List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBuf release
boolean release();
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License:Apache License
@Override public int positionedRead(long pos, byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (len == 0) { return 0; }// ww w . ja v a 2 s . co m if (pos < 0 || pos >= mLength) { return -1; } int lenCopy = len; try (PacketReader reader = mPacketReaderFactory.create(pos, len)) { // We try to read len bytes instead of returning after reading one packet because // it is not free to create/close a PacketReader. while (len > 0) { ByteBuf buf = null; try { buf = reader.readPacket(); if (buf == null) { break; } Preconditions.checkState(buf.readableBytes() <= len); int toRead = buf.readableBytes(); buf.readBytes(b, off, toRead); len -= toRead; off += toRead; } finally { if (buf != null) { buf.release(); } } } } if (lenCopy == len) { return -1; } return lenCopy - len; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Destroys a packet./* w ww. ja v a2 s .com*/ * * @param packet the packet */ private void destroyPacket(ByteBuf packet) { if (packet != null) { packet.release(); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void writeChunk(ByteBuf chunk) throws IOException { if (mIsWritingToLocal) { long pos = mLocalFileDataWriter.pos(); try {//from w w w . j a v a 2s . com // chunk.refcount++ to ensure chunk not garbage-collected if writeChunk fails chunk.retain(); // chunk.refcount-- inside regardless of exception mLocalFileDataWriter.writeChunk(chunk); // chunk.refcount-- on success chunk.release(); return; } catch (ResourceExhaustedException e) { LOG.warn("Fallback to write to UFS for block {} due to a failure of insufficient space " + "on the local worker: {}", mBlockId, e.getMessage()); mIsWritingToLocal = false; } try { if (pos == 0) { // Nothing has been written to temp block, we can cancel this failed local writer and // cleanup the temp block. mLocalFileDataWriter.cancel(); } else { // Note that, we can not cancel mLocalFileDataWriter now as the cancel message may // arrive and clean the temp block before it is written to UFS. mLocalFileDataWriter.flush(); } // Close the block writer. We do not close the mLocalFileDataWriter to prevent the worker // completes the block, commit it and remove it. //mLocalFileDataWriter.getWriter().close(); mGrpcDataWriter = GrpcDataWriter.create(mContext, mWorkerNetAddress, mBlockId, mBlockSize, RequestType.UFS_FALLBACK_BLOCK, mOutStreamOptions); // Instruct the server to write the previously transferred data from temp block to UFS only // when there is data already written. if (pos > 0) { mGrpcDataWriter.writeFallbackInitRequest(pos); } } catch (Exception e) { // chunk.refcount-- on exception chunk.release(); throw new IOException("Failed to switch to writing block " + mBlockId + " to UFS", e); } } mGrpcDataWriter.writeChunk(chunk); // refcount-- inside to release chunk }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void writePacket(ByteBuf packet) throws IOException { if (mIsWritingToLocal) { long pos = mLocalFilePacketWriter.pos(); try {//from ww 2s . com // packet.refcount++ to ensure packet not garbage-collected if writePacket fails packet.retain(); // packet.refcount-- inside regardless of exception mLocalFilePacketWriter.writePacket(packet); // packet.refcount-- on success packet.release(); return; } catch (ResourceExhaustedException e) { LOG.warn("Fallback to write to UFS for block {} due to a failure of insufficient space " + "on the local worker: {}", mBlockId, e.getMessage()); mIsWritingToLocal = false; } try { if (pos == 0) { // Nothing has been written to temp block, we can cancel this failed local writer and // cleanup the temp block. mLocalFilePacketWriter.cancel(); } else { // Note that, we can not cancel mLocalFilePacketWriter now as the cancel message may // arrive and clean the temp block before it is written to UFS. mLocalFilePacketWriter.flush(); } // Close the block writer. We do not close the mLocalFilePacketWriter to prevent the worker // completes the block, commit it and remove it. //mLocalFilePacketWriter.getWriter().close(); mNettyPacketWriter = NettyPacketWriter.create(mContext, mWorkerNetAddress, mBlockId, mBlockSize, Protocol.RequestType.UFS_FALLBACK_BLOCK, mOutStreamOptions); // Instruct the server to write the previously transferred data from temp block to UFS only // when there is data already written. if (pos > 0) { mNettyPacketWriter.writeFallbackInitPacket(pos); } } catch (Exception e) { // packet.refcount-- on exception packet.release(); throw new IOException("Failed to switch to writing block " + mBlockId + " to UFS", e); } } mNettyPacketWriter.writePacket(packet); // refcount-- inside to release packet }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void transferFullBlock() throws Exception { mReader = UnderFileSystemBlockReader.create(mUnderFileSystemBlockMeta, 0, false, mAlluxioBlockStore); ByteBuf buf = PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer((int) TEST_BLOCK_SIZE * 2, (int) TEST_BLOCK_SIZE * 2); try {/*ww w .j a v a2s . com*/ while (buf.writableBytes() > 0 && mReader.transferTo(buf) != -1) { } Assert.assertTrue(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteBuffer((int) TEST_BLOCK_SIZE, (int) TEST_BLOCK_SIZE, buf.nioBuffer())); mReader.close(); } finally { buf.release(); } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void transferPartialBlock() throws Exception { mReader = UnderFileSystemBlockReader.create(mUnderFileSystemBlockMeta, 0, false, mAlluxioBlockStore); ByteBuf buf = PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer((int) TEST_BLOCK_SIZE / 2, (int) TEST_BLOCK_SIZE / 2); try {//from w w w. ja v a 2 s. co m while (buf.writableBytes() > 0 && mReader.transferTo(buf) != -1) { } Assert.assertTrue(BufferUtils.equalIncreasingByteBuffer((int) TEST_BLOCK_SIZE, (int) TEST_BLOCK_SIZE / 2, buf.nioBuffer())); mReader.close(); } finally { buf.release(); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Releases a {@link ByteBuf}./* w w w .j av a 2 s .c o m*/ * * @param buf the netty byte buffer */ private static void release(ByteBuf buf) { if (buf != null && buf != EOF && buf != CANCEL && buf != ABORT) { buf.release(); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected DataBuffer getDataBuffer(Channel channel, long offset, int len) throws IOException { BlockReader blockReader = ((BlockReadRequestInternal) mRequest).mBlockReader; Preconditions.checkArgument(blockReader.getChannel() instanceof FileChannel, "Only FileChannel is supported!"); switch (mTransferType) { case MAPPED:/*from w w w. j av a 2 s . co m*/ ByteBuf buf = channel.alloc().buffer(len, len); try { FileChannel fileChannel = (FileChannel) blockReader.getChannel(); Preconditions.checkState(fileChannel.position() == offset); while (buf.writableBytes() > 0 && buf.writeBytes(fileChannel, buf.writableBytes()) != -1) { } return new DataNettyBufferV2(buf); } catch (Throwable e) { buf.release(); throw e; } case TRANSFER: // intend to fall through as TRANSFER is the default type. default: return new DataFileChannel((FileChannel) blockReader.getChannel(), offset, len); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Checks all the read responses.//from w ww . j a v a2 s . co m */ protected void checkAllReadResponses(EmbeddedChannel channel, long checksumExpected) { boolean eof = false; long checksumActual = 0; while (!eof) { Object readResponse = waitForOneResponse(channel); if (readResponse == null) {; break; } DataBuffer buffer = checkReadResponse(readResponse, Protocol.Status.Code.OK); eof = buffer == null; if (buffer != null) { if (buffer instanceof DataNettyBufferV2) { ByteBuf buf = (ByteBuf) buffer.getNettyOutput(); while (buf.readableBytes() > 0) { checksumActual += BufferUtils.byteToInt(buf.readByte()); } buf.release(); } else { Assert.assertTrue(buffer instanceof DataFileChannel); ByteBuffer buf = buffer.getReadOnlyByteBuffer(); byte[] array = new byte[buf.remaining()]; buf.get(array); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { checksumActual += BufferUtils.byteToInt(array[i]); } } } } Assert.assertEquals(checksumExpected, checksumActual); Assert.assertTrue(eof); }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected DataBuffer getDataBuffer(Channel channel, long offset, int len) throws IOException { BlockReader blockReader = ((UfsBlockReadRequestInternal) mRequest).mBlockReader; // This buf is released by netty. ByteBuf buf = channel.alloc().buffer(len, len); try {// w w w . ja va 2 s. c o m while (buf.writableBytes() > 0 && blockReader.transferTo(buf) != -1) { } return new DataNettyBufferV2(buf); } catch (Throwable e) { buf.release(); throw e; } }