Example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBufHolder interface-usage

List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBufHolder interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBufHolder interface-usage.


From source file io.jsync.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse.java

 * A DNS response packet which is sent to a client after a server receives a
 * query.
public class DnsResponse extends DnsMessage<DnsResponseHeader> implements ByteBufHolder {

From source file io.liveoak.stomp.common.DefaultStompMessage.java

 * @author Bob McWhirter
public class DefaultStompMessage implements StompMessage, ByteBufHolder {

    private static final Charset UTF_8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");

From source file io.liveoak.stomp.common.StompContentFrame.java

 * @author Bob McWhirter
public class StompContentFrame extends StompFrame implements ByteBufHolder {

    public StompContentFrame(Stomp.Command command) {

From source file io.liveoak.stomp.StompMessage.java

 * @author Bob McWhirter
public interface StompMessage extends ByteBufHolder {

    String id();

From source file io.reactivex.netty.protocol.http.sse.ServerSentEvent.java

 * An object representing a server-sent-event following the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/eventsource/">SSE specifications</a>
 * A server sent event is composed of the following:
 * <ul>

From source file io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource.java

 * Represents any resource record (answer, authority, or additional resource
 * records).
public class DnsResource extends DnsEntry implements ByteBufHolder {

From source file io.vertx.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse.java

 * A DNS response packet which is sent to a client after a server receives a
 * query.
public class DnsResponse extends DnsMessage<DnsResponseHeader> implements ByteBufHolder {

From source file openbns.commons.net.codec.sts.StsContent.java

 * An HTTP chunk which is used for HTTP chunked transfer-encoding.
 * {@link HttpObjectDecoder} generates {@link StsContent} after
 * {@link StsMessage} when the content is large or the encoding of the content
 * is 'chunked.  If you prefer not to receive {@link StsContent} in your handler,
 * place {@link HttpObjectAggregator} after {@link HttpObjectDecoder} in the

From source file org.vertx.java.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResource.java

 * Represents any resource record (answer, authority, or additional resource
 * records).
public class DnsResource extends DnsEntry implements ByteBufHolder {

From source file org.vertx.java.core.dns.impl.netty.DnsResponse.java

 * A DNS response packet which is sent to a client after a server receives a
 * query.
public class DnsResponse extends DnsMessage<DnsResponseHeader> implements ByteBufHolder {