List of usage examples for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray addAll
public JsonArray addAll(JsonArray array)
From source
License:Open Source License
private void saveToFile(final Future<Void> writeResult) { if (!dirty) { log.trace("credentials registry does not need to be persisted"); return;// www. j a va 2s .co m } final FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem(); String filename = getConfig().getCredentialsFilename(); if (!fs.existsBlocking(filename)) { fs.createFileBlocking(filename); } final AtomicInteger idCount = new AtomicInteger(); JsonArray tenants = new JsonArray(); for (Entry<String, Map<String, JsonArray>> entry : credentials.entrySet()) { JsonArray credentialsArray = new JsonArray(); for (Entry<String, JsonArray> credentialEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { // authId -> full json attributes object JsonArray singleAuthIdCredentials = credentialEntry.getValue(); // from one authId credentialsArray.addAll(singleAuthIdCredentials); idCount.incrementAndGet(); } tenants.add( new JsonObject().put(FIELD_TENANT, entry.getKey()).put(ARRAY_CREDENTIALS, credentialsArray)); } fs.writeFile(getConfig().getCredentialsFilename(), Buffer.factory.buffer(tenants.encodePrettily()), writeAttempt -> { if (writeAttempt.succeeded()) { dirty = false; log.trace("successfully wrote {} credentials to file {}", idCount.get(), filename); writeResult.complete(); } else { log.warn("could not write credentials to file {}", filename, writeAttempt.cause());; } }); }