List of usage examples for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray add
public JsonArray add(Object value)
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License:Apache License
/** * Converts MultiMap to JsonObject<br> It expects the MultiMap key, contains List of String * objects, so the result of conversion will look like below * <br>/* w w w . ja va 2 s .com*/ * <pre> * { * "mapKey1": ["val1", "val2"], * "mapKey2": ["val1"] * } * </pre> * * @param multiMap - {@link MultiMap} to convert * @return - {@link JsonObject} with {@link JsonArray} under each object key */ public static JsonObject toJsonObject(MultiMap multiMap) { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); ((io.vertx.core.MultiMap) multiMap.getDelegate()).forEach(entry -> { JsonArray values; if (json.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { values = json.getJsonArray(entry.getKey()); } else { values = new JsonArray(); json.put(entry.getKey(), values); } values.add(entry.getValue()); }); return json; }
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License:Apache License
@SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:JavadocMethod") public void listMethods(final RoutingContext routingContext) { String microserviceName = routingContext.request().getParam("microservice"); Bean bean = gatewayRegistry.get(microserviceName); if (bean == null) { routingContext.response().setStatusCode(503).end("Resource not available"); } else {//from ww w. j a v a 2s .co m JsonArray methods = new JsonArray(); for (final Method m : bean.getBeanClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { if (Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())) { JsonObject method = new JsonObject(); method.put("methodName", m.getName()); JsonArray params = new JsonArray(); for (Class c : m.getParameterTypes()) { params.add(c.getName()); } method.put("parameters", params); method.put("returns", m.getReturnType().getName()); methods.add(method); } } routingContext.response().end(methods.encodePrettily()); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Default implementation returns a list of structured data elements with * no internal parsing./*from w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * * @param reader the reader. * @return the structured data. */ private JsonArray parseStructuredDataElements(Reader reader) { JsonArray fragments = new JsonArray(); while ('[')) { reader.mark(); reader.skipTo(']'); fragments.add(reader.getMarkedSegment()); } return fragments; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public JsonObject toJson() { JsonArray connectionJson = new JsonArray(); connections.forEach(connection -> connectionJson.add(connection.toJson())); JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("name", name).put("connections", connectionJson); if (type != null && type != Object.class) { json.put("type", type.toString()); }// ww w . j a va 2 s.c o m if (codec != null) { json.put("codec", codec.toString()); } // if (persistent) { // json.put("persistent", persistent); // } return json; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Converts a Typesafe configuration list to {@link JsonObject} * * @param configs The Typesafe configuration list to convert. * @return The converted configuration./* ww w . ja v a 2 s. c om*/ */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static JsonArray configListToJson(ConfigList configs) { JsonArray json = new JsonArray(); for (ConfigValue value : configs) { if (value.valueType() == ConfigValueType.OBJECT) { json.add(configObjectToJson((Config) value)); } else if (value.valueType() == ConfigValueType.LIST) { json.add(configListToJson((ConfigList) value)); } else { json.add(value.unwrapped()); } } return json; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public JsonObject toJson() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); json.put(NETWORK_NAME, name);// w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m JsonObject components = new JsonObject(); for (ComponentConfig component : this.components) { components.put(component.getName(), component.toJson()); } json.put(NETWORK_COMPONENTS, components); JsonArray connections = new JsonArray(); for (ConnectionConfig connection : this.connections) { connections.add(connection.toJson()); } json.put(NETWORK_CONNECTIONS, connections); return json; }
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private void getHistory(RoutingContext routingContext) { final HistoryRequest req = Json.decodeValue(routingContext.getBodyAsString(), HistoryRequest.class); List<HistoryResponseElement> histResponses = new ArrayList<>(); String driver = config.getProperty("jdbc.driver", String.class); String url = config.getProperty("jdbc.url", String.class); String username = config.getProperty("jdbc.username", String.class); String password = config.getProperty("jdbc.password", String.class); JDBCClient client = JDBCClient.createShared(vertx, new JsonObject().put("url", url) .put("driver_class", driver).put("user", username).put("password", password)); JsonArray param = new JsonArray(); param.add(req.getContext()).add(req.getFrom()).add(req.getTo()); // for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { // HistoryResponseElement resp = new HistoryResponseElement(); // String context = (String); // if (context.equals(req.getContext())) { // Date time = (Date); // if (time.after(req.getFrom()) && time.before(req.getTo())) { // resp.setContext(context); // resp.setDecision((String); // resp.setInterest((Double); // resp.setTime(time); // histResponses.add(resp); // } // } // }//from www. j a v a 2 s .c o m client.getConnection(ar -> { SQLConnection connection = ar.result(); connection.queryWithParams( "SELECT * FROM Trace ORDER BY decisiontime desc where context=? and decisiontime between ? and ?", param, r -> { if (r.succeeded()) { for (JsonArray row : r.result().getResults()) { HistoryResponseElement respElement = new HistoryResponseElement(); respElement.setContext(row.getString(1)); respElement.setDecision(row.getString(6)); respElement.setInterest(row.getDouble(8)); respElement.setTime(new Date(row.getLong(5))); histResponses.add(respElement); } HistoryResponse resp = new HistoryResponse(); resp.setElements(histResponses); routingContext.response().setStatusCode(201) .putHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") .exceptionHandler(ex -> { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Problem encountered when making decision", ex); }).end(Json.encodePrettily(resp)); } connection.close(); }); }); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public JsonArray getSenderStatus() { JsonArray result = new JsonArray(); for (Entry<String, MessageSender> senderEntry : activeSenders.entrySet()) { final MessageSender sender = senderEntry.getValue(); JsonObject senderStatus = new JsonObject().put("address", senderEntry.getKey()) .put("open", sender.isOpen()).put("credit", sender.getCredit()); result.add(senderStatus); }//w w w .j ava 2s.c o m return result; }
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License:Open Source License
private void parseCredentials(final JsonArray credentialsObject) { final AtomicInteger credentialsCount = new AtomicInteger(); log.debug("trying to load credentials for {} tenants", credentialsObject.size()); for (Object obj : credentialsObject) { JsonObject tenant = (JsonObject) obj; String tenantId = tenant.getString(FIELD_TENANT); Map<String, JsonArray> credentialsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Object credentialsObj : tenant.getJsonArray(ARRAY_CREDENTIALS)) { JsonObject credentials = (JsonObject) credentialsObj; JsonArray authIdCredentials; if (credentialsMap.containsKey(credentials.getString(FIELD_AUTH_ID))) { authIdCredentials = credentialsMap.get(credentials.getString(FIELD_AUTH_ID)); } else { authIdCredentials = new JsonArray(); }/*ww w . jav a 2 s. co m*/ authIdCredentials.add(credentials); credentialsMap.put(credentials.getString(FIELD_AUTH_ID), authIdCredentials); credentialsCount.incrementAndGet(); } credentials.put(tenantId, credentialsMap); }"successfully loaded {} credentials from file [{}]", credentialsCount.get(), getConfig().getCredentialsFilename()); }
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License:Open Source License
private void saveToFile(final Future<Void> writeResult) { if (!dirty) { log.trace("credentials registry does not need to be persisted"); return;/* w w w . j a v a 2s.c o m*/ } final FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem(); String filename = getConfig().getCredentialsFilename(); if (!fs.existsBlocking(filename)) { fs.createFileBlocking(filename); } final AtomicInteger idCount = new AtomicInteger(); JsonArray tenants = new JsonArray(); for (Entry<String, Map<String, JsonArray>> entry : credentials.entrySet()) { JsonArray credentialsArray = new JsonArray(); for (Entry<String, JsonArray> credentialEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { // authId -> full json attributes object JsonArray singleAuthIdCredentials = credentialEntry.getValue(); // from one authId credentialsArray.addAll(singleAuthIdCredentials); idCount.incrementAndGet(); } tenants.add( new JsonObject().put(FIELD_TENANT, entry.getKey()).put(ARRAY_CREDENTIALS, credentialsArray)); } fs.writeFile(getConfig().getCredentialsFilename(), Buffer.factory.buffer(tenants.encodePrettily()), writeAttempt -> { if (writeAttempt.succeeded()) { dirty = false; log.trace("successfully wrote {} credentials to file {}", idCount.get(), filename); writeResult.complete(); } else { log.warn("could not write credentials to file {}", filename, writeAttempt.cause());; } }); }