originalOffset = new Point(0, 0); public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) { if (pipRect == null) { return; } if (goToClick && pipRect.contains(new Point(me.getX(), me.getY()))) { try { int x = me.getX() - pipRect.x; int y = me.getY() - pipRect.y; // System.err.println ("x:" + x +" y:" + y); LatLonPoint llp = pipPanel.screenToLatLon(x, y); location = makePoint(llp.getLatitude(), llp.getLongitude(), 0); doDrive(false, heading); } catch (Exception exc) { logException("Driving", exc); } } } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { dashboardLbl.requestFocus(); originalOffset = new Point(dashboardImageOffset); mouseStart.x = me.getX(); mouseStart.y = me.getY(); Rectangle b = dashboardLbl.getBounds(); int w = dashboardImage.getWidth(null); int h = dashboardImage.getHeight(null); Point ul = new Point(b.width / 2 - w / 2, b.height - h); // System.out.println("{" + (me.getX()-ul.x) +", " + (me.getY()-ul.y)+"}"); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { dashboardImageOffset.x = originalOffset.x + me.getX() - mouseStart.x; dashboardImageOffset.y = originalOffset.y + me.getY() - mouseStart.y; updateDashboard(); } }; dashboardLbl.addMouseListener(mouseAdapter); dashboardLbl.addMouseMotionListener(mouseAdapter); //Create ome charts to force classloading (which takes some time) in a thread //So the gui shows quicker Runnable() { public void run() { try { MeterPlot plot = new MeterPlot(new DefaultValueDataset(new Double(1))); createChart(new XYSeriesCollection()); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } }); return dashboardLbl; }
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public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { if (window == null) return;/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ if (window.getFrame() != null) { java.awt.Window frame = window.getFrame(); if ((frame instanceof java.awt.Frame) && frame == e.getSource()) { try { if (window.isRealized()) { XWindow.setInputFocus(window.client,, 1, (int) System.currentTimeMillis(), false); } } catch (Exception ee) { LOG.error(ee); } return; } } String str = CopyPaste.getString(); if (!CopyPaste.isOwner() && str != null) { synchronized (window.screen.root) { Property p = window.screen.root.getProperty(); while (p != null) { if (p.propertyName == 9) break; p =; } if (p != null) { = str.getBytes(); p.size =; } } Selection sel = Selection.getSelection(1); // PRIMARY if (sel != null && sel.client != null) { int time = (int) System.currentTimeMillis(); Event event = new Event(); event.mkSelectionClear(time, sel.wid, sel.selection); try { sel.client.sendEvent(event, 1, Event.NoEventMask, Event.NoEventMask, null); } catch (Exception ee) { //System.out.println(ee); } ; sel.window = window.screen.root; sel.wid =; sel.lastTimeChanged = time; sel.client = null; } CopyPaste.setString(str); } if ( == window.screen.rootId) { return; } if (window.isMapped()) { requestFocus(); =; } int x = e.getX() + window.x; int y = e.getY() + window.y; = x; = y; int mod = e.getModifiers(); int state = 0; if ((mod & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) state |= (1 << 8); if ((mod & InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK) != 0) state |= (1 << 9); if ((mod & InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) != 0) state |= (1 << 10); if ((mod & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) state |= 1; if ((mod & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0) state |= 4; // alt -> state|=8; Client client = window.client; if (client == null || client == serverClient) return; event.mkEnterNotify(0, // Ancestor window.screen.rootId,, 0, x, y, e.getX(), e.getY(), state, 0, // Normal 0x1 | 0x02 // focus|same-screen ); try { XWindow.sendDeviceEvent(window, event, XWindow.grab, null, 1); } catch (Exception ee) { } }
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/** * Process popup trigger events occurring on an icon cell in the table. Show * a menu where the user can choose which external resource to open for the * entry. If no relevant external resources exist, let the normal popup trigger * handler do its thing instead./*from w w w.ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ * @param e The mouse event defining this popup trigger. * @param row The row where the event occurred. * @param iconType A string array containing the resource fields associated with * this table cell. */ private void showIconRightClickMenu(MouseEvent e, int row, String[] iconType) { BibtexEntry entry = tableRows.get(row); JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); boolean showDefaultPopup = true; // See if this is a simple file link field, or if it is a file-list // field that can specify a list of links: if (iconType[0].equals(Globals.FILE_FIELD)) { // We use a FileListTableModel to parse the field content: Object o = entry.getField(iconType[0]); FileListTableModel fileList = new FileListTableModel(); fileList.setContent((String) o); // If there are one or more links, open the first one: for (int i = 0; i < fileList.getRowCount(); i++) { FileListEntry flEntry = fileList.getEntry(i); //If file types are specified, ignore files of other types. if (iconType.length > 1) { boolean correctType = false; for (int j = 1; j < iconType.length; j++) { if (flEntry.getType().toString().equals(iconType[j])) { correctType = true; } } if (!correctType) { continue; } } String description = flEntry.getDescription(); if ((description == null) || (description.trim().isEmpty())) { description = flEntry.getLink(); } menu.add(new ExternalFileMenuItem(panel.frame(), entry, description, flEntry.getLink(), flEntry.getType().getIcon(), panel.metaData(), flEntry.getType())); showDefaultPopup = false; } } else { SpecialField field = SpecialFieldsUtils.getSpecialFieldInstanceFromFieldName(iconType[0]); if (field != null) { // for (SpecialFieldValue val: field.getValues()) { // menu.add(val.getMenuAction(panel.frame())); // } // full pop should be shown as left click already shows short popup showDefaultPopup = true; } else { for (String anIconType : iconType) { Object o = entry.getField(anIconType); if (o != null) { menu.add(new ExternalFileMenuItem(panel.frame(), entry, (String) o, (String) o, GUIGlobals.getTableIcon(anIconType).getIcon(), panel.metaData(), anIconType)); showDefaultPopup = false; } } } } if (showDefaultPopup) { processPopupTrigger(e, row); } else {, e.getX(), e.getY()); } }
From source
private void folderRightClickAction(final MouseEvent evt, final DefaultMutableTreeNode node) { JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); JMenuItem addItem = new JMenuItem("New"); menu.add(addItem);/*from www . ja va2s . c om*/ addItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Name"); boolean added = false; if (!"exit".equals(e.getActionCommand())) { if (node.getUserObject().equals(PluginConstants.MAIL_TEMPLATES)) { MailTemplateTO mailTemplate = new MailTemplateTO(); mailTemplate.setKey(name); added = mailTemplateManagerService.create(mailTemplate); mailTemplateManagerService.setFormat(name, MailTemplateFormat.HTML, IOUtils.toInputStream("//Enter Content here", encodingPattern)); mailTemplateManagerService.setFormat(name, MailTemplateFormat.TEXT, IOUtils.toInputStream("//Enter Content here", encodingPattern)); try { openMailEditor(name); } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } else { ReportTemplateTO reportTemplate = new ReportTemplateTO(); reportTemplate.setKey(name); added = reportTemplateManagerService.create(reportTemplate); reportTemplateManagerService.setFormat(name, ReportTemplateFormat.FO, IOUtils.toInputStream("//Enter content here", encodingPattern)); reportTemplateManagerService.setFormat(name, ReportTemplateFormat.CSV, IOUtils.toInputStream("//Enter content here", encodingPattern)); reportTemplateManagerService.setFormat(name, ReportTemplateFormat.HTML, IOUtils.toInputStream("//Enter content here", encodingPattern)); try { openReportEditor(name); } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } if (added) { node.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(name)); treeModel.reload(node); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error while creating new element", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } });, evt.getX(), evt.getY()); }
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/** * Handles a 'mouse dragged' event.//from w w w . java 2s . co m * * @param e the mouse event. */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { // if the popup menu has already been triggered, then ignore dragging... if (this.popup != null && this.popup.isShowing()) { return; } // if no initial zoom point was set, ignore dragging... if (this.zoomPoint == null) { return; } Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics(); // Erase the previous zoom rectangle (if any)... drawZoomRectangle(g2); boolean hZoom = false; boolean vZoom = false; if (this.orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { hZoom = this.rangeZoomable; vZoom = this.domainZoomable; } else { hZoom = this.domainZoomable; vZoom = this.rangeZoomable; } Rectangle2D scaledDataArea = getScreenDataArea((int) this.zoomPoint.getX(), (int) this.zoomPoint.getY()); if (hZoom && vZoom) { // selected rectangle shouldn't extend outside the data area... double xmax = Math.min(e.getX(), scaledDataArea.getMaxX()); double ymax = Math.min(e.getY(), scaledDataArea.getMaxY()); this.zoomRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(this.zoomPoint.getX(), this.zoomPoint.getY(), xmax - this.zoomPoint.getX(), ymax - this.zoomPoint.getY()); } else if (hZoom) { double xmax = Math.min(e.getX(), scaledDataArea.getMaxX()); this.zoomRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(this.zoomPoint.getX(), scaledDataArea.getMinY(), xmax - this.zoomPoint.getX(), scaledDataArea.getHeight()); } else if (vZoom) { double ymax = Math.min(e.getY(), scaledDataArea.getMaxY()); this.zoomRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(scaledDataArea.getMinX(), this.zoomPoint.getY(), scaledDataArea.getWidth(), ymax - this.zoomPoint.getY()); } // Draw the new zoom rectangle... drawZoomRectangle(g2); g2.dispose(); }
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/** * Opens up the Popup Menu//from www . j a v a 2 s.c om * * @param evt */ private void openPopup(MouseEvent evt) { //The above three mouse events call this method. //So check which one will trigger Rightclick menu depending on os and use it. if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) { //Check if it is right click. if (evt.getButton() == java.awt.event.MouseEvent.BUTTON3) { NULogger.getLogger().info("RightClick event"); //if already 2 or more rows selected, leave it. //EDIT: After some days I forgot what this code does,.. This is copied from a stackoverflow post actually.. //But it's an unchangeable code and will just work forever, so I'm not gonna mess with it. if (neembuuUploaderTable.getSelectedRowCount() < 2) { int r = neembuuUploaderTable.rowAtPoint(evt.getPoint()); if (r >= 0 && r < neembuuUploaderTable.getRowCount()) { neembuuUploaderTable.setRowSelectionInterval(r, r); } else { neembuuUploaderTable.clearSelection(); } int rowindex = neembuuUploaderTable.getSelectedRow(); if (rowindex < 0) { return; } } //Display the popup menu on the exact point of right click. PopupBuilder.getInstance().show(evt.getComponent(), evt.getX(), evt.getY()); } } }
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private void makeNewMask(MouseEvent e, EntityCollection entities) { if (this.maskPoint == null) { return;/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . com*/ } Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics(); // erase the previous zoom rectangle (if any). We only need to do // this is we are using XOR mode, which we do when we're not using // the buffer (if there is a buffer, then at the end of this method we // just trigger a repaint) if (!isDoubleBuffered()) { // drawZoomRectangle(g2, true); ChartMaskingUtilities.drawMasks(g2, getScreenDataArea(), getMaskMap(), getSelectedMask(), getChart()); } // boolean hZoom = false; // boolean vZoom = false; // if (this.orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { // hZoom = this.rangeZoomable; // vZoom = this.domainZoomable; // } // else { // hZoom = this.domainZoomable; // vZoom = this.rangeZoomable; // } Rectangle2D scaledDataArea = getScreenDataArea((int) this.maskPoint.getX(), (int) this.maskPoint.getY()); // Working on the current mask. Only create one new mask per drag-drawing. if (currentMaskRectangle == null) { boolean isInclusive = (e.getModifiers() & maskingExclusiveMask) == 0; boolean isEllipse = (e.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) != 0; if (isEllipse) { currentMaskRectangle = new EllipseMask(isInclusive); } else { currentMaskRectangle = new RectangleMask(isInclusive); } // currentMaskRectangle.setFillColor(getNextMaskColor(isInclusive)); // getMasks().add(currentMaskRectangle); addMask(currentMaskRectangle); } // selected rectangle shouldn't extend outside the data area... double xmax = Math.min(e.getX(), scaledDataArea.getMaxX()); double ymax = Math.min(e.getY(), scaledDataArea.getMaxY()); // Update the current mask. ChartEntity startEntity = null; ChartEntity endEntity = null; boolean isMaskUpdated = false; if (entities != null) { // EntityCollection entities =; // if (entities != null) { Insets insets = getInsets(); double screenX = (maskPoint.getX() - insets.left) / getScaleX(); double screenY = (maskPoint.getY() - / getScaleY(); startEntity = entities.getEntity(screenX, screenY); screenX = (xmax - insets.left) / getScaleX(); screenY = (ymax - / getScaleY(); if (screenX >= scaledDataArea.getMaxX()) { screenX = scaledDataArea.getMaxX() - 0.001; } if (screenY >= scaledDataArea.getMaxY()) { screenY = scaledDataArea.getMaxY() - 0.001; } endEntity = entities.getEntity(screenX, screenY); // System.out.println("Try to update mask"); if (startEntity instanceof XYItemEntity && endEntity instanceof XYItemEntity) { isMaskUpdated = updateCurrentMaskRectangle((XYItemEntity) startEntity, (XYItemEntity) endEntity); } // } } if (!isMaskUpdated) { currentMaskRectangle.setRectangleFrame(new Rectangle2D.Double(maskPoint.getX(), this.maskPoint.getY(), xmax - this.maskPoint.getX(), ymax - this.maskPoint.getY())); } // Draw the new zoom rectangle... if (isDoubleBuffered()) { repaint(); } else { // with no buffer, we use XOR to draw the rectangle "over" the // chart... ChartMaskingUtilities.drawMasks(g2, getScreenDataArea(), getMaskMap(), getSelectedMask(), getChart()); } g2.dispose(); }
From source
@Override public void doPopup(MouseEvent e, int row, final Object itemId) { JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); if (callback.getVisualizationState().isNetPlanEditable()) { popup.add(getAddOption());//w w w . j av a 2 s .co m for (JComponent item : getExtraAddOptions()) popup.add(item); } if (!isTableEmpty()) { if (callback.getVisualizationState().isNetPlanEditable()) { if (row != -1) { if (popup.getSubElements().length > 0) popup.addSeparator(); if (networkElementType == NetworkElementType.LAYER && callback.getDesign().getNumberOfLayers() == 1) { } else { JMenuItem removeItem = new JMenuItem("Remove " + networkElementType); removeItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { NetPlan netPlan = callback.getDesign(); try { netPlan.removeNetworkLayer(netPlan.getNetworkLayerFromId((long) itemId)); final VisualizationState vs = callback.getVisualizationState(); Pair<BidiMap<NetworkLayer, Integer>, Map<NetworkLayer, Boolean>> res = vs .suggestCanvasUpdatedVisualizationLayerInfoForNewDesign( new HashSet<>(callback.getDesign().getNetworkLayers())); vs.setCanvasLayerVisibilityAndOrder(callback.getDesign(), res.getFirst(), res.getSecond()); callback.updateVisualizationAfterChanges( Sets.newHashSet(NetworkElementType.LAYER)); callback.getUndoRedoNavigationManager().addNetPlanChange(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ErrorHandling.addErrorOrException(ex, getClass()); ErrorHandling.showErrorDialog("Unable to remove " + networkElementType); } } }); popup.add(removeItem); } addPopupMenuAttributeOptions(e, row, itemId, popup); } List<JComponent> extraOptions = getExtraOptions(row, itemId); if (!extraOptions.isEmpty()) { if (popup.getSubElements().length > 0) popup.addSeparator(); for (JComponent item : extraOptions) popup.add(item); } } List<JComponent> forcedOptions = getForcedOptions(); if (!forcedOptions.isEmpty()) { if (popup.getSubElements().length > 0) popup.addSeparator(); for (JComponent item : forcedOptions) popup.add(item); } }, e.getX(), e.getY()); }
From source
/** * Handles a 'mouse released' event. On Windows, we need to check if this is a popup trigger, * but only if we haven't already been tracking a zoom rectangle. * //from ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m * @param e * information about the event. */ @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { // if we've been panning, we need to reset now that the mouse is // released... if (this.panLast != null) { this.panLast = null; setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); } else if (this.selectionRectangle != null) { boolean hZoom = false; boolean vZoom = false; if (this.orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { hZoom = this.rangeZoomable; vZoom = this.domainZoomable; } else { hZoom = this.domainZoomable; vZoom = this.rangeZoomable; } boolean zoomTrigger1 = hZoom && Math.abs(e.getX() - this.zoomPoint.getX()) >= this.zoomTriggerDistance; boolean zoomTrigger2 = vZoom && Math.abs(e.getY() - this.zoomPoint.getY()) >= this.zoomTriggerDistance; if (zoomTrigger1 || zoomTrigger2) { if (hZoom && e.getX() < this.zoomPoint.getX() || vZoom && e.getY() < this.zoomPoint.getY()) { restoreAutoBounds(); } else { double x, y, w, h; Rectangle2D screenDataArea = getScreenDataArea((int) this.zoomPoint.getX(), (int) this.zoomPoint.getY()); double maxX = screenDataArea.getMaxX(); double maxY = screenDataArea.getMaxY(); // for mouseReleased event, (horizontalZoom || verticalZoom) // will be true, so we can just test for either being false; // otherwise both are true if (!vZoom) { x = this.zoomPoint.getX(); y = screenDataArea.getMinY(); w = Math.min(this.selectionRectangle.getWidth(), maxX - this.zoomPoint.getX()); h = screenDataArea.getHeight(); } else if (!hZoom) { x = screenDataArea.getMinX(); y = this.zoomPoint.getY(); w = screenDataArea.getWidth(); h = Math.min(this.selectionRectangle.getHeight(), maxY - this.zoomPoint.getY()); } else { x = this.zoomPoint.getX(); y = this.zoomPoint.getY(); w = Math.min(this.selectionRectangle.getWidth(), maxX - this.zoomPoint.getX()); h = Math.min(this.selectionRectangle.getHeight(), maxY - this.zoomPoint.getY()); } Rectangle2D zoomArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, w, h); selectRectangle(zoomArea, e); } this.zoomPoint = null; this.selectionRectangle = null; } else { this.zoomPoint = null; this.selectionRectangle = null; } } else if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { if (this.popup != null) { displayPopupMenu(e.getX(), e.getY()); } } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "serial" }) protected void handlePopup(MouseEvent e) { final VisualizationViewer<V, E> vv = (VisualizationViewer<V, E>) e.getSource(); final Layout<V, E> layout = vv.getGraphLayout(); final Graph<V, E> graph = layout.getGraph(); final Point2D p = e.getPoint(); final Point2D ivp = p; GraphElementAccessor<V, E> pickSupport = vv.getPickSupport(); if (pickSupport != null) { final V vertex = pickSupport.getVertex(layout, ivp.getX(), ivp.getY()); final E edge = pickSupport.getEdge(layout, ivp.getX(), ivp.getY()); final PickedState<V> pickedVertexState = vv.getPickedVertexState(); final PickedState<E> pickedEdgeState = vv.getPickedEdgeState(); if (vertex != null) { Set<V> picked = pickedVertexState.getPicked(); if (picked.size() > 0) { if (graph instanceof UndirectedGraph == false) { JMenu directedMenu = new JMenu("Create Directed Edge"); popup.add(directedMenu); for (final V other : picked) { directedMenu.add(new AbstractAction("[" + other + "," + vertex + "]") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { graph.addEdge(edgeFactory.create(), other, vertex, EdgeType.DIRECTED); vv.repaint(); }//from ww w.j a va 2s. c o m }); } } if (graph instanceof DirectedGraph == false) { JMenu undirectedMenu = new JMenu("Create Undirected Edge"); popup.add(undirectedMenu); for (final V other : picked) { undirectedMenu.add(new AbstractAction("[" + other + "," + vertex + "]") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { graph.addEdge(edgeFactory.create(), other, vertex); vv.repaint(); } }); } } } popup.add(new AbstractAction("Delete TETRA Vertex") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { pickedVertexState.pick(vertex, false); graph.removeVertex(vertex); vv.repaint(); } }); } else if (edge != null) { popup.add(new AbstractAction("Delete Edge") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { pickedEdgeState.pick(edge, false); graph.removeEdge(edge); vv.repaint(); } }); } else { popup.add(new AbstractAction("Create TETRA Vertex") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { V newVertex = vertexFactory.create(); graph.addVertex(newVertex); layout.setLocation(newVertex, vv.getRenderContext().getMultiLayerTransformer().inverseTransform(p)); vv.repaint(); } }); } if (popup.getComponentCount() > 0) {, e.getX(), e.getY()); } } }