Example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBufUtil getBytes

List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBufUtil getBytes


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBufUtil getBytes.


public static byte[] getBytes(ByteBuf buf) 

Source Link


Create a copy of the underlying storage from buf into a byte array.


From source file:org.apache.bookkeeper.stream.cli.commands.table.GetCommand.java

License:Apache License

protected void run(StorageClient client, Flags flags) throws Exception {
    checkArgument(flags.arguments.size() >= 2, "table and key are not provided");

    String tableName = flags.arguments.get(0);
    String key = flags.arguments.get(1);

    try (Table<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> table = result(client.openTable(tableName))) {
        long lastVersion = -1L;
        do {/*w  w w .j av  a2s  .  com*/
            try (KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> kv = result(
                    table.getKv(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(key.getBytes(UTF_8))))) {
                if (null == kv) {
                    spec.console().println("key '" + key + "' doesn't exist.");
                } else {
                    if (kv.version() > lastVersion) {
                        if (kv.isNumber()) {
                            spec.console().println("value = " + kv.numberValue());
                        } else {
                                    .println("value = " + new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(kv.value()), UTF_8));
                        lastVersion = kv.version();
            if (flags.watch) {
        } while (flags.watch);

From source file:org.apache.bookkeeper.stream.storage.impl.kv.TableStoreUtils.java

License:Apache License

static byte[] newStoreKey(ByteString rKey, ByteString lKey) {
    boolean hasRkey = hasRKey(rKey);

    int keyLen;//  w w w . jav a2  s. c om
    if (hasRkey) {
        keyLen = rKey.size() + lKey.size() + 2;
    } else {
        keyLen = lKey.size() + 1;
    ByteBuf keyBuf = Unpooled.buffer(keyLen);
    if (hasRkey) {
    } else {

    return ByteBufUtil.getBytes(keyBuf);

From source file:org.apache.bookkeeper.tests.integration.stream.TableClientSimpleTest.java

License:Apache License

public void testTableSimpleAPI() throws Exception {
    // Create a namespace
    NamespaceConfiguration nsConf = NamespaceConfiguration.newBuilder()
    NamespaceProperties nsProps = result(adminClient.createNamespace(namespace, nsConf));
    assertEquals(namespace, nsProps.getNamespaceName());
    assertEquals(nsConf.getDefaultStreamConf(), nsProps.getDefaultStreamConf());

    // Create a stream
    String streamName = testName.getMethodName() + "_stream";
    StreamConfiguration streamConf = StreamConfiguration.newBuilder(DEFAULT_STREAM_CONF)
    StreamProperties streamProps = result(adminClient.createStream(namespace, streamName, streamConf));
    assertEquals(streamName, streamProps.getStreamName());

    // Open the table
    PTable<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> table = result(storageClient.openPTable(streamName));
    byte[] rKey = "routing-key".getBytes(UTF_8);
    byte[] lKey = "testing-key".getBytes(UTF_8);
    byte[] value1 = "testing-value-1".getBytes(UTF_8);
    byte[] value2 = "testing-value-2".getBytes(UTF_8);

    // put first key
    ByteBuf rKeyBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(rKey);
    ByteBuf lKeyBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(lKey);
    ByteBuf valBuf1 = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(value1);
    ByteBuf valBuf2 = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(value2);

    // normal put
    assertNull(result(table.put(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf1)));

    // putIfAbsent failure
    assertArrayEquals(value1, ByteBufUtil.getBytes(result(table.putIfAbsent(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf2))));

    // delete failure
    assertFalse(result(table.delete(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf2)));

    // delete success
    assertTrue(result(table.delete(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf1)));

    // get//  ww  w. j ava  2  s.co m
    assertNull(result(table.get(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf)));

    // putIfAbsent success
    assertNull(result(table.putIfAbsent(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf2)));

    // get returns val2
    assertArrayEquals(value2, ByteBufUtil.getBytes(result(table.get(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf))));

    // vPut failure
    try {
        result(table.vPut(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf1, 9999L));
        fail("Should fail vPut if the version doesn't match");
    } catch (KvApiException e) {
        assertEquals(Code.BAD_REVISION, e.getCode());

    // vPut success
    assertEquals(1L, result(table.vPut(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf1, 0L)).longValue());

    // vDelete failure
    try {
        result(table.vDelete(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, 9999L));
        fail("Should fail vDelete if the version doesn't match");
    } catch (KvApiException e) {
        assertEquals(Code.BAD_REVISION, e.getCode());

    // vDelete success
    try (KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> prevKv = result(table.vDelete(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, 1L))) {
        assertEquals(1L, prevKv.version());
        assertArrayEquals(value1, ByteBufUtil.getBytes(prevKv.value()));

    // write a range of key
    int numKvs = 100;
    rKeyBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer("test-key".getBytes(UTF_8));
    for (int i = 0; i < numKvs; i++) {
        lKeyBuf = getLKey(i);
        valBuf1 = getValue(i);
        result(table.put(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf1));

    // get ranges
    ByteBuf lStartKey = getLKey(20);
    ByteBuf lEndKey = getLKey(50);
    List<KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf>> kvs = result(table.range(rKeyBuf, lStartKey, lEndKey));
    assertEquals(31, kvs.size());
    int i = 20;
    for (KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> kvPair : kvs) {
        assertEquals(getLKey(i), kvPair.key());
        assertEquals(getValue(i), kvPair.value());
    assertEquals(51, i);

    // delete range
    kvs = result(table.deleteRange(rKeyBuf, lStartKey, lEndKey));
    assertEquals(31, kvs.size());
    i = 20;
    for (KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> kvPair : kvs) {
        assertEquals(getLKey(i), kvPair.key());
        assertEquals(getValue(i), kvPair.value());
    assertEquals(51, i);

    // get ranges again
    kvs = result(table.range(rKeyBuf, lStartKey, lEndKey));

    byte[] lIncrKey = "test-incr-lkey".getBytes(UTF_8);
    ByteBuf lIncrKeyBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(lIncrKey);

    // test increment
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
        result(table.increment(rKeyBuf, lIncrKeyBuf, 100L));
        long number = result(table.getNumber(rKeyBuf, lIncrKeyBuf));
        assertEquals(100L * (j + 1), number);

    for (int j = 5; j < 10; j++) {
        long number = result(table.incrementAndGet(rKeyBuf, lIncrKeyBuf, 100L));
        assertEquals(100L * (j + 1), number);

From source file:org.apache.bookkeeper.tests.integration.stream.TableClientTest.java

License:Apache License

private void testTableAPI(String namespace, StorageAdminClient adminClient, StorageClient storageClient)
        throws Exception {
    // Create a namespace
    NamespaceConfiguration nsConf = NamespaceConfiguration.newBuilder()
    NamespaceProperties nsProps = FutureUtils.result(adminClient.createNamespace(namespace, nsConf));
    assertEquals(namespace, nsProps.getNamespaceName());
    assertEquals(nsConf.getDefaultStreamConf(), nsProps.getDefaultStreamConf());

    // Create a stream
    String streamName = testName.getMethodName() + "_stream";
    StreamConfiguration streamConf = StreamConfiguration.newBuilder(DEFAULT_STREAM_CONF)
    StreamProperties streamProps = FutureUtils
            .result(adminClient.createStream(namespace, streamName, streamConf));
    assertEquals(streamName, streamProps.getStreamName());

    // Open the table
    PTable<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> table = FutureUtils.result(storageClient.openPTable(streamName));
    byte[] rKey = "routing-key".getBytes(UTF_8);
    byte[] lKey = "testing-key".getBytes(UTF_8);
    byte[] value = "testing-value".getBytes(UTF_8);

    // put first key
    ByteBuf rKeyBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(rKey);
    ByteBuf lKeyBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(lKey);
    ByteBuf valBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(value);

    try (PutOption<ByteBuf> option = Options.putAndGet()) {
        try (PutResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> putResult = FutureUtils
                .result(table.put(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf, option))) {
        }//from  w  w  w  . j ava 2s  .co  m

    // put second key
    ByteBuf valBuf2 = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer("testing-value-2".getBytes(UTF_8));
    try (PutOption<ByteBuf> option = Options.putAndGet()) {
        try (PutResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> putResult = FutureUtils
                .result(table.put(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf2, option))) {
            KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> prevKv = putResult.prevKv();
            assertEquals("testing-key", new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(prevKv.key()), UTF_8));
            assertEquals("testing-value", new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(prevKv.value()), UTF_8));

    // get key
    try (RangeOption<ByteBuf> option = optionFactory.newRangeOption().build()) {
        try (RangeResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> getResult = FutureUtils
                .result(table.get(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, option))) {
            assertEquals(1, getResult.count());
            assertEquals(1, getResult.kvs().size());
            KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> kv = getResult.kvs().get(0);
            assertEquals("testing-key", new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(kv.key()), UTF_8));
            assertEquals("testing-value-2", new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(kv.value()), UTF_8));

    // delete key
    try (DeleteOption<ByteBuf> option = optionFactory.newDeleteOption().prevKv(true).build()) {
        try (DeleteResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> deleteResult = FutureUtils
                .result(table.delete(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, option))) {
            assertEquals(1, deleteResult.numDeleted());
            assertEquals(1, deleteResult.prevKvs().size());
            KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> kv = deleteResult.prevKvs().get(0);
            assertEquals("testing-key", new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(kv.key()), UTF_8));
            assertEquals("testing-value-2", new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(kv.value()), UTF_8));

    // write a range of key
    int numKvs = 100;
    rKeyBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer("test-key".getBytes(UTF_8));
    try (PutOption<ByteBuf> option = Options.blindPut()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numKvs; i++) {
            lKeyBuf = getLKey(i);
            valBuf = getValue(i);
            FutureUtils.result(table.put(rKeyBuf, lKeyBuf, valBuf, option));

    // get ranges
    ByteBuf lStartKey = getLKey(20);
    ByteBuf lEndKey = getLKey(50);
    try (RangeOption<ByteBuf> option = optionFactory.newRangeOption().endKey(lEndKey).build()) {
        try (RangeResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> rangeResult = FutureUtils
                .result(table.get(rKeyBuf, lStartKey, option))) {
            assertEquals(31, rangeResult.kvs().size());
            assertEquals(31, rangeResult.count());
            int i = 20;
            for (KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> kvPair : rangeResult.kvs()) {
                assertEquals(getLKey(i), kvPair.key());
                assertEquals(getValue(i), kvPair.value());
            assertEquals(51, i);

    // delete range
    try (DeleteOption<ByteBuf> option = optionFactory.newDeleteOption().prevKv(true).endKey(lEndKey).build()) {
        try (DeleteResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> deleteRangeResult = FutureUtils
                .result(table.delete(rKeyBuf, lStartKey, option))) {
            assertEquals(31, deleteRangeResult.numDeleted());
            assertEquals(31, deleteRangeResult.prevKvs().size());
            int i = 20;
            for (KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> kvPair : deleteRangeResult.prevKvs()) {
                assertEquals(getLKey(i), kvPair.key());
                assertEquals(getValue(i), kvPair.value());
            assertEquals(51, i);


    // test txn
    byte[] lTxnKey = "txn-key".getBytes(UTF_8);
    ByteBuf lTxnKeyBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(lTxnKey);
    byte[] txnValue = "txn-value".getBytes(UTF_8);
    ByteBuf txnValueBuf = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(txnValue);
    Txn<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> txn = table.txn(lTxnKeyBuf);

    CompletableFuture<TxnResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf>> commitFuture = txn
            .If(table.opFactory().compareValue(CompareResult.EQUAL, lTxnKeyBuf,
                    Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[0])))
            .Then(table.opFactory().newPut(lTxnKeyBuf, txnValueBuf,
    try (TxnResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> txnResult = FutureUtils.result(commitFuture)) {
        assertEquals(1, txnResult.results().size());
        Result<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> opResult = txnResult.results().get(0);
        assertEquals(OpType.PUT, opResult.type());

    // get key
    try (RangeOption<ByteBuf> option = optionFactory.newRangeOption().build()) {
        try (RangeResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> getResult = FutureUtils
                .result(table.get(lTxnKeyBuf, lTxnKeyBuf, option))) {
            assertEquals(1, getResult.count());
            assertEquals(1, getResult.kvs().size());
            KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> kv = getResult.kvs().get(0);
            assertEquals("txn-key", new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(kv.key()), UTF_8));
            assertEquals("txn-value", new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(kv.value()), UTF_8));

    txn = table.txn(lTxnKeyBuf);
    // txn failure
    commitFuture = txn
            .If(table.opFactory().compareValue(CompareResult.EQUAL, lTxnKeyBuf,
                    Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[0])))
            .Then(table.opFactory().newPut(lTxnKeyBuf, valBuf,
    try (TxnResult<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> txnResult = FutureUtils.result(commitFuture)) {
        assertEquals(0, txnResult.results().size());


From source file:org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.schema.ByteBufSchema.java

License:Apache License

public byte[] encode(ByteBuf message) {
    if (message == null) {
        return null;
    }/* ww w .  j  a v  a  2s . co m*/

    return ByteBufUtil.getBytes(message);

From source file:org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.schema.SchemaUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static Object toAvroObject(Object value) {
    if (value != null) {
        if (value instanceof ByteBuffer) {
            ByteBuffer bb = (ByteBuffer) value;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[bb.remaining()];
            bb.duplicate().get(bytes);/* w w  w  . j av  a2 s.  co m*/
            return bytes;
        } else if (value instanceof ByteBuf) {
            return ByteBufUtil.getBytes((ByteBuf) value);
        } else {
            return value;
    } else {
        return null;

From source file:org.apache.pulsar.functions.worker.rest.api.ComponentImpl.java

License:Apache License

public FunctionState getFunctionState(final String tenant, final String namespace, final String functionName,
        final String key) {

    if (!isWorkerServiceAvailable()) {
        throwUnavailableException();//  w w  w. j ava  2  s .c  o m

    if (null == worker().getStateStoreAdminClient()) {

    // validate parameters
    try {
        validateGetFunctionStateParams(tenant, namespace, functionName, key);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        log.error("Invalid getFunctionState request @ /{}/{}/{}/{}", tenant, namespace, functionName, key, e);
        throw new RestException(Status.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage());

    String tableNs = StateUtils.getStateNamespace(tenant, namespace);
    String tableName = functionName;

    String stateStorageServiceUrl = worker().getWorkerConfig().getStateStorageServiceUrl();

    if (storageClient.get() == null) {

    FunctionState value;
    try (Table<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> table = result(storageClient.get().openTable(tableName))) {
        try (KeyValue<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> kv = result(table.getKv(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(key.getBytes(UTF_8))))) {
            if (null == kv) {
                throw new RestException(Status.NOT_FOUND, "key '" + key + "' doesn't exist.");
            } else {
                if (kv.isNumber()) {
                    value = new FunctionState(key, null, kv.numberValue(), kv.version());
                } else {
                    value = new FunctionState(key, new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(kv.value()), UTF_8), null,
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error while getFunctionState request @ /{}/{}/{}/{}", tenant, namespace, functionName, key,
        throw new RestException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage());
    return value;

From source file:org.apache.pulsar.io.kafka.connect.PulsarOffsetBackingStore.java

License:Apache License

public Future<Void> set(Map<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> values, Callback<Void> callback) {
    values.forEach((key, value) -> {/*from  w w w.  ja va 2 s .  c  om*/
        ByteBuf bb = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(key);
        byte[] keyBytes = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(bb);
        bb = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(value);
        byte[] valBytes = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(bb);
        producer.newMessage().key(new String(keyBytes, UTF_8)).value(valBytes).sendAsync();
    return producer.flushAsync().whenComplete((ignored, cause) -> {
        if (null != callback) {
            callback.onCompletion(cause, ignored);
        if (null == cause) {
            readToEnd(new CompletableFuture<>());

From source file:org.apache.pulsar.io.kafka.connect.PulsarOffsetBackingStoreTest.java

License:Apache License

private void testGetSet(boolean testCallback) throws Exception {
    final int numKeys = 10;
    final List<ByteBuffer> keys = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
        Map<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> kvs = new HashMap<>();
        ByteBuffer key = ByteBuffer.wrap(("test-key-" + i).getBytes(UTF_8));
        keys.add(key);/*  w ww. ja va 2 s. c o  m*/
        kvs.put(key, ByteBuffer.wrap(("test-val-" + i).getBytes(UTF_8)));
        CompletableFuture<Void> setCallback = new CompletableFuture<>();
        offsetBackingStore.set(kvs, testCallback ? (Callback<Void>) (error, result) -> {
            if (null != error) {
            } else {
        } : null).get();
        if (testCallback) {

    Map<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> result = offsetBackingStore.get(keys, null).get();
    assertEquals(numKeys, result.size());
    AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
    new TreeMap<>(result).forEach((key, value) -> {
        int idx = count.getAndIncrement();
        byte[] keyData = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(key));
        assertEquals(new String(keyData, UTF_8), "test-key-" + idx);
        byte[] valData = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(value));
        assertEquals(new String(valData, UTF_8), "test-val-" + idx);

From source file:org.elasticsearch.http.netty4.Netty4HttpPipeliningHandlerTests.java

License:Apache License

private void assertReadHttpMessageHasContent(EmbeddedChannel embeddedChannel, String expectedContent) {
    FullHttpResponse response = (FullHttpResponse) embeddedChannel.outboundMessages().poll();
    assertNotNull("Expected response to exist, maybe you did not wait long enough?", response);
    assertNotNull("Expected response to have content " + expectedContent, response.content());
    String data = new String(ByteBufUtil.getBytes(response.content()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    assertThat(data, is(expectedContent));