List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui Button addListener
public Registration addListener(Component.Listener listener)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void init() { //This timer is a hack at the moment to disable and enable menuItems m_timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { @Override/*ww w. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ public void run() { List<MenuItem> items = m_menuBar.getItems(); for (MenuItem item : items) { if (item.getText().equals("Device")) { List<MenuItem> children = item.getChildren(); for (MenuItem child : children) { if (m_graphContainer.getSelectedVertexIds().size() > 0) { if (!child.isEnabled()) { child.setEnabled(true); } } else { if (child.isEnabled()) { child.setEnabled(false); } } } } } } }, 1000, 1000); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Redo Layout") { ; @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.redoLayout(); } @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { //Applies to background as a whole return target == null; } }, true); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Open") { @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.load("graph.xml"); } }, false, "File"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Save") { @Override public void doCommand(Object target) {"graph.xml"); } }, false, "File"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Add Vertex") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object itemId) { return itemId == null || m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().containsId(itemId); } @Override public void doCommand(Object vertexId) { if (vertexId == null) { addRandomVertex(); } else { connectNewVertexTo(vertexId.toString(), SERVER_ICON); } m_graphContainer.redoLayout(); } }, true, "File"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Lock") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object itemId) { if (m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().containsId(itemId)) { Item v = m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().getItem(itemId); return !(Boolean) v.getItemProperty("locked").getValue(); } return false; } @Override public void doCommand(Object vertexId) { Item v = m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().getItem(vertexId); v.getItemProperty("locked").setValue(true); } }, true); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Unlock") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object itemId) { if (m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().containsId(itemId)) { Item v = m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().getItem(itemId); return (Boolean) v.getItemProperty("locked").getValue(); } return false; } @Override public void doCommand(Object vertexId) { Item v = m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().getItem(vertexId); v.getItemProperty("locked").setValue(false); } }, true); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Add Switch Vertex") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object itemId) { return itemId == null || m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().containsId(itemId); } @Override public void doCommand(Object vertexId) { if (vertexId == null) { addRandomVertex(); } else { connectNewVertexTo(vertexId.toString(), SWITCH_ICON); } m_graphContainer.redoLayout(); } }, true); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Remove Vertex") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object itemId) { return itemId == null || m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().containsId(itemId); } @Override public void doCommand(Object vertexId) { if (vertexId == null) { System.err.println("need to handle selection!!!"); } else { m_graphContainer.removeVertex(vertexId.toString()); m_graphContainer.redoLayout(); } } }, true, "File"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Connect") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object itemId) { return m_graphContainer.getSelectedVertexIds().size() == 2; } @Override public void doCommand(Object unused) { List<Object> endPoints = new ArrayList<Object>(m_graphContainer.getSelectedVertexIds()); m_graphContainer.connectVertices(m_graphContainer.getNextEdgeId(), (String) endPoints.get(0), (String) endPoints.get(1)); } }, true, "File"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Create Group") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object itemId) { return m_graphContainer.getSelectedVertexIds().size() > 0; } @Override public void doCommand(Object vertexId) { String groupId = m_graphContainer.getNextGroupId(); m_graphContainer.addGroup(groupId, GROUP_ICON); m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().setParent(groupId, ROOT_GROUP_ID); for (Object itemId : m_graphContainer.getSelectedVertexIds()) { m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().setParent(itemId, groupId); } } }, true, "Edit"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Manual Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new ManualLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Balloon Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new BalloonLayoutAlgorithm(CENTER_VERTEX_ID)); } }, false, "Edit|Layout|JUNG"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Circle Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new CircleLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout|JUNG"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("DAG Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new DAGLayoutAlgorithm(CENTER_VERTEX_ID)); } }, false, "Edit|Layout|JUNG"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Radial Tree Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new RadialTreeLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout|JUNG"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Tree Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new TreeLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout|JUNG"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Simple Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new SimpleLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Spring Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new SpringLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout|JUNG"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("KK Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new KKLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout|JUNG"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("ISOM Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new ISOMLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout|JUNG"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("FR Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new FRLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout|JUNG"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Other Layout") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new AlternativeLayoutAlgorithm()); } }, false, "Edit|Layout"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Reset") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { resetView(); } }, false, null); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("History") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object target) { return true; } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { showHistoryList(m_commandManager.getHistoryList()); } }, false, null); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Show Map") { @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { getMainWindow().showNotification("This has not been implemented yet"); } }, false, "View"); m_commandManager.addCommand(new Command("Get Info") { @Override public boolean appliesToTarget(Object itemId) { return itemId == null || m_graphContainer.getEdgeContainer().containsId(itemId); } @Override public void doCommand(Object target) { getMainWindow().showNotification("This has not been implemented yet"); } }, true, "Device"); AbsoluteLayout layout = new AbsoluteLayout(); layout.setSizeFull(); m_window = new Window("Topology Widget Test"); m_window.setContent(layout); setMainWindow(m_window); m_graphContainer.addGroup(ROOT_GROUP_ID, GROUP_ICON); m_graphContainer.addVertex(CENTER_VERTEX_ID, 50, 50, SERVER_ICON); m_graphContainer.getVertexContainer().setParent(CENTER_VERTEX_ID, ROOT_GROUP_ID); m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new KKLayoutAlgorithm()); m_topologyComponent = new TopologyComponent(m_graphContainer); m_commandManager.addActionHandlers(m_topologyComponent); m_topologyComponent.setSizeFull(); final Property scale = m_graphContainer.getProperty("scale"); final Slider slider = new Slider(1, 4); slider.setResolution(2); slider.setHeight("300px"); slider.setOrientation(Slider.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); slider.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { scale.setValue((Double) slider.getValue()); } }); slider.setImmediate(true); m_tree = createTree(); Label semanticZoomLabel = new Label(); final Property zoomLevel = m_graphContainer.getProperty("semanticZoomLevel"); semanticZoomLabel.setPropertyDataSource(zoomLevel); Button zoomInBtn = new Button("Zoom In"); zoomInBtn.addListener(new ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { int szl = (Integer) zoomLevel.getValue(); szl++; zoomLevel.setValue(szl); m_graphContainer.redoLayout(); } }); Button zoomOutBtn = new Button("Zoom Out"); zoomOutBtn.addListener(new ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { int szl = (Integer) zoomLevel.getValue(); szl--; zoomLevel.setValue(szl); m_graphContainer.redoLayout(); } }); VerticalLayout vLayout = new VerticalLayout(); vLayout.setWidth("100%"); vLayout.setHeight("100%"); vLayout.addComponent(m_tree); AbsoluteLayout mapLayout = new AbsoluteLayout(); mapLayout.addComponent(m_topologyComponent, "top:0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px;"); mapLayout.addComponent(slider, "top: 20px; left: 20px; z-index:1000;"); mapLayout.addComponent(semanticZoomLabel, "bottom: 10px; right: 10px; z-index: 2000;"); mapLayout.setSizeFull(); HorizontalSplitPanel treeMapSplitPanel = new HorizontalSplitPanel(); treeMapSplitPanel.setFirstComponent(vLayout); treeMapSplitPanel.setSecondComponent(mapLayout); treeMapSplitPanel.setSplitPosition(100, Sizeable.UNITS_PIXELS); treeMapSplitPanel.setSizeFull(); VerticalSplitPanel bottomLayoutBar = new VerticalSplitPanel(); bottomLayoutBar.setFirstComponent(treeMapSplitPanel); VerticalLayout zoomLayout = new VerticalLayout(); zoomLayout.addComponent(zoomInBtn); zoomLayout.addComponent(zoomOutBtn); bottomLayoutBar.setSecondComponent(zoomLayout); bottomLayoutBar.setSplitPosition(80, Sizeable.UNITS_PERCENTAGE); bottomLayoutBar.setSizeFull(); m_menuBar = m_commandManager.getMenuBar(); m_menuBar.setWidth("100%"); layout.addComponent(m_menuBar, "top: 0px; left: 0px; right:0px;"); layout.addComponent(bottomLayoutBar, "top: 23px; left: 0px; right:0px; bottom:0px;"); }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override public void init() { window = new Window("My Vaadin Application"); setMainWindow(window);/*from ww w .j ava2s . c o m*/ // Click & Fails Me buttons Button clickButton = new Button("Click Me"); Button failsButton = new Button("Fail Me"); // Notification displayed when click button is called final Window.Notification notif = new Window.Notification("The time is " + new Date(), Window.Notification.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE); // Notification position. notif.setPosition(Window.Notification.POSITION_CENTERED_BOTTOM); // Add a listener on Click button clickButton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { window.addComponent(new Label("Thank you for clicking")); window.showNotification(notif); } }); // Add a listener for Fails button failsButton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { // Throw some exception. throw new RuntimeException("You can't catch this."); } }); window.addComponent(clickButton); window.addComponent(failsButton); }
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License:Open Source License
private Button getButton(Widget widget) { Button component = new Button(widget.getLabel()); component.addListener((Button.ClickListener) this); if (widget.isLabelButton()) { component.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_LINK); }//from www. ja va 2 s.c o m return component; }
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License:Open Source License
public ConfirmDialog create(final String caption, final String message, final String okCaption, final String cancelCaption) { // Create a confirm dialog final ConfirmDialog confirm = new ConfirmDialog(); confirm.setCaption(caption != null ? caption : DEFAULT_CAPTION); // Close listener implementation confirm.addListener(new Window.CloseListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1971800928047045825L; public void windowClose(CloseEvent ce) { confirm.setConfirmed(false); if (confirm.getListener() != null) { confirm.getListener().onClose(confirm); }//from ww w .j a va2 s . com } }); // Create content VerticalLayout c = (VerticalLayout) confirm.getContent(); c.setSizeFull(); c.setSpacing(true); // Panel for scrolling lengthty messages. Panel scroll = new Panel(new VerticalLayout()); scroll.setScrollable(true); c.addComponent(scroll); scroll.setWidth("100%"); scroll.setHeight("100%"); scroll.setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT); c.setExpandRatio(scroll, 1f); // Always HTML, but escape Label text = new Label("", Label.CONTENT_RAW); scroll.addComponent(text); confirm.setMessageLabel(text); confirm.setMessage(message); HorizontalLayout buttons = new HorizontalLayout(); c.addComponent(buttons); buttons.setSpacing(true); buttons.setHeight(format(BUTTON_HEIGHT) + "em"); buttons.setWidth("100%"); Label spacer = new Label(""); buttons.addComponent(spacer); spacer.setWidth("100%"); buttons.setExpandRatio(spacer, 1f); final Button cancel = new Button(cancelCaption != null ? cancelCaption : DEFAULT_CANCEL_CAPTION); cancel.setData(false); cancel.setClickShortcut(KeyCode.ESCAPE, null); buttons.addComponent(cancel); buttons.setComponentAlignment(cancel, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); confirm.setCancelButton(cancel); final Button ok = new Button(okCaption != null ? okCaption : DEFAULT_OK_CAPTION); ok.setData(true); ok.setClickShortcut(KeyCode.ENTER, null); ok.setStyleName(Reindeer.BUTTON_DEFAULT); ok.focus(); buttons.addComponent(ok); buttons.setComponentAlignment(ok, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); confirm.setOkButton(ok); // Create a listener for buttons Button.ClickListener cb = new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3525060915814334881L; public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { // Copy the button date to window for passing through either // "OK" or "CANCEL" confirm.setConfirmed(event.getButton() == ok); // This has to be invoked as the window.close // event is not fired when removed. if (confirm.getListener() != null) { confirm.getListener().onClose(confirm); } confirm.close(); } }; cancel.addListener(cb); ok.addListener(cb); // Approximate the size of the dialog double[] dim = getDialogDimensions(message, ConfirmDialog.CONTENT_TEXT_WITH_NEWLINES); confirm.setWidth(format(dim[0]) + "em"); confirm.setHeight(format(dim[1]) + "em"); confirm.setResizable(false); return confirm; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void init() { final TextField field = new TextField(); field.setInputPrompt("Type your name here"); Button button = new Button("Greetings mortals.."); button.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { String name = "" + field.getValue(); if (name.length() <= 0) { window.showNotification("You must type your name in the field", Window.Notification.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { window.showNotification(greeter.greet("" + field.getValue())); }/*from ww w .ja va 2 s . co m*/ } }); HorizontalLayout horizLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); horizLayout.setMargin(true); horizLayout.addComponent(field); horizLayout.addComponent(button); Panel panel = new Panel("Vaadin seems nice : )"); panel.addComponent(horizLayout); VerticalLayout vertLayout = new VerticalLayout(); vertLayout.setMargin(true); vertLayout.addComponent(panel); window = new Window("test app"); window.setSizeFull(); window.setContent(vertLayout); setMainWindow(window); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
private void createPagebar(final List<Set> dependentInstances, final Panel searchResultPanel, final int resultSize) { int numPages = resultSize / PAGE_SIZE; if (resultSize % PAGE_SIZE > 0) { numPages++;//from w w w .j ava 2s. c o m } final HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); for (int n = 0; n < numPages; n++) { final Button linkBtn = new Button("" + (n + 1)); linkBtn.setData(n); linkBtn.setStyleName("link"); linkBtn.setWidth("10px"); linkBtn.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(final Button.ClickEvent event) { //reset pageIndex pageIndex = (Integer) linkBtn.getData(); //rebuild page rebuildPage(dependentInstances, searchResultPanel, pageIndex); } }); hl.addComponent(linkBtn); } searchResultPanel.addComponent(hl); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
private void createPagebar(final Panel searchResultPanel, final int resultSize) { int numPages = resultSize / PAGE_SIZE; if (resultSize % PAGE_SIZE > 0) { numPages++;// www .j ava 2s . com } final HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); for (int n = 0; n < numPages; n++) { final Button linkBtn = new Button("" + (n + 1)); linkBtn.setData(n); linkBtn.setStyleName("link"); linkBtn.setWidth("15px"); linkBtn.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(final Button.ClickEvent event) { //reset pageIndex pageIndex = (Integer) linkBtn.getData(); //rebuild page rebuildPage(searchResultPanel, pageIndex); } }); hl.addComponent(linkBtn); } searchResultPanel.addComponent(hl); }
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License:Open Source License
private void initializedPerspectiveSwticherPanel(MPerspectiveStack perspectiveStack) { if (perspectiveSwitcherPanel != null) return;/*from w ww . j av a2 s . com*/ //initialize perspective switcher panel perspectiveStackForSwitcher = perspectiveStack; boolean iconsOnly = perspectiveStackForSwitcher.getTags().contains(Tags.ICONS_ONLY); perspectiveSwitcherPanel = new HorizontalLayout(); perspectiveSwitcherPanel.setStyleName("perspectivepanel"); perspectiveSwitcherPanel.setSizeUndefined(); Button openPerspectiveButton = new Button("Open"); openPerspectiveButton.addStyleName("vaaclipsebutton"); openPerspectiveButton.addStyleName("icononly"); openPerspectiveButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("../vaaclipse_default_theme/img/open_perspective.png")); perspectiveSwitcherPanel.addComponent(openPerspectiveButton); openPerspectiveButton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { openOpenPerspectiveWindow(); //change focus Component parent = event.getButton().getParent(); while (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof Component.Focusable) { ((Component.Focusable) parent).focus(); break; } else { parent = parent.getParent(); } } } }); //add separator between openPerspectiveButton and perspective's buttons Label separator = new Label(); separator.setSizeUndefined(); separator.addStyleName("horizontalseparator"); separator.setHeight("100%"); perspectiveSwitcherPanel.addComponent(separator); //add buttons to perspective switch panel for (final MPerspective perspective : perspectiveStackForSwitcher.getChildren()) { Component button = createPerspectiveButton(perspective); if (button != null) perspectiveSwitcherPanel.addComponent(button); } }
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License:Apache License
public void init() { Window mainWindow = new Window("Location Form Sample"); Button button = new Button("Open Location Form"); button.setWidth("150px"); button.setHeight("30px"); button.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { Window window = new Window("Update Location"); window.addComponent(new LocationForm()); window.setModal(true);/*from w w w . j a va 2s . c o m*/ window.setResizable(false); window.setWidth("510px"); window.setHeight("370px"); getMainWindow().addWindow(window);; } }); mainWindow.addComponent(button); setMainWindow(mainWindow); }
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License:Apache License
public LocationForm() { super(3, 5);//from www . ja va2s . c o m this.setSizeFull(); this.setImmediate(false); this.setWriteThrough(false); this.setReadThrough(false); GridConstraints constraints = new GridConstraints(); constraints.addConstraint("address1", 0, 0, 1, 0); constraints.addConstraint("address2", 2, 0); constraints.addConstraint("city", 0, 1); constraints.addConstraint("state", 1, 1); constraints.addConstraint("zip", 2, 1); constraints.addConstraint("notes", 0, 2, 1, 4); constraints.addConstraint("county", 2, 2); constraints.addConstraint("x", 2, 3); constraints.addConstraint("y", 2, 4); this.setItemDataSource(new BeanItem<Location>(new Location()), constraints); this.getField("address1").setCaption("Address"); this.getField("address1").setRequired(true); this.getField("address2").setCaption("Apt./Suite"); HorizontalLayout layout = new HorizontalLayout(); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setWidth("100%"); Label label = new Label(); layout.addComponent(label); Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); cancelButton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { discard(); close(); } }); layout.addComponent(cancelButton); Button saveButton = new Button("Save"); saveButton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { commit(); close(); } }); layout.addComponent(saveButton); layout.setExpandRatio(label, 1); this.setFooter(layout); }