Example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBuf getUnsignedShort

List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBuf getUnsignedShort


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.buffer ByteBuf getUnsignedShort.


public abstract int getUnsignedShort(int index);

Source Link


Gets an unsigned 16-bit short integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.


From source file:net.epsilony.utils.codec.modbus.handler.ModbusSlaveRequestDecoder.java

License:Open Source License

protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws Exception {
    if (in.readableBytes() < 6) {
        return;//  w ww .  ja  v a  2s. c  o m
    int aduLength = in.getUnsignedShort(in.readerIndex() + 4);
    int wholeLength = 6 + aduLength + (withCheckSum ? 2 : 0);
    if (in.readableBytes() < wholeLength) {

    if (withCheckSum) {
        checkSum(in, wholeLength);
    int transectionId = in.readUnsignedShort();
    in.readerIndex(in.readerIndex() + 4);
    int unitId = in.readUnsignedByte();
    int functionCode = in.readUnsignedByte();
    ModbusFunction function;
    switch (functionCode) {
    case 0x01:
        function = new ReadBooleanRegistersFunction(ModbusRegisterType.COIL);
    case 0x02:
        function = new ReadBooleanRegistersFunction(ModbusRegisterType.DISCRETE_INPUT);
    case 0x03:
        function = new ReadWordRegistersFunction(ModbusRegisterType.HOLDING);
    case 0x04:
        function = new ReadWordRegistersFunction(ModbusRegisterType.INPUT);
    case 0x05:
        function = new WriteCoilFunction();
    case 0x06:
        function = new WriteHoldingFunction();
        throw new UnsupportedFunctionCodeException();
    try {
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        if (ex instanceof DecoderException) {
            throw ex;
        } else {
            throw new DecoderException(ex);
    ModbusRequest request = new ModbusRequest(transectionId, unitId, function);
    if (withCheckSum) {
        in.readerIndex(in.readerIndex() + 2);

From source file:net.epsilony.utils.codec.modbus.handler.ModbusSlaveRequestDecoder.java

License:Open Source License

private void checkSum(ByteBuf in, int wholeLength) {
    int crcGet = in.getUnsignedShort(in.readerIndex() + wholeLength - 2);
    int crcCalc = Utils.crc(in, in.readerIndex(), wholeLength - 2);
    if (crcCalc != crcGet) {
        throw new DecoderException("wrong crc");
    }/*from   w w  w .  ja  va2  s.  co  m*/

From source file:net.tomp2p.connection.DefaultSignatureFactory.java

License:Apache License

public PublicKey decodePublicKey(ByteBuf buf) {
    if (buf.readableBytes() < 2) {
        return null;
    }/*from  w ww . ja v a 2 s .c om*/
    int len = buf.getUnsignedShort(buf.readerIndex());

    if (buf.readableBytes() - 2 < len) {
        return null;

    if (len <= 0) {
        return PeerMaker.EMPTY_PUBLICKEY;

    byte me[] = new byte[len];
    return decodePublicKey(me);

From source file:net.tomp2p.connection.DSASignatureFactory.java

License:Apache License

public PublicKey decodePublicKey(ByteBuf buf) {
    if (buf.readableBytes() < 2) {
        return null;
    }//  w w w  .  jav  a2s  . co  m
    int len = buf.getUnsignedShort(buf.readerIndex());

    if (buf.readableBytes() - 2 < len) {
        return null;

    if (len <= 0) {
        return PeerBuilder.EMPTY_PUBLIC_KEY;

    byte me[] = new byte[len];
    return decodePublicKey(me);

From source file:net.tomp2p.storage.Data.java

License:Apache License

 * Reads the header. Does not modify the buffer positions if header could
 * not be fully read.//from   w w w  . j av  a 2s  .  com
 * Header format:
 * <pre>
 * 1 byte - header
 * 1 or 4 bytes - length
 * 4 or 0 bytes - ttl (hasTTL)
 * 1 or 0 bytes - number of basedon keys (hasBasedOn)
 * n x 20 bytes - basedon keys (hasBasedOn, number of basedon keys)
 * 2 or 0 bytes - length of public key (hasPublicKey)
 * n bytes - public key (hasPublicKey, length of public key)
 * </pre>
 * @param buf
 *            The buffer to read from
 * @return The data object, may be partially filled
public static Data decodeHeader(final ByteBuf buf, final SignatureFactory signatureFactory) {
    // 2 is the smallest packet size, we could start if we know 1 byte to
    // decode the header, but we always need
    // a second byte. Thus, we are waiting for at least 2 bytes.
    if (buf.readableBytes() < Utils.BYTE_BYTE_SIZE + Utils.BYTE_BYTE_SIZE) {
        return null;
    final int header = buf.getUnsignedByte(buf.readerIndex());
    final Data.Type type = Data.type(header);

    //Data length
    final int length;
    final int indexLength = Utils.BYTE_BYTE_SIZE;
    final int indexTTL;
    switch (type) {
    case SMALL:
        length = buf.getUnsignedByte(buf.readerIndex() + indexLength);
        indexTTL = indexLength + Utils.BYTE_BYTE_SIZE;
    case LARGE:
        indexTTL = indexLength + Utils.INTEGER_BYTE_SIZE;
        if (buf.readableBytes() < indexTTL) {
            return null;
        length = buf.getInt(buf.readerIndex() + indexLength);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown type");

    final int ttl;
    final int indexBasedOnNr;
    if (hasTTL(header)) {
        indexBasedOnNr = indexTTL + Utils.INTEGER_BYTE_SIZE;
        if (buf.readableBytes() < indexBasedOnNr) {
            return null;
        ttl = buf.getInt(buf.readerIndex() + indexTTL);
    } else {
        ttl = -1;
        indexBasedOnNr = indexTTL;

    //Nr BasedOn + basedon
    final int numBasedOn;
    final int indexPublicKeySize;
    final int indexBasedOn;
    final Set<Number160> basedOn = new HashSet<Number160>();
    if (hasBasedOn(header)) {
        // get # of based on keys
        indexBasedOn = indexBasedOnNr + Utils.BYTE_BYTE_SIZE;
        if (buf.readableBytes() < indexBasedOn) {
            return null;
        numBasedOn = buf.getUnsignedByte(buf.readerIndex() + indexBasedOnNr) + 1;
        indexPublicKeySize = indexBasedOn + (numBasedOn * Number160.BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE);
        if (buf.readableBytes() < indexPublicKeySize) {
            return null;
        //get basedon
        int index = buf.readerIndex() + indexBasedOnNr + Utils.BYTE_BYTE_SIZE;
        final byte[] me = new byte[Number160.BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE];
        for (int i = 0; i < numBasedOn; i++) {
            buf.getBytes(index, me);
            index += Number160.BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE;
            basedOn.add(new Number160(me));

    } else {
        // no based on keys
        indexPublicKeySize = indexBasedOnNr;
        numBasedOn = 0;

    //public key and size
    final int publicKeySize;
    final int indexPublicKey;
    final int indexEnd;
    final PublicKey publicKey;
    if (hasPublicKey(header)) {
        indexPublicKey = indexPublicKeySize + Utils.SHORT_BYTE_SIZE;
        if (buf.readableBytes() < indexPublicKey) {
            return null;
        publicKeySize = buf.getUnsignedShort(buf.readerIndex() + indexPublicKeySize);
        indexEnd = indexPublicKey + publicKeySize;
        if (buf.readableBytes() < indexEnd) {
            return null;
        //get public key
        publicKey = signatureFactory.decodePublicKey(buf);
    } else {
        publicKeySize = 0;
        indexPublicKey = indexPublicKeySize;
        publicKey = null;

    //now we have read the header and the length
    final Data data = new Data(header, length);
    data.ttlSeconds = ttl;
    data.basedOnSet = basedOn;
    data.publicKey = publicKey;
    return data;

From source file:nettyClient4.clientDecoder.java

License:Apache License

 *  byte  short// w w  w  .  j a v a2  s.  c  o m
 * return  the length of pack
 * @param  in
 * @param  actualLengthFieldOffset
 * @return
private long getFrameLength(ByteBuf in, int actualLengthFieldOffset) {
    in = in.order(byteOrder);
    return in.getUnsignedShort(actualLengthFieldOffset);//return  the length


From source file:nl.thijsalders.spigotproxy.haproxy.HAProxyMessageDecoder.java

License:Apache License

 * Returns the index in the buffer of the end of header if found.
 * Returns -1 if no end of header was found in the buffer.
 *//*from ww w . ja  v  a  2  s .c o  m*/
private static int findEndOfHeader(final ByteBuf buffer) {
    final int n = buffer.readableBytes();

    // per spec, the 15th and 16th bytes contain the address length in bytes
    if (n < 16) {
        return -1;

    int offset = buffer.readerIndex() + 14;

    // the total header length will be a fixed 16 byte sequence + the dynamic address information block
    int totalHeaderBytes = 16 + buffer.getUnsignedShort(offset);

    // ensure we actually have the full header available
    if (n >= totalHeaderBytes) {
        return totalHeaderBytes;
    } else {
        return -1;

From source file:org.dcache.xrootd.core.AbstractXrootdDecoder.java

License:Open Source License

protected XrootdRequest getRequest(ByteBuf frame) {
    int requestId = frame.getUnsignedShort(2);

    switch (requestId) {
    case kXR_sigver:
        return new SigverRequest(frame);
    case kXR_login:
        return new LoginRequest(frame);
    case kXR_prepare:
        return new PrepareRequest(frame);
    case kXR_open:
        return new OpenRequest(frame);
    case kXR_stat:
        return new StatRequest(frame);
    case kXR_statx:
        return new StatxRequest(frame);
    case kXR_read:
        return new ReadRequest(frame);
    case kXR_readv:
        return new ReadVRequest(frame);
    case kXR_write:
        return new WriteRequest(frame);
    case kXR_sync:
        return new SyncRequest(frame);
    case kXR_close:
        return new CloseRequest(frame);
    case kXR_protocol:
        return new ProtocolRequest(frame);
    case kXR_rm://w  ww .j  av a  2s. com
        return new RmRequest(frame);
    case kXR_rmdir:
        return new RmDirRequest(frame);
    case kXR_mkdir:
        return new MkDirRequest(frame);
    case kXR_mv:
        return new MvRequest(frame);
    case kXR_dirlist:
        return new DirListRequest(frame);
    case kXR_auth:
        return new AuthenticationRequest(frame);
    case kXR_endsess:
        return new EndSessionRequest(frame);
    case kXR_locate:
        return new LocateRequest(frame);
    case kXR_query:
        return new QueryRequest(frame);
    case kXR_set:
        return new SetRequest(frame);
        return new UnknownRequest(frame);

From source file:org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.AbstractXrootdRequest.java

License:Open Source License

public AbstractXrootdRequest(ByteBuf buffer) {
    streamId = buffer.getUnsignedShort(0);
    requestId = buffer.getUnsignedShort(2);

From source file:org.dcache.xrootd.protocol.messages.MkDirRequest.java

License:Open Source License

public MkDirRequest(ByteBuf buffer) {
    super(buffer, kXR_mkdir);

    options = buffer.getByte(4);
    mode = buffer.getUnsignedShort(18);