List of usage examples for java.awt Color darker
public Color darker()
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}//from w ww.ja v a 2s. co m */ @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { if (checkModifiers(e)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final VisualizationViewer<CNode, CEdge> vv = (VisualizationViewer<CNode, CEdge>) e.getSource(); final Layout<CNode, CEdge> layout = vv.getModel().getGraphLayout(); final GraphElementAccessor<CNode, CEdge> pickSupport = vv.getPickSupport(); if (startVertex != null) { transformEdgeShape(down, e.getPoint()); if (edgeIsDirected == EdgeType.DIRECTED) { transformArrowShape(down, e.getPoint()); final CNode pointedVertex = pickSupport.getVertex(layout, e.getX(), e.getY()); if (pointedVertex != null && pointedVertex != startVertex) { if (!pointedVertices.containsKey(pointedVertex)) { pointedVertices.put(pointedVertex, pointedVertex.getColor()); //save original color } Color prevColor = pointedVertex.getColor(); if (pointedVertex.getColor().equals(pointedVertices.get(pointedVertex))) { if (pointedVertex != this.lastDragVertex && this.lastDragVertex != null) { lastDragVertex.setColor(pointedVertices.get(lastDragVertex)); } //Don't change color if there is an existing edge if (layout.getGraph().findEdge(startVertex, pointedVertex) == null) { if (GraphUtil.isDarkNode(pointedVertex)) { if (prevColor.darker().equals(prevColor)) { pointedVertex.setColor(Color.GRAY); } else { if (prevColor.brighter().equals(prevColor)) { pointedVertex.setColor(Color.GRAY); } else { pointedVertex.setColor(pointedVertices.get(pointedVertex).brighter()); } } } else { pointedVertex.setColor(pointedVertices.get(pointedVertex).darker()); } } } this.lastDragVertex = this.dragVertex; this.dragVertex = pointedVertex; } else if (dragVertex != null) { dragVertex.setColor(pointedVertices.get(dragVertex)); } } } vv.repaint(); } }
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/** * Draws the gridlines for the plot, if they are visible. *//from w w w. j a va 2 s . com * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param dataArea the data area. * @param ticks the ticks. * * @see #drawRangeGridlines(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D, List) */ protected void drawRangeGridlines(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, List ticks) { Composite oldcomp = g2.getComposite(); Paint bandPaint = getBackgroundPaint(); if (bandPaint != null && bandPaint instanceof java.awt.Color) { // g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcO); java.awt.Color bandcolor = (java.awt.Color) (bandPaint); boolean fillBand = false; ValueAxis axis = getRangeAxis(); double previous = axis.getLowerBound(); Iterator iterator = ticks.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ValueTick tick = (ValueTick); if (!tick.getTickType().equals(TickType.MAJOR)) continue; double current = tick.getValue(); double y1 = axis.valueToJava2D(previous, dataArea, getRangeAxisEdge()); double y2 = axis.valueToJava2D(current, dataArea, getRangeAxisEdge()); Rectangle2D band = new Rectangle2D.Double(dataArea.getMinX(), y2, dataArea.getWidth(), y1 - y2); if (fillBand) g2.setPaint(bandcolor); else g2.setPaint(bandcolor.darker()); g2.fill(band); previous = current; fillBand = !fillBand; } double end = axis.getUpperBound(); double y1 = axis.valueToJava2D(previous, dataArea, getRangeAxisEdge()); double y2 = axis.valueToJava2D(end, dataArea, getRangeAxisEdge()); Rectangle2D band = new Rectangle2D.Double(dataArea.getMinX(), y2, dataArea.getWidth(), y1 - y2); if (fillBand) g2.setPaint(bandcolor); else g2.setPaint(bandcolor.darker()); g2.fill(band); } else { super.drawRangeGridlines(g2, dataArea, ticks); } g2.setComposite(oldcomp); }
From source
/** * Draws the gridlines for the plot's primary range axis, if they are * visible.//www. j a va 2 s . co m * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param area the data area. * @param ticks the ticks. * * @see #drawDomainGridlines(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D, List) */ protected void drawDomainGridlines(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, List ticks) { Composite oldcomp = g2.getComposite(); Paint bandPaint = getBackgroundPaint(); if (bandPaint != null && bandPaint instanceof java.awt.Color) { g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcIn); java.awt.Color bandcolor = (java.awt.Color) (bandPaint); boolean fillBand = true; ValueAxis axis = getDomainAxis(); double previous = axis.getLowerBound(); Iterator iterator = ticks.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ValueTick tick = (ValueTick); if (!tick.getTickType().equals(TickType.MAJOR)) continue; double current = tick.getValue(); double y1 = axis.valueToJava2D(previous, dataArea, getDomainAxisEdge()); double y2 = axis.valueToJava2D(current, dataArea, getDomainAxisEdge()); Rectangle2D band = new Rectangle2D.Double(y1, dataArea.getMinY(), y2 - y1, dataArea.getWidth()); if (fillBand) g2.setPaint(bandcolor); else g2.setPaint(bandcolor.darker()); g2.fill(band); previous = current; fillBand = !fillBand; } double end = axis.getUpperBound(); double y1 = axis.valueToJava2D(previous, dataArea, getDomainAxisEdge()); double y2 = axis.valueToJava2D(end, dataArea, getDomainAxisEdge()); Rectangle2D band = new Rectangle2D.Double(y1, dataArea.getMinY(), y2 - y1, dataArea.getWidth()); if (fillBand) g2.setPaint(bandcolor); else g2.setPaint(bandcolor.darker()); g2.fill(band); } else { super.drawDomainGridlines(g2, dataArea, ticks); } g2.setComposite(oldcomp); }
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private void drawLegendLine(Graphics2D g2, int verticalOffset, double horizontalNumberOffset, Color col, String txt, String numberText, boolean textIsPlural, boolean withSubSegment, String subSegmentText, String subNumberText, boolean subTextIsPlural) { int left = 620; // col == null --> total --> kein Rechteck if (col != null) { g2.drawImage(keyShadow.getImage(), left, 30 + verticalOffset, keyShadow.getImageObserver()); g2.setColor(col);/*w ww .j a v a 2s. c om*/ g2.fillRect(left + 13, 37 + verticalOffset, 45, 45); if (withSubSegment) { Polygon p = new Polygon(new int[] { left + 13 + 45, left + 13 + 45, left + 13 }, new int[] { verticalOffset + 37, verticalOffset + 37 + 45, verticalOffset + 37 + 45 }, 3); g2.setColor(col.darker()); g2.fillPolygon(p); } } g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(numberText); sb.append(" ").append(plural(textIsPlural, txt)); if (withSubSegment) { sb.append(" with "); sb.append(subNumberText); sb.append(" "); sb.append(plural(subTextIsPlural, subSegmentText)); } g2.drawString(sb.toString(), (int) (left + 80 + horizontalNumberOffset), 30 + 41 + verticalOffset); }
From source
/** * Shows the About dialog./*from w w w . ja v a2 s . c om*/ */ public void doAbout() { AppContextMgr acm = AppContextMgr.getInstance(); boolean hasContext = acm.hasContext(); int baseNumRows = 9; String serverName = AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs().get("login.servers_selected", null); if (serverName != null) { baseNumRows++; } CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); PanelBuilder infoPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p,6px,f:p:g", "p,4px,p,4px," + UIHelper.createDuplicateJGoodiesDef("p", "2px", baseNumRows))); JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(IconManager.getIcon("SpecifyLargeIcon"), SwingConstants.CENTER); //$NON-NLS-1$ PanelBuilder iconPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p", "20px,t:p,f:p:g")); iconPB.add(iconLabel, cc.xy(1, 2)); if (hasContext) { DBTableIdMgr tableMgr = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance(); boolean hasReged = !RegisterSpecify.isAnonymous() && RegisterSpecify.hasInstitutionRegistered(); int y = 1; infoPB.addSeparator(getResourceString("Specify.SYS_INFO"), cc.xyw(1, y, 3)); y += 2; JLabel lbl = UIHelper.createLabel(databaseName); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.DB"), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(lbl, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; lbl.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { openLocalPrefs(); } } }); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createFormLabel(tableMgr.getTitleForId(Institution.getClassTableId())), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(lbl = UIHelper.createLabel(acm.getClassObject(Institution.class).getName()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; lbl.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { openRemotePrefs(); } } }); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createFormLabel(tableMgr.getTitleForId(Division.getClassTableId())), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createLabel(acm.getClassObject(Division.class).getName()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; infoPB.add(UIHelper.createFormLabel(tableMgr.getTitleForId(Discipline.getClassTableId())), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createLabel(acm.getClassObject(Discipline.class).getName()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; infoPB.add(UIHelper.createFormLabel(tableMgr.getTitleForId(Collection.getClassTableId())), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createLabel(acm.getClassObject(Collection.class).getCollectionName()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; infoPB.add(UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.BLD"), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createLabel(appBuildVersion), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; infoPB.add(UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.REG"), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createI18NLabel(hasReged ? "Specify.HASREG" : "Specify.NOTREG"), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; String isaNumber = RegisterSpecify.getISANumber(); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.ISANUM"), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createLabel(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(isaNumber) ? isaNumber : ""), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; if (serverName != null) { infoPB.add(UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.SERVER"), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createLabel(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(serverName) ? serverName : ""), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; } if (StringUtils.contains(DBConnection.getInstance().getConnectionStr(), "mysql")) { Vector<Object[]> list = BasicSQLUtils.query("select version() as ve"); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { infoPB.add(UIHelper.createFormLabel("MySQL Version"), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createLabel(list.get(0)[0].toString()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; } } infoPB.add(UIHelper.createFormLabel("Java Version"), cc.xy(1, y)); infoPB.add(UIHelper.createLabel(System.getProperty("java.version")), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; } String txt = getAboutText(appName, appVersion); JLabel txtLbl = createLabel(txt); txtLbl.setFont(UIRegistry.getDefaultFont()); final JEditorPane txtPane = new JEditorPane("text/html", txt); txtPane.setEditable(false); txtPane.setBackground(new JPanel().getBackground()); PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p,20px,f:min(400px;p):g,10px,8px,10px,p:g", "f:p:g")); pb.add(iconPB.getPanel(), cc.xy(1, 1)); pb.add(txtPane, cc.xy(3, 1)); Color bg = getBackground(); if (hasContext) { pb.add(new VerticalSeparator(bg.darker(), bg.brighter()), cc.xy(5, 1)); pb.add(infoPB.getPanel(), cc.xy(7, 1)); } pb.setDefaultDialogBorder(); String title = getResourceString("Specify.ABOUT");//$NON-NLS-1$ CustomDialog aboutDlg = new CustomDialog(topFrame, title + " " + appName, true, CustomDialog.OK_BTN, //$NON-NLS-1$ pb.getPanel()); String okLabel = getResourceString("Specify.CLOSE");//$NON-NLS-1$ aboutDlg.setOkLabel(okLabel); aboutDlg.createUI(); aboutDlg.pack(); // for some strange reason I can't get the dialog to size itself correctly Dimension size = aboutDlg.getSize(); size.height += 120; aboutDlg.setSize(size); txtPane.addHyperlinkListener(new HyperlinkListener() { public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent event) { if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { try { AttachmentUtils.openURI(event.getURL().toURI()); } catch (Exception e) {; } } } }); UIHelper.centerAndShow(aboutDlg); }
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@Override public void createUI() { super.createUI(); CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); orderUpBtn = createIconBtn("ReorderUp", "TCGD_MOVE_UP", new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { int inx = fieldsTbl.getSelectedRow(); UIFieldFormatterField item = (UIFieldFormatterField) fields.get(inx); fields.remove(inx);//from www .j a va 2s .c om fields.insertElementAt(item, inx - 1); fieldsTbl.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(inx - 1, inx - 1); selectedFormat.resetLength(); updateEnabledState(); updateUIEnabled(); } }); orderDwnBtn = createIconBtn("ReorderDown", "TCGD_MOVE_DOWN", new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { int inx = fieldsTbl.getSelectedRow(); UIFieldFormatterField item = (UIFieldFormatterField) fields.get(inx); fields.remove(inx); fields.insertElementAt(item, inx + 1); fieldsTbl.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(inx + 1, inx + 1); selectedFormat.resetLength(); updateEnabledState(); updateUIEnabled(); } }); // get formatters for field List<UIFieldFormatterIFace> fmtrs = new Vector<UIFieldFormatterIFace>(uiFieldFormatterMgrCache .getFormatterList(fieldInfo.getTableInfo().getClassObj(), fieldInfo.getName())); Collections.sort(fmtrs, new Comparator<UIFieldFormatterIFace>() { public int compare(UIFieldFormatterIFace o1, UIFieldFormatterIFace o2) { return o1.toPattern().compareTo(o2.toPattern()); } }); // table and field titles PanelBuilder tblInfoPB = new PanelBuilder( new FormLayout("r:p,2px,f:p:g", "p,2px,p,2px,p,10px")/*, new FormDebugPanel()*/); String typeStr = fieldInfo.getType(); typeStr = typeStr.indexOf('.') > -1 ? StringUtils.substringAfterLast(fieldInfo.getType(), ".") : typeStr; JLabel tableTitleLbl = createI18NFormLabel("FFE_TABLE"); JLabel tableTitleValueLbl = createLabel(fieldInfo.getTableInfo().getTitle()); tableTitleValueLbl.setBackground(Color.WHITE); tableTitleValueLbl.setOpaque(true); JLabel fieldTitleLbl = createI18NFormLabel("FFE_FIELD"); JLabel fieldTitleValueLbl = createLabel(fieldInfo.getTitle()); fieldTitleValueLbl.setBackground(Color.WHITE); fieldTitleValueLbl.setOpaque(true); JLabel fieldLengthLbl = createI18NFormLabel("FFE_LENGTH"); JLabel fieldLengthValueLbl = createLabel(Integer.toString(fieldInfo.getLength())); fieldLengthValueLbl.setBackground(Color.WHITE); fieldLengthValueLbl.setOpaque(true); int y = 1; tblInfoPB.add(tableTitleLbl, cc.xy(1, y)); tblInfoPB.add(tableTitleValueLbl, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; tblInfoPB.add(fieldTitleLbl, cc.xy(1, y)); tblInfoPB.add(fieldTitleValueLbl, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; tblInfoPB.add(fieldLengthLbl, cc.xy(1, y)); tblInfoPB.add(fieldLengthValueLbl, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; // sample panel sampleLabel = createLabel("", SwingConstants.LEFT); JPanel samplePanel = new JPanel(); samplePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(getResourceString("FFE_SAMPLE"))); //$NON-NLS-1$ samplePanel.add(sampleLabel); // name text field nameTF = createTextField(20); // title text field titleTF = createTextField(20); byYearCB = createCheckBox(getResourceString("FFE_BY_YEAR_CHECKBOX")); //$NON-NLS-1$ hookByYearCheckBoxListener(); fieldsPanel = new EditDeleteAddPanel(getSaveAL(), getDelAL(), getAddAL()); fieldsTbl = new JTable(fieldsModel = new FieldsTableModel()); fieldTypeCbx = new JComboBox(FieldType.values()); // I18N fieldTxt = createTextField(20); fieldsPanel.getAddBtn().setEnabled(true); fieldsPanel.getEditBtn().setIcon(IconManager.getIcon("Green Arrow Up", IconManager.IconSize.Std16)); UIHelper.makeTableHeadersCentered(fieldsTbl, true); fieldTxt.setDocument(new FieldDocument()); fieldsTbl.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); int width = fieldTypeCbx.getPreferredSize().width; y = 1; PanelBuilder subPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("r:p,2px,p", "p,4px, p,4px, p,4px, p,4px")); subPB.add(createI18NFormLabel("FFE_NAME"), cc.xy(1, y)); subPB.add(nameTF, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; subPB.add(createI18NFormLabel("FFE_TITLE"), cc.xy(1, y)); subPB.add(titleTF, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; subPB.add(byYearCB, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; // CardLayout for Editor Panels SpinnerModel retModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(1, //initial value 1, //min fieldInfo.getLength(), //max 1); //step sizeSpinner = new JSpinner(retModel); isIncChk = new JCheckBox("Is Incrementer"); // I18N String colDefs = "f:p:g,p,2px," + width + "px,2px,p"; closeBtn = createClose(0); PanelBuilder numPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout(colDefs, "p,2px,p,2px,p")); numPB.add(createI18NFormLabel("FFE_LENGTH"), cc.xy(2, 1)); numPB.add(sizeSpinner, cc.xy(4, 1)); //numPB.add(closeBtn, cc.xy(6, 1)); numPB.add(isIncChk, cc.xy(4, 3)); sepCbx = new JComboBox(new String[] { "-", ".", "/", "(space)", "_" }); closeBtn = createClose(1); PanelBuilder sepPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout(colDefs, "p,2px,p")); sepPB.add(createI18NFormLabel("FFE_SEP"), cc.xy(2, 1)); sepPB.add(sepCbx, cc.xy(4, 1)); //sepPB.add(closeBtn, cc.xy(6, 1)); closeBtn = createClose(2); PanelBuilder txtPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout(colDefs, "p,2px,p")); txtPB.add(createI18NFormLabel("FFE_TEXT"), cc.xy(2, 1)); txtPB.add(fieldTxt, cc.xy(4, 1)); cardPanel = new JPanel(cardLayout); cardPanel.add("size", numPB.getPanel()); cardPanel.add("text", txtPB.getPanel()); cardPanel.add("sep", sepPB.getPanel()); cardPanel.add("none", new JLabel(" ")); y = 1; PanelBuilder leftPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("f:p:g", "t:p,10px,p,f:p:g")); leftPB.add(tblInfoPB.getPanel(), cc.xy(1, y)); y += 2; leftPB.add(subPB.getPanel(), cc.xy(1, y)); y += 2; PanelBuilder upDownPanel = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p", "f:p:g, p, 2px, p, f:p:g")); upDownPanel.add(orderUpBtn, cc.xy(1, 2)); upDownPanel.add(orderDwnBtn, cc.xy(1, 4)); totLenLbl = createLabel("XXXXX"); y = 1; PanelBuilder rightPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p:g,2px,p,2px,p", "200px,2px,p,2px,p,2px,p")); rightPB.add(createScrollPane(fieldsTbl), cc.xywh(1, y, 3, 1)); rightPB.add(upDownPanel.getPanel(), cc.xywh(5, y, 1, 1)); y += 2; rightPB.add(totLenLbl, cc.xy(1, y)); rightPB.add(fieldsPanel, cc.xywh(3, y, 1, 1)); y += 2; rightPB.add(fieldTypeLbl = createI18NFormLabel("FFE_TYPE"), cc.xy(1, y)); rightPB.add(fieldTypeCbx, cc.xy(3, y)); rightPB.add(closeBtn, cc.xy(5, y)); y += 2; rightPB.add(cardPanel, cc.xyw(1, y, 3)); y += 2; y = 1; PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p:g,10px,p,10px,p:g,10px,p", "f:p:g,10px,p")); Color bg = getBackground(); pb.add(new VerticalSeparator(bg.darker(), bg.brighter()), cc.xywh(3, 1, 1, 1)); pb.add(leftPB.getPanel(), cc.xy(1, y)); pb.add(rightPB.getPanel(), cc.xy(5, y)); //pb.add(keyPanel, cc.xy(7, y)); y += 2; pb.add(samplePanel, cc.xyw(1, y, 7)); y += 2; setByYearSelected(selectedFormat); nameTF.setEditable(isNew); nameTF.setText(selectedFormat.getName()); titleTF.setText(selectedFormat.getTitle()); updateSample(); hookTextChangeListener(nameTF, "FFE_NO_NAME", 32); hookTextChangeListener(titleTF, "FFE_NO_TITLE", 32); pb.setDefaultDialogBorder(); contentPanel = pb.getPanel(); mainPanel.add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); updateUIEnabled(); pack(); enabledEditorUI(false); hookFieldsTblSelectionListener(); fieldTypeCbx.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { typeChanged(); } }); sepCbx.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { fieldHasChanged = true; updateEnabledState(); hasChanged = true; updateUIEnabled(); } }); fieldTxt.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentAdaptor() { @Override protected void changed(DocumentEvent e) { fieldHasChanged = true; updateEnabledState(); hasChanged = true; updateUIEnabled(); } }); sizeSpinner.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { fieldHasChanged = true; updateEnabledState(); hasChanged = true; updateUIEnabled(); } }); isIncChk.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { fieldHasChanged = true; if (!isIncChk.isSelected()) { byYearCB.setSelected(false); } updateEntry(); updateUIEnabled(); updateEnabledState(); fieldsTbl.repaint(); } }); fieldTypeCbx.setSelectedIndex(-1); fieldHasChanged = false; updateEnabledState(); }
From source
/** * Draw./*w w w. j a va 2 s . co m*/ * * @param ip the ip * @param radius the radius * @param c the c */ public void draw(ImageProcessor ip, int radius, Color c) { int x = getWeightedXInImage(); // (getCenterX()); int y = getWeightedYInImage(); // (getCenterY()); ip.setColor(c.darker()); // ip.drawOval(x-(getWidth()/2), y-(getWidth()/2), // getWidth(),getWidth()); ip.drawRect(getFrameX(), getFrameY(), getWidth(), getHeight()); ip.drawRect(getFrameX() - 1, getFrameY() - 1, getWidth() + 2, getHeight() + 2); // ip.setColor(; // ip.drawOval(x-1, y-1, 3, 3); ip.setColor(Color.white); ip.drawString("" + id, x, y + 16); }
From source
public JFreeChart getChartDistribution(boolean horizontal) { // System.out.println("Min: " + minValue()); // System.out.println("Max: " + maxValue()); XYIntervalSeriesCollection datasetDistribution = createIntervalXYDatasetDistribution(horizontal); XYSeriesCollection dataset2 = createXYDatasetGauss(horizontal); // create the chart... NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis(getValueString()); xAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); // NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis("Distribution"); NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(); yAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(true); //XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(); renderer = new MyBarRenderer(); XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(datasetDistribution, xAxis, yAxis, renderer); plot.setOrientation(horizontal ? PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL : PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new StandardXYToolTipGenerator()); JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(null, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, isGrouping()); chart.setBackgroundPaint((Paint) UIManager.get("Panel.background")); // plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); plot.setDomainAxisLocation(AxisLocation.BOTTOM_OR_LEFT); plot.setRangeAxisLocation(AxisLocation.BOTTOM_OR_LEFT); StandardXYItemLabelGenerator itemlabels = new StandardXYItemLabelGenerator(); renderer.setBaseItemLabelGenerator(itemlabels); renderer.setBaseItemLabelsVisible(true); plot.setDataset(1, dataset2);/*from w ww. ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(1, 1); // ValueAxis domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis(); //domainAxis.setCategoryLabelPositions(horizontal?CategoryLabelPositions.STANDARD:CategoryLabelPositions.UP_90); ValueAxis axis2 = new NumberAxis("Gaussian"); plot.setRangeAxis(1, axis2); axis2.setVisible(false); final XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer2 = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(); //renderer2.setShapesVisible(false); //renderer2.setSeriesVisibleInLegend(false); renderer2.setBaseSeriesVisibleInLegend(false); //renderer2.setToolTipGenerator(new StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator()); plot.setRenderer(1, renderer2); renderer.setUseYInterval(true); renderer.setBaseSeriesVisibleInLegend(false); /* coloring */ Color c; if (isMultipleCategorization()) { // TreeMap<String, Color> cmap = new TreeMap<String, Color>(); int i = 0; for (Iterator<String> it = catstats.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { String groupName =; c = ChartCategories.getColor(i); for (int j = 0; j < datasetDistribution.getSeriesCount(); j++) { XYIntervalSeries s = datasetDistribution.getSeries(j); if (s.getKey().equals(groupName)) { GradientPaint gp = new GradientPaint(0.0f, 0.0f, c, 0.0f, 0.0f, c.darker().darker()); renderer.setSeriesPaint(j, gp); } } for (int j = 0; j < dataset2.getSeriesCount(); j++) { XYSeries s = dataset2.getSeries(j); if (s.getKey().equals(groupName)) { renderer2.setSeriesPaint(j, c); renderer2.setSeriesShapesVisible(j, false); renderer2.setSeriesStroke(j, myStroke); } } } c =; } else { c = ChartCategories.getColor(0); GradientPaint gp = new GradientPaint(0.0f, 0.0f, c, 0.0f, 0.0f, c.darker().darker()); renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, gp); } renderer2.setSeriesPaint(0, c); renderer2.setSeriesShapesVisible(0, false); renderer2.setSeriesStroke(0, myStroke); placeLimitMarkers(plot, false); // renderer.setAutoPopulateSeriesOutlinePaint(true); // renderer.setBaseOutlinePaint(; // renderer.setSeriesOutlinePaint(0,, true); // renderer.setDrawBarOutline(true); renderer.setHighlightedItem(0, 0); yAxis.setAutoRange(false); yAxis.setAutoRange(true); xAxis.setRange(leftValue(0), rightValue(numberOfCategories - 1)); chart.setTextAntiAlias(false); return chart; }
From source
/** * Shows the About dialog./*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ */ public void doAbout() { AppContextMgr acm = AppContextMgr.getInstance(); boolean showDetailedAbout = acm.hasContext() && acm.getClassObject(Division.class) != null && acm.getClassObject(Discipline.class) != null && acm.getClassObject(Collection.class) != null; int baseNumRows = 14; String serverName = AppPreferences.getLocalPrefs().get("login.servers_selected", null); if (serverName != null) { baseNumRows++; } CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints(); PanelBuilder infoPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p,6px,f:p:g", "p,4px,p,4px," + UIHelper.createDuplicateJGoodiesDef("p", "2px", baseNumRows))); JLabel iconLabel = new JLabel(IconManager.getIcon("SpecifyLargeIcon"), SwingConstants.CENTER); //$NON-NLS-1$ PanelBuilder iconPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p", "20px,t:p,f:p:g")); iconPB.add(iconLabel, cc.xy(1, 2)); if (showDetailedAbout) { final ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); DBTableIdMgr tableMgr = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance(); boolean hasReged = !RegisterSpecify.isAnonymous() && RegisterSpecify.hasInstitutionRegistered(); int y = 1; infoPB.addSeparator(getResourceString("Specify.SYS_INFO"), cc.xyw(1, y, 3)); y += 2; JLabel lbl = UIHelper.createLabel(databaseName); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.DB"), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, lbl, cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; lbl.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { openLocalPrefs(); } } }); int instId = Institution.getClassTableId(); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createFormLabel(tableMgr.getTitleForId(instId)), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, lbl = UIHelper.createLabel(acm.getClassObject(Institution.class).getName()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createFormLabel(getGUIDTitle(instId)), cc.xy(1, y)); String noGUID = "<No GUID>"; String guidStr = acm.getClassObject(Institution.class).getGuid(); addLabel(values, infoPB, lbl = UIHelper.createLabel(guidStr != null ? guidStr : noGUID), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; lbl.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { openRemotePrefs(); } } }); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createFormLabel(tableMgr.getTitleForId(Division.getClassTableId())), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, lbl = UIHelper.createLabel(acm.getClassObject(Division.class).getName()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; lbl.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { openGlobalPrefs(); } } }); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createFormLabel(tableMgr.getTitleForId(Discipline.getClassTableId())), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(acm.getClassObject(Discipline.class).getName()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createFormLabel(tableMgr.getTitleForId(Collection.getClassTableId())), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(acm.getClassObject(Collection.class).getCollectionName()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createFormLabel(getGUIDTitle(Collection.getClassTableId())), cc.xy(1, y)); guidStr = acm.getClassObject(Collection.class).getGuid(); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(guidStr != null ? guidStr : noGUID), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; //addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.BLD"), cc.xy(1, y)); //addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(appBuildVersion),cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.BLD"), cc.xy(1, y)); UIRegistry.loadAndPushResourceBundle("bld"); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(getResourceString("build")), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.BLD_TM"), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(getResourceString("buildtime")), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; UIRegistry.popResourceBundle(); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.REG"), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createI18NLabel(hasReged ? "Specify.HASREG" : "Specify.NOTREG"), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; String isaNumber = RegisterSpecify.getISANumber(); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.ISANUM"), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(isaNumber) ? isaNumber : ""), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; if (serverName != null) { addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createI18NFormLabel("Specify.SERVER"), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(serverName) ? serverName : ""), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; } if (StringUtils.contains(DBConnection.getInstance().getConnectionStr(), "mysql")) { Vector<Object[]> list = BasicSQLUtils.query("select version() as ve"); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createFormLabel("MySQL Version"), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(list.get(0)[0].toString()), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; } } addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createFormLabel("Java Version"), cc.xy(1, y)); addLabel(values, infoPB, UIHelper.createLabel(System.getProperty("java.version")), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; JButton copyCBBtn = createIconBtn("ClipboardCopy", IconManager.IconSize.Std24, "Specify.CPY_ABT_TO_TT", null); //copyCBBtn.setBackground(Color.WHITE); //copyCBBtn.setOpaque(true); //copyCBBtn.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); copyCBBtn.setEnabled(true); PanelBuilder cbPB = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("f:p:g,p", "p")); cbPB.add(copyCBBtn, cc.xy(2, 1)); copyCBBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Copy to Clipboard StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { sb.append(String.format("%s = %s\n", values.get(i), values.get(i + 1))); i++; } UIHelper.setTextToClipboard(sb.toString()); UIRegistry.displayInfoMsgDlgLocalized("Specify.CPY_ABT_TO_MSG"); } }); infoPB.add(cbPB.getPanel(), cc.xy(3, y)); y += 2; } String txt = getAboutText(appName, appVersion); JLabel txtLbl = createLabel(txt); txtLbl.setFont(UIRegistry.getDefaultFont()); final JEditorPane txtPane = new JEditorPane("text/html", txt); txtPane.setEditable(false); txtPane.setBackground(new JPanel().getBackground()); PanelBuilder pb = new PanelBuilder(new FormLayout("p,20px,f:min(400px;p):g,10px,8px,10px,p:g", "f:p:g")); pb.add(iconPB.getPanel(), cc.xy(1, 1)); pb.add(txtPane, cc.xy(3, 1)); Color bg = getBackground(); if (showDetailedAbout) { pb.add(new VerticalSeparator(bg.darker(), bg.brighter()), cc.xy(5, 1)); pb.add(infoPB.getPanel(), cc.xy(7, 1)); } pb.setDefaultDialogBorder(); String title = getResourceString("Specify.ABOUT");//$NON-NLS-1$ CustomDialog aboutDlg = new CustomDialog(topFrame, title + " " + appName, true, CustomDialog.OK_BTN, //$NON-NLS-1$ pb.getPanel()); String okLabel = getResourceString("Specify.CLOSE");//$NON-NLS-1$ aboutDlg.setOkLabel(okLabel); aboutDlg.createUI(); aboutDlg.pack(); // for some strange reason I can't get the dialog to size itself correctly Dimension size = aboutDlg.getSize(); size.height += 120; aboutDlg.setSize(size); txtPane.addHyperlinkListener(new HyperlinkListener() { public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent event) { if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { try { AttachmentUtils.openURI(event.getURL().toURI()); } catch (Exception e) {; } } } }); UIHelper.centerAndShow(aboutDlg); }
From source
/** * Internal implementation to add an image (a world map, though other image data is also fine) to a slide. * Preserves the original image's aspect ratio, leaving blank space below and to the sides of the image. * @param slide the slide to add to./*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . com*/ * @param anchor bounding rectangle to draw onto, in PowerPoint coordinates. * @param picture the picture data. * @param markers an array of markers to draw over the map. * @param polygons * @return the picture shape object added to the slide. */ private static XSLFPictureShape addMap(final XSLFSlide slide, final Rectangle2D.Double anchor, final XSLFPictureData picture, final Marker[] markers, final MapData.Polygon[] polygons) { double tgtW = anchor.getWidth(), tgtH = anchor.getHeight(); final Dimension size = picture.getImageDimension(); final double ratio = size.getWidth() / size.getHeight(); if (ratio > tgtW / tgtH) { // source image is wider than target, clip fixed width variable height tgtH = tgtW / ratio; } else { tgtW = tgtH * ratio; } final XSLFPictureShape canvas = slide.createPicture(picture); // Vertically align top, horizontally-align center final double offsetX = anchor.getMinX() + 0.5 * (anchor.getWidth() - tgtW), offsetY = anchor.getMinY(); canvas.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(offsetX, offsetY, tgtW, tgtH)); if (polygons != null) { for (MapData.Polygon polygon : polygons) { final Color color = Color.decode(polygon.getColor()); final double[][] shapes = polygon.getPoints(); // The ESRI spec version 1.2.1 from has section, // which defines polygons as follows: /// A Polygon is a planar Surface defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries. // Each interior boundary defines a hole in the Polygon. A Triangle is a polygon with 3 distinct, // non-collinear vertices and no interior boundary. /// The exterior boundary LinearRing defines the top? of the surface which is the side of the surface // from which the exterior boundary appears to traverse the boundary in a counter clockwise direction. // The interior LinearRings will have the opposite orientation, and appear as clockwise // when viewed from the top? // so it's even-odd winding (whereas the Path2D default is non-zero-winding). final Path2D.Double path = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD); for (final double[] points : shapes) { for (int ii = 0; ii < points.length; ii += 2) { final double x1 = offsetX + points[ii] * tgtW; final double y1 = offsetY + points[ii + 1] * tgtH; if (ii == 0) { path.moveTo(x1, y1); } else { path.lineTo(x1, y1); } } path.closePath(); } final XSLFFreeformShape freeform = slide.createFreeform(); freeform.setPath(path); freeform.setStrokeStyle(0.5); // There's a 0.5 alpha transparency on the stroke, and a 0.2 alpha transparency on the polygon fill. freeform.setLineColor(transparentColor(color, 128)); freeform.setFillColor(transparentColor(color, 51)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(polygon.getText())) { final PackageRelationship rel = freeform.getSheet().getPackagePart().addRelationship( slide.getPackagePart().getPartName(), TargetMode.INTERNAL, XSLFRelation.SLIDE.getRelation()); // We create a hyperlink which links back to this slide; so we get hover-over-detail-text on the polygon final CTHyperlink link = ((CTShape) freeform.getXmlObject()).getNvSpPr().getCNvPr() .addNewHlinkClick(); link.setTooltip(polygon.getText()); link.setId(rel.getId()); link.setAction("ppaction://hlinksldjump"); } } } for (Marker marker : markers) { final Color color = Color.decode(marker.getColor()); final double centerX = offsetX + marker.getX() * tgtW; final double centerY = offsetY + marker.getY() * tgtH; if (marker.isCluster()) { final XSLFGroupShape group = slide.createGroup(); double halfMark = 10; double mark = halfMark * 2; double innerHalfMark = 7; double innerMark = innerHalfMark * 2; // align these so the middle is the latlng position final Rectangle2D.Double groupAnchor = new Rectangle2D.Double(centerX - halfMark, centerY - halfMark, mark, mark); group.setAnchor(groupAnchor); group.setInteriorAnchor(groupAnchor); final XSLFAutoShape shape = group.createAutoShape(); shape.setShapeType(ShapeType.ELLIPSE); final boolean fade = marker.isFade(); // There's a 0.3 alpha transparency (255 * 0.3 is 76) when a marker is faded out final int FADE_ALPHA = 76; shape.setFillColor(transparentColor(color, fade ? 47 : 154)); shape.setAnchor(groupAnchor); final XSLFAutoShape inner = group.createAutoShape(); inner.setFillColor(fade ? transparentColor(color, FADE_ALPHA) : color); inner.setLineWidth(0.1); inner.setLineColor(new Color((int) (color.getRed() * 0.9), (int) (color.getGreen() * 0.9), (int) (color.getBlue() * 0.9), fade ? FADE_ALPHA : 255)); inner.setShapeType(ShapeType.ELLIPSE); inner.setHorizontalCentered(true); inner.setWordWrap(false); inner.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.MIDDLE); inner.clearText(); final XSLFTextParagraph para = inner.addNewTextParagraph(); para.setTextAlign(TextParagraph.TextAlign.CENTER); final XSLFTextRun text = para.addNewTextRun(); text.setFontSize(6.0); final Color fontColor = Color.decode(StringUtils.defaultString(marker.getFontColor(), "#000000")); text.setFontColor(fade ? transparentColor(fontColor, FADE_ALPHA) : fontColor); text.setText(marker.getText()); inner.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(centerX - innerHalfMark, centerY - innerHalfMark, innerMark, innerMark)); } else { final XSLFGroupShape group = slide.createGroup(); final XSLFFreeformShape shape = group.createFreeform(); shape.setHorizontalCentered(true); shape.setWordWrap(false); shape.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM); shape.setLineWidth(0.5); shape.setLineColor(color.darker()); shape.setFillColor(transparentColor(color, 210)); final double halfMark = 8, mark = halfMark * 2, extension = 0.85, markerHeight = (0.5 + extension) * mark, angle = Math.asin(0.5 / extension) * 180 / Math.PI; // Set group position group.setAnchor( new Rectangle2D.Double(centerX - halfMark, centerY - markerHeight, mark, markerHeight)); group.setInteriorAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, mark, markerHeight)); // Draw a semicircle and a triangle to represent the marker, pointing at the precise x,y location final Path2D.Double path = new Path2D.Double(); path.moveTo(halfMark, markerHeight); path.append(new Arc2D.Double(0, 0, mark, mark, -angle, 180 + angle + angle, Arc2D.OPEN), true); path.lineTo(halfMark, markerHeight); shape.setPath(path); shape.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, mark, markerHeight)); final XSLFAutoShape disc = group.createAutoShape(); disc.setShapeType(ShapeType.DONUT); final double discRadius = 0.25 * mark; final double discDiameter = 2 * discRadius; disc.setAnchor(new Rectangle2D.Double(halfMark - discRadius, halfMark - discRadius, discDiameter, discDiameter)); disc.setFillColor(Color.WHITE); disc.setLineColor(Color.WHITE); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(marker.getText())) { final PackageRelationship rel = shape.getSheet().getPackagePart().addRelationship( slide.getPackagePart().getPartName(), TargetMode.INTERNAL, XSLFRelation.SLIDE.getRelation()); // We create a hyperlink which links back to this slide; so we get hover-over-detail-text on the marker // Annoyingly, you can't put a link on the group, just on the individual shapes. for (XSLFShape clickable : group.getShapes()) { final CTHyperlink link = ((CTShape) clickable.getXmlObject()).getNvSpPr().getCNvPr() .addNewHlinkClick(); link.setTooltip(marker.getText()); link.setId(rel.getId()); link.setAction("ppaction://hlinksldjump"); } } } } return canvas; }