Example usage for com.vaadin.ui CustomComponent subclass-usage

List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui CustomComponent subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.vaadin.ui CustomComponent subclass-usage.


From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.resource.AddRemoveButtons.java

public class AddRemoveButtons extends CustomComponent {

    private final HorizontalLayout hLayout = new HorizontalLayout();

    private final Button cancelBtn = new Button("+");

From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.resource.ContainerEmptyView.java

public class ContainerEmptyView extends CustomComponent implements ResourceFolderView {

    private static final Label EMPTY = new Label(ViewConstants.EMPTY);

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7036333192749220272L;

From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.resource.FolderHeaderImpl.java

public class FolderHeaderImpl extends CustomComponent implements FolderHeader {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6885181952888435844L;

    private final HorizontalLayout hLayout = new HorizontalLayout();

From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.resource.OrgUnitTreeView.java

public class OrgUnitTreeView extends CustomComponent implements ResourceFolderView {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6912762184225745680L;

    private final Panel treePanel = new Panel("<b>" + "Organizational Unit" + "</b>");

From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.resource.PropertiesFieldsImpl.java

public class PropertiesFieldsImpl extends CustomComponent implements PropertiesFields {

    final TextField nameField = new TextField(ViewConstants.NAME_LABEL);

    final TextField descField = new TextField(ViewConstants.DESCRIPTION_LABEL);

From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.resource.ResourceAddViewImpl.java

public class ResourceAddViewImpl extends CustomComponent implements ResourceAddView {

    private final Panel panel = new Panel(ViewConstants.ADD_ORG_UNIT);

    private final VerticalLayout vLayout = new VerticalLayout();

From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.resource.ResourceEditViewImpl.java

public class ResourceEditViewImpl extends CustomComponent implements ResourceEditView {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7860622778922198542L;

    private final VerticalLayout vLayout = new VerticalLayout();

From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.resource.ResourceToolbar.java

public class ResourceToolbar extends CustomComponent {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1436927861311900013L;

    private final HorizontalLayout hLayout = new HorizontalLayout();

From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.resource.SaveAndCancelButtons.java

public class SaveAndCancelButtons extends CustomComponent {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5031656063216982470L;

    final HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout();

    private final HorizontalLayout footers = new HorizontalLayout();

From source file de.escidoc.admintool.view.role.RevokeGrantWindow.java

public class RevokeGrantWindow extends CustomComponent {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RevokeGrantWindow.class);

    private static final String COMMENT_FIELD_WIDTH = "350px";