Example usage for io.netty.channel ChannelOutboundHandler interface-usage

List of usage examples for io.netty.channel ChannelOutboundHandler interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.channel ChannelOutboundHandler interface-usage.


From source file divconq.net.ssl.SslHandler.java

 * Adds <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security">SSL
 * &middot; TLS</a> and StartTLS support to a {@link Channel}.  Please refer
 * to the <strong>"SecureChat"</strong> example in the distribution or the web
 * site for the detailed usage.

From source file io.grpc.alts.internal.TsiFrameHandler.java

 * Encrypts and decrypts TSI Frames. Writes are buffered here until {@link #flush} is called. Writes
 * must not be made before the TSI handshake is complete.
public final class TsiFrameHandler extends ByteToMessageDecoder implements ChannelOutboundHandler {

From source file org.dcache.util.ChannelCdcSessionHandlerWrapper.java

 * This class wraps some ChannelDuplexHandler and ensures that, if the Netty
 * Channel has a specific key then the value of this key is used as the CDC
 * session.  This class is really a hack to work-around that CDC is a
 * thread-local value that is not propagated when Netty schedules tasks outside
 * of the event loop.  Such scheduled tasks current happen in the pool, as the

From source file org.jfxvnc.net.rfb.codec.handshaker.RfbClientEncoder.java

public interface RfbClientEncoder extends ChannelOutboundHandler {


From source file org.jfxvnc.net.rfb.codec.security.RfbSecurityEncoder.java

public interface RfbSecurityEncoder extends ChannelOutboundHandler {


From source file org.opendaylight.controller.netconf.nettyutil.handler.ssh.virtualsocket.ChannelOutputStream.java

 * Class provides {@link OutputStream) functionality to users of virtual socket.
public class ChannelOutputStream extends OutputStream implements ChannelOutboundHandler {
    private final Object lock = new Object();
    private ByteBuf buff = Unpooled.buffer();

From source file org.opendaylight.controller.netconf.util.handler.ssh.virtualsocket.ChannelOutputStream.java

 * Class provides {@link OutputStream) functionality to users of virtual socket.
public class ChannelOutputStream extends OutputStream implements ChannelOutboundHandler {
    private final Object lock = new Object();
    private ByteBuf buff = Unpooled.buffer();

From source file org.rzo.netty.ahessian.io.OutputStreamHandler.java

 * Encodes bytes written to an {@link OutputStream} into a {@link ChannelBuffer}
 * . A typical setup for a serialization protocol in a TCP/IP socket would be:
 * <pre>
 * {@link ChannelPipeline} pipeline = ...;

From source file org.traccar.WrapperOutboundHandler.java

public class WrapperOutboundHandler implements ChannelOutboundHandler {

    private ChannelOutboundHandler handler;

    public ChannelOutboundHandler getWrappedHandler() {
        return handler;