List of usage examples for ChannelProgressivePromise cause
Throwable cause();
From source
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/** * see above./*www . j a va 2 s.c o m*/ */ private void tableSearch(LinkedList<DataTreeNode> stack, FieldValueList prefix, QueryElement[] path, int pathIndex, DataChannelOutput sink, int collect, ChannelProgressivePromise queryPromise) throws QueryException { if (queryPromise.isDone()) { log.debug("Query promise completed during processing"); if (queryPromise.isCancelled()) { throw (CancellationException) queryPromise.cause(); } throw new QueryException("Query closed during processing"); } DataTreeNode root = stack != null ? stack.peek() : null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("root={} pre={} path={} idx={} res={} coll={}", root, prefix, Arrays.toString(path), pathIndex, sink, collect); } if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { QueryException exception = new QueryException("query interrupted"); log.warn("Query closed due to thread interruption:\n", exception); throw exception; } if (pathIndex >= path.length) { log.debug("pathIndex>path.length, return root={}", root); if (!queryPromise.isDone()) { sink.send(prefix.createBundle(sink)); } return; } QueryElement next = path[pathIndex]; Iterator<DataTreeNode> iter = root != null ? next.matchNodes(tree, stack) : next.emptyok() ? Iterators.<DataTreeNode>emptyIterator() : null; if (iter == null) { return; } try { int skip = next.skip(); int limit = next.limit(); if (next.flatten()) { int count = 0; while (iter.hasNext() && (next.limit() == 0 || limit > 0)) { // Check for interruptions or cancellations if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { QueryException exception = new QueryException("query interrupted"); log.warn("Query closed due to thread interruption:\n", exception); throw exception; } if (queryPromise.isDone()) { if (iter instanceof ClosableIterator) { ((ClosableIterator<DataTreeNode>) iter).close(); } log.debug("Query promise completed during processing. root={}", root); if (queryPromise.isCancelled()) { throw (CancellationException) queryPromise.cause(); } throw new QueryException("Query closed during processing, root=" + root); } DataTreeNode tn =; if (tn == null && !next.emptyok()) { break; } if (next.hasData()) { if (skip > 0) { skip--; continue; } count += next.update(prefix, tn); limit--; } } if (!queryPromise.isDone()) { tableSearch(null, prefix, path, pathIndex + 1, sink, collect + count, queryPromise); } prefix.pop(count); return; } while (iter.hasNext() && (next.limit() == 0 || limit > 0)) { // Check for interruptions or cancellations if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { QueryException exception = new QueryException("query interrupted"); log.warn("Query closed due to thread interruption", exception); throw exception; } if (queryPromise.isDone()) { break; } if (queryPromise.isDone()) { if (iter instanceof ClosableIterator) { ((ClosableIterator<DataTreeNode>) iter).close(); } log.debug("Query promise completed during processing. root={}", root); if (queryPromise.isCancelled()) { throw (CancellationException) queryPromise.cause(); } throw new QueryException("Query closed during processing, root=" + root); } DataTreeNode tn =; if (next.hasData()) { if (tn == null && !next.emptyok()) { return; } if (skip > 0) { skip--; continue; } int count = next.update(prefix, tn); if (count > 0) { if (!queryPromise.isDone()) { tableSearch(stack, tn, prefix, path, pathIndex + 1, sink, collect + count, queryPromise); } prefix.pop(count); limit--; } } else { if (skip > 0) { skip--; continue; } if (!queryPromise.isDone()) { tableSearch(stack, tn, prefix, path, pathIndex + 1, sink, collect, queryPromise); } limit--; } } } finally { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("CLOSING: root={} pre={} path={} idx={} res={} coll={}", root, prefix, Arrays.toString(path), pathIndex, sink, collect); } if (iter instanceof ClosableIterator) { ((ClosableIterator<DataTreeNode>) iter).close(); } } }