Example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBufInputStream readByte

List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBufInputStream readByte


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBufInputStream readByte.


    public byte readByte() throws IOException 

Source Link


From source file:org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.RpcDecoder.java

License:Apache License

public static int readRawVarint32(ByteBufInputStream is) throws IOException {
    byte tmp = is.readByte();
    if (tmp >= 0) {
        return tmp;
    }/*from  w  w w .  j a  v  a2 s .co m*/
    int result = tmp & 0x7f;
    if ((tmp = is.readByte()) >= 0) {
        result |= tmp << 7;
    } else {
        result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 7;
        if ((tmp = is.readByte()) >= 0) {
            result |= tmp << 14;
        } else {
            result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 14;
            if ((tmp = is.readByte()) >= 0) {
                result |= tmp << 21;
            } else {
                result |= (tmp & 0x7f) << 21;
                result |= (tmp = is.readByte()) << 28;
                if (tmp < 0) {
                    // Discard upper 32 bits.
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                        if (is.readByte() >= 0) {
                            return result;
                    throw new CorruptedFrameException("Encountered a malformed varint.");
    return result;

From source file:org.apache.giraph.comm.netty.handler.SaslClientHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Decode the message read by handler/*from w  w  w.  ja v  a 2 s .c  om*/
 * @param ctx channel handler context
 * @param msg message to decode into a writable request
 * @return decoded writablerequest object
 * @throws Exception
protected WritableRequest decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
    if (!(msg instanceof ByteBuf)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("decode: Got illegal message " + msg);
    // Decode msg into an object whose class C implements WritableRequest:
    //  C will be either SaslTokenMessage or SaslComplete.
    // 1. Convert message to a stream that can be decoded.
    ByteBuf buf = (ByteBuf) msg;
    ByteBufInputStream inputStream = new ByteBufInputStream(buf);
    // 2. Get first byte: message type:
    int enumValue = inputStream.readByte();
    RequestType type = RequestType.values()[enumValue];
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("decode: Got a response of type " + type + " from server:" + ctx.channel().remoteAddress());
    // 3. Create object of the type determined in step 2.
    Class<? extends WritableRequest> writableRequestClass = type.getRequestClass();
    WritableRequest serverResponse = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(writableRequestClass, conf);
    // 4. Deserialize the inputStream's contents into the newly-constructed
    // serverResponse object.
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("decode: Exception when trying to read server response: " + e);
    // serverResponse can now be used in the next stage in pipeline.
    return serverResponse;

From source file:vn.com.vng.gsmobile.casino.client.ClientHandler.java

License:Apache License

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
private void receiptFormServer(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception {
    ByteBufInputStream bbi = new ByteBufInputStream(frame.content());
    byte c1 = bbi.readByte();
    byte c2 = bbi.readByte();
    byte c3 = bbi.readByte();
    byte c4 = bbi.readByte();
    if (c4 == 0) {
        int gzip = ((int) c3 & (int) 0x80) >> 7;
        int version = (int) c3 & (int) 0x7F;
        String sCMD = c1 + "_" + c2 + "_" + version;
        Map mService = (Map) Lib.getServiceConfig(false).get(sCMD);
        if (mService != null) {
            //1. Gii nn
            byte[] b = null;
            if (gzip == 1)
                b = GZip.decompress(IOUtils.toByteArray(bbi));
            else// w w  w .  j  av  a 2  s .c  o  m
                b = IOUtils.toByteArray(bbi);
            //2. Gii m
            byte[] b1 = null;
            //            Object oSecKey = mService.get("server_seckey");
            //            if("1".equals(Const.SESSION_KEY) && "1".equals(oSecKey)){
            //               //Giai ma data request
            //               Session s = new Session(sUID);
            //               String sk = s.hget(Session.SECKEY);
            //               if(sk !=null){
            //                   b1 = XXTEA.decrypt(b, sk.getBytes());
            //               }
            //            }
            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(b1 == null ? b : b1);
            Object oData = null;
            Object oServer = mService.get("server");
            if (oServer != null) {
                Class<?> clsRequest = Class.forName(mService.get("server").toString());
                try {
                    oData = Lib.invoke(clsRequest, "getRootAs" + clsRequest.getSimpleName(),
                            new Class<?>[] { ByteBuffer.class }, new Object[] { bb });
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    oData = new String(b, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
            Lib.getLogService().debug(Arrays.asList(uid, ctx.channel().id(), c1, c2, c3, c4, oData.toString(),
                    this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".receiptFormServer"));
            Bot bot = Bot.list.get(uid);
            FlatBufferBuilder builder = new FlatBufferBuilder(0);
            Table data = null;
            Integer state = null;
            Integer turnIdx = null;
            Integer playIdx = null;
            Long battleId = null;
            Long roomId = null;
            CMD cmd = CMD.getCMD(c1, c2, (byte) version);
            switch (cmd) {
            case ROOM_WAIT:
                RoomResponse rs = (RoomResponse) oData;
                if (rs != null) {
                    builder.finish(CMDJoinGame.createCMDJoinGame(builder, uid, rs.room().id(),
                            JoinGameType.PLAY, builder.createString("trid"), 0));
                    data = CMDJoinGame.getRootAsCMDJoinGame(builder.dataBuffer());
                    bot.write(CMD.JOIN_ROOM, data);
            case INVITE_ROOM:
                CMDInviteGame iv = (CMDInviteGame) oData;
                builder.finish(CMDJoinGame.createCMDJoinGame(builder, uid, iv.roomId(), JoinGameType.PLAY,
                        builder.createString("trid"), 0));
                data = CMDJoinGame.getRootAsCMDJoinGame(builder.dataBuffer());
                bot.write(CMD.JOIN_ROOM, data);
            case JOIN_ROOM:
                RoomResponse rs2 = (RoomResponse) oData;
                if (rs2 != null) {
            case QUIT_ROOM:
                CMDQuitGame qg = (CMDQuitGame) oData;
                if (qg.state() == QuitState.QUIT_ACCEPT || qg.state() == QuitState.QUIT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY
                        || qg.state() == QuitState.QUIT_POOR_CONNECTION)
            case TLMN_UPDATE_BATTLE_INFO:
            case TLMN_BATTLE_INFO:
                GameTLMNInfo gif = (GameTLMNInfo) oData;
                roomId = gif.roomId();
                battleId = gif.gameId();
                state = gif.state();
                turnIdx = gif.turnIdx();
                playIdx = gif.playerIdx();
                if (state == GameRoomState.Finished) {
                } else if (state == GameRoomState.Playing) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < gif.cardListLength(); j++) {
                        if (gif.cardList(j).playerId() == bot.getId()) {

                //skip turn here
                if (bot.getPlayerIdx() == playIdx && state == GameRoomState.Playing) {
                            CMDGameTLMNSkip.createCMDGameTLMNSkip(builder, roomId, battleId, turnIdx, playIdx));
                    data = CMDGameTLMNSkip.getRootAsCMDGameTLMNSkip(builder.dataBuffer());
                    bot.write(CMD.TLMN_SKIP_TURN, data);
                CMDGameTLMNUpdate gup = (CMDGameTLMNUpdate) oData;
                roomId = gup.roomId();
                battleId = gup.gameId();
                state = gup.state();
                turnIdx = gup.nextTurnIdx();
                playIdx = gup.nextPlayerIdx();
                synchronized (bot) {
                //skip turn here
                if (bot.getPlayerIdx() == playIdx && state == GameRoomState.Playing) {
                            CMDGameTLMNSkip.createCMDGameTLMNSkip(builder, roomId, battleId, turnIdx, playIdx));
                    data = CMDGameTLMNSkip.getRootAsCMDGameTLMNSkip(builder.dataBuffer());
                    bot.write(CMD.TLMN_SKIP_TURN, data);
            case CAO_BATTLE_INFO:
                Game3LaGameInfo gif3 = (Game3LaGameInfo) oData;
                roomId = gif3.roomId();
                battleId = gif3.gameId();
                state = gif3.state();
                if (state == GameRoomState.Finished) {
                } else if (state == GameRoomState.Playing) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < gif3.cardListLength(); j++) {
                        if (gif3.cardList(j).playerId() == bot.getId()) {
                if (state == GameRoomState.Playing) {
                    synchronized (bot) {
                    builder.finish(CMDGame3LaShowCard.createCMDGame3LaShowCard(builder, roomId, battleId,
                            CMDGame3LaShowCard.createShowedCardsVector(builder, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 })));
                    data = CMDGameTLMNSkip.getRootAsCMDGameTLMNSkip(builder.dataBuffer());
                    bot.write(CMD.CAO_SHOW_CARDS, data);
        } else {
                    .debug(Arrays.asList(uid, ctx.channel().id(), c1, c2, c3, c4,
                            this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".receiptFormServer"));
    } else
        Lib.getLogService().debug(Arrays.asList(uid, ctx.channel().id(), c1, c2, c3, c4,
                Lib.getErrorMessage(c4), this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".receiptFormServer"));