List of usage examples for ChannelHandlerContext pipeline
ChannelPipeline pipeline();
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { ChannelPipeline pipeline = ctx.pipeline(); String self =;//from ww w. j a v a2s.c o m if (expectProxyProtocol) { pipeline.addBefore("door", "haproxy", new HAProxyMessageDecoder()); } // Decoders pipeline.addBefore(self, "frameDecoder", new LineBasedFrameDecoder(KiB.toBytes(64))); pipeline.addBefore(self, "stringDecoder", new StringDecoder(charset)); // Encoder pipeline.addBefore(self, "lineEncoder", new LineEncoder(lineSeparator, charset)); pipeline.addBefore(self, "logger", new LoggingHandler()); }
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License:Apache License
/** * STEP 3-XXXXX: We pass registration messages around until we the registration handshake is complete! *///from w w w .j av a 2 s . com @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext context, Object message) throws Exception { Channel channel =; if (message instanceof Registration) { Registration registration = (Registration) message; MetaChannel metaChannel; int sessionId = registration.sessionID; if (sessionId == 0) { metaChannel = registrationWrapper.createSessionServer(); metaChannel.tcpChannel = channel; // TODO: use this: channel.voidPromise(); logger.debug("New TCP connection. Saving meta-channel id: {}", metaChannel.sessionId); } else { metaChannel = registrationWrapper.getSession(sessionId); if (metaChannel == null) { logger.error("Error getting invalid TCP channel session ID {}! MetaChannel is null!", sessionId); shutdown(channel, sessionId); return; } } readServer(context, channel, registration, "TCP server", metaChannel); } else { logger.error("Error registering TCP with remote client!"); // this is what happens when the registration happens too quickly... Object connection = context.pipeline().last(); if (connection instanceof ConnectionImpl) { ((ConnectionImpl) connection).channelRead(context, message); } else { shutdown(channel, 0); } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void channelRead(final ChannelHandlerContext context, Object message) throws Exception { Channel channel =; if (message instanceof Registration) { Registration registration = (Registration) message; MetaChannel metaChannel;/*from www .j ava 2s . com*/ int sessionId = 0; sessionId = registration.sessionID; if (sessionId == 0) { metaChannel = registrationWrapper.createSessionServer(); metaChannel.udpChannel = channel; logger.debug("New UDP connection. Saving meta-channel id: {}", metaChannel.sessionId); } else { metaChannel = registrationWrapper.getSession(sessionId); if (metaChannel == null) { logger.error("Error getting invalid UDP channel session ID {}! MetaChannel is null!", sessionId); shutdown(channel, sessionId); return; } // in the event that we start with a TCP channel first, we still have to set the UDP channel metaChannel.udpChannel = channel; } readServer(context, channel, registration, "UDP server", metaChannel); } else { logger.error("Error registering UDP with remote client!"); // this is what happens when the registration happens too quickly... Object connection = context.pipeline().last(); if (connection instanceof ConnectionImpl) { ((ConnectionImpl) connection).channelRead(context, message); } else { shutdown(channel, 0); } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected Object readObject(final NetworkSerializationManager serializationManager, final ChannelHandlerContext context, final ByteBuf in, final int length) throws Exception { try {/*ww w .j a v a 2s .c o m*/ Connection_ connection = (Connection_) context.pipeline().last(); return serializationManager.readWithCrypto(connection, in, length); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected void writeObject(final NetworkSerializationManager serializationManager, final ChannelHandlerContext context, final Object msg, final ByteBuf buffer) throws IOException { Connection_ connection = (Connection_) context.pipeline().last(); serializationManager.writeWithCrypto(connection, buffer, msg); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void decode(ChannelHandlerContext context, DatagramPacket in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { try {//from w w w .jav a 2 s . c o m Connection_ last = (Connection_) context.pipeline().last(); ByteBuf data = in.content(); Object object = serializationManager.readWithCrypto(last, data, data.readableBytes()); out.add(object); } catch (IOException e) { String message = "Unable to deserialize object"; LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()).error(message, e); throw new IOException(message, e); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override void writeObject(NetworkSerializationManager serializationManager, ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ByteBuf buffer) throws IOException { Connection_ last = (Connection_) ctx.pipeline().last(); serializationManager.writeWithCrypto(last, buffer, msg); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws Exception { // Will use the first five bytes to detect a protocol. if (in.readableBytes() < 5) { in.clear();//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m ctx.close(); return; } final int magic1 = in.getUnsignedByte(in.readerIndex()); final int magic2 = in.getUnsignedByte(in.readerIndex() + 1); if (isPost(magic1, magic2) || isOptions(magic1, magic2)) { // POST ChannelPipeline pipeline = ctx.pipeline(); pipeline.addLast(new HttpRequestDecoder()); pipeline.addLast(new HttpResponseEncoder()); pipeline.addLast(new HttpPostHandler(context)); pipeline.remove(this); } else if (isGet(magic1, magic2)) { // GET ChannelPipeline pipeline = ctx.pipeline(); pipeline.addLast(new HttpServerCodec()); pipeline.addLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(65536)); pipeline.addLast(new ChunkedWriteHandler()); pipeline.addLast(new HttpGetHandler(context)); pipeline.remove(this); } else { in.clear(); ctx.close(); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Main functions/*from w w w.j a v a 2s.c o m*/ */ private void tractReadGet(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String zipPath) { // Parse params String path = DPFManagerProperties.getReportsDir() + zipPath; if (!zipPath.endsWith(".zip")) { String hash = zipPath.substring(1, zipPath.length()); StatusMessage sm = (StatusMessage) context.sendAndWaitResponse(BasicConfig.MODULE_DATABASE, new PostMessage(PostMessage.Type.ASK, hash)); path = sm.getFolder().substring(0, sm.getFolder().length() - 1) + ".zip"; } // Send the zip report File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); long fileLength = raf.length(); HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, OK); HttpUtil.setContentLength(response, fileLength); setContentTypeHeader(response, file); setDateAndCacheHeaders(response, file); response.headers().remove(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION); // Write the initial line and the header. ctx.write(response); // Write the content. ChannelFuture lastContentFuture; if (ctx.pipeline().get(SslHandler.class) == null) { ctx.write(new DefaultFileRegion(raf.getChannel(), 0, fileLength), ctx.newProgressivePromise()); // Write the end marker. lastContentFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush(LastHttpContent.EMPTY_LAST_CONTENT); } else { lastContentFuture = ctx.writeAndFlush( new HttpChunkedInput(new ChunkedFile(raf, 0, fileLength, 8192)), ctx.newProgressivePromise()); } // Delete the zip after download? lastContentFuture.addListener(new GenericFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future future) throws Exception { // file.delete(); } }); // Decide whether to close the connection or not. if (!HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(request)) { lastContentFuture.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } } catch (Exception ignore) { sendError(ctx, NOT_FOUND); } } else { // No exists sendError(ctx, NOT_FOUND); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) { // Let's refuse any packed for non-authed clients. if ( != AuthStep.STEP_AUTHED) { return;/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s. c om*/ } AbstractRealmClientPacket request = (AbstractRealmClientPacket) msg; AbstractRealmServerPacket response = null;; switch (request.getOpcode()) { case CMSG_PING: response = new SMSG_PING(Opcodes.SMSG_PING); int ping = ((CMSG_PING) request).getPing(); ((SMSG_PING) response).setPing(ping); break; case CMSG_CHAR_ENUM: response = new SMSG_CHAR_ENUM(Opcodes.SMSG_CHAR_ENUM); // Adding character list. ((SMSG_CHAR_ENUM) response) .addCharacters(characterService.getCharactersForAccount(; break; case CMSG_CHAR_CREATE: response = new SMSG_CHAR_CREATE(Opcodes.SMSG_CHAR_CREATE); ((SMSG_CHAR_CREATE) response).setResult(characterService.createChar( ((CMSG_CHAR_CREATE) request).getName(), ((CMSG_CHAR_CREATE) request).getRace(), ((CMSG_CHAR_CREATE) request).getCharClass(), ((CMSG_CHAR_CREATE) request).getGender(), ((CMSG_CHAR_CREATE) request).getSkin(), ((CMSG_CHAR_CREATE) request).getFace(), ((CMSG_CHAR_CREATE) request).getHairStyle(), ((CMSG_CHAR_CREATE) request).getHairColor(), ((CMSG_CHAR_CREATE) request).getFacialHair(), ctx.pipeline().get(RealmAuthHandler.class).getAccount())); break; case CMSG_CHAR_DELETE: response = new SMSG_CHAR_DELETE(Opcodes.SMSG_CHAR_DELETE); ((SMSG_CHAR_DELETE) response) .setResult(characterService.deleteChar(((CMSG_CHAR_DELETE) request).getId(), ctx.pipeline().get(RealmAuthHandler.class).getAccount(), false)); break; case CMSG_PLAYER_LOGIN: if (characterService.loginChar(((CMSG_PLAYER_LOGIN) request).getId(), ctx.pipeline().get(RealmAuthHandler.class).getAccount())) { SMSG_LOGIN_VERIFY_WORLD packet = new SMSG_LOGIN_VERIFY_WORLD(); /**packet.setMap(characterService.getLoggedCharacter().getFkDbcMap()); packet.setPosX(characterService.getLoggedCharacter().getPositionX()); packet.setPosY(characterService.getLoggedCharacter().getPositionY()); packet.setPosZ(characterService.getLoggedCharacter().getPositionZ()); packet.setOrientation(characterService.getLoggedCharacter().getOrientation());*/ ctx.write(packet); SMSG_ACCOUNT_DATA_TIMES data = new SMSG_ACCOUNT_DATA_TIMES(); ctx.write(data); } else { // Kick unknown client. ctx.close(); } break; default: logger.error("Packet received, opcode not handled: " + request.getOpcode()); break; } if (response != null) { ctx.writeAndFlush(response); } else { // Let pass this to other handlers. ctx.fireChannelRead(msg); } }