List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui Label setContentMode
public void setContentMode(ContentMode contentMode)
From source
@Override public void generateGUI() { rootLayout.removeAllComponents();// w w w.j a va m Iterator<BindingSet> res = icQuery.getResults(); if (icQuery.getStatus() == ICQuery.Status.ERROR) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("ERROR \n" + icQuery.getErrorMessage()); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } final List<String> dsdList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (res.hasNext()) { BindingSet set =; dsdList.add(set.getValue("dsd").stringValue()); } if (dsdList.isEmpty()) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("All DSDs contain at least one measure"); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.setValue("Following DSDs do not have at least one measure defined"); rootLayout.addComponent(lbl); final ListSelect listDSDs = new ListSelect("DSDs", dsdList); listDSDs.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); listDSDs.setImmediate(true); rootLayout.addComponent(listDSDs); Form panelQuickFix = new Form(); panelQuickFix.setCaption("Quick Fix"); panelQuickFix.setSizeFull(); VerticalLayout panelLayout = new VerticalLayout(); panelLayout.setSpacing(true); panelLayout.setSizeFull(); panelQuickFix.setLayout(panelLayout); rootLayout.addComponent(panelQuickFix); rootLayout.setExpandRatio(panelQuickFix, 2.0f); Label fixLabel = new Label(); fixLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); fixLabel.setValue("After the fix, component selected in the combo box below will be turned to measure, " + "or you can choose to edit the above selected DSD manually in OntoWiki"); panelLayout.addComponent(fixLabel); final ComboBox comboComponents = new ComboBox(); comboComponents.setWidth("100%"); comboComponents.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); comboComponents.setImmediate(true); panelLayout.addComponent(comboComponents); HorizontalLayout btnLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); btnLayout.setSpacing(true); Button editOW = new Button("Edit in OntoWiki"); editOW.setEnabled(owUrl != null); Button turnToMeasure = new Button("Turn to measure"); btnLayout.addComponent(turnToMeasure); btnLayout.addComponent(editOW); panelLayout.addComponent(btnLayout); panelLayout.setExpandRatio(btnLayout, 2.0f); listDSDs.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { String dsd = event.getProperty().getValue().toString(); if (dsd == null || dsd.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { return; } comboComponents.removeAllItems(); TupleQueryResult qRes = executeTupleQuery( ValidationFixUtils.ic03_getRequiredAttributes(graph, dsd)); try { while (qRes.hasNext()) { comboComponents.addItem("attr").toString()); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); turnToMeasure.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { Object selVal = comboComponents.getValue(); if (selVal == null) {"No component was selected in the combo box"); return; } GraphQueryResult resFix = executeDoubleGraphQuery( ValidationFixUtils.ic03_turnToMeasure(graph, selVal.toString()), ValidationFixUtils.ic03_turnToMeasure2(graph, selVal.toString())); if (resFix != null) {"Fix executed"); icQuery.eval(); } } }); editOW.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { editManually((String) listDSDs.getValue()); } }); }
From source
@Override public void generateGUI() { rootLayout.removeAllComponents();//from w ww . ja va 2s . c o m Iterator<BindingSet> res = icQuery.getResults(); if (icQuery.getStatus() == ICQuery.Status.ERROR) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("ERROR \n" + icQuery.getErrorMessage()); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } final List<String> dimList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (res.hasNext()) { BindingSet set =; dimList.add(set.getValue("dim").stringValue()); } if (dimList.isEmpty()) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("All dimensions have a defined range"); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.setValue("Following dimensions do not have a defined range"); rootLayout.addComponent(lbl); final ListSelect listDimensions = new ListSelect("Dimensions", dimList); listDimensions.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); listDimensions.setImmediate(true); rootLayout.addComponent(listDimensions); Form panelQuickFix = new Form(); panelQuickFix.setCaption("Quick Fix"); panelQuickFix.setSizeFull(); VerticalLayout panelLayout = new VerticalLayout(); panelLayout.setSpacing(true); panelLayout.setSizeFull(); panelQuickFix.setLayout(panelLayout); rootLayout.addComponent(panelQuickFix); rootLayout.setExpandRatio(panelQuickFix, 2.0f); Label fixLabel = new Label(); fixLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); fixLabel.setValue("After the fix, dimension chosen above will have a range chosen in the combo box below. " + "Alternatively, the problematic dimension can be edited manually in OntoWiki"); panelLayout.addComponent(fixLabel); final ComboBox comboType = new ComboBox(); comboType.setWidth("100%"); comboType.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); comboType.setImmediate(true); panelLayout.addComponent(comboType); HorizontalLayout btnLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); btnLayout.setSpacing(true); Button editOW = new Button("Edit in OntoWiki"); editOW.setEnabled(owUrl != null); Button fix = new Button("Quick fix"); btnLayout.addComponent(fix); btnLayout.addComponent(editOW); panelLayout.addComponent(btnLayout); panelLayout.setExpandRatio(btnLayout, 2.0f); editOW.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { editManually((String) listDimensions.getValue()); } }); listDimensions.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { String dim = event.getProperty().getValue().toString(); String query = ValidationFixUtils.ic04_getMathingRange(graph, dim); TupleQueryResult qRes = executeTupleQuery(query); comboType.removeAllItems(); try { while (qRes.hasNext()) { comboType.addItem("type").stringValue()); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); fix.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { Object selDim = listDimensions.getValue(); Object selType = comboType.getValue(); if (selDim == null || selType == null) {"Dimension or type was not selected"); return; } GraphQueryResult fixRes = executeGraphQuery( ValidationFixUtils.ic04_insertRange(graph, selDim.toString(), selType.toString())); if (fixRes != null) {"Fix executed"); // update GUI after the fix icQuery.eval(); } } }); }
From source
@Override public void generateGUI() { rootLayout.removeAllComponents();/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ Iterator<BindingSet> res = icQuery.getResults(); if (icQuery.getStatus() == ICQuery.Status.ERROR) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("ERROR \n" + icQuery.getErrorMessage()); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } final List<String> dimList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (res.hasNext()) { BindingSet set =; dimList.add(set.getValue("dim").stringValue()); } if (dimList.isEmpty()) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("No problems were detected - every dimension with range skos:Concept has a code list"); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.setValue("Following dimensions with range skos:Concept do not have a code list"); rootLayout.addComponent(lbl); final ListSelect listDimensions = new ListSelect("Dimensions", dimList); listDimensions.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); listDimensions.setImmediate(true); rootLayout.addComponent(listDimensions); Form panelQuickFix = new Form(); panelQuickFix.setCaption("Quick Fix"); panelQuickFix.setSizeFull(); VerticalLayout panelLayout = new VerticalLayout(); panelLayout.setSpacing(true); panelLayout.setSizeFull(); panelQuickFix.setLayout(panelLayout); rootLayout.addComponent(panelQuickFix); rootLayout.setExpandRatio(panelQuickFix, 2.0f); Label fixLabel = new Label(); fixLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); fixLabel.setValue( "After the fix, dimension chosen above will be associated with the code list chosen in the combo box below. " + "Alternatively, the problematic dimension can be edited manually in OntoWiki"); panelLayout.addComponent(fixLabel); final ComboBox comboCodeLists = new ComboBox(); comboCodeLists.setWidth("100%"); comboCodeLists.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); comboCodeLists.setImmediate(true); panelLayout.addComponent(comboCodeLists); HorizontalLayout btnLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); btnLayout.setSpacing(true); Button editOW = new Button("Edit in OntoWiki"); editOW.setEnabled(owUrl != null); Button fix = new Button("Quick fix"); btnLayout.addComponent(fix); btnLayout.addComponent(editOW); panelLayout.addComponent(btnLayout); panelLayout.setExpandRatio(btnLayout, 2.0f); editOW.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { editManually((String) listDimensions.getValue()); } }); listDimensions.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { String dim = event.getProperty().getValue().toString(); String query = ValidationFixUtils.ic05_getMathingCodeLists(graph, dim); TupleQueryResult qRes = executeTupleQuery(query); comboCodeLists.removeAllItems(); try { while (qRes.hasNext()) { comboCodeLists.addItem("list").stringValue()); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); fix.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { Object selDim = listDimensions.getValue(); Object selList = comboCodeLists.getValue(); if (selDim == null || selList == null) {"Dimension or code list was not selected"); return; } GraphQueryResult fixRes = executeGraphQuery( ValidationFixUtils.ic05_insertCodeList(graph, selDim.toString(), selList.toString())); if (fixRes != null) {"Fix executed"); icQuery.eval(); } } }); }
From source
@Override public void generateGUI() { rootLayout.removeAllComponents();// ww w .j a v a2s. c o m Iterator<BindingSet> res = icQuery.getResults(); if (icQuery.getStatus() == ICQuery.Status.ERROR) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("ERROR \n" + icQuery.getErrorMessage()); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } final HashMap<String, String> compMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); while (res.hasNext()) { BindingSet set =; compMap.put(set.getValue("component").stringValue(), set.getValue("dsd").stringValue()); } if (compMap.isEmpty()) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("No problems were detected - if there are any optional components, they are attributes"); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.setValue("Following components are marked as optional, but they are not attributes"); rootLayout.addComponent(lbl); final ListSelect listComponents = new ListSelect("Component Properties", compMap.keySet()); listComponents.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); listComponents.setImmediate(true); rootLayout.addComponent(listComponents); final Table detailsTable = new Table("Details"); detailsTable.setHeight("250px"); detailsTable.setWidth("100%"); detailsTable.addContainerProperty("Property", String.class, null); detailsTable.addContainerProperty("Object", String.class, null); rootLayout.addComponent(detailsTable); listComponents.addValueChangeListener(new DetailsListener(detailsTable)); // final Label lblProblem = new Label("<b>Problem description: </b>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); // validationTab.addComponent(lblProblem); Form panelQuickFix = new Form(); panelQuickFix.setCaption("Quick Fix"); panelQuickFix.setSizeFull(); VerticalLayout panelLayout = new VerticalLayout(); panelLayout.setSpacing(true); panelLayout.setSizeFull(); panelQuickFix.setLayout(panelLayout); rootLayout.addComponent(panelQuickFix); rootLayout.setExpandRatio(panelQuickFix, 2.0f); Label fixLabel = new Label(); fixLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); fixLabel.setValue(""); // TODO panelLayout.addComponent(fixLabel); HorizontalLayout btnLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); btnLayout.setSpacing(true); Button editOW = new Button("Edit in OntoWiki"); editOW.setEnabled(owUrl != null); Button removeCompReq = new Button("Remove qb:componentRequired"); Button turnToAttr = new Button("Turn to attribute"); btnLayout.addComponent(removeCompReq); btnLayout.addComponent(turnToAttr); btnLayout.addComponent(editOW); panelLayout.addComponent(btnLayout); panelLayout.setExpandRatio(btnLayout, 2.0f); removeCompReq.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { String chosenComponent = (String) listComponents.getValue(); if (chosenComponent == null) {"Cannot execute the action", "A component needs to be chosen first", Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } String chosenDSD = compMap.get(chosenComponent); String query = ValidationFixUtils.ic06_removeComponentRequired(graph, chosenDSD, chosenComponent); GraphQueryResult resFix = executeGraphQuery(query); if (resFix != null) {"Fix executed"); // evaluate again after the fix icQuery.eval(); } } }); turnToAttr.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { String chosenComponent = (String) listComponents.getValue(); if (chosenComponent == null) {"Cannot execute the action", "A component needs to be chosen first", Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } String query = ValidationFixUtils.ic06_changeToAttribute(graph, chosenComponent); String query2 = ValidationFixUtils.ic06_changeToAttribute2(graph, chosenComponent); GraphQueryResult resFix = executeDoubleGraphQuery(query, query2); if (resFix != null) {"Fix executed"); // evaluate again after the fix icQuery.eval(); } } }); editOW.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { editManually((String) listComponents.getValue()); } }); }
From source
@Override public void generateGUI() { rootLayout.removeAllComponents();//from w w w .j a v a 2s. co m final Iterator<BindingSet> res = icQuery.getResults(); if (icQuery.getStatus() == ICQuery.Status.ERROR) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("ERROR \n" + icQuery.getErrorMessage()); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } final ArrayList<String> listSliceKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); while (res.hasNext()) { BindingSet set =; listSliceKeys.add(set.getValue("sliceKey").stringValue()); } if (listSliceKeys.isEmpty()) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue( "No problems were detected - either there are no slice keys or every slice key is associated with a DSD"); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("Following slice keys should be associated with a DSD"); rootLayout.addComponent(label); final ListSelect lsSliceKeys = new ListSelect("Slice keys", listSliceKeys); lsSliceKeys.setImmediate(true); lsSliceKeys.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); rootLayout.addComponent(lsSliceKeys); final Table detailsTable = new Table("Slice key details"); detailsTable.setHeight("250px"); detailsTable.setWidth("100%"); detailsTable.addContainerProperty("Property", String.class, null); detailsTable.addContainerProperty("Object", String.class, null); rootLayout.addComponent(detailsTable); Form panelQuickFix = new Form(); panelQuickFix.setCaption("Quick Fix"); panelQuickFix.setSizeFull(); VerticalLayout panelLayout = new VerticalLayout(); panelLayout.setSpacing(true); panelLayout.setSizeFull(); panelQuickFix.setLayout(panelLayout); rootLayout.addComponent(panelQuickFix); rootLayout.setExpandRatio(panelQuickFix, 2.0f); Label fixLabel = new Label(); fixLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); fixLabel.setValue( "After the fix, slice key chosen above will be associated with the DSD chosen below, or you can edit the slice key manually."); panelLayout.addComponent(fixLabel); final ComboBox comboDSDs = new ComboBox(); comboDSDs.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); comboDSDs.setWidth("100%"); comboDSDs.setImmediate(true); panelLayout.addComponent(comboDSDs); HorizontalLayout btnLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); btnLayout.setSpacing(true); Button editOW = new Button("Edit in OntoWiki"); editOW.setEnabled(owUrl != null); Button fix = new Button("Quick fix"); btnLayout.addComponent(fix); btnLayout.addComponent(editOW); panelLayout.addComponent(btnLayout); panelLayout.setExpandRatio(btnLayout, 2.0f); editOW.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { editManually((String) lsSliceKeys.getValue()); } }); lsSliceKeys.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { TupleQueryResult res = getResourceProperties((String) event.getProperty().getValue()); int i = 1; detailsTable.removeAllItems(); try { while (res.hasNext()) { BindingSet set =; detailsTable.addItem( new Object[] { set.getValue("p").stringValue(), set.getValue("o").stringValue() }, i++); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); lsSliceKeys.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { String sk = event.getProperty().getValue().toString(); if (sk == null || sk.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { return; } TupleQueryResult resSliceKeys = executeTupleQuery( ValidationFixUtils.ic07_getMatchingDSDs(graph, sk)); comboDSDs.removeAllItems(); try { while (resSliceKeys.hasNext()) { comboDSDs.addItem("dsd").stringValue()); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); fix.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { Object selVal = comboDSDs.getValue(); if (selVal == null) {"No DSD was selected"); return; } GraphQueryResult fixRes = executeGraphQuery(ValidationFixUtils.ic07_insertConnection(graph, selVal.toString(), lsSliceKeys.getValue().toString())); if (fixRes != null) {"Fix executed"); // evaluate again thereby also updating the GUI icQuery.eval(); } } }); }
From source
@Override public void generateGUI() { rootLayout.removeAllComponents();/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ final Iterator<BindingSet> res = icQuery.getResults(); if (icQuery.getStatus() == ICQuery.Status.ERROR) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("ERROR \n" + icQuery.getErrorMessage()); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } final ArrayList<String> listSlices = new ArrayList<String>(); while (res.hasNext()) { BindingSet set =; listSlices.add(set.getValue("slice").stringValue()); } if (listSlices.isEmpty()) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue( "No problems were detected - either there are no slices or every slice has a unique structure, i.e. exactly one associated slice key (via property qb:sliceStructure)"); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } Label label = new Label(); label.setValue( "Following slices have 0 or more than 1 associated slice keys (via property qb:sliceStructure)"); rootLayout.addComponent(label); final ListSelect lsSlices = new ListSelect("Slices", listSlices); lsSlices.setImmediate(true); lsSlices.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); rootLayout.addComponent(lsSlices); final Table detailsTable = new Table("Slice details"); detailsTable.setHeight("250px"); detailsTable.setWidth("100%"); detailsTable.addContainerProperty("Property", String.class, null); detailsTable.addContainerProperty("Object", String.class, null); rootLayout.addComponent(detailsTable); Form panelQuickFix = new Form(); panelQuickFix.setCaption("Quick Fix"); panelQuickFix.setSizeFull(); VerticalLayout panelLayout = new VerticalLayout(); panelLayout.setSpacing(true); panelLayout.setSizeFull(); panelQuickFix.setLayout(panelLayout); rootLayout.addComponent(panelQuickFix); rootLayout.setExpandRatio(panelQuickFix, 2.0f); Label fixLabel = new Label(); fixLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); fixLabel.setValue( "After the fix, slice chosen above will be associated with the slice key chosen in the below combo box, " + "or the problematic slice can be edited manuallz in OntoWiki"); panelLayout.addComponent(fixLabel); final ComboBox comboKeys = new ComboBox(); comboKeys.setWidth("100%"); comboKeys.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); comboKeys.setImmediate(true); panelLayout.addComponent(comboKeys); HorizontalLayout btnLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); btnLayout.setSpacing(true); Button editOW = new Button("Edit in OntoWiki"); editOW.setEnabled(owUrl != null); Button fix = new Button("Quick fix"); btnLayout.addComponent(fix); btnLayout.addComponent(editOW); panelLayout.addComponent(btnLayout); panelLayout.setExpandRatio(btnLayout, 2.0f); editOW.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { editManually((String) lsSlices.getValue()); } }); lsSlices.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { TupleQueryResult res = getResourceProperties((String) event.getProperty().getValue()); int i = 1; detailsTable.removeAllItems(); try { while (res.hasNext()) { BindingSet set =; detailsTable.addItem( new Object[] { set.getValue("p").stringValue(), set.getValue("o").stringValue() }, i++); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); lsSlices.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { String slice = event.getProperty().toString(); comboKeys.removeAllItems(); TupleQueryResult resKeys = executeTupleQuery(ValidationFixUtils.ic09_getMatchingKeys(graph, slice)); try { while (resKeys.hasNext()) { comboKeys.addItem("key")); } } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); fix.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { Object selKey = comboKeys.getValue(); Object selSlice = lsSlices.getValue(); if (selKey == null || selSlice == null) {"No slice key or slice was selected"); return; } GraphQueryResult resFix = executeDoubleGraphQuery( ValidationFixUtils.ic09_removeSliceKeys(graph, selSlice.toString()), ValidationFixUtils.ic09_insertSliceKey(graph, selSlice.toString(), selKey.toString())); if (resFix != null) {"Fix executed"); // evaluate again after the fix icQuery.eval(); } } }); }
From source
@Override public void generateGUI() { rootLayout.removeAllComponents();// w ww .java 2s.c o m Iterator<BindingSet> res = icQuery.getResults(); if (icQuery.getStatus() == ICQuery.Status.ERROR) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue("ERROR \n" + icQuery.getErrorMessage()); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } final HashMap<String, String> obsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); while (res.hasNext()) { BindingSet set =; obsMap.put(set.getValue("obs").stringValue(), set.getValue("attr").stringValue()); } if (obsMap.isEmpty()) { Label label = new Label(); label.setValue( "No problems were detected - Every qb:Observation has a value for each declared attribute that is marked as required"); rootLayout.addComponent(label); return; } Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.setValue("Following observations do not have a value for required attribute(s)"); rootLayout.addComponent(lbl); final ListSelect listObservations = new ListSelect("Observations", obsMap.keySet()); listObservations.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); listObservations.setImmediate(true); rootLayout.addComponent(listObservations); // TODO: add label that tells which attribute is missing Form panelQuickFix = new Form(); panelQuickFix.setCaption("Quick Fix"); panelQuickFix.setSizeFull(); VerticalLayout panelLayout = new VerticalLayout(); panelLayout.setSpacing(true); panelLayout.setSizeFull(); panelQuickFix.setLayout(panelLayout); rootLayout.addComponent(panelQuickFix); rootLayout.setExpandRatio(panelQuickFix, 2.0f); Label fixLabel = new Label(); fixLabel.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); fixLabel.setValue(""); // TODO panelLayout.addComponent(fixLabel); HorizontalLayout btnLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); btnLayout.setSpacing(true); Button removeRequired = new Button("Remove qb:componentRequired"); Button editOW = new Button("Edit in OntoWiki"); editOW.setEnabled(owUrl != null); btnLayout.addComponent(removeRequired); btnLayout.addComponent(editOW); panelLayout.addComponent(btnLayout); panelLayout.setExpandRatio(btnLayout, 2.0f); removeRequired.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { String chosenObs = (String) listObservations.getValue(); if (chosenObs == null) {"Cannot execute the action", "Observation needs to be chosen first", Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } String query = ValidationFixUtils.ic13_removeComponentRequiredTrue(graph, chosenObs, obsMap.get(chosenObs)); GraphQueryResult fixRes = executeGraphQuery(query); if (fixRes != null) {"Fix executed"); // evaluate again after the fix icQuery.eval(); } } }); editOW.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { editManually((String) listObservations.getValue()); } }); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public LogoPanel(Button.ClickListener clickListener) { super();//from w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m HorizontalLayout topLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); topLayout.setSpacing(true); topLayout.setMargin(true, true, false, true); setContent(topLayout); setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT); ThemeResource logo = new ThemeResource("images/app-platform-services.png"); Label logoLabel = new Label(); logoLabel.setWidth("300px"); logoLabel.setIcon(logo); addComponent(logoLabel); Label textLabel = new Label("<font size='+1'><b>Admin Web</b></font>"); textLabel.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML); addComponent(textLabel); Button refreshButton = new Button("Refresh", clickListener); refreshButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); addComponent(refreshButton); }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Loads the main content for the page. Only called on first entry to the * page, because calling method sets <i>isLoaded</i> to true after * successfully completing./*from w w w . j ava 2s. c o m*/ */ public void loadContent() { if ("Anonymous".equals(GenericDatabaseUtils.getUserName())) { final Label warning = new Label(); warning.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_H2); warning.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_FAILURE); warning.setValue("Anonymous access is not allowed on this application!"); addComponent(warning); } else { if (GenericDatabaseUtils.doesDbExist()) { final Label intro = new Label(); intro.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_H2); intro.setValue("Welcome to Key Dates OSGi Application"); addComponent(intro); } else { final Label warning = new Label(); warning.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_H2); warning.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_FAILURE); warning.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); warning.setValue( "We cannot open the data database. Most likely reasons are:<ul><li>You don't have access to the database, in which case you should contact IT.</li>" + "<li>The Key Dates database has not been set up at the filepath " + AppUtils.getDataDbFilepath() + ". Create the data database at that location or amend the 'dataDbFilePath' context parameter in WebContent > WEB-INF > web.xml of the application and issue 'restart task http' to the Domino server</li></ul>"); addComponent(warning); } } }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Removes any existing row data loaded to the page and loads * ViewEntryWrappers passed to this method. If no entries were passed to the * method, the message "No entries found matching criteria" is displayed. * Otherwise writes the entries to the page, grouped under the date each Key * Date is for.//from ww w.j a va 2 s .com * * @param data * Map of data where key is a java.sql.Date (so does not include * a time element) and value is the wrapped ViewEntries for that * date. */ public void loadRowData(final Map<Object, List<ViewEntryWrapper>> data) { body.removeAllComponents(); if (null == data || data.isEmpty()) { final Label msg = new Label("No entries found matching criteria"); msg.setStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_FAILURE); body.addComponent(msg); } else { for (final Object key : data.keySet()) { if (key instanceof java.sql.Date) { // It will be! // Add the header final VerticalLayout catContainer = new VerticalLayout(); catContainer.addStyleName(ValoTheme.MENU_TITLE); catContainer.addStyleName("category-header"); final Label category = new Label(); final java.sql.Date sqlDate = (java.sql.Date) key; category.setValue(DATE_ONLY.format(sqlDate)); catContainer.addComponent(category); body.addComponent(catContainer); // Load the entries for (final ViewEntryWrapper veWrapped : data.get(key)) { final VerticalLayout entryRow = new VerticalLayout(); final KeyDateEntryWrapper entry = (KeyDateEntryWrapper) veWrapped; final StringBuilder suffixTitle = new StringBuilder(""); if (getViewWrapper().getViewName().equals(KeyDateViewWrapper.ViewType.BY_DATE)) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entry.getCustomer())) { suffixTitle.append(" (" + entry.getCustomer()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entry.getContact())) { suffixTitle.append(" - " + entry.getContact()); } suffixTitle.append(")"); } } else { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entry.getContact())) { suffixTitle.append(" - " + entry.getContact()); } } final Button title = new Button(entry.getTitle() + suffixTitle.toString()); title.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_LINK); // Add click event title.addClickListener(new DocLinkListener(KeyDateView.VIEW_NAME, entry.getNoteId())); entryRow.addComponent(title); // Add summary, if appropriate if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(entry.getDescription())) { final Label summary = new Label(entry.getDescription()); summary.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); summary.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_SMALL); summary.addStyleName("view-desc"); entryRow.addComponent(summary); } body.addComponent(entryRow); } } } } }