Java io.vertx.mysqlclient MySQLConnection fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java io.vertx.mysqlclient MySQLConnection fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for io.vertx.mysqlclient MySQLConnection.

The text is from its open source code.


MySQLConnectionchangeUser(MySQLAuthOptions options, Handler> handler)
Send a CHANGE_USER command to change the user of the current connection, this operation will also reset connection state.
voidconnect(Vertx vertx, MySQLConnectOptions connectOptions, Handler> handler)
Create a connection to MySQL server with the given connectOptions .
voidconnect(Vertx vertx, String connectionUri, Handler> handler)
Like #connect(Vertx,MySQLConnectOptions,Handler) with options build from connectionUri .
MySQLConnectiondebug(Handler> handler)
Send a DEBUG command to dump debug information to the server's stdout.
MySQLConnectiongetInternalStatistics(Handler> handler)
Send a STATISTICS command to get a human readable string of the server internal status.
MySQLConnectionping(Handler> handler)
Send a PING command to check if the server is alive.
MySQLConnectionresetConnection(Handler> handler)
Send a RESET_CONNECTION command to reset the session state.
MySQLConnectionsetOption(MySQLSetOption option, Handler> handler)
Send a SET_OPTION command to set options for the current connection.
MySQLConnectionspecifySchema(String schemaName, Handler> handler)
Send a INIT_DB command to change the default schema of the connection.