List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBuf getLong
public abstract long getLong(int index);
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private static Interval binaryDecodeINTERVAL(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { Duration duration = Duration.of(buff.getLong(index), ChronoUnit.MICROS); final long hours = duration.toHours(); duration = duration.minusHours(hours); final long minutes = duration.toMinutes(); duration = duration.minusMinutes(minutes); final long seconds = NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(duration.toNanos()); duration = duration.minusSeconds(seconds); final long microseconds = NANOSECONDS.toMicros(duration.toNanos()); int days = buff.getInt(index + 8); int months = buff.getInt(index + 12); Period monthYear = Period.of(0, months, days).normalized(); return new Interval(monthYear.getYears(), monthYear.getMonths(), monthYear.getDays(), (int) hours, (int) minutes, (int) seconds, (int) microseconds); }
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private static UUID binaryDecodeUUID(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return new UUID(buff.getLong(index), buff.getLong(index + 8)); }
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/** * Retrieve the ledger descriptor for the ledger which entry should be added to. * The LedgerDescriptor returned from this method should be eventually freed with * #putHandle()./*from w ww. j ava 2 s .c om*/ * * @throws BookieException if masterKey does not match the master key of the ledger */ @VisibleForTesting LedgerDescriptor getLedgerForEntry(ByteBuf entry, final byte[] masterKey) throws IOException, BookieException { final long ledgerId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex()); return handles.getHandle(ledgerId, masterKey); }
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public void setExplicitLac(ByteBuf entry, WriteCallback writeCallback, Object ctx, byte[] masterKey) throws IOException, InterruptedException, BookieException { try {/* w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ long ledgerId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex()); LedgerDescriptor handle = handles.getHandle(ledgerId, masterKey); synchronized (handle) { entry.markReaderIndex(); handle.setExplicitLac(entry); entry.resetReaderIndex(); ByteBuf explicitLACEntry = createExplicitLACEntry(ledgerId, entry); getJournal(ledgerId).logAddEntry(explicitLACEntry, false /* ackBeforeSync */, writeCallback, ctx); } } catch (NoWritableLedgerDirException e) { stateManager.transitionToReadOnlyMode(); throw new IOException(e); } }
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/** * Scan over an entry log file for a particular entry. * * @param logId Entry Log File id./*from ww w .j a v a2 s .c om*/ * @param ledgerId id of the ledger * @param entryId entryId of the ledger we are looking for (-1 for all of the entries of the ledger) * @param printMsg Whether printing the entry data. * @throws Exception */ protected void scanEntryLogForSpecificEntry(long logId, final long ledgerId, final long entryId, final boolean printMsg) throws Exception { System.out.println("Scan entry log " + logId + " (" + Long.toHexString(logId) + ".log)" + " for LedgerId " + ledgerId + ((entryId == -1) ? "" : " for EntryId " + entryId)); final MutableBoolean entryFound = new MutableBoolean(false); scanEntryLog(logId, new EntryLogScanner() { @Override public boolean accept(long candidateLedgerId) { return ((candidateLedgerId == ledgerId) && ((!entryFound.booleanValue()) || (entryId == -1))); } @Override public void process(long candidateLedgerId, long startPos, ByteBuf entry) { long entrysLedgerId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex()); long entrysEntryId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex() + 8); if ((candidateLedgerId == entrysLedgerId) && (candidateLedgerId == ledgerId) && ((entrysEntryId == entryId) || (entryId == -1))) { entryFound.setValue(true); formatEntry(startPos, entry, printMsg); } } }); if (!entryFound.booleanValue()) { System.out.println("LedgerId " + ledgerId + ((entryId == -1) ? "" : " EntryId " + entryId) + " is not available in the entry log " + logId + " (" + Long.toHexString(logId) + ".log)"); } }
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/** * test that Bookie calls correctly Journal.logAddEntry about "ackBeforeSync" parameter. *//*from ww w . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ @Test public void testJournalLogAddEntryCalledCorrectly() throws Exception { File journalDir = tempDir.newFolder(); Bookie.checkDirectoryStructure(Bookie.getCurrentDirectory(journalDir)); File ledgerDir = tempDir.newFolder(); Bookie.checkDirectoryStructure(Bookie.getCurrentDirectory(ledgerDir)); ServerConfiguration conf = TestBKConfiguration.newServerConfiguration(); conf.setJournalDirName(journalDir.getPath()).setLedgerDirNames(new String[] { ledgerDir.getPath() }) .setMetadataServiceUri(null); BookieSocketAddress bookieAddress = Bookie.getBookieAddress(conf); CountDownLatch journalJoinLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); Journal journal = mock(Journal.class); MutableBoolean effectiveAckBeforeSync = new MutableBoolean(false); doAnswer((Answer) (InvocationOnMock iom) -> { ByteBuf entry = iom.getArgument(0); long ledgerId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex() + 0); long entryId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex() + 8); boolean ackBeforeSync = iom.getArgument(1); WriteCallback callback = iom.getArgument(2); Object ctx = iom.getArgument(3); effectiveAckBeforeSync.setValue(ackBeforeSync); callback.writeComplete(BKException.Code.OK, ledgerId, entryId, bookieAddress, ctx); return null; }).when(journal).logAddEntry(any(ByteBuf.class), anyBoolean(), any(WriteCallback.class), any()); // bookie will continue to work as soon as the journal thread is alive doAnswer((Answer) (InvocationOnMock iom) -> { journalJoinLatch.await(); return null; }).when(journal).joinThread(); whenNew(Journal.class).withAnyArguments().thenReturn(journal); Bookie b = new Bookie(conf); b.start(); long ledgerId = 1; long entryId = 0; Object expectedCtx = "foo"; byte[] masterKey = new byte[64]; for (boolean ackBeforeSync : new boolean[] { true, false }) { CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final ByteBuf data = buildEntry(ledgerId, entryId, -1); final long expectedEntryId = entryId; b.addEntry(data, ackBeforeSync, (int rc, long ledgerId1, long entryId1, BookieSocketAddress addr, Object ctx) -> { assertSame(expectedCtx, ctx); assertEquals(ledgerId, ledgerId1); assertEquals(expectedEntryId, entryId1); latch.countDown(); }, expectedCtx, masterKey); latch.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(ackBeforeSync, effectiveAckBeforeSync.booleanValue()); entryId++; } // let bookie exit main thread journalJoinLatch.countDown(); b.shutdown(); }
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@Before public void setup() throws Exception { File bkDir = testDir.newFolder("dbLedgerStorageCheckpointTest"); File curDir = Bookie.getCurrentDirectory(bkDir); Bookie.checkDirectoryStructure(curDir); int gcWaitTime = 1000; conf = TestBKConfiguration.newServerConfiguration(); conf.setGcWaitTime(gcWaitTime);/*from w w w . j a va 2 s.c o m*/ conf.setLedgerStorageClass(InterleavedLedgerStorage.class.getName()); conf.setJournalDirsName(new String[] { bkDir.toString() }); conf.setLedgerDirNames(new String[] { bkDir.toString() }); conf.setEntryLogSizeLimit(10 * 1024); bookie = spy(new Bookie(conf)); bookie.start(); getLedgerDescCalledLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); getLedgerDescWaitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); // spy `getLedgerForEntry` doAnswer(invocationOnMock -> { ByteBuf entry = invocationOnMock.getArgument(0); long ledgerId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex()); LedgerDescriptor ld = (LedgerDescriptor) invocationOnMock.callRealMethod(); if (ledgerId % 2 == 1) { getLedgerDescCalledLatch.countDown(); getLedgerDescWaitLatch.await(); } return ld; }).when(bookie).getLedgerForEntry(any(ByteBuf.class), any(byte[].class)); }
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private EntryLogEntry getFCForEntryInternal(long ledgerId, long entryId, long entryLogId, long pos) throws EntryLookupException, IOException { ByteBuf sizeBuff = sizeBuffer.get(); sizeBuff.clear();//from w ww. j a v a 2 s. com pos -= 4; // we want to get the entrySize as well as the ledgerId and entryId BufferedReadChannel fc; try { fc = getChannelForLogId(entryLogId); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new EntryLookupException.MissingLogFileException(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos); } try { if (readFromLogChannel(entryLogId, fc, sizeBuff, pos) != sizeBuff.capacity()) { throw new EntryLookupException.MissingEntryException(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos); } } catch (BufferedChannelBase.BufferedChannelClosedException | AsynchronousCloseException e) { throw new EntryLookupException.MissingLogFileException(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos); } pos += 4; int entrySize = sizeBuff.readInt(); // entrySize does not include the ledgerId if (entrySize > maxSaneEntrySize) { LOG.warn("Sanity check failed for entry size of " + entrySize + " at location " + pos + " in " + entryLogId); } if (entrySize < MIN_SANE_ENTRY_SIZE) { LOG.error("Read invalid entry length {}", entrySize); throw new EntryLookupException.InvalidEntryLengthException(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos); } long thisLedgerId = sizeBuff.getLong(4); long thisEntryId = sizeBuff.getLong(12); if (thisLedgerId != ledgerId || thisEntryId != entryId) { throw new EntryLookupException.WrongEntryException(thisEntryId, thisLedgerId, ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos); } return new EntryLogEntry(entrySize, fc); }
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@Override public long addEntry(ByteBuf entry) throws IOException { long ledgerId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex() + 0); long entryId = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex() + 8); long lac = entry.getLong(entry.readerIndex() + 16); processEntry(ledgerId, entryId, entry); ledgerCache.updateLastAddConfirmed(ledgerId, lac); return entryId; }
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public void initiate(boolean dryRun) throws IOException {"Starting index rebuilding"); DiskChecker diskChecker = Bookie.createDiskChecker(conf); LedgerDirsManager ledgerDirsManager = Bookie.createLedgerDirsManager(conf, diskChecker, NullStatsLogger.INSTANCE);/*from w w w . ja v a2s . c om*/ LedgerDirsManager indexDirsManager = Bookie.createIndexDirsManager(conf, diskChecker, NullStatsLogger.INSTANCE, ledgerDirsManager); EntryLogger entryLogger = new EntryLogger(conf, ledgerDirsManager); final LedgerCache ledgerCache; if (dryRun) { ledgerCache = new DryRunLedgerCache(); } else { ledgerCache = new LedgerCacheImpl(conf, new SnapshotMap<Long, Boolean>(), indexDirsManager, NullStatsLogger.INSTANCE); } Set<Long> entryLogs = entryLogger.getEntryLogsSet(); int totalEntryLogs = entryLogs.size(); int completedEntryLogs = 0; long startTime = System.nanoTime();"Scanning {} entry logs", totalEntryLogs); Map<Long, RecoveryStats> stats = new HashMap<>(); for (long entryLogId : entryLogs) {"Scanning {}", entryLogId); entryLogger.scanEntryLog(entryLogId, new EntryLogScanner() { @Override public void process(long ledgerId, long offset, ByteBuf entry) throws IOException { long entryId = entry.getLong(8); stats.computeIfAbsent(ledgerId, (ignore) -> new RecoveryStats()).registerEntry(entryId); // Actual location indexed is pointing past the entry size long location = (entryLogId << 32L) | (offset + 4); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Rebuilding {}:{} at location {} / {}", ledgerId, entryId, location >> 32, location & (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)); } if (!ledgerCache.ledgerExists(ledgerId)) { ledgerCache.setMasterKey(ledgerId, masterKey); ledgerCache.setFenced(ledgerId); } ledgerCache.putEntryOffset(ledgerId, entryId, location); } @Override public boolean accept(long ledgerId) { return ledgerIds.contains(ledgerId); } }); ledgerCache.flushLedger(true); ++completedEntryLogs;"Completed scanning of log {}.log -- {} / {}", Long.toHexString(entryLogId), completedEntryLogs, totalEntryLogs); }"Rebuilding indices done"); for (long ledgerId : ledgerIds) { RecoveryStats ledgerStats = stats.get(ledgerId); if (ledgerStats == null || ledgerStats.getNumEntries() == 0) {" {} - No entries found", ledgerId); } else {" {} - Found {} entries, from {} to {}", ledgerId, ledgerStats.getNumEntries(), ledgerStats.getFirstEntry(), ledgerStats.getLastEntry()); } }"Total time: {}", DurationFormatUtils .formatDurationHMS(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTime))); }