List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui VerticalLayout removeAllComponents
@Override public void removeAllComponents()
From source
@Override protected void setUp() { //Add your Vaadin Coding here ;) //MongoDB Connector MongoDBConnector mongo = new MongoDBConnector(); VerticalLayout uc4 = new VerticalLayout(); TextField uc4input = new TextField(); uc4input.setCaption("Geben Sie das Semester ein fr das Sie die Anzahl der Abschlsse wollen!"); Button button = new Button("Suche"); button.addClickListener(e -> {//from ww w . j av a 2 s .c om uc4.removeAllComponents(); LocalTime t1 =; // load list with values int uc4Answer = mongo.getQuery4(uc4input.getValue()); LocalTime t2 =; Duration elapsed = Duration.between(t1, t2); String uc4Answ = uc4Answer + ""; uc4.addComponent(new Label(uc4Answ)); uc4.addComponent(new Label("Time: " + elapsed)); addComponent(uc4); }); addComponents(uc4input, button); setMargin(true); setSpacing(true); }
From source
@Override protected void setUp() { //Add your Vaadin Coding here ;) //MongoDB Connector MongoDBConnector mongo = new MongoDBConnector(); VerticalLayout uc5 = new VerticalLayout(); Button button = new Button("Unternehmen suchen"); button.addClickListener(e -> {// ww w . j av a 2s . c o m uc5.removeAllComponents(); LocalTime t1 =; // load list with values List uc5answer = mongo.getQuery5(); LocalTime t2 =; Duration elapsed = Duration.between(t1, t2); // query over list for (int i = 0; i < uc5answer.size(); i++) { //create and post labels for list elements uc5.addComponent(new Label((String) uc5answer.get(i))); } uc5.addComponent(new Label("Time: " + elapsed)); addComponent(uc5); }); addComponents(button); setMargin(true); setSpacing(true); }
From source
@Override protected void setUp() { //Add your Vaadin Coding here ;) //MongoDB Connector MongoDBConnector mongo = new MongoDBConnector(); VerticalLayout uc6 = new VerticalLayout(); Button button = new Button("Welcher Professor hat die meisten Arbeiten untersttzt?"); button.addClickListener(e -> {/*w w w .j a v a2s. co m*/ uc6.removeAllComponents(); LocalTime t1 =; // load list with values AggregationOutput uc6answer = mongo.getQuery6(); LocalTime t2 =; Duration elapsed = Duration.between(t1, t2); // query over list for (DBObject place : uc6answer.results()) { if (!place.get("_id").equals("")) { uc6.addComponent(new Label(place.get("_id") + ": " + place.get("Anzahl"))); } } uc6.addComponent(new Label("Time: " + elapsed)); addComponent(uc6); }); addComponents(button); setMargin(true); setSpacing(true); }
From source
@Override protected void setUp() { //Add your Vaadin Coding here ;) //Add your Vaadin Coding here ;) //MongoDB Connector MongoDBConnector mongo = new MongoDBConnector(); VerticalLayout uc7 = new VerticalLayout(); TextField uc7input = new TextField(); uc7input.setCaption("Thema prfen!"); Button button = new Button("Suche"); button.addClickListener(e -> {/*from w ww.j av a2 s . c om*/ uc7.removeAllComponents(); LocalTime t1 =; // load list with values List uc7answer = mongo.getQuery7(uc7input.getValue()); LocalTime t2 =; Duration elapsed = Duration.between(t1, t2); // query over list for (int i = 0; i < uc7answer.size(); i++) { //create and post labels for list elements uc7.addComponent(new Label((String) uc7answer.get(i))); } uc7.addComponent(new Label("Time: " + elapsed)); addComponent(uc7); }); addComponents(uc7input, button); setMargin(true); setSpacing(true); }
From source
@Override protected void setUp() { //Add your Vaadin Coding here ;) //MongoDB Connector MongoDBConnector mongo = new MongoDBConnector(); VerticalLayout uc8 = new VerticalLayout(); Label uc8label = new Label("Welche Professoren haben wieviele Arbeiten zu einem Thema betreut?"); TextField uc8input = new TextField(); uc8input.setCaption("Thema:"); Button button = new Button("Suche"); button.addClickListener(e -> {//from w ww .ja v a 2 s.c o m uc8.removeAllComponents(); LocalTime t1 =; // load list with values AggregationOutput uc8answer = mongo.getQuery8(uc8input.getValue()); LocalTime t2 =; Duration elapsed = Duration.between(t1, t2); // query over list for (DBObject place : uc8answer.results()) { if (!place.get("_id").equals("")) { uc8.addComponent(new Label(place.get("_id") + ": " + place.get("Anzahl"))); } } uc8.addComponent(new Label("Time: " + elapsed)); addComponent(uc8); }); addComponents(uc8label, uc8input, button); setMargin(true); setSpacing(true); }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override protected Component prepareView(View<Component, ?, ?> view) { // Get view context pane VerticalLayout content = (VerticalLayout) view.getComponent(); // Remove all existing components since we read the content from xml content.removeAllComponents(); return content; }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void generateSplitPanelStructure(MPartSashContainer sash) { VerticalLayout layout = (VerticalLayout) sash.getWidget(); layout.removeAllComponents(); ComponentContainer sashWidget = null; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<MPartSashContainerElement> renderableAndVisible = (List<MPartSashContainerElement>) filterRenderableAndVisibleElements( sash);/* www .j a v a 2s. com*/ if (renderableAndVisible.isEmpty()) { sashWidget = new VerticalLayout(); } else if (renderableAndVisible.size() == 1) { sashWidget = new VerticalLayout(); MPartSashContainerElement child = renderableAndVisible.get(0); sashWidget.addComponent((Component) child.getWidget()); } else { sashWidget = sash.isHorizontal() ? new SashWidgetHorizontal() : new SashWidgetVertical(); AbstractSplitPanel currentSashWidget = (AbstractSplitPanel) sashWidget; currentSashWidget.setLocked(sash.getTags().contains(Tags.NO_RESIZE)); for (int i = 0; i < renderableAndVisible.size(); i++) { MPartSashContainerElement child = renderableAndVisible.get(i); if (currentSashWidget.getFirstComponent() == null) { currentSashWidget.setFirstComponent((Component) child.getWidget()); } else { if (i == renderableAndVisible.size() - 1) { currentSashWidget.setSecondComponent((Component) child.getWidget()); } else { AbstractSplitPanel newSashWidget = sash.isHorizontal() ? new SashWidgetHorizontal() : new SashWidgetVertical(); newSashWidget.setLocked(sash.getTags().contains(Tags.NO_RESIZE)); newSashWidget.setFirstComponent((Component) child.getWidget()); currentSashWidget.setSecondComponent(newSashWidget); currentSashWidget = newSashWidget; } } } } sashWidget.setSizeFull(); layout.addComponent(sashWidget); setWeights(sash); }
From source
License:Mozilla Public License
@Override public void detach() { VerticalLayout layout = (VerticalLayout) getLayout(); if (integration != null) { layout.removeAllComponents(); integration = null;//from w w w .j a v a2 s . c o m } if (serial != null) { ActivitiApp app = (ActivitiApp) getApplication(); app.getForms().remove(serial); } super.detach(); }
From source
License:Mozilla Public License
private Component createAssignerToTaskComponent(final String taskId, final ProcedureHistoryPanel procedureHistoryPanel, final ControlledTasksTable table) { final Task task = Flash.flash().getProcessEngine().getTaskService().createTaskQuery().taskId(taskId) .singleResult();/* ww w.jav a 2s. co m*/ final VerticalLayout verticalLayout = new VerticalLayout(); verticalLayout.setSizeFull(); verticalLayout.setSpacing(true); Button backButton = new Button("?"); backButton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { bidChanger.back(); } }); verticalLayout.addComponent(backButton); HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); horizontalLayout.setSizeFull(); horizontalLayout.setSpacing(true); LazyLoadingContainer2 orgGroupsLazyQueryContainer = new LazyLoadingContainer2( new GroupsQuery(GroupsQueryDefinition.Mode.ORG, Flash.login())); final FilterTable orgGroupsTable = new FilterTable(); orgGroupsTable.setFilterBarVisible(true); orgGroupsTable.setSizeFull(); orgGroupsTable.setImmediate(true); orgGroupsTable.setSelectable(true); orgGroupsTable.setFilterDecorator(new FilterDecorator_()); orgGroupsTable.setFilterGenerator(new FilterGenerator_()); orgGroupsLazyQueryContainer.addContainerProperty("name", String.class, null); orgGroupsLazyQueryContainer.addContainerProperty("title", String.class, null); orgGroupsTable.setContainerDataSource(orgGroupsLazyQueryContainer); orgGroupsTable.setHeight("150px"); orgGroupsTable.setCaption("? "); orgGroupsTable.setColumnHeaders(new String[] { " ", "? " }); LazyLoadingContainer2 empGroupsLazyQueryContainer = new LazyLoadingContainer2( new GroupsQuery(GroupsQueryDefinition.Mode.EMP, Flash.login())); final FilterTable empGroupsTable = new FilterTable(); empGroupsTable.setFilterBarVisible(true); empGroupsTable.setSizeFull(); empGroupsTable.setImmediate(true); empGroupsTable.setSelectable(true); empGroupsTable.setFilterDecorator(new FilterDecorator_()); empGroupsTable.setFilterGenerator(new FilterGenerator_()); empGroupsLazyQueryContainer.addContainerProperty("name", String.class, null); empGroupsLazyQueryContainer.addContainerProperty("title", String.class, null); empGroupsTable.setContainerDataSource(empGroupsLazyQueryContainer); empGroupsTable.setCaption("? ?"); empGroupsTable.setHeight("150px"); empGroupsTable.setColumnHeaders(new String[] { " ", "? " }); final Table employeesTable = new Table(); employeesTable.setSizeFull(); employeesTable.setSelectable(true); employeesTable.setHeight("150px"); employeesTable.setCaption( "? ? ? ?, ? "); employeesTable.addContainerProperty("login", String.class, null); employeesTable.addContainerProperty("fio", String.class, null); employeesTable.setColumnHeaders(new String[] { "", "" }); employeesTable.setVisible(false); orgGroupsTable.addListener(new ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener() { @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (task == null) { alreadyGone(); return; }; employeesTable.setVisible(true); String groupName = event.getItem().getItemProperty("name") != null ? (String) event.getItem().getItemProperty("name").getValue() : ""; GroupMembersQueryDefinition groupMembersQueryDefinition = new GroupMembersQueryDefinition(groupName, GroupMembersQuery.Mode.ORG); LazyQueryContainer groupMembersContainer = new LazyQueryContainer(groupMembersQueryDefinition, new GroupMembersFactory(task.getId())); employeesTable.setContainerDataSource(groupMembersContainer); } }); empGroupsTable.addListener(new ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener() { @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (task == null) { alreadyGone(); return; }; employeesTable.setVisible(true); String groupName = event.getItem().getItemProperty("name") != null ? (String) event.getItem().getItemProperty("name").getValue() : ""; GroupMembersQueryDefinition groupMembersQueryDefinition = new GroupMembersQueryDefinition(groupName, GroupMembersQuery.Mode.SOC); LazyQueryContainer groupMembersContainer = new LazyQueryContainer(groupMembersQueryDefinition, new GroupMembersFactory(task.getId())); employeesTable.setContainerDataSource(groupMembersContainer); } }); final VerticalLayout assignButtonLayout = new VerticalLayout(); employeesTable.addListener(new ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener() { @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (task == null) { alreadyGone(); return; } final String assigneeLogin = event.getItem().getItemProperty("login").getValue().toString(); final String taskName = task.getName(); Button assignButton = new Button("?"); assignButton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { final String error = ActivitiBean.get().claim(taskId, assigneeLogin, Flash.login(), true); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(error)) { getWindow().showNotification( "?? " + assigneeLogin + " ? " + taskName, Window.Notification.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE); AdminServiceProvider.get().createLog(Flash.getActor(), "activiti task", taskId, "claim", "Fail claim to =>" + assigneeLogin, false); } else { getWindow().showNotification( "? " + assigneeLogin + " ? " + taskName); AdminServiceProvider.get().createLog(Flash.getActor(), "activiti task", taskId, "claim", "Claim to =>" + assigneeLogin, true); fireTaskChangedEvent(taskId, SupervisorWorkplace.this); } procedureHistoryPanel.refresh(); table.refresh(); bidChanger.change(item1); } }); assignButtonLayout.removeAllComponents(); assignButtonLayout.addComponent(assignButton); } }); horizontalLayout.addComponent(orgGroupsTable); horizontalLayout.addComponent(empGroupsTable); verticalLayout.addComponent(horizontalLayout); verticalLayout.addComponent(employeesTable); verticalLayout.addComponent(assignButtonLayout); return verticalLayout; }