List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBufUtil hexDump
public static String hexDump(byte[] array)
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static org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.bgp.linkstate.rev150210.NodeIdentifier parseNodeDescriptors( final ByteBuf buffer, final NlriType nlriType, final boolean local) throws BGPParsingException { AsNumber asnumber = null;/*from ww w .ja va 2 s . co m*/ DomainIdentifier bgpId = null; AreaIdentifier ai = null; CRouterIdentifier routerId = null; AsNumber memberAsn = null; Ipv4Address bgpRouterId = null; while (buffer.isReadable()) { final int type = buffer.readUnsignedShort(); final int length = buffer.readUnsignedShort(); final ByteBuf value = buffer.readSlice(length); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Parsing Node Descriptor: {}", ByteBufUtil.hexDump(value)); } switch (type) { case AS_NUMBER: asnumber = new AsNumber(value.readUnsignedInt()); LOG.debug("Parsed {}", asnumber); break; case BGP_LS_ID: bgpId = new DomainIdentifier(value.readUnsignedInt()); LOG.debug("Parsed {}", bgpId); break; case AREA_ID: ai = new AreaIdentifier(value.readUnsignedInt()); LOG.debug("Parsed area identifier {}", ai); break; case IGP_ROUTER_ID: routerId = parseRouterId(value); LOG.debug("Parsed Router Identifier {}", routerId); break; case BGP_ROUTER_ID: bgpRouterId = Ipv4Util.addressForByteBuf(value); LOG.debug("Parsed BGP Router Identifier {}", bgpRouterId); break; case MEMBER_AS_NUMBER: memberAsn = new AsNumber(value.readUnsignedInt()); LOG.debug("Parsed Member AsNumber {}", memberAsn); break; default: throw new BGPParsingException("Node Descriptor not recognized, type: " + type); } } LOG.trace("Finished parsing Node descriptors."); return correctType(nlriType, local, asnumber, ai, routerId, bgpId, bgpRouterId, memberAsn); }
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static PrefixDescriptors parsePrefixDescriptors(final ByteBuf buffer, final boolean ipv4) throws BGPParsingException { final PrefixDescriptorsBuilder builder = new PrefixDescriptorsBuilder(); while (buffer.isReadable()) { final int type = buffer.readUnsignedShort(); final int length = buffer.readUnsignedShort(); final ByteBuf value = buffer.readSlice(length); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Parsing Prefix Descriptor: {}", ByteBufUtil.hexDump(value)); }// w w w .java 2 s. c o m switch (type) { case TlvUtil.MULTI_TOPOLOGY_ID: final TopologyIdentifier topologyId = new TopologyIdentifier( value.readShort() & TlvUtil.TOPOLOGY_ID_OFFSET); builder.setMultiTopologyId(topologyId); LOG.trace("Parsed Topology Identifier: {}", topologyId); break; case OSPF_ROUTE_TYPE: final int rt = value.readByte(); final OspfRouteType routeType = OspfRouteType.forValue(rt); if (routeType == null) { throw new BGPParsingException("Unknown OSPF Route Type: " + rt); } builder.setOspfRouteType(routeType); LOG.trace("Parser RouteType: {}", routeType); break; case IP_REACHABILITY: final IpPrefix prefix = (ipv4) ? new IpPrefix(Ipv4Util.prefixForByteBuf(value)) : new IpPrefix(Ipv6Util.prefixForByteBuf(value)); builder.setIpReachabilityInformation(prefix); LOG.trace("Parsed IP reachability info: {}", prefix); break; default: throw new BGPParsingException("Prefix Descriptor not recognized, type: " + type); } } LOG.debug("Finished parsing Prefix descriptors."); return; }
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/** * Util method for writing TLV header./*from w w w .j a va2s. c om*/ * * @param type TLV type (2B) * @param value TLV value (2B) * @param byteAggregator final ByteBuf where the tlv should be serialized */ public static void writeTLV(final int type, final ByteBuf value, final ByteBuf byteAggregator) { byteAggregator.writeShort(type); byteAggregator.writeShort(value.writerIndex()); byteAggregator.writeBytes(value); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { value.readerIndex(0); LOG.debug("Serialized tlv type {} to: {}", type, ByteBufUtil.hexDump(value)); } }
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/** * Serializes BGP Notification message.//from w ww .j ava 2s . c o m * * @param msg to be serialized * @param bytes ByteBuf where the message will be serialized */ @Override public void serializeMessage(final Notification msg, final ByteBuf bytes) { Preconditions.checkArgument(msg instanceof Notify, "Message needs to be of type Notify"); final Notify ntf = (Notify) msg; final ByteBuf msgBody = Unpooled.buffer(); msgBody.writeByte(ntf.getErrorCode()); msgBody.writeByte(ntf.getErrorSubcode()); final byte[] data = ntf.getData(); if (data != null) { msgBody.writeBytes(data); } LOG.trace("Notification message serialized to: {}", ByteBufUtil.hexDump(msgBody)); MessageUtil.formatMessage(TYPE, msgBody, bytes); }
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License:Open Source License
private void fillParams(final ByteBuf buffer, final List<BgpParameters> params) throws BGPDocumentedException { Preconditions.checkArgument(buffer != null && buffer.isReadable(), "BUffer cannot be null or empty."); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Started parsing of BGP parameter: {}", ByteBufUtil.hexDump(buffer)); }//from w ww. j av a 2s . c om while (buffer.isReadable()) { if (buffer.readableBytes() <= 2) { throw new BGPDocumentedException( "Malformed parameter encountered (" + buffer.readableBytes() + " bytes left)", BGPError.OPT_PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED); } final int paramType = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); final int paramLength = buffer.readUnsignedByte(); final ByteBuf paramBody = buffer.readSlice(paramLength); final BgpParameters param; try { param = this.reg.parseParameter(paramType, paramBody); } catch (final BGPParsingException e) { throw new BGPDocumentedException("Optional parameter not parsed", BGPError.UNSPECIFIC_OPEN_ERROR, e); } if (param != null) { params.add(param); } else { LOG.debug("Ignoring BGP Parameter type: {}", paramType); } } LOG.trace("Parsed BGP parameters: {}", params); }
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/** * Serializes BGP Route Refresh message. * * @param message to be serialized/*from w ww . jav a 2 s .co m*/ * @param bytes ByteBuf where the message will be serialized */ @Override public void serializeMessage(final Notification message, final ByteBuf bytes) { Preconditions.checkArgument(message instanceof RouteRefresh, "Message is not of type RouteRefresh."); final RouteRefresh msg = (RouteRefresh) message; final ByteBuf msgBuf = Unpooled.buffer(TRIPLET_BYTE_SIZE); MultiprotocolCapabilitiesUtil.serializeMPAfiSafi(this.afiReg, this.safiReg, msg.getAfi(), msg.getSafi(), msgBuf); LOG.trace("RouteRefresh message serialized to: {}", ByteBufUtil.hexDump(msgBuf)); MessageUtil.formatMessage(TYPE, msgBuf, bytes); }
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License:Open Source License
private void serializeOptionalCapability(final OptionalCapabilities optionalCapa, final ByteBuf byteAggregator) { if (optionalCapa.getCParameters() != null) { final CParameters cap = optionalCapa.getCParameters(); final ByteBuf bytes = Unpooled.buffer(); this.reg.serializeCapability(cap, bytes); Preconditions.checkArgument(bytes != null, "Unhandled capability class %s", cap.getImplementedInterface()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("BGP capability serialized to: {}", ByteBufUtil.hexDump(bytes)); }//from w w w. j a va 2 s . co m byteAggregator.writeBytes(bytes); } }
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@Override protected void decode(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ByteBuf in, final List<Object> out) throws BGPDocumentedException, BGPParsingException { if (in.isReadable()) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Received to decode: {}", ByteBufUtil.hexDump(in)); }/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s .c om*/ out.add(this.registry.parseMessage(in, this.constraints)); } else { LOG.trace("No more content in incoming buffer."); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void encode(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Notification msg, final ByteBuf out) { LOG.trace("Encoding message: {}", msg); this.registry.serializeMessage(msg, out); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Encoded message: {}", ByteBufUtil.hexDump(out)); }//ww w. ja va 2s . com LOG.debug("Message sent to output: {}", msg); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Handles incoming message based on their type. * * @param msg incoming message// w ww.j a va 2 s . c om */ synchronized void handleMessage(final Notification msg) throws BGPDocumentedException { // Update last reception time this.lastMessageReceivedAt = System.nanoTime(); if (msg instanceof Open) { // Open messages should not be present here this.terminate(new BGPDocumentedException(null, BGPError.FSM_ERROR)); } else if (msg instanceof Notify) { final Notify notify = (Notify) msg; // Notifications are handled internally"Session closed because Notification message received: {} / {}, data={}", notify.getErrorCode(), notify.getErrorSubcode(), notify.getData() != null ? ByteBufUtil.hexDump(notify.getData()) : null); this.closeWithoutMessage(); this.listener.onSessionTerminated(this, new BGPTerminationReason(BGPError.forValue(notify.getErrorCode(), notify.getErrorSubcode()))); } else if (msg instanceof Keepalive) { // Keepalives are handled internally LOG.trace("Received KeepAlive message."); this.kaCounter++; if (this.kaCounter >= 2) { this.sync.kaReceived(); } } else if (msg instanceof RouteRefresh) { this.listener.onMessage(this, msg); } else if (msg instanceof Update) { this.listener.onMessage(this, msg); this.sync.updReceived((Update) msg); } else { LOG.warn("Ignoring unhandled message: {}.", msg.getClass()); } this.sessionStats.updateReceivedMsg(msg); }