Example usage for Java io.netty.channel ChannelConfig fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
T | getOption(ChannelOption Return the value of the given ChannelOption |
Map | getOptions() Return all set ChannelOption 's. |
int | getWriteBufferHighWaterMark() Returns the high water mark of the write buffer. |
int | getWriteBufferLowWaterMark() Returns the low water mark of the write buffer. |
boolean | isAutoRead() Returns true if and only if ChannelHandlerContext#read() will be invoked automatically so that a user application doesn't need to call it at all. |
ChannelConfig | setAutoRead(boolean autoRead) Sets if ChannelHandlerContext#read() will be invoked automatically so that a user application doesn't need to call it at all. |
ChannelConfig | setConnectTimeoutMillis(int connectTimeoutMillis) Sets the connect timeout of the channel in milliseconds. |
ChannelConfig | setWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int writeBufferHighWaterMark) Sets the high water mark of the write buffer. |
ChannelConfig | setWriteBufferLowWaterMark(int writeBufferLowWaterMark) Sets the low water mark of the write buffer. |