Example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBufProcessor interface-usage

List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBufProcessor interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBufProcessor interface-usage.


From source file com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.util.ClosingPositionBufProcessor.java

 * A {@link ByteBufProcessor} to find a closing character position. Applying this to a
 * buffer will output the position of the closing of the section, relative to that buffer's
 * readerIndex, or -1 if the end of the section couldn't be found.
 * Note that this processor will only work correctly if the number of opening and closing

From source file com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.util.SplitPositionBufProcessor.java

 * A {@link ByteBufProcessor} to find the position of a single character usable as a split pivot.
 * Applying this to a buffer will output the position of the closing of the section, relative to that buffer's
 * readerIndex, or -1 if the end of the section couldn't be found.
 * Note that this processor is typically used to find split positions in a JSON array inside a streaming JSON

From source file com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.util.StringClosingPositionBufProcessor.java

 * A {@link io.netty.buffer.ByteBufProcessor} to find the closing position of a JSON string.
 * Applying this to a buffer will output the position of the closing of the string, relative to that buffer's
 * readerIndex, or -1 if the end of the section couldn't be found.
 * It'll take into account the string's opening quote (which is expected to be after the current readerIndex),

From source file com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.util.WhitespaceSkipper.java

 * This {@link io.netty.buffer.ByteBufProcessor} loops while it encounters whitespace
 * or new lines (' ', '\t', '\r' and '\n').
 * @author Simon Basl
 * @since 1.1

From source file com.github.subalakr.yasjl.JsonArrayByteBufProcessor.java

 * Process JSON array
 * @author Subhashni Balakrishnan
public class JsonArrayByteBufProcessor implements ByteBufProcessor {

From source file com.github.subalakr.yasjl.JsonBOMByteBufProcessor.java

 * Processes byte order mark. It supports only UTF-8.
 * @author Subhashni Balakrishnan
public class JsonBOMByteBufProcessor implements ByteBufProcessor {

From source file com.github.subalakr.yasjl.JsonBooleanFalseByteBufProcessor.java

 * Processes JSON false value
 * @author Subhashni Balakrishnan
public class JsonBooleanFalseByteBufProcessor implements ByteBufProcessor {

From source file com.github.subalakr.yasjl.JsonBooleanTrueByteBufProcessor.java

 * Processes JSON true value
 * @author Subhashni Balakrishnan
public class JsonBooleanTrueByteBufProcessor implements ByteBufProcessor {

From source file com.github.subalakr.yasjl.JsonNullByteBufProcessor.java

 * Processes JSON null value
 * @author Subhashni Balakrishnan
public class JsonNullByteBufProcessor implements ByteBufProcessor {

From source file com.github.subalakr.yasjl.JsonNumberByteBufProcessor.java

 * Process JSON number
 * @author Subhashni Balakrishnan
public class JsonNumberByteBufProcessor implements ByteBufProcessor {