List of usage examples for java.awt Color getGreen
public int getGreen()
From source
public String colorToRGBString(Color c) { int r = c.getRed(); int g = c.getGreen(); int b = c.getBlue(); return "rgba(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ",0.0)"; }
From source
public String colorToString(Color c) { int r = c.getRed(); int g = c.getGreen(); int b = c.getBlue(); String red = r < 16 ? 0 + Integer.toString(r, 16) : Integer.toString(r, 16); String green = g < 16 ? 0 + Integer.toString(g, 16) : Integer.toString(g, 16); String blue = b < 16 ? 0 + Integer.toString(b, 16) : Integer.toString(b, 16); return "#" + red + green + blue; }
From source
/** * Process the image/* w w w . java2s. c o m*/ * * @param image The image * @param filename File to write the image to * @param node Node to process * @param props Extra properties * @param viewManager The viewmanager this image came from * @param imageProps the image properties * * * @return The processed image * @throws Throwable On badness */ protected BufferedImage processImage(BufferedImage image, String filename, Element node, Hashtable props, ViewManager viewManager, Hashtable imageProps) throws Throwable { if (node == null) { return image; } if (props == null) { props = new Hashtable(); } if (viewManager != null) { Animation animation = viewManager.getAnimation(); props.put(PROP_ANIMATIONTIME, ""); if (animation != null) { if (animation.getAniValue() != null) { props.put(PROP_ANIMATIONTIME, animation.getAniValue()); } } } getProperties().putAll(props); NodeList elements = XmlUtil.getElements(node); Hashtable seenColorTable = new Hashtable(); for (int childIdx = 0; childIdx < elements.getLength(); childIdx++) { boolean shouldIterateChildren = true; BufferedImage newImage = null; int imageWidth = image.getWidth(null); int imageHeight = image.getHeight(null); Element child = (Element) elements.item(childIdx); String tagName = child.getTagName(); if (tagName.equals(TAG_RESIZE)) { newImage = ImageUtils.toBufferedImage(resize(image, child)); } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_FILESET)) { //ignore } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_OUTPUT)) { processTagOutput(child); } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_DISPLAYLIST)) { if (viewManager != null) { newImage = ImageUtils.toBufferedImage(image, true); Graphics g = newImage.getGraphics(); String valign = applyMacros(child, ATTR_VALIGN, VALUE_BOTTOM); Font font = getFont(child); if (XmlUtil.hasAttribute(child, ATTR_MATTEBG)) { int height = viewManager.paintDisplayList((Graphics2D) g, null, imageWidth, imageHeight, valign.equals(VALUE_BOTTOM), null, font); int top = (valign.equals(VALUE_TOP) ? height : 0); int bottom = (valign.equals(VALUE_BOTTOM) ? height : 0); newImage = ImageUtils.matte(image, top, bottom, 0, 0, applyMacros(child, ATTR_MATTEBG, Color.white)); g = newImage.getGraphics(); imageHeight += height; } Color c = applyMacros(child, ATTR_COLOR, (Color) null); viewManager.paintDisplayList((Graphics2D) g, null, imageWidth, imageHeight, valign.equals(VALUE_BOTTOM), c, font); } } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_COLORBAR) || tagName.equals(TAG_KML_COLORBAR)) { // only do one colorbar if we are writing to kml Integer index = (Integer) props.get(PROP_IMAGEINDEX); if ((index != null) && (index.intValue() > 0) && tagName.equals(TAG_KML_COLORBAR)) { continue; } boolean showLines = applyMacros(child, ATTR_SHOWLINES, false); List<DisplayControlImpl> controls = (List<DisplayControlImpl>) ((viewManager != null) ? viewManager.getControls() : new ArrayList()); if (XmlUtil.hasAttribute(child, ATTR_DISPLAY)) { DisplayControlImpl display = ((controls.size() > 0) ? findDisplayControl(XmlUtil.getAttribute(child, ATTR_DISPLAY), controls) : findDisplayControl(child)); if (display == null) { error("Could not find display:" + XmlUtil.toString(node)); return null; } controls = Misc.newList(display); } int width = applyMacros(child, ATTR_WIDTH, 150); int height = applyMacros(child, ATTR_HEIGHT, 20); int ticks = applyMacros(child, ATTR_TICKMARKS, 0); double interval = applyMacros(child, ATTR_INTERVAL, -1.0); String valuesStr = applyMacros(child, ATTR_VALUES, (String) null); Color c = applyMacros(child, ATTR_COLOR,; Color lineColor = applyMacros(child, ATTR_LINECOLOR, c); Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); Point pp = ImageUtils.parsePoint(applyMacros(child, ATTR_PLACE, "ll,10,-10"), imageRect); Point ap = ImageUtils.parsePoint(applyMacros(child, ATTR_ANCHOR, "ll"), new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)); String orientation = applyMacros(child, ATTR_ORIENTATION, VALUE_BOTTOM); boolean vertical = orientation.equals(VALUE_RIGHT) || orientation.equals(VALUE_LEFT); int baseY = pp.y - ap.y + (vertical ? 0 : height); int baseX = pp.x - ap.x; List colorTables = new ArrayList(); List ranges = new ArrayList(); List units = new ArrayList(); boolean forKml = tagName.equals(TAG_KML_COLORBAR); for (int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++) { DisplayControlImpl control = (DisplayControlImpl) controls.get(i); ColorTable colorTable = control.getColorTable(); if (colorTable == null) { continue; } Range range = control.getRangeForColorTable(); //only do unique color tables Object[] key = { colorTable, range }; if (seenColorTable.get(key) != null) { continue; } seenColorTable.put(key, key); colorTables.add(colorTable); ranges.add(range); units.add(control.getDisplayUnit()); } for (int i = 0; i < colorTables.size(); i++) { ColorTable colorTable = (ColorTable) colorTables.get(i); Range range = (Range) ranges.get(i); Unit unit = (Unit) units.get(i); Image imageToDrawIn; if (forKml) { if (vertical) { baseX = 0; baseY = 0; } else { baseX = 0; baseY = height; } int space = applyMacros(child, ATTR_SPACE, (vertical ? width : height)); imageToDrawIn = new BufferedImage(width + (vertical ? space : 0), height + (vertical ? 0 : space), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); } else { imageToDrawIn = newImage = ImageUtils.toBufferedImage(image); } Graphics g = imageToDrawIn.getGraphics(); if (forKml) { Color bgColor = applyMacros(child, ATTR_BACKGROUND, Color.white); g.setColor(bgColor); g.fillRect(0, 0, imageToDrawIn.getWidth(null), imageToDrawIn.getHeight(null)); } boolean includeAlpha = applyMacros(child, ATTR_TRANSPARENCY, true); float[][] ctValues; if (includeAlpha) { ctValues = colorTable.getAlphaTable(); } else { ctValues = colorTable.getNonAlphaTable(); } ColorMap colorMap = new BaseRGBMap(ctValues); ColorPreview preview = new ColorPreview(colorMap, (vertical ? width : height)); if (vertical) { preview.setSize(new Dimension(height, width)); } else { preview.setSize(new Dimension(width, height)); } Image previewImage = ColorTableCanvas.getImage(colorTable, (vertical ? height : width), (vertical ? width : height), includeAlpha); if (vertical) { int imageType = includeAlpha ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB; BufferedImage tmpImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, imageType); Graphics2D tmpG = (Graphics2D) tmpImage.getGraphics(); tmpG.rotate(Math.toRadians(90.0)); tmpG.drawImage(previewImage, 0, 0 - width, null); previewImage = tmpImage; } if (forKml) { g.drawImage(previewImage, 0, 0, null); } else { g.drawImage(previewImage, baseX, (vertical ? baseY : baseY - height), null); } if (showLines) { g.setColor(lineColor); g.drawRect(baseX, (vertical ? baseY : baseY - height), width - 1, height - (vertical ? 1 : 0)); } setFont(g, child); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); List values = new ArrayList(); String suffixFrequency = XmlUtil.getAttribute(child, ATTR_SUFFIXFREQUENCY, XmlUtil.getAttribute(child, ATTR_SHOWUNIT, "false")).toLowerCase(); String unitDefault = (!suffixFrequency.equals("false")) ? " %unit%" : ""; String labelSuffix = applyMacros(child, ATTR_SUFFIX, unitDefault); if (unit != null) { labelSuffix = labelSuffix.replace("%unit%", "" + unit); } else { labelSuffix = labelSuffix.replace("%unit%", ""); } if (valuesStr != null) { double[] valueArray = Misc.parseDoubles(valuesStr, ","); for (int valueIdx = 0; valueIdx < valueArray.length; valueIdx++) { values.add(new Double(valueArray[valueIdx])); } } else if (ticks > 0) { int spacing = ((ticks == 1) ? 0 : (vertical ? height : width) / (ticks - 1)); for (int tickIdx = 0; tickIdx < ticks; tickIdx++) { double percent = ((ticks > 1) ? (double) tickIdx / (double) (ticks - 1) : 0.0); values.add(new Double(range.getValueOfPercent(percent))); } } else if (interval > 0) { double value = range.getMin(); double max = range.getMax(); while (value <= max) { values.add(new Double(value)); value += interval; } } for (int valueIdx = 0; valueIdx < values.size(); valueIdx++) { double value = ((Double) values.get(valueIdx)).doubleValue(); int x; int y; if (vertical) { if (orientation.equals(VALUE_RIGHT)) { x = baseX + width; } else { x = baseX; } y = baseY + (int) (range.getPercent(value) * height); if (y > baseY + height) { break; } } else { if (orientation.equals(VALUE_BOTTOM)) { y = baseY; } else { y = baseY - height; } if (range != null) { x = baseX + (int) (range.getPercent(value) * width); } else { x = baseX; } if (x > baseX + width) { break; } } String tickLabel = getIdv().getDisplayConventions().format(value); if (suffixFrequency.equals(VALUE_LAST) && (valueIdx == values.size() - 1)) { tickLabel += labelSuffix; } else if (suffixFrequency.equals(VALUE_FIRST) && (valueIdx == 0)) { tickLabel += labelSuffix; } else if (suffixFrequency.equals(VALUE_ALL) || suffixFrequency.equals("true")) { tickLabel += labelSuffix; } Rectangle2D rect = fm.getStringBounds(tickLabel, g); g.setColor(lineColor); if (orientation.equals(VALUE_RIGHT)) { g.drawLine(x + 1, y, x, y); if (showLines) { g.drawLine(x, y, x - width, y); } } else if (orientation.equals(VALUE_LEFT)) { g.drawLine(x - 1, y, x, y); if (showLines) { g.drawLine(x, y, x + width, y); } } else if (orientation.equals(VALUE_BOTTOM)) { g.drawLine(x, y + 1, x, y); if (showLines) { g.drawLine(x, y, x, y - height); } } else { g.drawLine(x, y - 1, x, y); if (showLines) { g.drawLine(x, y, x, y + height); } } g.setColor(c); if (orientation.equals(VALUE_RIGHT)) { int yLoc = y + (int) (rect.getHeight() / 2) - 2; if (forKml) { if (valueIdx == 0) { yLoc = y + (int) (rect.getHeight()) - 2; } else if (valueIdx == values.size() - 1) { yLoc = y - (int) (rect.getHeight()) + 6; } } g.drawString(tickLabel, x + 2, yLoc); } else if (orientation.equals(VALUE_LEFT)) { int xLoc = x - 2 - (int) rect.getWidth(); g.drawString(tickLabel, xLoc, y + (int) (rect.getHeight() / 2) - 2); } else if (orientation.equals(VALUE_BOTTOM)) { int xLoc = x - (int) (rect.getWidth() / 2); if (forKml) { if (valueIdx == 0) { xLoc = x + 2; } else if (valueIdx == values.size() - 1) { xLoc = x - (int) rect.getWidth() + 2; } } g.drawString(tickLabel, xLoc, y + (int) rect.getHeight() + 2); } else { g.drawString(tickLabel, x - (int) (rect.getWidth() / 2), y - 2); } } if (vertical) { baseX += width + 30; } else { baseY += height + 30; } if (forKml) { String tmpImageFile = applyMacros(child, ATTR_FILE, getIdv().getStore().getTmpFile("testcolorbar${viewindex}.png")); String template = "<ScreenOverlay><name>${}</name><Icon><href>${icon}</href></Icon>\n" + "<overlayXY x=\"${kml.overlayXY.x}\" y=\"${kml.overlayXY.y}\" xunits=\"${kml.overlayXY.xunits}\" yunits=\"${kml.overlayXY.yunits}\"/>\n" + "<screenXY x=\"${kml.screenXY.x}\" y=\"${kml.screenXY.y}\" xunits=\"${kml.screenXY.xunits}\" yunits=\"${kml.screenXY.yunits}\"/>\n" + "<size x=\"${kml.size.x}\" y=\"${kml.size.y}\" xunits=\"${kml.size.xunits}\" yunits=\"${kml.size.yunits}\"/>\n" + "</ScreenOverlay>\n"; String[] macros = { "", "kml.overlayXY.x", "kml.overlayXY.y", "kml.overlayXY.xunits", "kml.overlayXY.yunits", "kml.screenXY.x", "kml.screenXY.y", "kml.screenXY.xunits", "kml.screenXY.yunits", "kml.size.x", "kml.size.y", "kml.size.xunits", "kml.size.yunits" }; String[] macroValues = { "", "0", "1", "fraction", "fraction", "0", "1", "fraction", "fraction", "-1", "-1", "pixels", "pixels" }; for (int macroIdx = 0; macroIdx < macros.length; macroIdx++) { template = template.replace("${" + macros[macroIdx] + "}", applyMacros(child, macros[macroIdx], macroValues[macroIdx])); } template = template.replace("${icon}", IOUtil.getFileTail(tmpImageFile)); imageProps.put("kml", template); List kmlFiles = (List) imageProps.get("kmlfiles"); //TODO: Only do the first one for now if (kmlFiles == null) { kmlFiles = new ArrayList(); imageProps.put("kmlfiles", kmlFiles); } kmlFiles.add(tmpImageFile); // System.out.println(template); ImageUtils.writeImageToFile(imageToDrawIn, tmpImageFile); } } } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_TRANSPARENT) || tagName.equals(TAG_BGTRANSPARENT)) { Color c = null; if (tagName.equals(TAG_BGTRANSPARENT)) { c = viewManager.getBackground(); } else { c = applyMacros(child, ATTR_COLOR, (Color) null); } // System.err.println ("c:" + c); int[] redRange = { 0, 0 }; int[] greenRange = { 0, 0 }; int[] blueRange = { 0, 0 }; if (c != null) { // System.err.println("got color"); redRange[0] = redRange[1] = c.getRed(); greenRange[0] = greenRange[1] = c.getGreen(); blueRange[0] = blueRange[1] = c.getBlue(); } else { } newImage = ImageUtils.makeColorTransparent(image, redRange, greenRange, blueRange); } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_SHOW)) { JComponent contents = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(image)); String message = applyMacros(child, ATTR_MESSAGE, (String) null); if (message != null) { contents = GuiUtils.topCenter(new JLabel(message), contents); } if (!GuiUtils.askOkCancel("Continue?", contents)) { throw new MyQuitException(); } } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_MATTE)) { newImage = doMatte(image, child, 0); } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_LATLONLABELS)) { newImage = doLatLonLabels(child, viewManager, image, imageProps); } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_WRITE)) { ImageUtils.writeImageToFile(image, getImageFileName(applyMacros(child, ATTR_FILE))); } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_PUBLISH)) { getIdv().getPublishManager().publishIslImage(this, node, image); } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_CLIP)) { int[] ul; int[] lr; if (XmlUtil.hasAttribute(child, ATTR_DISPLAY)) { // System.err.println("Clipping from display"); DisplayControlImpl dc = findDisplayControl(child); if (dc == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find display:" + XmlUtil.toString(node)); } NavigatedDisplay display = (NavigatedDisplay) viewManager.getMaster(); MapProjection mapProjection = dc.getDataProjection(); java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rect = mapProjection.getDefaultMapArea(); LatLonPoint llplr = mapProjection.getLatLon(new double[][] { { rect.getX() + rect.getWidth() }, { rect.getY() + rect.getHeight() } }); LatLonPoint llpul = mapProjection .getLatLon(new double[][] { { rect.getX() }, { rect.getY() } }); EarthLocation ulEl = new EarthLocationTuple(llpul, new Real(RealType.Altitude, 0)); EarthLocation lrEl = new EarthLocationTuple(llplr, new Real(RealType.Altitude, 0)); ul = display.getScreenCoordinates(display.getSpatialCoordinates(ulEl, null)); lr = display.getScreenCoordinates(display.getSpatialCoordinates(lrEl, null)); //System.err.println("ul:" + ulEl + " lr:" + lrEl); if (ul[0] > lr[0]) { int tmp = ul[0]; ul[0] = lr[0]; lr[0] = tmp; } if (ul[1] > lr[1]) { int tmp = ul[1]; ul[1] = lr[1]; lr[1] = tmp; } imageProps.put(ATTR_NORTH, new Double(ulEl.getLatitude().getValue())); imageProps.put(ATTR_WEST, new Double(ulEl.getLongitude().getValue())); imageProps.put(ATTR_SOUTH, new Double(lrEl.getLatitude().getValue())); imageProps.put(ATTR_EAST, new Double(lrEl.getLongitude().getValue())); } else if ((viewManager != null) && XmlUtil.hasAttribute(child, ATTR_NORTH)) { NavigatedDisplay display = (NavigatedDisplay) viewManager.getMaster(); EarthLocation el1 = DisplayControlImpl.makeEarthLocation(toDouble(child, ATTR_NORTH), toDouble(child, ATTR_WEST), 0); EarthLocation el2 = DisplayControlImpl.makeEarthLocation(toDouble(child, ATTR_SOUTH), toDouble(child, ATTR_EAST), 0); ul = display.getScreenCoordinates(display.getSpatialCoordinates(el1, null)); lr = display.getScreenCoordinates(display.getSpatialCoordinates(el2, null)); imageProps.put(ATTR_NORTH, new Double(el1.getLatitude().getValue())); imageProps.put(ATTR_WEST, new Double(el1.getLongitude().getValue())); imageProps.put(ATTR_SOUTH, new Double(el2.getLatitude().getValue())); imageProps.put(ATTR_EAST, new Double(el2.getLongitude().getValue())); } else if (XmlUtil.hasAttribute(child, ATTR_LEFT)) { ul = new int[] { (int) toDouble(child, ATTR_LEFT, imageWidth), (int) toDouble(child, ATTR_TOP, imageHeight) }; lr = new int[] { (int) toDouble(child, ATTR_RIGHT, imageWidth), (int) toDouble(child, ATTR_BOTTOM, imageHeight) }; } else if (viewManager != null) { //TODO: Clip on visad coordinates NavigatedDisplay display = (NavigatedDisplay) viewManager.getMaster(); ul = display.getScreenCoordinates(new double[] { -1, 1, 0 }); lr = display.getScreenCoordinates(new double[] { 1, -1, 0 }); int space = applyMacros(child, ATTR_SPACE, 0); int hspace = applyMacros(child, ATTR_HSPACE, space); int vspace = applyMacros(child, ATTR_VSPACE, space); ul[0] -= applyMacros(child, ATTR_SPACE_LEFT, hspace); ul[1] -= applyMacros(child, ATTR_SPACE_TOP, vspace); lr[0] += applyMacros(child, ATTR_SPACE_RIGHT, hspace); lr[1] += applyMacros(child, ATTR_SPACE_BOTTOM, vspace); } else { continue; } for (String attr : (List<String>) Misc.newList(ATTR_NORTH, ATTR_SOUTH, ATTR_EAST, ATTR_WEST)) { String kmlAttr = "kml." + attr; if (XmlUtil.hasAttribute(child, kmlAttr)) { imageProps.put(attr, new Double(applyMacros(child, kmlAttr, 0.0))); } } ul[0] = Math.max(0, ul[0]); ul[1] = Math.max(0, ul[1]); lr[0] = Math.min(lr[0], imageWidth); lr[1] = Math.min(lr[1], imageHeight); newImage = ImageUtils.clip(image, ul, lr); } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_SPLIT)) { shouldIterateChildren = false; int width = image.getWidth(null); int height = image.getHeight(null); int cols = applyMacros(child, ATTR_COLUMNS, 2); int rows = applyMacros(child, ATTR_ROWS, 2); String file = applyMacros(child, ATTR_FILE); int cnt = 0; int hSpace = width / cols; int vSpace = height / rows; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { pushProperties(); Hashtable myprops = new Hashtable(); putProperty("row", new Integer(row)); putProperty("column", new Integer(col)); putProperty("count", new Integer(++cnt)); String realFile = applyMacros(file, myprops); Image splitImage = image.getSubimage(hSpace * col, vSpace * row, hSpace, vSpace); processImage(ImageUtils.toBufferedImage(splitImage), realFile, child, myprops, viewManager, new Hashtable()); popProperties(); } } } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_THUMBNAIL)) { shouldIterateChildren = false; BufferedImage thumbImage = ImageUtils.toBufferedImage(resize(image, child)); String thumbFile = applyMacros(child, ATTR_FILE, (String) null); if (thumbFile == null) { thumbFile = IOUtil.stripExtension(filename) + "_thumb" + IOUtil.getFileExtension(filename); } processImage(thumbImage, thumbFile, child, null, viewManager, new Hashtable()); } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_KML)) { //NOOP } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_KMZFILE)) { //NOOP } else if (tagName.equals(TAG_OVERLAY)) { double transparency = applyMacros(child, ATTR_TRANSPARENCY, 0.0); Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics(); String imagePath = applyMacros(child, ATTR_IMAGE, (String) null); float scale = (float) applyMacros(child, ATTR_SCALE, 1.0); Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); Point pp = ImageUtils.parsePoint(applyMacros(child, ATTR_PLACE, "lr,-10,-10"), imageRect); String text = applyMacros(child, ATTR_TEXT, (String) null); Color bg = applyMacros(child, ATTR_BACKGROUND, (Color) null); if (text != null) { double angle = Math.toRadians(applyMacros(child, ATTR_ANGLE, 0.0)); text = applyMacros(text); Color c = applyMacros(child, ATTR_COLOR, Color.white); if ((c != null) && (transparency > 0)) { c = new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), ImageUtils.toAlpha(transparency)); } //Color bg = applyMacros(child, ATTR_BACKGROUND, // (Color) null); if ((bg != null) && (transparency > 0)) { bg = new Color(bg.getRed(), bg.getGreen(), bg.getBlue(), ImageUtils.toAlpha(transparency)); } setFont(g, child); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); Rectangle2D rect = fm.getStringBounds(text, g); int width = (int) rect.getWidth(); int height = (int) (rect.getHeight()); Point ap = ImageUtils.parsePoint(applyMacros(child, ATTR_ANCHOR, "lr,-10,-10"), new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)); g.rotate(angle); if (bg != null) { g.setColor(bg); g.fillRect(pp.x - ap.x - 1, pp.y - ap.y - 1, (int) width + 2, (int) height + 2); } g.setColor(c); g.drawString(text, pp.x - ap.x, pp.y - ap.y + height); } if (imagePath != null) { Image overlay = ImageUtils.readImage(imagePath); if (overlay != null) { if (transparency > 0) { overlay = ImageUtils.setAlpha(overlay, transparency); } int width = overlay.getWidth(null); int height = overlay.getHeight(null); int scaledWidth = Math.round(width * scale); int scaledHeight = Math.round(height * scale); Image scaled = getScaledImage(overlay, scaledWidth, scaledHeight); Rectangle overlayRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight); Point ap = ImageUtils.parsePoint(applyMacros(child, ATTR_ANCHOR, "lr,-10,-10"), overlayRect); g.drawImage(scaled, pp.x - ap.x, pp.y - ap.y, bg, null); } } } else { error("Unknown tag:" + tagName); } if (newImage != null) { String newFileName = applyMacros(child, ATTR_FILE, (String) null); if (shouldIterateChildren) { logger.trace("newFileName='{}' viewManager={} newImage={}", newFileName, viewManager, newImage); newImage = processImage(newImage, newFileName, child, null, viewManager, new Hashtable()); logger.trace("finished processImage; result: {}", newImage); } if (newFileName != null) { logger.trace("calling writeImageToFile..."); ImageUtils.writeImageToFile(newImage, getImageFileName(newFileName)); logger.trace("finished writeImageToFile"); debug("Writing image:" + newFileName); } if (!applyMacros(child, ATTR_COPY, false)) { image = newImage; } } } if (filename != null) { float quality = (float) applyMacros(node, ATTR_QUALITY, 1.0); List<String> fileToks = StringUtil.split(filename, ",", true, true); for (String file : fileToks) { file = getImageFileName(file); debug("Writing image:" + file); if (file.endsWith(FileManager.SUFFIX_KMZ) || file.endsWith(FileManager.SUFFIX_KML)) { GeoLocationInfo bounds = null; if (viewManager != null) { bounds = viewManager.getVisibleGeoBounds(); ImageSequenceGrabber.subsetBounds(bounds, imageProps); String tmpImageFile = getOutputPath(file); ImageUtils.writeImageToFile(image, tmpImageFile, quality); ImageWrapper imageWrapper = new ImageWrapper(tmpImageFile, null, bounds, null); imageWrapper.setProperties(imageProps); new ImageSequenceGrabber(file, getIdv(), this, node, (List<ImageWrapper>) Misc.newList(imageWrapper), null, 1); } } else { logger.trace("another writeImageToFile call..."); ImageUtils.writeImageToFile(image, file, quality); logger.trace("and it's done."); } } } logger.trace("result: {}", image); return image; }