List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui Button addClickListener
public Registration addClickListener(ClickListener listener)
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public Game() { Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); this.addComponent(new Label("Area di gioco")); Button logout = new Button("Esci"); this.addComponent(logout); logout.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent e) -> {"Esco dall'applicazione");"Pulsante: " + e.toString()); SecurityUtils.getSubject().logout(); UI.getCurrent().getSession().close(); UI.getCurrent().getPage().setLocation(""); });/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ }
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public Secure() { HorizontalLayout top = new HorizontalLayout(); this.addComponent(top); top.addComponent(new Label("Area sicura")); VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout(); this.addComponent(content); Navigator nav = new Navigator(UI.getCurrent(), content); nav.setErrorView(new ErrorView()); nav.addView("", new HomeView()); nav.navigateTo(""); Button logout = new Button("Logout"); logout.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { System.out.println("Esco dalla sessione"); SecurityUtils.getSubject().logout(); UI.getCurrent().getSession().close(); UI.getCurrent().getPage().setLocation(""); });//from w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m top.addComponent(logout); }
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public SendConfEmail() { Button send = new Button("Spedisci"); send.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { try {//from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m client = new MailjetClient("328cd563c1977097c524f1981f92c8b5", "896ed8a77847d131bffd62668edea39c"); request = new MailjetRequest(Email.resource) .property(Email.FROMEMAIL, "") .property(Email.FROMNAME, "Matteo Casagrande").property(Email.SUBJECT, "Email di prova") .property(Email.TEXTPART, "Testo semplice di prova") .property(Email.HTMLPART, "<h1>Testo in html</h1>") .property(Email.RECIPIENTS, new JSONArray() .put(new JSONObject().put("Email", ""))); response =; System.out.println(response.getData()); } catch (MailjetException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SendConfEmail.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (MailjetSocketTimeoutException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SendConfEmail.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }); this.addComponent(send); }
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private VerticalLayout setFirstStep() { VerticalLayout firstStep = new VerticalLayout(); CssLayout header = new CssLayout(); Label title = new Label("Benvenuto " + u.getNomeUtente() + "!"); Label istructions = new Label("Crea il tuo personaggio"); Label step = new Label("1/*"); header.addComponents(title, istructions, step); HorizontalLayout body = new HorizontalLayout(); FormLayout datiIniziali = new FormLayout(); TextField nomePG = new TextField("Nome del Personaggio"); TextField cognomePG = new TextField("Cognome del Personaggio"); OptionGroup sessoPG = new OptionGroup("Sesso del Personaggio"); sessoPG.addItems("Maschio", "Femmina"); ComboBox razzaPG = new ComboBox("Razza"); datiIniziali.addComponents(nomePG, cognomePG, sessoPG, razzaPG); HorizontalLayout descrizioneRazza = new HorizontalLayout(); descrizioneRazza.setWidth(datiIniziali.getWidth(), datiIniziali.getWidthUnits()); // Dettagli di popolazione e comportamento ComboBox razzaPG.addItem("Essere umano"); body.addComponents(datiIniziali, descrizioneRazza); CssLayout footer = new CssLayout(); Button next = new Button("Avanti ->"); next.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { u.setNomePG(nomePG.getValue());//from ww w. j av a 2 s . com u.setCognomePG(cognomePG.getValue()); u.setSessoPG(sessoPG.getValue().toString()); u.setRazzaPG(razzaPG.getValue().toString()); this.setContent(setSecondStep()); }); footer.addComponents(next, createCancelButton()); firstStep.addComponents(header, body, footer); return firstStep; }
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private VerticalLayout setSecondStep() { VerticalLayout secondStep = new VerticalLayout(); CssLayout header = new CssLayout(); Label title = new Label("Benvenuto " + u.getNomeUtente() + "!"); Label istructions = new Label("Crea il tuo personaggio"); Label step = new Label("2/*"); header.addComponents(title, istructions, step); VerticalLayout body = new VerticalLayout(); Label ageIstruction = new Label("Indica l'et del tuo personaggio in anni"); // Cambiare i parametri in base alla razza Slider age = new Slider(1, 150); age.setImmediate(true);// www.j av a 2 s . c o m age.setSizeFull(); HorizontalLayout ageDescription = new HorizontalLayout(); ageDescription.setHeight("250px"); Label ageText = new Label("Valore dell'et: "); Label ageValue = new Label(age.getValue().toString()); Label periodoVita = new Label(""); ageDescription.addComponents(ageText, ageValue, periodoVita); age.addValueChangeListener((Property.ValueChangeEvent event) -> { System.out.println("Valore: " + age.getValue().toString()); ageValue.setValue(age.getValue().toString()); Double value = (100 * (age.getValue()) / (age.getMax())); if (value < 14) { periodoVita.setValue("Bambino"); } else if (value > 14 && value < 24) { periodoVita.setValue("Adolescenza"); } else if (value > 24 && value < 73) { periodoVita.setValue("Et adulta"); } else if (value > 73) { periodoVita.setValue("Et anziana"); } }); body.addComponents(ageIstruction, age, ageDescription); CssLayout footer = new CssLayout(); Button next = new Button("Avanti ->"); next.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { u.setEtaPG(age.getValue().toString()); this.setContent(setThirdStep()); }); footer.addComponents(next, createCancelButton()); secondStep.addComponents(header, body, footer); return secondStep; }
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private Component setThirdStep() { VerticalLayout thirdStep = new VerticalLayout(); CssLayout header = new CssLayout(); Label title = new Label("Benvenuto " + u.getNomeUtente() + "!"); Label istructions = new Label("Crea il tuo personaggio"); Label step = new Label("3/*"); header.addComponents(title, istructions, step); HorizontalLayout body = new HorizontalLayout(); VerticalLayout carrieraPanel = new VerticalLayout(); ComboBox carriera = new ComboBox("Scegli la tua carriera:"); carriera.addItem("Guerriero"); HorizontalLayout descrizioneCarriera = new HorizontalLayout(); // Comportamento ComboBox carrieraPanel.addComponents(carriera, descrizioneCarriera); VerticalLayout orientamentoPanel = new VerticalLayout(); ComboBox orientamento = new ComboBox("Scegli il tuo orientamento"); orientamento.addItem("Buono Ordine"); HorizontalLayout descrizioneOrientamento = new HorizontalLayout(); // Comportamento ComboBox orientamentoPanel.addComponents(orientamento, descrizioneOrientamento); body.addComponents(carrieraPanel, orientamentoPanel); CssLayout footer = new CssLayout(); Button next = new Button("Avanti ->"); next.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { u.setCarrieraPG(carriera.getValue().toString()); u.setOrientamentoPG(orientamento.getValue().toString()); this.setContent(setFourthStep()); });//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om footer.addComponents(next, createCancelButton()); thirdStep.addComponents(header, body, footer); return thirdStep; }
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private Component setFourthStep() { VerticalLayout fourthStep = new VerticalLayout(); CssLayout header = new CssLayout(); Label title = new Label("Benvenuto " + u.getNomeUtente() + "!"); Label istructions = new Label("Crea il tuo personaggio"); Label step = new Label("3/*"); header.addComponents(title, istructions, step); CssLayout body = new CssLayout(); Label resoconto = new Label("Stai per registrare il seguente personaggio: "); Label nomePG = new Label(u.getNomePG()); CssLayout footer = new CssLayout(); Button next = new Button("Fine"); next.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { // Salvare i dati nel database, inviare la mail, rimandare all'ultima pagina this.setContent(setFourthStep()); });/*from w ww . j a v a2 s .co m*/ footer.addComponents(next, createCancelButton()); fourthStep.addComponents(header, body, footer); return fourthStep; }
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public ConfigurazioneSMTP() { this.setMargin(true); TextField smtpHost = new TextField("SMTP Host Server"); smtpHost.setRequired(true);//from w w w.j a v a2 s .c o m TextField smtpPort = new TextField("SMTP Port"); smtpPort.setRequired(true); TextField smtpUser = new TextField("SMTP Username"); smtpUser.setRequired(true); TextField smtpPwd = new TextField("SMTP Password"); smtpPwd.setRequired(true); TextField pwdConf = new TextField("Conferma la Password"); pwdConf.setRequired(true); CheckBox security = new CheckBox("Sicurezza del server"); Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream config = VaadinServlet.getCurrent().getServletContext() .getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/"); if (config != null) { System.out.println("Carico file di configurazione"); try { props.load(config); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ConfigurazioneSMTP.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } smtpHost.setValue(props.getProperty("smtp_host")); smtpUser.setValue(props.getProperty("smtp_user")); security.setValue(Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("smtp_sec"))); Button salva = new Button("Salva i parametri"); salva.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { System.out.println("Salvo i parametri SMTP"); if (smtpHost.isValid() && smtpPort.isValid() && smtpUser.isValid() && smtpPwd.isValid() && smtpPwd.getValue().equals(pwdConf.getValue())) { props.setProperty("smtp_host", smtpHost.getValue()); props.setProperty("smtp_port", smtpPort.getValue()); props.setProperty("smtp_user", smtpUser.getValue()); props.setProperty("smtp_pwd", smtpPwd.getValue()); props.setProperty("smtp_sec", security.getValue().toString()); String webInfPath = VaadinServlet.getCurrent().getServletConfig().getServletContext() .getRealPath("WEB-INF"); File f = new File(webInfPath + "/"); try { OutputStream o = new FileOutputStream(f); try {, "Prova"); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ConfigurazioneSMTP.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ConfigurazioneSMTP.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }"Parametri salvati"); } else {"Ricontrolla i parametri"); } }); TextField emailTest = new TextField("Destinatario Mail di Prova"); emailTest.setImmediate(true); emailTest.addValidator(new EmailValidator("Mail non valida")); Button test = new Button("Invia una mail di prova"); test.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { System.out.println("Invio della mail di prova"); if (emailTest.isValid()) { try { System.out.println("Invio mail di prova a " + emailTest.getValue()); HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail(); email.setHostName(props.getProperty("smtp_host")); email.setSmtpPort(Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("smtp_port"))); email.setSSLOnConnect(Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("smtp_sec"))); email.setAuthentication(props.getProperty("smtp_user"), props.getProperty("smtp_pwd")); email.setFrom(""); email.setSubject("Mail di prova"); email.addTo(emailTest.getValue()); email.setHtmlMsg("This is the message"); email.send(); } catch (EmailException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ConfigurazioneSMTP.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else {"Controlla l'indirizzo mail del destinatario"); } }); this.addComponents(smtpHost, smtpPort, smtpUser, smtpPwd, pwdConf, security, salva, emailTest, test); }
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public ConfigurazioneSMTPSpring() { TextField smtpHost = new TextField("SMTP Host Server"); smtpHost.setRequired(true);/*from w ww. java2 s. com*/ TextField smtpPort = new TextField("SMTP Port"); smtpPort.setRequired(true); TextField smtpUser = new TextField("SMTP Username"); smtpUser.setRequired(true); PasswordField smtpPwd = new PasswordField("SMTP Password"); smtpPwd.setRequired(true); PasswordField pwdConf = new PasswordField("Conferma la Password"); pwdConf.setRequired(true); CheckBox security = new CheckBox("Sicurezza del server"); Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream config = VaadinServlet.getCurrent().getServletContext() .getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/"); if (config != null) { System.out.println("Carico file di configurazione"); try { props.load(config); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ConfigurazioneSMTP.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } smtpHost.setValue(props.getProperty("")); smtpUser.setValue(props.getProperty("smtp_user")); security.setValue(Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("smtp_sec"))); Button salva = new Button("Salva i parametri"); salva.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { System.out.println("Salvo i parametri SMTP"); if (smtpHost.isValid() && smtpPort.isValid() && smtpUser.isValid() && smtpPwd.isValid() && smtpPwd.getValue().equals(pwdConf.getValue())) { System.out.println(smtpHost.getValue() + smtpPort.getValue() + smtpUser.getValue() + smtpPwd.getValue() + security.getValue().toString()); props.setProperty("", smtpHost.getValue()); props.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", smtpPort.getValue()); props.setProperty("smtp_user", smtpUser.getValue()); props.setProperty("smtp_pwd", smtpPwd.getValue()); props.setProperty("mail.smtp.ssl.enable", security.getValue().toString()); String webInfPath = VaadinServlet.getCurrent().getServletConfig().getServletContext() .getRealPath("WEB-INF"); File f = new File(webInfPath + "/"); try { OutputStream o = new FileOutputStream(f); try {, "Prova"); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ConfigurazioneSMTP.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ConfigurazioneSMTP.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }"Parametri salvati"); } else {"Ricontrolla i parametri"); } }); TextField emailTest = new TextField("Destinatario Mail di Prova"); emailTest.setImmediate(true); emailTest.addValidator(new EmailValidator("Mail non valida")); Button test = new Button("Invia una mail di prova"); test.addClickListener((Button.ClickEvent event) -> { System.out.println("Invio della mail di prova"); if (emailTest.isValid() && !emailTest.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Invio mail di prova a " + emailTest.getValue()); JavaMailSenderImpl mailSender = new JavaMailSenderImpl(); mailSender.setJavaMailProperties(props); mailSender.setUsername(props.getProperty("smtp_user")); mailSender.setPassword(props.getProperty("smtp_pwd")); MimeMessage message = mailSender.createMimeMessage(); MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message); try { helper.setFrom(""); helper.setSubject("Subject"); helper.setText("It works!"); helper.addTo(emailTest.getValue()); mailSender.send(message); } catch (MessagingException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ConfigurazioneSMTPSpring.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else {"Controlla l'indirizzo mail del destinatario"); } }); this.addComponents(smtpHost, smtpPort, smtpUser, smtpPwd, pwdConf, security, salva, emailTest, test); }
From source
public static GridManyButton getCommonButtonDialog(final CommonDialog dialog) { String[] commonBtn = new String[] { BundleUtils.getString(""), BundleUtils.getString("common.button.cancel") }; GridManyButton gridManyButton = new GridManyButton(commonBtn); Button btnCancel = gridManyButton.getBtnCommon().get(1); btnCancel.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override/*from w ww. j av a 2 s .c om*/ public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { dialog.close(); } }); return gridManyButton; }