Example usage for Java com.vaadin.ui Grid fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
Grid(Class Creates a new grid that uses reflection based on the provided bean type to automatically set up an initial set of columns. | |
Grid(DataCommunicator Creates a new grid with the given data communicator and without support for creating columns based on property names. | |
Grid(PropertySet Creates a grid using a custom PropertySet implementation for configuring the initial columns and resolving property names for #addColumn(String) and Column#setEditorComponent(HasValue) . | |
Grid(String caption) Creates a new Grid using the given caption. | |
Grid(DataProvider Creates a new Grid using the given DataProvider . | |
Grid() Creates a new grid without support for creating columns based on property names. | |
Grid(Class Creates a new grid that uses custom data communicator and provided bean type It uses reflection of the provided bean type to automatically set up an initial set of columns. | |
Grid(PropertySet Creates a grid using a custom PropertySet implementation and custom data communicator. | |
Grid(String caption, DataProvider Creates a new Grid using the given caption and DataProvider . | |
Grid(String caption, Collection Creates a new Grid using the given caption and collection of items. |
Column | addColumn(String propertyName) Adds a new column with the given property name. |
Column | addColumn(ValueProvider Adds a new text column to this Grid with a value provider. |
Column | addColumn(String propertyName, AbstractRenderer super T, ?> renderer) Adds a new column with the given property name and renderer. |
Column | addColumn(ValueProvider Adds a new column to this Grid with typed renderer and value provider. |
Column | addColumn(ValueProvider Adds a new column to this Grid with value provider and presentation provider. |
void | addColumn(String identifier, Column |
Column | addComponentColumn(ValueProvider Adds a column that shows components. |
Registration | addItemClickListener(ItemClickListener super T> listener) Adds an item click listener. |
Registration | addSelectionListener(SelectionListener Adds a selection listener to the current selection model. |
FooterRow | appendFooterRow() Adds a new row at the bottom of the footer section. |
HeaderRow | appendHeaderRow() Adds a new row at the bottom of the header section. |
Column | getColumn(String columnId) Gets a Column of this grid by its identifying string. |
List | getColumns() Gets an unmodifiable collection of all columns currently in this Grid . |
DataProvider | getDataProvider() |
FooterRow | getFooterRow(int index) Returns the footer row at the given index. |
int | getFooterRowCount() Gets the number of rows in the footer section. |
HeaderRow | getHeaderRow(int index) Returns the header row at the given index. |
int | getHeaderRowCount() Gets the number of rows in the header section. |
GridSelectionModel | getSelectionModel() Returns the selection model for this grid. |
List | getSortOrder() Get the current sort order list. |
boolean | isDetailsVisible(T item) Returns the visibility of details component for given item. |
HeaderRow | prependHeaderRow() Adds a new row at the top of the header section. |
void | removeAllColumns() Removes all columns from this Grid. |
void | removeColumn(Column Removes the given column from this Grid . |
void | removeColumn(String columnId) Removes the column with the given column id. |
void | setColumnOrder(Column Sets a new column order for the grid. |
void | setColumnOrder(Stream |
void | setColumnOrder(String... columnIds) Sets a new column order for the grid based on their column ids. |
void | setColumnReorderingAllowed(boolean columnReorderingAllowed) Sets whether or not column reordering is allowed. |
void | setColumns(String... columnIds) Sets the columns and their order based on their column ids. |
void | setDataProvider(DataProvider |
void | setDetailsGenerator(DetailsGenerator Sets the details component generator. |
void | setDetailsVisible(T item, boolean visible) Sets the visibility of details component for given item. |
void | setFrozenColumnCount(int numberOfColumns) Sets the number of frozen columns in this grid. |
void | setHeaderVisible(boolean headerVisible) Sets the visibility of the Header in this Grid. |
void | setHeight(float height, Unit unit) Note: This method will set the height mode to be HeightMode#CSS . |
void | setHeightByRows(double rows) Sets the number of rows that should be visible in Grid's body. |
void | setHeightMode(HeightMode heightMode) Defines the mode in which the Grid widget's height is calculated. |
void | setItems(Collection |
void | setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) |
GridSelectionModel | setSelectionMode(SelectionMode selectionMode) Sets the grid's selection mode. |
void | sort(Column Sort this Grid in user-specified direction by a column. |
void | sort(String columnId, SortDirection direction) Sort this Grid in a user-specified direction by a column defined by id. |
void | sort(Column Sort this Grid in ascending order by a specified column. |
void | sort(String columnId) Sort this Grid in ascending order by a specified column defined by id. |
void | sort(boolean userOriginated) |