Example usage for Java io.netty.channel ChannelPipeline fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
ChannelPipeline | addAfter(String baseName, String name, ChannelHandler handler) Inserts a ChannelHandler after an existing handler of this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | addBefore(String baseName, String name, ChannelHandler handler) Inserts a ChannelHandler before an existing handler of this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | addFirst(String name, ChannelHandler handler) Inserts a ChannelHandler at the first position of this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | addFirst(EventExecutorGroup group, ChannelHandler... handlers) Inserts ChannelHandler s at the first position of this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | addFirst(ChannelHandler... handlers) Inserts ChannelHandler s at the first position of this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | addFirst(EventExecutorGroup group, String name, ChannelHandler handler) Inserts a ChannelHandler at the first position of this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | addLast(String name, ChannelHandler handler) Appends a ChannelHandler at the last position of this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | addLast(EventExecutorGroup group, ChannelHandler... handlers) Inserts ChannelHandler s at the last position of this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | addLast(ChannelHandler... handlers) Inserts ChannelHandler s at the last position of this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | addLast(EventExecutorGroup group, String name, ChannelHandler handler) Appends a ChannelHandler at the last position of this pipeline. |
Channel | channel() Returns the Channel that this pipeline is attached to. |
ChannelHandlerContext | context(ChannelHandler handler) Returns the context object of the specified ChannelHandler in this pipeline. |
ChannelHandlerContext | context(String name) Returns the context object of the ChannelHandler with the specified name in this pipeline. |
ChannelHandlerContext | context(Class extends ChannelHandler> handlerType) Returns the context object of the ChannelHandler of the specified type in this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | fireChannelActive() |
ChannelPipeline | fireChannelRead(Object msg) |
ChannelPipeline | fireChannelUnregistered() |
ChannelPipeline | fireUserEventTriggered(Object event) |
ChannelHandler | first() Returns the first ChannelHandler in this pipeline. |
ChannelHandlerContext | firstContext() Returns the context of the first ChannelHandler in this pipeline. |
ChannelHandler | get(String name) Returns the ChannelHandler with the specified name in this pipeline. |
T | get(Class Returns the ChannelHandler of the specified type in this pipeline. |
ChannelHandler | last() Returns the last ChannelHandler in this pipeline. |
ChannelHandlerContext | lastContext() Returns the context of the last ChannelHandler in this pipeline. |
List | names() Returns the List of the handler names. |
ChannelPipeline | remove(ChannelHandler handler) Removes the specified ChannelHandler from this pipeline. |
ChannelHandler | remove(String name) Removes the ChannelHandler with the specified name from this pipeline. |
T | remove(Class Removes the ChannelHandler of the specified type from this pipeline. |
ChannelHandler | removeFirst() Removes the first ChannelHandler in this pipeline. |
ChannelHandler | removeLast() Removes the last ChannelHandler in this pipeline. |
ChannelPipeline | replace(ChannelHandler oldHandler, String newName, ChannelHandler newHandler) Replaces the specified ChannelHandler with a new handler in this pipeline. |
ChannelHandler | replace(String oldName, String newName, ChannelHandler newHandler) Replaces the ChannelHandler of the specified name with a new handler in this pipeline. |
T | replace(Class Replaces the ChannelHandler of the specified type with a new handler in this pipeline. |
Map | toMap() Converts this pipeline into an ordered Map whose keys are handler names and whose values are handlers. |
ChannelFuture | writeAndFlush(Object msg) Shortcut for call #write(Object) and #flush() . |